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Prince Charming (Behind the Screen, #1)

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by Iris Deorre

  ‘This is terrible,’ said Yasmina as they drove off.

  ‘Tell me about it. I hope it has nothing to do with an online predator.’

  ‘You worried about your date?’

  ‘A bit.’

  ‘Maybe you should warn her.’

  ‘No, I don’t want to cause alarm when there is none. Well at least not yet. We don’t know the real story yet.’

  ‘I guess you’re right.’

  ‘Plus she’s internet aware. She gave a lecture to her class about internet safety. I’m sure she’s wise.’

  Yasmina nodded. She turned onto the motorway and joined the M1.


  ‘Good Morning Mister Rees,’ said his assistant. ‘Two deliveries came in for you today!’

  ‘Morning, I’m guessing it’s the paintings?’ asked Marcus.

  ‘Yes I think so.’

  ‘Where are they?’

  ‘Just over there.’ She pointed across the gallery.

  He nodded. ‘Could you bring me a coffee?’

  ‘Yes of course.’ She was giddy. Her boss made her feel that way.

  Marcus didn’t see her in that way. She was his receptionist/assistant/ everything else, and that was all there was to it. The gallery was his life. It made him happy and he couldn’t wait to finish his masterpiece. There were several of his paintings, some had already been sold and would be on their way out. There were also paintings that belonged to other artists that would be sold and he got a commission. Twice a month he opened the gallery in the evening for a showing. Men and women from all walks of life would attend. Men and women who weren’t afraid to spend money, men and women who competed against each other, showing off just how much money they had. Marcus loved it. And he knew that his next piece would be off the charts. A piece that would be priceless!

  The client list comprised of certain people. Not everyone was welcome into the gallery. It was a gallery for those with perverted tastes. Those who loved to push the boundaries and weren’t afraid to spend lots of money doing so. Marcus had certainly pushed the boundaries when it came to art, but the next work of art was something he’d never done before. It excited him, it made him want to do a lot more and he couldn’t wait until he got the final piece to the painting.

  ‘Your coffee,’ said Misty.

  He watched his flamboyant assistant put the coffee down and then hop onto his desk.

  ‘When will you do a picture of me?’ she asked.

  He laughed lightly and studied the short semi attractive woman. Her hair styled into ponytails with a few colourful ribbons flowing from it. Her clothes were equally colourful.

  ‘You know the answer to that.’ He sat back and sipped on the coffee. ‘You’re not my type.’

  ‘Of course I am, that’s why you hired me.’

  That’s what he’d liked about her; she was too blind to see him for who he really was. And she’d do anything for him. She’d lie for him if she had to.

  ‘Keep telling yourself that love, but you and I both know what I say is true.’

  She giggled and jumped off the table.

  ‘Could you bring the paintings, I’ll have a look at them now.’

  ‘Sure thing boss.’ She skipped out of his office.

  He sat back and thought about the up coming date. He couldn’t wait to add Harmony to his painting. It was worth the wait, and he had his good looks and charm to thank for it. They would go for a drink, and he was certain he’d lock her into dinner, and from there he’d be able to take her home. If not the first night, then he’ll try again later. She was a receptionist, he had that to his advantage, at least he thought so. As far as he was concerned, she was a pretty face and that was about it. It wouldn’t be too hard to convince her.

  Misty came up to the office twice with the new paintings! He took his time to study them, and she stood by his side admiring them too.

  ‘They are creative, aren’t they?’ he said.

  ‘Yes very, he’s always been expressive,’ said Misty.

  ‘Yes he has, and our clients love him. I know who will just love this.’ He grinned.

  ‘What about you Mister Rees? You haven’t painted in a while.’

  ‘Oh but I have. I’m working on something extraordinary. I think it will be one of my best works yet.’

  ‘I can’t wait,’ she buzzed.

  He smiled. She was a joy to work with, though he knew she had a great big crush on him.

  ‘Anyway, could you find a place for these? This one I’ll keep. Give our client first glance. If he doesn’t want it, then we can show the rest of our clients.’

  ‘I think he’ll buy it!’ she said as she picked up the paintings.

