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The Island of Wolves

Page 22

by Elizabeth Avery

  “It matters because you didn’t best his strength,” said Theron. “Toro chose to stop fighting because watching him fight was hurting someone he cared about.”

  “So he’s a calf, what’s your point?”

  “My point is that he prioritises others over his own glory. He gave up his power to, in his eyes, do the right thing by someone precious to him. A good chief—”

  “You don’t get to decide what a good chief does,” Harmon sneered. “If you’re in this clan, then I’m your chief and you do as I say.”

  “Well, I didn’t sign up to take orders from a steer.”

  A shocked gasp went up from at least half the watching crew, and I could tell straight away Theron had said something incredibly rude. Even Conon’s eyes had widened.

  Harmon on the other hand, looked apoplectic. But he barely got as far as ‘how dare you!’ before Theron punched him in the face.

  He went down like a ton of bricks, and all I could think was: Theron’s got a mean right hook.

  Harmon scrambled to his feet, blood on his teeth and lunged at Theron. The navigator ducked to the side, surprisingly light on his feet, and drove a fist into Harmon’s stomach.

  Harmon doubled over, and Theron grabbed him by the horns. Thrusting his hip into Harmon’s middle, the navigator rolled the other minotaur over his shoulder and slammed down onto the deck.

  “You like to constantly rub Toro’s red eyes in his face,” the navigator hissed in Harmon’s ear as he pinned him. “But never forget the kinds of things I’ve done.”

  Suddenly, four other minotaur lunged forward to grab him. Theron didn’t struggle and let himself be pulled off the wide-eyed younger bull.

  “If you’re going to challenge, you have to do it proper,” one of them said.

  Theron shook his head. “Beating that calf’s ass in the ring isn’t worth my time.” He shrugged the other minotaurs off. “But if he gives me anymore lip, as navigator, I’ll show him where he can stick it.”

  Theron stormed off back towards the helm, and as the other crew started to disperse, a tired voice piped up from behind me. “Please tell me I didn’t just miss that whiny shit getting his ass handed to him.”

  “Sorry,” said Conon. “Maybe you should get up earlier next time.”

  “Fuck that noise, I don’t even want to be up now.”

  “So go back you bed,” I said gently. “I’ll come get you when we arrive.”

  Risk looked like he wanted to argue, like he wanted to say he was fine and soldier on. Then, he seemed to rethink it. I had almost no memory of the previous night’s drinking party, but I had a feeling the mercenary had had quite a few of his own.

  “You know what?” he started, then without bothering to tell me, he turned around and went back downstairs.

  I sighed. “I should probably get all my things together.”

  “You’ve got a few hours yet,” said Conon. “Let your boy rest without you rattling around the cabin. Let’s get breakfast and just, I dunno, we’ll find something to do. Just spend some time together.”

  He held out his hand to me and I smiled.

  “I’d like that.”

  That evening, I stood on deck watching the coastline of Nyuesi slide by. Not too far ahead were the lights of Kharu. Though the sun had already set, the air was still warm and would probably stay that way for several more hours.

  The crew was busy preparing to dock, and Risk stood beside me, watching the jetty grow closer.

  “Have you ever been to Nyuesi before?” I asked.

  “A couple of times,” he said. “But I’ve never been to Kharu. It’s pretty small, from what I heard, and most ships make berth further north.”

  I wasn’t worried. From what I’d gathered, the trade routes between the various city states throughout the territories were well maintained. Barring any unforeseen circumstances, Risk and I should have no trouble traveling between them.

  Conon stood on my other side. He seemed resigned to my departure.

  As the gangplank was lowered for us, the captain and Skeever came to see us off the ship.

  “Well,” said the captain. “I can’t say it wasn’t an experience having you two on board.”

  “Yes, it certainly was,” I said. “Perhaps next time we can do it without crashing on an island.”

  I couldn’t be sure, but I swore I saw the side of the bear’s mouth quirk up in a smile.

  “We hope you won’t be reporting any, uh…” Skeever began nervously, but I just shook my head.

  “Of course not,” I said with a smile. “I mean really, I can’t see how you could be held responsible for the actions of sea monster.”

  The captain grumbled, then reached a paw into his pocket. “Here,” he said gruffly.

  I held out my hand and couldn’t stop my eyes welling with tears when he dropped my family ring into my palm. I slipped it onto my thumb, overjoyed to have it back in its rightful place.

  Conon walked with me all the way to the end of the gang plank.

