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Worlds Apart

Page 7

by Stein Willard

  A short moment later, she heard the door closing behind Sister Madeline. She shut her eyes, trying to ignore the throbbing pain in her head. They instantly snapped open at the sensation of gentle hands on her cheek. She met and held the fascinating eyes looking down into hers. They were as intriguing as the woman herself. Light, wide-set and open, but still holding an exciting amount of mystery. Oasis felt a small tremor in her lower region and she quickly closed her eyes. As The Maverick, she could get away with caddish conduct, but not as Lord Benedict Pope. Lord Pope bought her respectability and it was ‘him’ that will allow Oasis to spend more time with the alluring duchess. She sat quietly as Tia worked on her injury.

  “At least it’s not broken, milord. Your lady friends, no doubt would’ve loved such an imperfection.”

  Her eyes opened and they searched the beautiful face. She had always been comfortable with who and what she was. Lady Tia Bellingham, the Duchess of Camphor, however, made her wish she was more. She sighed and watched as Tia stood back.

  “As good as new. I’ll give you a powder for the pain to be taken twice daily. You should not experience any discomfort after a week.”

  Oasis nodded and quickly clutched her head in her hands as pain shot through her skull. Her hands were quickly replaced by nimble fingers massaging her temples. She swallowed at the sensations coursing through her body at the duchess’ ministrations.


  She should leave.


  But it was almost as if her feet were cemented to the floor. The man was so different than what she had envisioned. There was no doubt that he was handsome. Tall, dark and powerful. He literally stood out amongst his peers and the ladies of the ton adored him. But with the exception of Lady Rocheline, he had not been linked to any other women. She blushed. All this information had been offered by one of her maids. Over the weekends, Flora travels to the countryside to be with her parents, who were in the employ of Lord Pope. She had happened upon the girls gossiping in the kitchen and had eavesdropped shamelessly. Maybe she had been too quick to turn down his invitation. Maybe, if there were to be a second time, she might accept.

  She had noticed his intense regard earlier, the few times that his eyes were not closed. Still, he didn’t act like the rakish rogue, the ladies of the ton referred to.

  “You mentioned a carriage accident, milady. Anyone from our circle?” His deep voice reverberated through his body, tingling the tips of her fingers where they worked against his temple.

  “Lords Jane, Shepard, Abernathy and Barnabas.” She knew the names well; had memorized them. The four young lords were the ones responsible for the four bodies that lay in the morgue downstairs. She had no doubt that The Maverick had a hand in all this.

  “I hope they’ve not been too seriously injured.” The dark eyes searched hers and Tia felt the gaze deep inside her. It was almost as if he was saying so much more than his verbal enquiry.

  “They all have extensive injuries to their legs. So no, nothing too serious, milord.”

  There was a soft knock on the door and she walked over to answer it. It was one of the younger nuns. “This came for you, milady.”

  Tia took a note and quickly unfolded it.

  Mission completed, milady. Awaiting the next assignment. M

  She folded the note, unaware of the satisfied smile playing on her lips. When she turned to the marquess, he was looking at her with a peculiar expression in his black eyes.

  “Good news, milady?”

  She shrugged as she walked over to the desk to retrieve his hat and walking stick. “Only a friend who came through yet again.”


  ‘Madam Trichardt’s Girls’

  Philomena Jessop, Mini, to her friends, was a light sleeper.

  Back home in Halifax, her parents always preferred that she take the bedroom closest to the door. She woke at the slightest disturbance and that had saved her family from many a burglar. She prayed they were safe while she was here in London, attending the prestigious House of Trichardt, a school for young and gifted girls.

  It was her tendency to sleep so lightly that had her slowly make her way down the corridor to the bathhouse. She stopped at the door and listened. A sniff carried to her ears and she walked down the row of basins.

  “Are you okay?” The sniffing stopped abruptly. “I know you’re in there. I heard you crying.” When there was no answer, she sighed. “I’m coming in to see for myself.” She pulled the curtain away and gasped. “Oh, Angie, who did that to you?”

  A tight grip on her shoulder made her turn with a squeak. She grew cold at the sight of the owner and headmistress of the school.

  “Madam Trichardt, there’s something wrong with Angie. She’s bleeding.”

  The woman’s cold eyes glared at her and Mini swallowed hard. “You’re not supposed to be out of bed, Miss Jessop.”


  “Back to bed with you. I’ll take care of Miss Culkin.” The icy order made Mini take a step back. It would not serve any purpose to get herself expelled for something she knew nothing about.

  As she walked down the hallway to her room, she made herself a promise that she would find out what was going on.


  Tia followed the powerful figure as it strode amongst the neat garden pathways of St. James’ Palace. It had been a week since their last encounter at the hospice and Lord Pope had been conspicuously absent from the social scene. Only she knew the true reason. The accident might not have broken his proud nose, but it surely left him with two impressive black eyes. She felt a twinge of guilt at the thought, but before she could delve further down her path of remorse, a short tap on her arm drew her attention to her companion. Twinkling green eyes met hers.

  “I’ve heard quite a lot of Lord Pope from my ladies-in-waiting. Every woman, single and married, has had the most erotic fantasies about him.” The queen’s eyes tracked Lord Pope’s passage as he was in a deep conversation with Lord Mark Wickham, a member of the House of Commons. “Look at him! In comparison, all the other men seem so frail and effeminate.” She looked around to see who was listening. “Maybe it wouldn’t be such a bad idea to have a bit of entertainment myself, while George is otherwise engaged.”