  ‘I think so too, he has money to burn.’ He laughed.

  Chapter Two


  It was the weekend! Harmony woke up with a spring in her step, literally. Her life had just taken a whirl in the right direction. She had the weekend off, which was a treat for a busy doctor like her, and she was off on some awesome dates with two gorgeous men.

  She got her morning coffee, read the newspaper that had been pushed through the mail slot. This was the life. Things had happened in the world, the news was always bad, but she had to force herself to keep up with current events.

  After she’d selected and read the stories that were worth reading, she had a slice of toast. Then it was time for morning yoga, and after that, Harmony hit the shower. As the water hit against her body, she memorised the lies she would tell tonight. Marcus thought she was a receptionist, and that she had a shitty boss who loved to grope her bottom. She laughed at the thought. She had the name of the company, and the number of years she’d worked there.

  ‘I’ve been at my job for two and a half years,’ she mumbled. ‘It’s an okay job, but not my dream job.’ She laughed. ‘What if he asks about my dream job? Or will he be lost in my looks it won’t matter.’ She laughed. She knew those types of men all too well. But hey, the man was hot! ‘Okay so...’ She made up a story about where she was born, where she went to school. She thought about what else he’d like to know. Harmony had practised it over and over and had an amazing memory, and she knew she’d ace the date.

  ‘I only need two dates, I think,’ she said as she shut off the shower. ‘What about the detective tomorrow?’ She stepped out and towelled herself. ‘I’m a high school English teacher.’ She laughed. The reflection in the mirror showed a strong beautiful woman, who enjoyed flirting with men. ‘I went into teaching because my parents were teachers.’ She spoke to herself in the mirror.

  Harmony was satisfied. Both men would buy her story, they had so far. And she was certain she wouldn’t fall for them anyway. She never had, but there was always the exception.

  The house was cleaned, the laundry done. Catch up on Grey’s Anatomy and Saving Hope were also on for the day. Harmony loved to relax and watch the hospital dramas, if only it was like that in real life. She knew for a fact it wasn’t, real life emergencies were so different to what she saw on the screen, but that was the whole point of television, escapism.

  The evening came. Harmony wore a black body hugging dress that was just above the knees, and a black coat to keep out the cold night. She arrived at their meeting place, a small cosy bar. He waved her over when he noticed her walk through the door; it wasn’t hard to spot her.

  ‘Wow!’ Marcus stood up and held out his hands.

  She took them and gave him her cheek.

  ‘It’s nice to finally meet you!’ He couldn’t contain his excitement.

  ‘It’s nice to finally meet you.’

  He pulled out the seat, and she sat.

  ‘Thank you, what a gentleman.’ She smiled.

  ‘You look great,’ he said as he sat down.

  ‘Thank you, you look good too.’ She smiled from ear to ear.

  ‘What can I get you to drink?’

  ‘I’ll have a glass of red.’

  ‘Great choice. I’ll just go up to the bar and orde

  She nodded and watched as the tall handsome hunk walked towards the bar. Her heart thudded with excitement.

  He returned with the drinks. Two glasses of red wine.

  ‘Cheers,’ he lifted the glass.

  ‘Cheers.’ She did the same.

  They drank at the same time.

  ‘So,’ he said. ‘How was your day?’

  She smiled. Harmony had it all detailed out in her mind.

  ‘My day was busy, the phone wouldn’t stop ringing today.’

  ‘Ah you work on weekends?’

  ‘Yes just half day, but that doesn’t make it any easier.’

  ‘Yes, it must be a pain.’

  ‘Well, it’s my job.’

  ‘It is. Do you like it?’ He sat back and studied her. In his mind he went through the details of her shape, he couldn’t wait to transfer it to his canvas.

  ‘It’s a job. It pays the bills.’

  ‘In other words, no.’

  ‘I guess so.’ She took another sip of the wine.

  ‘Do you see yourself doing something different?’

  ‘Erm...maybe, I’m not too fussed.’

  ‘Well a woman like you shouldn’t have trouble finding another job.’

