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Daddy's Sweet Girl (Montana Daddies, #3)

Page 22

by Roberts, Laylah

  “What’s the plan?” Macca asked.

  “Meeting is for two nights from now. At the rest area off the main highway five minutes out of town. You all know where I mean?”

  They all nodded.

  “Macca and Jed, I want you there earlier, scout the area then take positions where you have the most visibility. Take your rifles.”

  Both men nodded.

  “Donovan and Zeke will be with me. He’ll expect me to bring people. Bain, you’ll wait in the truck in case we need a quick getaway.”

  “I’m going too,” Clint said.

  “Actually, I had a bigger favor to ask you. I hoped you and Charlie might take care of Abby for me.”

  “You’re giving me babysitting duty?” Clint looked aghast.

  “Please. She means everything to me. I’m trusting her safety to you. She’ll be comfortable with Charlie and it’s best they’re not left on their own.”

  “Fine,” he grumbled. “But if they try to make me watch Frozen, I’m locking them in the bedroom for the night.”

  Whatever. The big softie would play it for them as many times as they wanted.

  “Sure you don’t want her to go?” Zeke asked.

  “No. She’s not going. That’s my final say.”

  “Good call,” Clint told him. “She’s got no business there.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  “Time for a nap, Abby-girl.”

  Abby glanced up with a pout from the glittery, messy creation on the coffee table. There was glue everywhere. She was even certain that she’d smeared some on her eyebrow.

  She glared up at her daddy. “I don’t wanna nap.”

  His face started to grow stern until he obviously got a look at her face. Then he burst into laughter. “Baby, you’re a mess. Did you get any glue on the picture?”

  “Yes, see?” She pointed down to the picture she was making. She was finding it easier and easier to let her Little side out. It also helped her let go of a lot of the stress she was carrying. Sometimes it didn’t always work. Sometimes those worries crept back in, but for the most part she was stress-free while she was Little Abby. And it was amazing.

  All she had to worry about was Daddy and his rules. And that really hard spanking hand he had.

  “That’s a beautiful picture, sweet girl. But it’s time for a nap. Let’s go get you cleaned up first. You can’t go to bed like that, you’ll stick to the sheets.” He guided her upstairs with a hand at her lower back.

  She dropped her bottom lip out. “I really don’t need a nap, Daddy. I just got up.”

  “And I kept you awake half the night instead of letting you sleep,” he replied. “Little girls need their sleep.”

  She sighed and opened her mouth to argue more as they reached the bathroom sink. He gave her a stern glare in the mirror. “Do you remember what happened yesterday when you argued too much about having a nap?”

  Crap. She did. She’d ended up getting her butt roasted then had to spend ten minutes in the corner contemplating why she had been such a naughty girl.

  “I hate contemplatin’,” she muttered.

  “I’m sure you do when you have to do it with your bare, red bottom sticking out of the corner.”

  She still didn’t want a nap, but she let him clean her up without complaining. She didn’t even moan when he washed her face and she hated that.

  “You sulking, sweetheart?” he asked mildly.

  “No.” Yes.

  “Hmm, I think you are and I have a cure for a girl who is sulking. Go into the bedroom. Take off your pants and panties then lean over the edge of the bed, chest flat to the bed, ass in the air.”

  She slapped her hands against her bottom. “No spankin’.”

  He lowered his eyebrows. “Are you in charge here?”

  “No, Daddy,” she muttered. She walked into the attached bathroom, dragging her steps.

  “If you’re not in position when I get there, I won’t be happy,” he called back.

  Man, sometimes having a daddy was really hard. And she didn’t think he was all that indulgent, either. In fact, he’d been rather stern today and she’d thought yesterday was bad enough. She frowned, thinking that over. Could something be worrying him? Maybe about her safety. Kent had been working mostly from home, even though his office wasn’t that far away from the house, he claimed he wanted to watch over his girl to make sure she behaved.

  Well, she certainly wasn’t getting away with anything. As she got into position, she made a note to ask him if everything was all right. If he knew something she didn’t.