  “I enjoyed having you on the ship,” he said so softly I almost didn’t catch it.

  I felt something clench in my chest. “So, you don’t regret it anymore?”

  He shook his head. “I’m sorry for what I said. I was just…” he trailed off awkwardly.

  It wasn’t quite what he’d said while under the influence, but it made me happy to hear it from him while sober.

  “Why don’t you come with us?” I asked.

  “You’d want me along?”

  “Of course I would.”

  Conon sighed and looked back at the ship. “I can’t just take off,” he said regretfully. “I still have my contract with the captain. Besides…” his eyes narrowed as they glanced Harmon watching us from the railing. “I can’t leave things as they are. There’s discontent in the clan, and that’s not good for them or the crew.”

  “And when things are sorted out, and everyone’s happy? What then?”

  “What then? Well who knows?”

  “Can I write you?”

  “I’d like that,” he said with a smile.

  I leant up and placed a kiss on his cheek, but just as I did, so he turned his head causing our lips to meet.

  I pulled back and gave his arm a playful slap. “Cheeky.”

  “You done yet?” groaned Risk, and Conon and I pulled apart.

  Trunk handle in hand and a dozing Eleanor in the satchel over my shoulder, we stepped off the gangplank and onto the dock. As one of the last ships to arrive for the day, Risk and I exited into a mostly-empty port. Our first stop was immigration, to register as tourists in the region. We got our passports stamped, and I couldn’t help but notice Risk’s was already quite full.

  Just outside the immigration office, there was a rack carrying a display of postcards baring images of various Miraban tourist destinations. It occurred to me that if the worst had happened… if I’d died, whether at sea or on the island, would my family have ever known what had happened to me?

  I selected one with a landscape of a golden desert with the spires of a great city in the distance. The words ‘From Tarkhefu: The Silver Oasis City’ arched across the top in a lovely cursive script. I would definitely have to put this place on the travel list at some point.

  I took a deep breath, the scents of Kharu washing over me. The salt of the ocean behind me, which had been a constant presence in the corner of my senses on the island, now mingled with the dry heat of the desert I knew was just beyond the city’s walls. Fresh water was on the wind, hinting the coming rain which mingled with the smell of unfamiliar spices. It felt natural, so different from Pheras, with its manufactured perfumes and cynical flower arrangements.

  It was probably the most normal smell in the world to the people who lived here, but to me, it was new and exotic. I couldn’t wait to explore this new place, to see and smell and feel everything it had to offer.

  But before that, I looked down at the postcard, I wanted to write home.

ank you so much for picking up

  The Island of Wolves!

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  [1] Excerpt from Great Cities of the Human Kingdoms 5th Ed. by Gilbert Stanbury

  “Situated on the east coast of the Central Continent and known as the Capital of Art and Culture, Pheras boasts the highest density of art galleries, theatres and museums of anywhere on Alvis. This is due to a government initiative which incentivises private patronage of the public arts. It is suspected an estimated 73% of wealthy Pherasians are someway involved in subsidising the humanities.”

  [2] Excerpt from The Pherasian Royals: A History 2nd Ed. by Auguste Trouvé

  “Most notable is the Tonnelier family’s staunch adherence to the Childhood Directives Act in which parents are given legal authority over the education and employment prospects of their children until age 21. In the modern era however, few other than the royal family themselves make use of this legal jurisdiction and it has since been relegated to mere ceremony on their part.”

  [3] Excerpt from Servants of the Divine 4th Ed. by Isaak Wӧlner

  “After the formation of the Reaper Bureau by Lord Morteus books known as Citizen’s Registers were delivered by the lord’s disciples to government halls across the Human Kingdoms. Drawing remotely from the Master Register at the bureau these books list every citizen currently living within a kingdom’s territory. These names are crossed out and eventually vanish after a person dies.”

  [4] Excerpt from Divine Creation: An Otherkin Guide by Adam Bexley

  “The minotaur were the first of the otherkin to be created by the celestials. The Shield Maiden is recognised as their creator, naming them and all subsequent creations of hers after her animal companion, the bull spirit Okuzi. The creation of the minotaur is the only instant of celestial creation that is said to have been an accident. To this date there have been no known instances of a female minotaur.”

  [5] Excerpt from Divine Creation: An Otherkin Guide by Adam Bexley

  “Though humanoids and otherkin are generally physically compatible, conceptions rates are the lowest of any inter-species relationship recorded by the International Health Organisation (IHO). Since record keeping began only 43 successful births have been confirmed, making the rates of successful conception less than 1%.”

