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Prince Charming (Behind the Screen, #1)

Page 7

by Iris Deorre

‘Great. All yours.’ She stepped back. ‘It was good to catch up Soli.’ She left them.

  The rest of the day Harmony had rounds, and she was on call for any emergency.


  ‘You look tired. Bad date?’ asked Yasmina when he walked in.

  ‘Not actually. It was a great date.’ He couldn’t get what Harmony had said to him last night. Prince charming? Was he the same man?

  ‘I think my date has met prince charming.’

  Yasmina looked up from the screen. ‘Did you get a description?’

  ‘No, not yet. I didn’t want to worry her.’

  ‘A name, a number?’

  ‘Well... his name is Tony.’

  ‘Tony who?’

  ‘She doesn’t know.’

  ‘That’s odd, why date someone you barely know.’

  ‘That’s the thing, I don’t even know her surname. It makes me wonder how many things people do without thinking. We...’ He decided not to give her the details. ‘Dating is a funny thing. You go from one date to another; you forget who is who sometimes.’

  ‘But guessing by the look in your eyes, you won’t be forgetting her any time soon.’

  ‘No I won’t. But I’m worried about her.’

  ‘’You’ll have to get a description. It would be helpful. I’m sure she knows where he works.’

  ‘Yes well, I’ll set it up. I’ll plan a date and try to get that information from her.’

  ‘The sooner the better, this guy could strike again.’

  ‘Yes, if he’s the guy, he could come for Harmony’

  ‘You wouldn’t want that.’

  ‘No, I feel like a fool. I should’ve asked her all those questions.’

  ‘Ah, but you couldn’t. You like her, you were probably floating on cloud nine. I also think you did the right thing. You wouldn’t want to alarm her.’

  ‘Of course not. I’ll arrange to see her soon though. The sooner the better, it’s for her safety too.’

  Just then a meeting was called. The chief wanted progress on the case. The media and the families of the women were breathing down his back.

  ‘Where are we? Any clues, anything at all?’

  ‘We have something,’ said Derek.

  ‘What? What do you have so I can get the wolves off my back!?’ He hated the media. They had a way of spinning the story and making the police look bad.

  ‘We know that he’s using the name Prince Charming and I know someone who might have met him.’

  ‘Who is this someone? Why don’t we have more?’

  ‘I’m working on it sir.’

  ‘That’s not good enough. We need to work on this fast.’

  ‘I don’t want to alert this person.’

  ‘Well if you don’t she could be next.’

  ‘I’m aware of that. Could you please let me handle it my way? We both know I’m good at my job, and we will find this bastard and the women.’

  The chief sucked in a deep breath to control his temper.

  ‘Fine! But don’t take too long!’

  There was a bit more discussion, but it didn’t bring them any closer to finding the women.

  ‘I’m counting on you Derek. Twenty four hours. You have twenty four hours to get the information we need, or else I’ll have someone else on this case.’

  ‘Yes sir.’


  She walked into the crowded restaurant and looked around.

  ‘Can I help you ma’am?’ asked a waiter.

  ‘I’m meeting someone, not sure if she’s here yet.’ Harmony scanned around the restaurant. ‘Ah, there she is.’ She walked towards the table. ‘Misty!’

  Misty stood up and took her into a hug. ‘I thought you’d never call.’

  ‘But I did.’ She smiled.

  They sat down.

  ‘You want another one of those?’ Harmony pointed at the empty glass of wine.

  ‘Yes, that would be great.’ Misty had toned done the outrageous persona and became more of herself.

  Harmony called for the waiter and ordered two glasses of wine.

  ‘You’re off tomorrow?’

  ‘I am. And I have a date. That wasn’t the plan, but this new guy was insistent.’

  ‘You like him, don’t you?’

  ‘Yes, you could say that. I never thought I’d find someone I’d actually like.’

  ‘Yes well, its early days.’

  The waiter returned with the drinks. ‘Are you ready to order?’ he asked.

  Harmony looked at her friend. ‘Should we go for the usual? Share a pizza?’

