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The Daughter Trilogy Bundle

Page 1

by C. M. Owens

  Daughter of Aphrodite

  Published by C.M. Owens at Smashwords

  Text Copyright 2013 by Christie M. Owens.

  This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  This is a work of fiction. Characters, names, places, events, or incidents are products of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or to places or incidents is purely coincidental.

  Chapter 1

  First Impressions

  "Come on Adisia. The limo will be here any minute," Clara screams to me from the living area.

  "This is the shortest dress I've ever worn. To say I'm a little apprehensive would be a profound understatement," I shout back while glaring at the incredibly short dress that is leaving the bad taste of easy in my mouth.

  "Well get over it. This is my weekend, and this is our last night to get a little crazy. My maid of honor is going to look hot as hell, and maybe she'll entice a New Yorker to free her mature mind for one frigging night. We're not going back to Connecticut until I know for a fact you've had a good time."

  I laugh a little as I wobble out of the room in the incredulous high heels I've been forced to wear.

  "I can barely walk barefoot. What made you think these walking stilts of death would be a good idea?" I chuckle out.

  Her eyes widen when she sees me, and a blushing hue stains my cheeks now.

  "Wow! Sweet hot girl in red! You look incredible. If you can't find a man in that, then New York is completely devoid of straight men," Clara gasps - jaw unhinged, eyes still gaping.

  I roll my eyes as I stare into the full length mirror which is decking the wall of our extravagant suite.

  "This really isn't me," I whimper.

  "I know. That's why it's so frigging killer. You're a goddess in that outfit. I don't know if your dark locks have ever looked so good. Your hair pops against the red."


  "I don't want a man," I grumble while returning to her earlier wish. "I sure as hell don't want a man from New York. Do you realize that sexually transmitted diseases are at an all time high? The men in this city are probably a cesspool for such. I wish you'd quit trying to get me infected."

  She laughs wildly at my voiced concern, and I just scowl as we're joined by the other girls.

  "Well, Clara, in three days you're going to be Mrs. Henry Whitman the third."

  I roll my eyes at the anti-feminist remark Clara's friend - Jenny - makes. I have to keep my mouth shut though.

  She's Clara's friend. Play nice, Adisia.

  "I know. It's so exciting," Clara squeals.

  The lavish surroundings we've spent the past few days in remind me of how wealthy Clara's soon-to-be-husband really is. The suite is embroidered with luxury. The decadent folds of fabric that sway from the full wall of windows leading to the wrap-around balcony probably cost more than my entire apartment combined with all of its contents. Hell, the dining table we have yet to use probably cost more than my car.

  "I don't suppose we could stay in and maybe order takeout?" I ask timidly.

  The group of girls glare at me with mocking disbelief. Clara joins them in their scowl, and I slump under their disapproving glower.

  "You guys head on down to the limo. I need to speak with Adisia for a minute," Clara says.

  Oh boy. I know that look. I'm in trouble. Clara's third grade teacher face has emerged. She's about to speak to me like a nine-year-old from her class.

  The other girls quickly abandon me, leaving me alone with Ms. Richards. Damn them.

  "Okay. I know you're not usually the social type, but this is my last weekend as a free woman. Henry has been too busy to have a bachelor party, so he's living vicariously through me. I'm not going to let him down by sitting in like a group of prudes. I want to enjoy my last night in New York with my very best friend since kindergarten. Please don't act so miserable. Just have fun, for me."

  Well, that's not quite the scolding I was expecting. She went with total guilt trip instead. She's very good at chess, and she just moved the right piece to capture my queen.

  "You're right. This is your weekend. I'll dance like a fool and enjoy the New York air for one last night," I mumble in defeat.

  "Thank you. I wouldn't mind if you got laid while we're here. God knows you need to." She exaggerates an exhausted sigh, her mischievousness surfacing.

  "You're so crude. Does Henry know what a romantic you are?"

  "Why do you think he fell in love with me?" Clara smugly retorts.

  I just giggle with my soon-to-be married friend. Then she places her hands firmly on my shoulders while staring into my eyes.

  "Tonight, you're not Aphrodisia Titan, which by the way could second as a stripper's stage name. Tonight, you're not an assistant to a ball-busting bitch for a marketing agency in Connecticut. Tonight, you're Alexius Smith - a gutsy, sexy goddess with zero inhibitions. You're not going to overanalyze every possible consequence of every decision. You're going to live for once in your life. Then when we get home, I'm going to introduce you to Henry's cousin... Irvin."

  "Irvin?" I ask while wrinkling my nose at the libido-killing name.

  She laughs a little, noting my reaction. "He looks much better than his name leads you to think."

  "I would hope so, because the mental image I have is of an old man relying on a cane," I giggle out.

  She rolls her eyes, but she can't stifle her grin.

  "Let's catch up with the others, Alexius," she says menacingly.

  I huff a little at the false name she's apparently going to call me for the remainder of our stay.

  We climb into the elevator, and she's so giddy she's almost shaking when she pushes the lobby button. When we walk out, a man is holding the door open to a long, exquisite, white limo.

  "Good evening, Mrs. Whitman," he says so formally.