  “Good girl,” he said as he entered the bedroom.

  A buzz of happiness filled her.

  “Reach back and pull your bottom cheeks apart.”

  She stiffened. No way. She couldn’t do that.

  “Abby-girl, you heard me. You have until the count of three and then it’s one spank for every second you procrastinate.”

  Indulgent, her ass.

  “One. Two. Thr—”

  Shoot. She threw her hands back and pulled apart the cheeks of her ass, putting herself fully on display. This was way, way too embarrassing.

  “Just in time,” he said in a low voice.

  She heard him move towards her. There was a squirting noise. Lube. Well, that made sense. She could guess what was coming next. A dab of lube went on her puckered entrance then his finger prodded at her back hole.

  “Relax, sweet girl. It’s just my finger to start.”

  To start? Awesome.

  He slid his finger deep inside her asshole and she gasped. In. Out. Oh Lord, her arousal started to grow. Spiraling higher and higher as he rubbed lube around. She didn’t know why, but having her ass played with made her so hot.

  Then he pulled his finger free and something rubbery and firm replaced the digit.

  “This is a bigger one than you’ve taken before but you can do it, Abby-girl. Just relax and breathe out. That’s it.” He slid the plug deep. It burned slightly and she could definitely feel the difference in size, but as her body adjusted to the feel, her clit started to throb and her nipples ached.

  “Right, you can stand up.” He held her waist to ensure she was steady as she stood. Then he went around to the side of the bed to pull back the covers. “In you go.”

  “But...aren’t you going to...” she waved her hand at herself unable to say it.

  He raised an eyebrow. “What?”

  Grr. “I can’t sleep with a plug in my ass.”

  “I’m sure you’ll get used to it.”

  “But what about...”

  He just waited. Shit. He was going to make her say it.

  “I’m aroused.”

  “Are you?” he asked silkily, coming towards her. “Spread your legs.”

  Lordy. Lordy. She spread her legs.

  “Wider,” he commanded.

  She pushed them apart as far as she could without losing her balance. He cupped her mound then slid a finger through her folds. “My, my, someone liked having their bottom played with.” He leaned in and kissed her lightly as he withdrew his fingers. “But someone has also been naughty and naughty girls don’t get to come. Into bed you go.”

  He prodded her along with a sharp smack to her ass. She climbed into bed grumpily.

  “And just so you know, I would consider you playing with yourself very naughty behavior. And it would result in you being banned from orgasms for a week. And if you think I wouldn’t know, you are very mistaken.”

  How was he always one step ahead of her? He handed her Boss Hog which she hugged to her chest as she curled up on her side, the plug seated deep in her ass. Then he tucked her in, turned off the lights and kissed her forehead.

  “Night, night, baby girl. Sleep tight.”

  “I’M GOING WITH YOU,” Abby insisted.

  “You certainly are not. It’s too dangerous. You’ll stay here with Clint and Charlie. And you will mind my brother.” Kent narrowed his gaze at her.

  “I will
not. I’m not staying here while you go talk to Mr. Markovich on your own. I’m coming and that’s that.” She stomped her foot and glared up at him.

  He pointed towards the corner of the living room. “Naughty corner. Now.”

  He’d woken her up from her nap with his mouth on her pussy. She’d take a nap without arguing every day if she got woken up that way each time. Then he’d taken her from behind and as she’d lain there, curled in his arms, in a haze of satisfaction, she’d remembered to ask him if there was anything going on she needed to know about.

  That’s when he told her about the meeting tonight.


  His gaze narrowed at her. “Corner. Now. And you just got ten for not obeying immediately.”

  Grr. Sometimes he made her so mad! Part of her was telling her to give in to him. That she didn’t want to ever make him regret their relationship. She wasn’t a person who usually enjoyed fighting. She preferred to make people happy not mad.

  But this was too important.

  “Fifteen,” he said warningly.

  She couldn’t believe how unreasonable he was being. But she found herself stomping over to the corner. Last thing she wanted was for it to turn to twenty. She pressed her nose to the corner.