  ‘Yeah, go on.’

  ‘Could we have the family size pizza with ham, pineapple, red onion and sweet corn?’

  The waiter took down the order then left them.

  ‘How long should I hold off calling the police?’ asked Misty.


  ‘Clients at the gallery are asking questions, I can only hold off for a little longer. He’ll obviously become a missing person.’

  ‘I know. I just need a few more days.’

  ‘Has he said anything?’

  ‘No, he claims he doesn’t know Oliver. We both know he’s lying.’

  ‘Gosh. I don’t know what to say.’

  ‘I know, but it is what it is.’

  ‘What are your plans for him?’

  She shrugged. Deep down she knew what she had planned, but she wouldn’t share it with her friend.

  ‘Thanks for doing this for me,’ said Harmony.

  ‘You know I’ll do anything for you.’

  ‘I know. You didn’t have to get a job you didn’t like and act like a clown.’ She laughed.

  ‘Well, I think it’s worth it. Who knows what else this guy does?’

  ‘Talking about that, I think he’s been up to something.’


  ‘Derek.’ Her thoughts drifted back to the night she’d told him about Marcus as prince charming. ‘The detective seemed a little shaken when I mentioned the name Prince Charming. He didn’t say why, but I can smell trouble.’

  ‘It’s not surprising.’

  ‘Yes well, I shall soon find out.’

  ‘You don’t want to be part of an investigation.’

  ‘I won’t be. They’ll have no reason to suspect me. I’m an upstanding citizen, a sort out surgeon and valued person in my community. No one will be looking at me. They’d try to protect me instead.’ She laughed.

  ‘Yes, I guess so. So what happens when this is all over?’

  ‘I have a few ideas. Plans might change a little.’

  ‘Why? Actually don’t tell me. It’s him isn’t it?’

  ‘Yes. I like him. I really do.’

  ‘Tough one.’

  ‘I know. This wasn’t supposed to happen. I’ll see what happens.’

  The pizza arrived. They tried to talk about normal things women talked about, but it always went back to the subject on Marcus.

  ‘It was good to see you, and thanks for everything.’ Harmony hugged her at the door.

  ‘Yes, good to see you too. See you soon?’

  ‘Of course. Just give me a few more days before declaring him missing.’

  ‘Yes okay, I can’t promise someone else won’t.’

  ‘That’s fine. No one will find him soon.’

  ‘I agree. Who would think such an upstanding citizen like you, would capture a demon like him.’ She laughed.

  ‘I couldn’t have said it better.’

  They parted ways.’

  Chapter Eight

  Answers and Questions

  ‘So, what’s this all about?’ she asked Derek. ‘It sounds serious.’

  ‘It is. It’s about what you told me the other night.’

  ‘I figured.’

  ‘I have to ask you a few questions.’


  He sat back and sighed. This was harder than he thought. He didn’t want to frighten her, and he didn’t want to cause panic. He knew the moment he let this ou
t, it would get to the media soon enough.

  ‘It’s about an investigation I’m conducting.’

  ‘I knew it.’

  ‘You can’t say anything. No one is supposed to know. At least not yet.’

  ‘Why not?’

  ‘Because it will interfere with our investigation.’

  ‘I see.’ She took a sip of wine. ‘What would you like to know?’

  ‘Anything you can remember about this man.’

  ‘Has he done something wrong? Am I in danger?’

  ‘I don’t know if it’s him. But we’re investigating a man who uses the name Prince charming on his online dating profile. It may be someone else, but we have to cover everything.’


  ‘Could you give me a description?’

  She was silent a moment. He waited. Nerves scurried up and down her body like ants.

  ‘He’s about your height, has blond hair, blue eyes.’

  ‘Almost sounds like you’re describing me.’ He laughed.

  ‘Well, I guess it’s the type I go for.’

  ‘Yes, okay. Anything else? Any unique features? Anything that stands out?’

  ‘He has a smallish mole just above his lip.’ She lied.

  ‘Anything else?’ He wrote down what she’d said.