  She's not Mrs. Whitman just yet. Clara doesn't correct him though. She actually smiles as she tests the feel of the name and seems to enjoy the sound of it.

  "Good evening," she responds with an air of prominence I'm not used to hearing from her.

  I sigh a little as I follow her through the open door. My best friend is about to be married to Mr. Mega Bucks, and she'll be busy with the serious collection of business and charity events that tie up most of his time.

  The car starts moving, and Clara loops her arm through mine as the other girls discuss how excited they are about the club we're going to. It's an impossible club to get into, but Henry assured her we'd all get in without fail.

  Suck up.

  Her phone buzzes in her purse, and she pulls it out with a goofy grin spreading. Obviously Henry is calling.

  "Hey, honey," she squeals. "Yes it's perfect… Thank you… I will… I love you, too… I can't wait."

  She hangs up and smiles at the blank screen as though she's waiting on Henry to jump out of it.

  "Should I leave the two of you alone?" I murmur teasingly while motioning to the inanimate device in her hand.

  She rolls her eyes and puts it back into her purse. "I wish you were a little happier for me."

  I huff as she pushes a little more guilt my way.

  "I am happy for you - very happy. I'm actually a little envious of the two of you. You make it look so easy."

  "I wish you'd give love another chance," she says while nudging me with her elbow.

  "Well, the flavor I tasted wasn't quite as delicious as yours. As a matter of fact, I'm still trying to rid myself of the lingering, rancid aftertaste whic
h refuses to go away."

  My face distorts as though there really is a bad taste in my mouth, which is always my reaction when speaking about my ex.

  "It's been almost a year, and not all men are creeps like Jerry," she replies softly, keeping our conversation between us and away from the ears of the other girls.

  "Well, Jerry was just the creep who broke the camel's back. Picking the wrong men at all the wrong times seems to be my niche. I don't feel the need to continue letting Mr. Wrong invade my life, and they're all Mr. Wrong when it comes to me. Don't worry. We can have a good time without me being in love. I'll smile, drink, and dance - although it will be hideous dancing with these death traps you've strapped to my feet."

  She starts laughing, meaning I've done well to divert this topic. After forcing a reassuring smile, I stare out the window at the brightly lit streets of the animated night life that is New York. I swear there are more people out at night than during the day.

  A long, dreadful line wraps around the corner of a large building, and my breath rushes out in a frustrated groan when I realize this is our stop.

  I wore the wrong heels to brave this line.

  The door opens as our driver greets us with a smile. "We're here Mrs. Whitman."

  Clara smiles, giggling a little at her premature surname, and climbs out first. The other girls squeal excitedly and then sigh when they see the ridiculous line there is just to get in.

  Clara smirks smugly as she takes my hand and leads me to the front entrance, bypassing a bunch of pissed-off glares.

  "We should be on the list. Check for Whitman," she confidently spouts to the bouncer.

  He stares at the list of names and then looks up and nods. He ushers us in through the decadent doors, and we can hear the frustration pouring out of the people who have most likely been waiting for hours.

  "Wow," I mumble very loudly. "Henry really did pull out all the stops."

  She smiles with a twinge of pride in her eyes.

  "He's sweet like that."

  I can hear the music beating as my body jitters involuntarily from the heavy vibrations. The dark lighting offers a perfect backdrop for the colorful laser show splashing around. The bar extends across the entirety of one wall, and waitresses walk around in dresses that look to have cost more than my usual wardrobe.

  "I need a drink," I yell over the music.

  "So do I," Clara screams back.

  We walk arm in arm to the bar, and as soon as we reach it, a guy yells in my ear.

  "I'll get you whatever you want, baby."

  Oh gross. Say it don't spray it, I think while wiping my ear with the back of my hand. I certainly don't want his spit in my ear. I'd need to drink the whole bar before I let this ape buy me a drink.

  "Sorry, I'm with her," I murmur very misleadingly while wrapping my arm around Clara's waist to add to the charade.

  Clara laughs a little as she orders for us. The guy frowns with a slighted attitude, but he quickly finds a new prey to stalk.


  "Here," Clara yells while handing me my drink.

  The other girls join us and order their own drinks while I begin guzzling mine. I don't plan on getting laid, but I definitely plan on getting drunk.

  "We're going to the VIP room. It's supposed to be quieter," Clara yells.

  I nod appreciatively, and we start climbing the spiraled stairs to the left of us. After Clara drops her name on the clipboard-wielding bouncer that is guarding the door, we walk into a far less obnoxious room.

  The lessened blare of the music helps to alleviate the pressure inside my head, and the congestion is no longer an issue. People are gathered around several monitors overhead. Some people observe the view from the large window that hangs over the dance floor.

  It's like two different worlds in one place. The downstairs area holds the wild, savage partiers, and the upstairs realm plays host to civility. I'm not sure which one I should be classed in, but I prefer the quieter room to the loud rage going on below.

  There are tables set up all around, and ours is marked with a card - "Whitman," it says proudly.

  Clara orders me another dirty martini while I keep my gaze on the crazy scene below. It does look kind of fun, but I need more to drink before I dare to join the partiers.