  “Stick that bottom out.”

  She pushed her ass out, feeling herself growing red as she realized the sight she must make. She was naked. She still had the plug in from earlier. She hadn’t cleaned up from their love-making. She stood there in the corner and fumed, her mind racing for a way to make him see reason.

  She had to go with him. This was her mess. No way was she letting him go fight her battles for her. It was tempting to let him do that. She was way out of her comfort zone. But Mr. Markovich wanted her there. What if he got angry with Kent if she wasn’t with him? She didn’t know what she would do if something happened to him.

  “Abby, come here.”

  Okay, his voice was as cold as she’d ever heard it and she shivered slightly. Turning, she watched him with trepidation.

  “Are you mad at me, Daddy?” she asked in a small voice.

  He was sitting on the bed, watching her. Suddenly he sighed. “I’m not mad, baby girl. Come here.”

  The look on his face was now softer. And she practically raced over, banging into him and sending him flying backwards onto the mattress with her sprawled on top of his chest.

  “Sorry,” she breathed out.

  He chuckled and ran a hand through her hair. “I can always count on you to make me smile.”

  “You should have told me about the meeting before now, Kent,” she said seriously.

  He sat up, settled her on his lap. “You’re right,” he replied surprising her. “I was trying to protect you.”

  “I know you were. You always protect me. But there are some things I need to do or know about. You can’t shelter me from everything.”

  “I can try,” he muttered.

  “Kent,” she said cajoling. “I love being your Little and your sub, but that doesn’t mean I want to be completely shut off from the rest of the world. It doesn’t mean I need you to solve all of my problems.”

  “You’re out of your depth with this one.”

  “I know I am. Which is why I’m lucky to have you. I still want to go. I’ll do exactly what you say. I just, I’d be a mess worrying about you.”

  He huffed a breath. “Who knew you could be so stubborn?” He didn’t sound happy but she got the feeling she was winning.

  “All right, you can come. But before you get excited, you won’t be leaving the truck. You’ll have a bodyguard the entire time. You will do exactly as they say, because they’re going to have my permission to do whatever it takes to keep you safe, understand?”

  She understood it was as good as she was going to get. “All right.”

  SHE GLANCED AROUND at the group gathered in what they called the command room. It basically looked like a meeting room in any generic building. There were about a dozen desks and chairs, as well as a projector mounted to the ceiling.

  Or it would have seemed like any other meeting room, if not for the group of badasses filling it. She stared at them, totally floored. It was like they sucked all the air from the room with their manliness. There were only four of them plus Kent, but it felt like there were way more.

  She recognized Zeke but she hadn’t met the other three men. One had very dark hair with hints of silver, a body that was thick with muscle and had an intense focus about him that made you wonder what would happen if he ever aimed that focus on you.

  She shivered at the thought.


  But if she’d thought that guy was big, the next one had him beat and then some. He towered over the others, his biceps had to be thicker than her thighs and that was saying something. His dark skin was smooth and gorgeous and he kept his hair closely shaved.

  The last guy was the only one who had glanced her way when she’d walked in with Kent. He had a surfer vibe about him. Blond hair, blue eyes, deep tan. Not as muscular as the other guys, she had a feeling that didn’t make him less dangerous.

  The door opened and she turned to see Clint walk in. Beside him, surprisingly, was Charlie. She was carrying a small paper bag in one hand. She stilled like Abby had done when she’d first entered and gazed around with her mouth slightly open.

  “Whoa, it’s testosterone city in here.” She waved her hand in front of her face while Clint gave her a firm look.

  “Don’t worry, cowboy, they have nothing on you.” Charlie patted his arm.

  “You guys ready?” Clint asked. “Thought Abby could come back to our place.”

  “Shit,” Kent swore. “Forgot to call you. Abby is coming now.”

  Every male pair of eyes turned to her. She gulped and felt her legs weaken at the disapproving glares she was getting.

