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The Daughter Trilogy Bundle

Page 26

by C. M. Owens

  "She surprised you? Oh, I wish I had seen that," she chokes out.

  Wow. This is a really big deal. I've always thought it was irritating to see a wrapped present and have to wait to find out what was inside.

  Devin smiles a little bashfully, and then he kisses the top of my head. I feel his hand tightening on my shoulder as Gemma walks over to look at the picture in question. Her eyes burn against the photo for a moment, and then she shakes her head in disgusted disbelief before skulking off.

  More people start piling out of the elevator as each descent returns with a new load. Devin takes my hand to return me to the padded room.

  Ther and Kry begin bringing in more chairs from other rooms to accommodate the house full of bodies.

  The padded door shuts for the last time when the final person is accounted for. Theia looks to Devin to start the meeting. He nods in acknowledgement as he leans forward on the couch to speak.

  "This group we've been dealing with is becoming more and more organized. If any of you saw the news before the minds of the mortals were altered, you know what I'm talking about. We need answers, and we have to start hunting them before this reaches a limit that requires a rewind. None of us want that to happen," he asserts.

  "How were fifty infected mortals there at once? And how were they working together? It doesn't make sense. Infected mortals go mad before they reach a level where they can work together as an assembly," a brawny man interjects.

  "They weren't infected like normal. This was something far more extreme than anything I've ever seen. They were being controlled by a greater mind. I could see it in their eyes - they were enslaved," Devin answers, and his words are met with a united gasp.

  "Who can do such a thing?" A redhead asks.

  "I don't know, but we need to find out soon," Theia says.

  "You can't see them?" Gemma questions, her eyes solely focused on Devin.

  "No. Whoever is pulling the strings is doing very well to keep the curtain fastened behind a vaulted door that I can't break through. It's blurry at best, and I can't see anything other than the attacks just before they happen.

  "Even that is getting weaker as they grow stronger. There's barely enough time to form a plan. This puppet master is strong, calculated, and too good to keep playing with," Devin says.

  "I don't understand why they released the mortals when they had you pinned down. They could have forced your hand, or worse, they could have killed you with those numbers and limited maneuverability on your end," Theia almost whimpers with quizzical dismay.

  "The puppet master didn't release them. Adisia did," he says with admiration blooming from his lips.

  I look down shyly as all eyes flash to me - the girl they either barely know or don't know at all.

  "How?" Phillips asks.

  "She used her stare to free them from the captivity they were forced into. I've never seen anything like it. I wasn't aware it could be used for such. I've been trying to reach Persia, but she's gone underground in search of her contacts already."

  Kry props against the counter while sipping his scotch before he adds to the conversation.

  "Do you think you can train that ability? We made need it again… soon. The way these guys are coming, we'll need an army of able immortals."

  Oh crap. He's talking to me. Damn you, Kry.

  I can't believe he's putting me on the spot with so many people here. I wasn't planning on being a part of the meeting. I didn't even want to listen in, but Devin made me.

  "I'll do my best." I quiver, feeling like I'm standing naked in front of thousands.

  "What kind of stare are you talking about?" Gemma snarks, and then I notice many of the people here are wondering the same thing.

  "She's a daughter of Aphrodite," Devin answers quickly.

  Gemma's eyes widen in shock, and the unknowing members begin ruffling their whispers of disbelief around the room.

  "And you're just now sharing that with us?" she barks. "That explains so fucking much. You're not in love with her - she's got you spellbound, you fool."

  She glares at me with all the contempt of hell's fury.

  "Release him now, you fucking whore," she growls, and the padded door opens at that exact moment.

  I glare into her eyes with the same fury. How dare her! I would never hold him even if I could.

  "Told you this would happen," Deacon laughs as he walks in with a wild-eyed beauty that has to be Camara.

  Devin rolls his eyes. "She's not holding me. I'm not affected like the others by her abilities," he says smugly.

  I smile and stare at the floor instantly to hide my blushing cheeks and glowing green eyes.