  ‘I don’t know about that. The market is flooded these days.’

  ‘True, but looks play a big role when it comes to hiring.’

  ‘I don’t know. I’m not your usual super model type.’

  ‘Oh that makes it even better. You’re unique. Your beauty is so blinding, I find myself wanting to stare at you all the time.’

  ‘Oh gosh, you’re making me blush.’

  ‘It’s true, you’re gorgeous.’

  ‘I think you’re gorgeous too.’

  ‘Thank you.’ He was flattered. This was going better than he thought. Would he be able to convince her tonight?

  They spoke some more. Marcus told her about his art gallery, there was a mention about his colourful assistant. They laughed and joked as they eased into each other’s company.

  ‘This is great,’ he said. ‘Would you like to continue the date, dinner perhaps? Somewhere else?’

  ‘That sounds great, but I’ll have to decline.’

  ‘Oh, why? I thought you were having a good time.’

  ‘I am, it’s not you. I just like to take things a little slow. Not too slow to the point you don’t know where it’s going, but just slow enough.’

  ‘I see.’

  ‘Don’t worry. We can meet again if you like.’ She smiled. She had him just where she wanted him.

  ‘Yes, that would be great! I would have loved to continue, but I’m a gentleman. I will not rush you.’

  ‘I like that.’

  ‘Is next weekend any good?’

  ‘I don’t think I can, but I do have Thursday opened, if that’s any good.’

  ‘Thursday’s good.’ He didn’t even have to think about it. All he knew is that he wanted her fast.

  ‘Then we have a date.’ She smiled. ‘Shall we meet here and then take it from here?’

  ‘Yes that sounds great.’

  ‘Perfect.’ She pushed back her seat and stood up.

  Marcus stood up too.

  ‘It was nice meeting you.’ She held out her hand.

  He took it and brought it to his lips. ‘It was a pleasure meeting you. Until Thursday.’

  ‘Yes until then.’ She pulled back her hand.

  ‘I’ll walk you to the car.’

  She nodded, and they left the bar and walked to the car park above it. She stopped at a hot red mini cooper.

  ‘Nice set of wheels.’

  ‘Yes, well it’s put me in debt.’ She giggled.

  ‘Well, I’m sure you made the right decision.’

  ‘I did, it’s so me.’ She ran her hand over the red car.

  ‘Yes it is.’

  ‘Goodbye Marcus. I shall see you Thursday.’

  ‘I can’t wait.’

  The red mini sped off.

  ‘Maybe Thursday,’ he said to himself.


  Derek stood up the moment he noticed her and waved her over. Harmony was impressed. Two gorgeous men in a row, what was she to do?

  ‘Thanks for meeting me,’ he said.

  ‘It’s a pleasure. I’m glad I did.’ she smiled and sat down.

  Derek didn’t pull out the seat for her, but she was okay with that.

  ‘What can I get you to drink?’

  ‘I’ll have a red wine.’

  Derek returned with a glass of wine and half a pint of lager.

  ‘Cheers,’ he said.

  She lifted her glass and met his.

  ‘Hmmm nice.’ She took in the wine.

  ‘So how was your day?’ he asked.

  Harmony wondered about the questions, they were as thrilling as cutting her toenails, but she went along with them anyway.

  ‘My day was great. Just sorting out a few lessons before Monday. Teaching can be exhausting.’ She laughed lightly.

  ‘I bet it is. The kids must love you though.’

  ‘Some do and some don’t. I’m strict. It’s the naughty ones that don’t like me.’

  ‘I can believe that.’

  ‘How about you? How’s work?’

  ‘It’s okay. A lot going on that I can’t discuss.’ He wanted to tell her about the online stalker, but it hadn’t been verified, so he couldn’t.

  ‘I get the sense something serious is going on.’

  ‘Not really.’

  ‘Yes it is. I guess when the police don’t want to alert the public they keep things under wraps.’

  ‘Not always.’

  ‘Don’t worry, it doesn’t bother me.’ She drank.

  ‘Good, so let’s stop talking about work.’ he smiled. He was delighted to be with such a beautiful woman.