  “Girl, how are you still standing?” Charlie whispered. “That’s a whole lot of manly disapproval right there.”

  She nodded. It was.

  Clint’s scowl was the worst in her opinion. “She’s what?”

  “She’s coming,” Kent said grimly.

  “You lost your mind?”

  They were all staring at Kent as though they thought the same but didn’t want to ask.

  “No,” Kent said shortly, staring at Clint. “She’s coming.”

  Clint rolled his eyes heavenward. “What’s the world fucking coming to.”

  “She’ll stay in the truck the whole time. Macca and Jed are in position. Zeke and Donovan will have my back at the meet and Bain is gonna be watching Abby.”

  The guy with the dark skin turned to glare at her now. Uh-oh. Kent was leaving this guy to watch her? Was he mad? He looked like he broke legs for a living. The scowl he was giving her was a mix of disapproval and dismissal.

  Okay, then. Cool. Yikes.

  Why couldn’t she have the surfer dude?

  “Corbin is staying here to act as contact for everyone.” The surfer nodded. “Everyone good?”

  “I got permission to do what I need to in order to protect her?” Bain asked in a low rumble.

  Shit. Shit. Shit.

  “Yep,” Kent replied. “You have free rein. She gives you any trouble, you take care of it then tell me later.”

  Bain gave a short nod. What the hell did that mean? Take care of it?

  She was in trouble.

  Charlie leaned into her, taking her hand. “You can still change your mind. I was going to bake cupcakes. We can decorate them, make a mess, get on a sugar high and make Clint stomp around like a growly bear.”

  “It’s tempting. Very tempting.” But she took a deep breath. “But I have to go.”

  “If you say so. Word of advice?”

  She turned to the other woman. “Please.”

  “I’d do exactly whatever that big guy says. To the letter. You do not want to end up over his knee. With arms like that...” Charlie shuddered.

  Abby’s breaths came in shallow pants. “H
e wouldn’t spank me.”

  “What do you think Kent meant when he gave him permission to do whatever was necessary? You give him any problems and your ass is toast. Double toast because I’m sure Kent will roast it again when you get home. I mean, I used to think he was the easygoing brother, but I’ve since learned otherwise.”

  Oh hell.

  Charlie gave her hand a final squeeze before walking over to Kent and giving him the small bag. She watched curiously as Kent kissed Charlie’s forehead. What was in the bag? She wanted to ask, but then everyone started moving out. She waved goodbye to Charlie before following everyone to Kent’s truck. The men all carried weapons which made her even more nervous. She couldn’t keep up with their long legs without running, which she wasn’t going to do. She was horribly unfit, as well as clumsy as hell. Kent turned; saw she was behind and stopped to wait for her.

  He held out his hand and she slipped her into his.

  “Did you really give Bain permission to spank me?” she asked quietly.

  “Baby, we’re going into an unknown situation. You can’t defend yourself. You’ve never done anything like this. And you’re the most precious thing in the world to me. I still can’t believe that I agreed to this. But I did, so I’m going to make sure you’re as safe as I can. So, I can concentrate on what I’m doing and won’t get distracted worrying about you.”

  “Oh. God, Kent, I didn’t even think of that.”

  “Just do whatever Bain says, all right? If there’s any trouble he’ll get you out of there and keep you safe. Truthfully, I’m not expecting any real trouble. Markovich knows me and my reputation. If I thought there was any true danger then I’d have Clint tie you up and watch you.”

  Right. Of course, he would.

  “But that doesn’t mean there isn’t an element of the unknown. So Bain has permission to do whatever he has to, we clear?”



  When they reached his truck, the others were standing around.

  “I don’t want Markovich seeing you if we can help it. Zeke, you and Donovan take the other truck. Bain will ride with me to stay with Abby.”

  Kent lifted her into the backseat of his truck and did up her seatbelt. The drive was in silence. It was late afternoon by the time they reached the clearing in a wooded area off the highway. It was one of the places that had a couple of picnic tables and a toilet, but was rarely used after a newer picnic area had been put in further up the road.


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