  [6] Excerpt from Divine Creation: An Otherkin Guide by Adam Bexley

  “Of all the otherkin species that interact regularly with humans, the minotaur have been observed to have the most violent tendencies. They gravitate to unscrupulous professions and though they make up less than a percent of the population, even in the largest cities, their representation within the prison system is many times higher.”

  [7] Excerpt from Divine Creation: An Otherkin Guide by Adam Bexley

  “Created by The Ironsmith, and named for the bear spirit Urusi, there are three known sub-species each denoted by a different fur colour: white, brown and black. Each sub-species is culturally distinct and inhabit territories vast distances from each other. Urusi keep much to themselves and have not had much contact with the human kingdoms.”

  [8] Excerpt from A Study in Purple: Arcane Basics 12th Ed. by Niclas Wentz

  “Conjuration (known in some circles as Prestidigitation) is the arcane art of creating matter from non-matter or ‘thin air.’ Among the eight casting disciplines it is considered to be one of the most difficult to master, due to the large amount of energy required on the part of the caster. The larger or more complex the object the more ‘energy’ is required. Conjuring living things is particular draining. As such most casters will summon or ‘transport’ a target creature from a pre-arranged location rather than conjure from scratch.”

  [9] Excerpt from In the Age of Global Trade 3rd Ed. by Margaret Lumbarde

  “The East Ocean Trading Authority (EOTA) is an organisation operating between the east coast of the central continent and Nyuesi, and commands total authority over the eastern trade routes. Notable members include Corbett Logistics, Cragwork Industries and the Sterling Trading Company, among many others.”

  [10] Excerpt from The Royal Register: Kings and Queens of the Human Kingdoms 8th Ed. By Humphry Feld

  “Unlike the other human kingdoms, Pherasia has not been a direct monarchy since the disastrous reign of King Leiron Tonnelier IV. Since his removal, the royal family of Pherasia has had to share power with a council of officials, elected first to city, then prefectural leadership. In recent years the role of the royal family has become mostly ceremonial compared to the power of the elected council.”

  [11] Excerpt from Health and Wellbeing: A Lady’s Manual 5th Ed. by Joane Burlton

  “Perhaps one of a lady’s most useful herbs is that of the Asami plant. While the buds and petals can be ground with honey to create a powerful healing salve, the leaves have been used in tea brewing for over a thousand years. Tea made with Asami slows a lady’s system, allowing for mindful family planning. For the best affect, Asami tea should be taken once a week.”

  [12] Excerpt from The Giant Book of Trolls 3rd Ed. by Peter Cole

  “The forest troll is a violent but cunning creature. Though capable of great feats of strength awarded by its size, the forest troll prefers to trick its prey rather than chase it down, though it is still capable of the latter. Like all troll species, it is almost strictly carnivorous, but unlike its cousins the forest troll seeks out sentient races as a delicacy and is the only one known to regularly cook their food.”

  [13] Excerpt from The Two-Spirit Self: An Exploration of Spirit-Shifting in Humans 12th Ed. by Adina Carducci

  “It is important to remember that humans are animals, just as dogs or birds are animals. As such humans enjoy a close spiritual connection with other members of the animal kingdom. It is through this connection that a small percentage of humans can channel the spirits of their animal ancestors and shift forms. What form they take is unique to each individual and their ability to shift most commonly surfaces during adolescence.”

  [14] Excerpt from Divine Creation: An Otherkin Guide by Adam Bexley

  “Unlike their fully-furred cousins, the Dirka are hairless but for small patches on the head, hands and feet. They’re taller than the Shiro and Kuronese, allowing them to more easily pass themselves off as small humans. Dirka are guarded and seemingly untrustworthy by nature, and are prone to pathological dishonesty and malice towards other living creatures.”

  [15] Excerpts from Health and Wellbeing: A Lady’s Manual 5th Ed. by Joane Burlton

  “The Silkweed plant [Fig. 4a] offers several medical benefits. The leaves can be brewed into a calming tea, ideal for treating general anxiety and hysteria in women. A potent painkiller can be made by drying and crushing the seeds into a powder. Alcohol can greatly increase its potency, so caution is advised.”

  [16] “Serpentroot [Fig. 12b] is a toxic plant, causing muscle tremors, light-headedness, and a feeling of euphoria. Repeated exposure can result in permanent loss of senses, full-body paralysis, and death.”




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