  "She's not holding you my ass. You said you can't see her or the person pulling the strings, and you can see everything. It's no coincidence that you're blinded twice at the same time. There's no secret puppet master, it's her. Your New York apartments have never been found. It's impossible to find an immortal in this clustered pheromone fest. She led them there. She's a mole! The goddess gaze of Aphrodite is the only enslaving act known to our kind. Considering there aren't any others, it has to be her," she berates.

  In less than a breath, she lunges toward me, and the once docile orchid spirals around my neck. I start gasping for air, but then Devin leaps up to throw her against the wall - his hand choking her at neck.

  "Let her fucking go now, or I swear I'll break your neck," he threatens.

  "She's controlling you. Fight it," she strangles out.

  I keep gasping, and my head starts to feel as though it's going to explode as the blood and oxygen rip from it. I sure as hell feel mortal right now.

  "Enough, Gemma. Control yourself," another lady yells as she holds out her hand, and the plant drops free from its choking embrace.

  I gasp for air and grab my neck to make sure that vicious thing is really gone. Devin drops Gemma and rushes to me to make sure I'm okay.

  I officially hate plants.

  The woman who saved me looks to Theia as Devin inspects the damage that has been done.

  "You know for sure it isn't her?" the woman I thought to be my savior asks suspiciously.

  "I'm positive. Devin has been with her every minute since her change. She didn't get her powers until after the first attack," Theia reports.

  Gemma cries from the betrayal she feels as she screams at Devin.

  "You're being used! Can't you see that? This is all her!"

  "It's not her!" he shouts in complete frustration. "She's been attacked with me. She's fought to stop them. They've almost killed her, damn it! If she hadn't obtained her immortality, she would be dead right now.

  "She freed them. They weren't trapped by an Aphrodite at all. I've seen the look in those eyes. She's accidentally rattled Trey and Deacon. The eyes are completely different. This was something terrifyingly dark. There're some sort of powers that have been mixed together and produced this. We have to find out what and who... soon," Devin berates back.

  He resumes his examination of me, and Theia walks over to view me as well.

  "Devin can't see her at all. Absolutely nothing comes to him in the least. The person running this is blurry. He can tell they're blocking him. There's a difference. If you don't trust us, then you're welcome to leave," Theia says to the woman and Gemma.

  "I trust you. My daughter's emotions are clouding her judgment. Please forgive her, and forgive me for questioning you," the woman says humbly while bowing toward Theia.

  Daughter, I inwardly scoff. That figures.

  She could unwind the strangling orchid because she has the same power, and Gemma had been under duress and unfocused while Devin was choking the life out of her.

  "I'm not crazy. I know she's behind this no matter what you try to say," Gemma sobs. "I won't let her have you because she has the power to force you into love."

  "She's not forcing him. He told me he was in love her when she was still mortal," Kry says in an effort to shut her up.

  Devin's eyes d
art to meet mine, and I feel the green eyes brewing over now. He told people he loved me?

  How can I sit here without ripping his clothes off now?

  "He told me the same thing, and she was very mortal at the time. Her Aphrodite stare didn't kick in until we were at the safe house. Trey was the first one afflicted by it. It's never fazed Devin. He's immune to her," Ther adds. "We kidnapped her when she refused to go with him. I can swear to you she's not holding him against his will. If anything, it would be the other way around. Devin hasn't let her out of his sight since they met. Dude would have been arrested if he was an average mortal."

  I snicker slightly, and Devin rolls his eyes.

  "I simply wanted to discuss a plan of action. This shouldn't be about Adisia at all. I think we've gotten away from the actual problem at hand. Maybe we should resume this meeting at a time when emotions aren't running so high. Anyone who wishes to join Kry, Ther, and myself tomorrow is welcome. We're going to speak to some of the California crew about their suspicious activities. They had a similar run-in not too long ago. For now, meeting adjourned," Devin asserts.

  My stomach ruffles in knots. He's going to California? Why didn't I know? Am I going, too?