  ‘Fine, what would you like to talk about?’

  ‘What made you respond?’ he asked.

  She studied him a moment. ‘Well, for starters you look good. You’re a cop, that’s super sexy.’ She giggled.

  He laughed.

  ‘A detective, meaning you’re super smart.’

  ‘Go on, I’m liking this.’

  ‘I can see that!’

  ‘Seriously though, thanks for meeting with me.’

  ‘I’m glad I did. I had a date yesterday.’

  ‘You did? How did that go?’

  She knew she shouldn’t talk about other dates with her date, but she wasn’t one to follow some stupid rule. Harmony did what she wanted.

  ‘It was good, he’s a nice gentleman.’

  ‘Better than me?’

  ‘This isn’t a competition.’

  ‘Well it is for me. I want to win.’

  ‘I’m not something you win.’

  ‘Sorry, I didn’t mean it like that.’

  ‘I know, I’m kidding.’

  ‘Gosh, you’re a scary woman.’

  ‘I must be!’ she laughed. ‘Online dating isn’t for the faint hearted.’

  ‘I agree with you there.’

  ‘Yes well, that’s dating.’

  They moved on to different things. After drinks, Harmony had enjoyed herself so much that she agreed to continue the date and have dinner with him.

  ‘Consider yourself lucky. I rarely extend my dates.’

  ‘Well, in that case I’ll make it super special.’

  They’d chosen an Italian restaurant.

  ‘I’ll avoid the spaghetti! I don’t want to be slurping in front of my date.’

  ‘I bet you look cute though.’

  ‘Well you won’t see it tonight.’

  The conversation flowed. It was easy to speak to Derek. He seemed like the winner so far, but she still wanted to see Marcus on Thursday.

  They shared a pizza. Harmony wasn’t too hungry and Derek just went along with whatever she wanted. The meal was relaxed. They talked about favourite books, movies the theatre. Derek gave her the low down on his job, only the good parts. She
did her best to keep up her lie as a teacher.

  Finally the meal ended, Derek walked her to her car.

  ‘I enjoyed tonight,’ she said.

  ‘I did too. Would you like to meet up again? Next weekend?’

  ‘I’d love too, but next weekend is fully booked. Is Friday any good for you?’

  ‘It depends what time. I’m at work.’

  ‘Evening is fine or whenever you’re free.’

  ‘Okay, let’s meet Friday. I’ll confirm time later this week if that’s okay.’

  ‘That’s fine. I look forward to it.’

  Derek moved forward, and she gave him her cheek. He kissed it lightly.

  ‘See you soon.’ She moved away, unlocked the mini and slid in.

  ‘Yes, see you soon.’ He watched as she sped away.


  She put the keys to the side table. Harmony felt great. Both dates had gone well. Things were looking good, and everything was going to plan. She moved towards the kitchen, switched on the light and stood by the window. The outside light was on. The perfect garden was something she was proud of. She had her mother’s green fingers. The green lawn and the colourful row of flowers made it a good reason to always look outside. It warmed her heart when she looked out there. It was a place where things were made right. Flowers gave light and joy.

  She smiled, and then left the kitchen. Satisfaction was a great feeling and something to hold onto. There was time for a shower and reading, and finally at twelve Monday morning sleep took over.

  Chapter Three

  Back to Normal

  The alarm went off at five. It was another quick shower, downstairs for a cup of coffee, back upstairs for light makeup and sorting out hair. Harmony was back downstairs and ready to leave at six.

  The shift started at seven. It was busy right from the start. Work was escapism. It allowed her to get away from it all. It occupied her mind pushing away other things for the time being.

  A man was brought into the A&E with a swollen ankle. He’d been checked by the nurses, and because of the injury they forwarded him onto Harmony to make sure the ankle wasn’t broken.’

  ‘How did this happen?’ she asked.

  ‘Wet floor, tripped and twisted my ankle.’

  ‘Hmmm, it’s bruised and swollen.’ She slipped on a pair of gloves and examined the man’s ankle.

  The man winced when it was rotated. She asked him to wiggle his toes, but he found it difficult.


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