  ‘Erm...he likes red wine.’

  ‘Like you.’


  ‘I think he’s left handed.’


  ‘What does he do?’

  ‘What do you mean?’


  ‘Oh, he’s a...what did he say he was?’ Her eyes darted to the left as she formed another lie. ‘Banker. He’s some sort of investor. I can’t tell you, things like that make me yawn. That’s probably why we didn’t get along.’

  ‘Thank you.’ He shifted closer. ‘This has been very helpful.’

  ‘I’m glad you think so.’

  ‘I do.’ He kissed her.

  She melted. His touch was always welcome. Derek couldn’t keep his hands off her even if he wanted to. She was everything he’d ever dreamed of. A teacher, which meant she was good with children. He’d always wanted a family. He smiled against her lips.

  ‘What?’ she asked.

  ‘Just thinking ahead; probably not a good idea.’

  ‘Think ahead, it can’t do much harm.’

  ‘Well in my experience it always turned out wrong.’

  She pulled back. ‘What do you mean?’

  ‘Sorry, I didn’t mean to spoil the mood.’

  ‘It’s okay.’

  ‘It’s just that I fall deeply in love with some of the most incredible women. Well they seem like that in the beginning.’

  ‘And then what happens?’

  ‘They turn out not to be the women I thought they were.’

  Her body stiffened.

  ‘I’m not saying you’re like that. It has just been my experience. I’m trying to pace myself, not get ahead of myself.’

  ‘That’s understandable. For now, let’s live in the moment.’ She pulled him back to her lips.

  ‘I like the sound of that.’ He grasped her soft breasts beneath the shirt.

  She let out a whimper. He lowered her onto the couch and grasped tighter to her breasts. His hand ran over her hot body. Their clothes couldn’t come off fast enough. They rolled about on the living-room carpet, stealing kisses, taking from each other. Their heated bodies couldn’t get enough. She wanted him so much, and so did he. It was as if they’d waited all their lives just to find each other.

  ‘I love doing this to you,’ he whispered against her ear.

  She giggled. He ventured down her body, kissed every inch of her skin. He moved up again and met her lips. She stopped him a moment, guided him to lie on his back.

  ‘What happens now?’ he asked.

  ‘Now, you lie back and enjoy the ride.’

  ‘WOW!’ He laughed.

  Harmony kissed his muscle toned body. His chest, the six pack.

  ‘Yummy,’ she groaned.

  ‘You like?’ he asked.

  ‘Very much. I love it!’ She moved further down until she reached his hard member.

  She took it into her hand and grasped the base tightly. He moaned lightly. Her tongue touched the tip, teased it like a lollipop, ran up and down it as if licking an ice-cream.

  ‘Shit!’ he breathed.

  With her hand still on the base, Harmony took his length into her mouth. At first she took him in halfway. She smiled, teased it a little with her teeth.

  ‘Fuck!’ he breathed.

  She came up, tickled the tip with her tongue, took it in again, but this time took all of it in. His toes curled as he felt the back of her throat. She moved up for air, and then repeated the movement, but this time added a hum, so he could feel the vibration.

  ‘Dam it!’

  She had to stop or else he’d come! He was over her like an animal.

  ‘You’re so dam hot right now!’ he said.

  She laughed. She loved seeing him weak for her, not able to contain himself. They kissed, his hands handled her body, he pulled her towards him and planted himself into her. Tiny beads of excitement fizzled through both of them. The world was theirs, they were far away from everything. Their minds and bodies joined. Quick, fast, hard! Over and over again! Her nails dug into his back, her legs wrapped around his waist! He pumped harder and harder until he couldn’t hold back! Neither could she! Within minutes they reached their ultimate height!

  He dropped into her neck. ‘You are something else!’

  ‘And so are you.’ She gazed up at the ceiling breathing heavily. ‘So are you.’

  ‘I like this. I like us,’ he said as he rolled over.

  ‘Me too. I like us too.’

  ‘Do you see us going further?’

  ‘Are you asking me to be your girlfriend?’

  ‘I might be.’