  Everyone starts dispersing, and I pick up the orchid sitting on the perch while it pretends it doesn't remember trying to kill me. I walk over to the trash and dump it in. Devin laughs slightly as I dust my hands free of the grit left on them.

  Gemma glares at me as her mother ushers her out the door. I can't believe she tried to kill me. Psycho bitch.

  "I'm sorry," Devin says with serious eyes.

  "It's not your fault. I wish I had zapped the bitch, but I didn't want to provoke the room into believing I was capable of such a thing."

  He smirks a little at my feisty response, and then he pulls my lips to his. I smile as I hear two throat clearings beside of us.

  "Sorry," Ther grumbles. "I just wanted to tell you we'll have ten joining us tomorrow."

  "Okay. Thanks for having my back in there," Devin says to both Ther and Kry.

  "Gemma's a crazy bitch. We've known that for centuries," Kry chuckles.

  "She means well. She just wasn't expecting… Adisia," Ther chirps.

  "Yeah. I should have excluded her from these proceedings tonight, but we need her family's contacts and power. Pick me up in the morning," Devin sighs.

  They wave as they load the elevator, and my pout instantly forms.

  "You're leaving me here, aren't you?"

  He smirks slightly as he kisses my forehead.

  "I'm not happy about it either. Deacon and Camara will be staying here with you. If you have any problems at all, please call me."

  "I already have a problem - being here without you," I gripe.

  His lips devour mine the moment mine pucker again.

  "I'm sorry," he murmurs against my lips. "I have to go. Believe me, I wouldn't be leaving you if I didn't have to," he promises.

  "You didn't have to send Deacon to retrieve me," the girl I can only assume is Camara says in interruption.

  She's nowhere nearly the vicious, wild animal Deacon made her sound like. She's actually very calm, pretty, and even sweet in appearance.

  Devin chuckles a little as he says, "I know. He's the best at tracking you down though, and we needed you here. Thank you for coming."

  "I owe you and your family my life, so I couldn't imagine being anywhere else. I'll begin the process of tracking tomorrow," she says mildly.

  "You're going after them?" I ask with a slight bit of concern for the girl I don't know.

  Her unkempt, yet gorgeous, curly blond hair sways gently as she turns to face me with a devious, smug smirk.

  "No. I can see through the eyes of nature's creatures. I'll use their senses which will be amplified by own to track them down. It may take a couple of days to catch a break though."

  "That'll be fine. We need to exert caution in every effort," Devin offers.

  "I'll be wary of anything out of place, and I'll desert the animal I'm linked to if I see something set for a trap. They'll never know we were there."

  "Good. Call me immediately if anything happens," Devin gingerly adds.

  "I will, and we'll take care of her. Deacon's a vile creature at best, but he's rather loyal to you."

  Deacon scowls at her. "Don't be disclosing any details you've caught scent of during your prying searches, love. I don't need this pompous ass thinking I like him that bloody much," Deacon teases.

  "He can see the future. Do you really think he doesn't already know?" she retorts.

  "True. Hadn't really thought about that," Deacon mumbles with a shrug before walking over to pour a glass of scotch.

  You can tell they're old. They all drink the same thing my grandfather did. I don't need to think about that. It just makes my relationship seem creepy.

  "Gemma hasn't changed much," Camara murmurs with a turned-up nose.

  "No, unfortunately not. It's been over a century since I saw her last, and now everyone knows why I've avoided her."

  "A century?" I gasp in disbelief. "You haven't seen her in over a hundred years, and she's still this hung up on you? You'd think it would have gone cold by now," I grumble.

  "Time loses value after a while. A century becomes no more severe to an immortal than a week to a mortal. It's just time when you don't age. It's a ticking clock when you do. You'll see," Camara offers with an insightful tone.

  I suppose this is all still too much to digest. I need a drink.

  I walk over and join them in their old drink of choice, and Devin kisses my shoulder while I pour a glass.

  "I'm going to miss you," he murmurs softly in my ear.