  When I look up, I see a guy in his late-twenties propped against the wall and staring at one of the monitors broadcasting the news.

  Really? He's watching the news? And Clara thinks I don't know how to have fun.

  His tall, strong body offers mystery beneath the perfectly tailored suit. One hand holds his drink, while the other hides in his pocket. Of course it is his left hand hiding, so I have no idea if he is married or not. Perhaps he's hiding it intentionally because he's married but is keeping his options open.


  As long as I think he's a creep, I won't feel the need to approach him. Considering he's a breathtaking slab of perfection, I need that creep-persona to hold me back.

  Damn, he's hot.

  Another drink is set in front of me as soon as I guzzle down my previous one, but my eyes stay fixated on the dark-haired masterpiece still staring at the news.

  "He's hot," Clara whispers, and my drink sloshes when my startled reaction requires me to jump.

  I roll my eyes, and she giggles a little at my reflexively clumsy action.

  "He's probably married," I mumble, letting my eyes point to the hidden left hand.

  A waitress comes over and hands him a paper and pen. His left hand emerges from its hiding spot to sign the paper for her, and Clara smiles deviously.

  There's no wedding band. So much for that barring me from doing something foolish. I haven't had a problem denying all temptations for almost a year, but here I am crumbling for an absolute stranger.

  "There's no way he's single. He's way too hot, and it's pretty obvious he's got money," I rattle off nervously.

  "There's only one to know for sure."

  The waitress rests my fourth glass in front of me, and I almost inhale it in order to steady my trembling hands with liquid courage. Clara laughs as she motions for another.

  Moments later, I finally find the courage I've been drinking for.

  Clara whispers in my ear, "It's now or never, Alexius."

  I smile a little as I try to dive into the false persona she has instructed me to take on. When I stand up, she grips her hands in front of her nervously, and I try to steady my sloshing nerves by taking a deep breath - even though it doesn't work at all.

  What am I doing? Oh this sucks.

  I slowly make my way over to the beautiful stranger, and I strut like a confident predator. My sexy stalk is in vain though, because he doesn't even take notice of my approach. I clear my throat awkwardly in a rude attempt to draw his attention, and his eyes slowly cut to meet mine.

  Seriously? He shouldn't be allowed to look this good because now I feel all the more intimidated. It's as though I'm watching all my confidence run away while waving a white flag.

  His perfect eyes are smoky blue, almost like the ocean on a cloudy day. His face is so… wow - perfectly chiseled and strong. His body is so… wow - hard, lean, and fascinatingly postured.

  I am way out of my league here. What the hell was I thinking? Even with my six inch heels, he is still towering over me. His dark hair is tousled to perfection, but his snobby gaze offers me little welcome.

  "Yes?" he asks impatiently, snapping me out of my gawking idiocy.

  Oh no! I forgot my witty line I prepared for my opening.

  "Hi," I mumble like a ridiculously nervous juvenile.

  He shows how unimpressed he is when his condescending stare scolds my eyes. He turns his body to face mine, and I'm suddenly trembling like an idiot.

  Oh please get this over with.

  "Hi," he says coldly to express his dispassionate attitude toward my presence.

  "I was wondering if you maybe you wanted to dance?" I ask like a bumbling loser.

  I was
wondering if you maybe you wanted to dance? Really? What the hell is wrong with me?

  "No thanks, sweetie. I'm not interested," he says with a laugh.

  Oh my damn. How humiliating.

  I quickly turn and take off back to my table. He resumes staring at the news until a man walks up to him smiling.

  "Devin. Nice to see you. Are you ready to run over the schematics?"

  I listen and hear his voice warmly responding to the man. It almost pisses me off to hear how smooth his tone can be shortly after he just stabbed me in the eyes with his ice cold stare.

  "Yes I am, though it's quite the odd scene you've chosen for business."

  The man laughs. "I like the young air in here. It reminds me how life isn't always about work. I think a youthful surrounding is good for you, considering you've forgotten how young you are."

  Devin. His name is Devin. It suits him since it's so close to devil. Cruel, hot devil. If I could crawl into a hole and hide for eternity I would.

  "That was brutal," Melissa, Henry's sister whispers.

  I swear I think that bitch enjoyed watching me get my knees chopped off.

  "Yeah. I know. I was kind of there," I mumble, my humiliation seeping through every orifice of my body.

  Clara sympathetically rests her hand on my shoulder while adding, "He has to be gay."

  I let a laugh escape, and I see him almost smirk. He couldn't have heard her though. I have to stop looking at him. It's so hard to do when he's right there, his ruthlessly sexy body right in my line of view.

  "Let's go dance. I'll drink on the way down," I murmur distractedly.

  I pray I drink enough to forgot this ever happened. I'll gladly expel my memories tonight. No matter how ungraceful or how undignified hugging a toilet might seem, it'll leave me with more self-respect than his brutal rejection did.

  Clara takes my hand as our group starts descending the intimidating staircase that feels to be wobbling beneath my inebriated body which is stilted by the absurd extra inches. My hand grasps firmly to the railing in order to hold myself steady, given the fact I'm not used to wearing heels.


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