  She laughed.

  ‘So? Do you?’

  ‘Yes, yes I do.’

  ‘Good.’ He kissed her hard against the lips. ‘That means I have a girlfriend.’

  ‘Yes you do.’ She giggled. ‘And I have a boyfriend.’


  ‘What the fuck did you do!?’ She stormed into the basement the next morning.

  Harmony was due at the hospital a little later, and Derek had left early that morning. Marcus looked up at her exhausted. Life down there had taken its toil on him.

  ‘What do you want? It’s either you kill me or let me go.’

  ‘Oh, you want to play games! I’m not fucking playing with you!’ she screamed. ‘You’ve done something very bad, haven’t you?’

  ‘And you haven’t?’ He chuckled. ‘You and I are alike. We’re both going to hell.’

  She slapped him across the face.

  ‘Is that all you’ve got.’ He sniggered.

  She stepped back, picked up a bigger pair of pliers and pulled on his index finger. ‘You feel like fucking with me today? Well then, I’ll fuck with you!’ She snipped off the finger.


  ‘I’m not fucking around, Marcus. What did you do?’

  ‘You’re sick!’

  ‘What did you do?’

  ‘Fuck you!’

  She walked back, pulled on some gloves and stitched the finger back.

  ‘Stop, please stop, I can’t take this anymore!’

  ‘What did you do?’ She kept at it.’

  ‘What’s wrong with you?’

  ‘If you tell me what you did, I’ll give you something for the pain.’

  He was quiet a moment. ‘What do you care?’

  ‘I don’t, but you should.’ The surgical needle went in and out of the skin. ‘Last chance. What did you do?’

  ‘I captured two women. There in my house. Probably starving. They could die, dehydrate.’

  ‘You fucking pervert!’

  ‘You’re no different!’

  ‘You deserve
to die! You deserve all the pain I’m giving you!’

  ‘You would’ve been one of those whores too!’ He spat. ‘You deserve to die too!’

  It hit her so hard. He had no fucking idea! How could he not understand? How did he not know?

  ‘Pain relief.’ He muttered.

  ‘I’ve changed my mind!’ She kept sewing his finger.

  ‘You can’t do that!’

  ‘I can do whatever the fuck I want! And while I’m at it, you might want to search that brain of yours. Oliver must be in there somewhere.’

  ‘Fuck you!’

  She tugged on his finger.


  ‘You stink!’ she said.

  ‘Whose fault is that? You put me in diapers.’

  She didn’t answer. Instead she finished the job with his finger.

  ‘There good as new.’ She stood up.

  A few minutes later she returned with a bucket of water and soap and cleaned him.

  ‘You’re disgusting,’ she said.

  ‘It’s your fault.’

  ‘But it doesn’t bother me. I’ve seen worse.’

  He was clean and fed, but she gave nothing for the pain. It wouldn’t kill him and she kept an eye out for infection. He was in professional hands.

  ‘I have to get ready for work. You think about what I’ve asked you.’

  ‘Or else what? We both know I’m not getting out of here. If I do, you’ll face jail time.’

  She laughed. In that moment she had the urge to end his life, but instead, she left him with his thoughts.

  ‘Hey,’ she said.

  ‘Something wrong?’ asked Misty.

  ‘You need to call this in.’

  ‘You mean notify the police he’s missing.’


  ‘Has he – ’

  ‘Nothing. It’s something else. He has two women hostage in his home. They could die with no food or water.’

  ‘Dam it! That bastard!’

  ‘I know. We both know it.’

  ‘Yes. What about you? It could lead to you.’

  ‘Don’t worry about me. I’ll deal with it.’

  ‘Okay, if you’re sure.’

  ‘I am. Those women need to be rescued as soon as possible.’

  ‘Okay. I’m on it.’

  ‘Thanks Misty.’

  ‘Be careful.’

  ‘I will be.’ She hung up and got ready for work.


  Derek and Yasmina pulled up at the luxurious house. And so did two other police cars.

  ‘Why are we here again?’ he asked.


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