  I frown slightly. "I'll miss you, too. How long will you be gone?"

  "No longer than I have to be, I swear. I hate that I have to do this, but these are my connections. I'll call you though," he promises.

  I pout once again, and he scoops me into his arms. Camara smiles behind her glass as she turns her eyes toward the skyline view. I smile as well when Devin's lips find mine while carrying me over the threshold of his room.

  "Send me those pictures," he murmurs through the kiss.

  I pull back slightly as he kicks the door shut behind him.

  "What pictures?" I inquire.

  "The pictures from Clara's wedding. You said there were several of us. I want them all. I want to be able to see you while I'm gone. Forward them to my email."

  I smile with a blushing hue. "I will. I love you, Devin."

  I feel the velvet of his lips brushing against mine slightly before consuming them. He lays me on the broken bed, and brushes the hair from my face as he draws back just barely.

  "I love you, Adisia."

  That's all the goddess can be held back for now. She needs a minute to run free, and she has to take me with her. The green engulfs my eyes, and the passion flames around us.

  Chapter 12

  Colliding Worlds

  "When are you coming back?" I whine into the phone.

  "I'll be back soon, I promise. We've tracked down almost every lead," Devin says with a tired tone.

  "I'm sick of Deacon, for the record. I have to sit in the padded room just to talk to you in private. He never goes anywhere. He's only funny for a little while, and then he's just annoying," I grumble.

  "Well that's because you've been cooped up with him for over a week, and he's not supposed to go anywhere. Anyone grows annoying after that amount of togetherness," he says with a chuckle.

  "I would never be that annoyed with you. In fact, the new bed finally arrived this morning, and I've been wondering how much togetherness it can withstand," I seduce.

  "Please don't use that voice with me. I'm dying as it is. I swear I've been having withdrawal pains for you," he groans.

  I smile at my victorious attempt to tease him, and then I decide to step up my game. I turn on the laptop and pull up the pictures I had taken during a devilish attempt to make him miss me more.

/>   Until this moment, I have lacked the desperation and the courage to actually send them. There are several of me in a tight, red corset that has a small black faux-fur trim and black satin laces drawing together the back. The fishnet stockings bear rose designs on them, and the black underwear shows just enough to truly tease the wandering mind.

  In a gutsy moment, I had set up the camera to take several very provocative and daring poses. In several pictures, the green eyes glare against the camera - though only immortal eyes can see them - and even I'm a little turned on by them.

  I take a deep breath as my finger hovers over the send option. I grit my teeth and finally gain the courage to go through with it.

  "Adisia? You there?" Devin asks.

  "Yeah. Sorry. I got a little distracted. I just sent you something that will hopefully give you some incentive to hurry up out there. Or you're going to laugh, and then I'm going to be really embarrassed."

  "What did you send?" he muses while laughing under his breath.

  I blush even though he can't see me, and I resist the urge to squeal. I wish Aphrodite would take over and control this situation for me.

  I don't think I have the scandalous ferocity needed to follow this through, but I attempt it anyway.

  "Check your email," I prompt.

  "Okay," he almost snickers out.

  I wait very impatiently, and my nails find their way to my mouth. I chew them vigorously as I await his response, but there's a deathly silence on the other side.

  "Holy shit," he coughs out as if he's strangling on something.

  I giggle slightly at his caught-off-guard reaction, and then I shake hands with Aphrodite.

  "Well?" I urge.

  "Well, I'm definitely wishing I hadn't opened my email. I only thought I was hurting until now. Please be wearing that when I come home tomorrow," he says breathlessly.

  "Tomorrow? You're coming home tomorrow?" I squeal.

  "Yes. I was going to surprise you, but now I just want to come home to you wearing that. Damn it. Where the hell did you even get that?"

  I blush slightly as I recall the awkward interaction I had in order to acquire the racy garment. I didn't realize Devin has such strict security. If you don't forewarn Greer that a package is coming, then he inspects it to ensure Devin's safety before delivering it. He'll never look at me without blushing again.


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