  Tia’s heart jerked at the thought of the queen taking Pope as her lover. It was an open secret that the king had his mistresses, but his true love would always be his queen. The queen, too, had dabbled a little here and there, but she adored her husband too much to get too absorbed in an affair. It would mean that she would discard Pope after a very short dalliance. He would be even more sought after by the ladies; all of them wanting to taste what their illustrious queen had sampled.

  She took a sip of her champagne, letting her eyes take in the scene. It was the queen’s Annual Picnic and the garden was overrun with lords and ladies decked out in their finest. This used to be her favourite event and she never missed it, for here she could be herself in the presence of her friend, the queen. But this year she failed to enjoy the experience.

  “You’re awfully quiet today.” The green eyes were sharp as they studied her. “Anything amiss?”

  “No,” she said quickly. She attempted a smile. “I’ve been helping out at the hospice. Maybe I caught something from one of the children.”

  The queen’s eyes widened in concern. “Then I’ll call for the physician right this moment.”

  Horrified, Tia shook her head. “NO!” She blushed as she realised she had just yelled at the queen. “Your Majesty, I’m fine. Only a tad fatigued. Nothing a little rest won’t cure.” She swept her gaze over the milling picnic crowd. It was a beautiful day and she wasn’t going to spoil it for everyone. For the moment the queen left, the party was over. To prove that she was indeed well, she accepted a second glass of champagne. The queen studied her intently for a moment before she nodded.

  “I’m not completely convinced, but I’ll let it go for now.” The queen sipped daintily from her glass, her eyes once again t
racking to where the tall figure of Lord Pope stood, talking animatedly with a number of parliamentarians. “He finds himself in a bit of a bind.”

  Tia blinked. “A bind, Your Majesty?”

  The queen snorted. “He seems to have impregnated Lady Rocheline. She’s requested compensation or at the very least a marriage proposal.”

  The sunlight seemed to dim in light of what she had heard. Her ears buzzed and her heart felt like it was caught in a vice-like grip. Stupid, stupid man! She glanced over to where he stood and was surprised to find him staring back at her. She quickly looked away. Fool!

  “What will happen now?” she asked to keep the queen from noticing how the news had shaken her. Why, she herself didn’t know. Firstly, he was a man and secondly, he was a rake. Both attributes should make him totally unfavourable to her.

  Airy laughter carried on the breeze and Lady Rocheline and a gaggle of young ladies walked past where she and queen were seated under the shade of a large mulberry tree. She felt the queen’s eyes on her.

  “He refused to marry her and is adamant that if she were in fact with child then it was not by his doing.”

  He didn’t deny having slept with Lady Rocheline, Tia noted. She took a long drink from her champagne to steady her frayed nerves. A shadow fell over her and she looked up. Her jaw clenched when she glanced into the face of Benedict Pope, Marquess of Trenton. He was dressed in black pants and a tan jacket that fitted snugly over his broad shoulders. The colours did wonders for his swarthy complexion. He smiled and Tia was tempted to throw her drink in his gorgeous face. The smile lit up the chiselled planes and made his dimples pop out. His slanted onyx eyes glittered with pleasure as he looked at her. As protocol dictated, he fawned and flirted with the queen before he turned his attention to her.

  “Your Grace, what a pleasure to see you again.” He reached for her hand and brushed his lips over her knuckles. A pleasant sensation chased through her body and she sighed when he let her hand go. “Could I interest you in a stroll, perhaps? The roses smell divine.”

  She opened her mouth to turn him down, when the queen spoke up. “Yes, please. She’s been sitting here since she arrived. Lady Tia, dear, go smell the roses.” The green eyes twinkled as they caught hers.

  Tia couldn’t very well disobey an order from the queen. She climbed to her feet and obediently hooked her arm through Lord Pope’s. She swore she heard a soft snicker coming from the queen as she allowed herself to be led away.


  Oasis was aware that Tia was about to turn her down had it not been for the intervention of the queen. For a few minutes they walked in silence, passing many staring couples as they made their way over to the fountains. She narrowed her eyes at an openly gawking couple making them scurry away. She had been summoned to the palace earlier in the week where she was informed of the Lady Rocheline’s claim. The stupid girl was going to pay for that humiliation. She already had a plan in motion.

  “I’ve heard of the dilemma you find yourself in.”

  Oasis didn’t miss the chill in the voice. She cleared her throat. Tia was the last one she had wanted to hear of this drivel. But in the palace, gossip spread faster than a fart. She stopped and waited for Tia to face her. She searched the beautiful face. There was a faint trace of disapproval in the cold, blue eyes.

  “The child is not mine.” She desperately wanted Tia to believe her. Not that it’ll make any difference. From where she stood, there was no way that this woman would ever want her. Lady Tia was way out of Oasis’ league. The milky skin, long silky hair and delicate beauty was not for the likes of her. Some foppish lord will lay claim to her soon enough, that’s if the king needs to secure an alliance. A duchess serves the king and whoever he chooses for her. She looked away to hide the rage that the thought brought.

  “Well, only the two of you would know,” Tia said as she continued on the walk not waiting for Oasis to follow. Oasis caught up with her at the fountain and they walked in silence for a long spell.

  “I want you to believe me.” Where did that come from, Oasis asked herself as she thought of a way to retract the statement without losing face. Tia was shocked and she wasn’t even trying to hide it.


  “Because I ‘m telling you the truth and…” Their walk brought them close to the gate where they were witness to a scuffling between the palace guards and a young lady.

  “Lady Tia? Your Grace?” The girl was roughly pushed away by a guard and Oasis bristled at the rough handling of the girl. “Your Grace, please, I need your help.” This time the guard pushed the girl to the ground. Oasis acted before she had thought about it. She grabbed the guard and felled him with a solid right hook. The other guards immediately turned on her, but Tia stepped in front of her causing them to quickly fall back.

  “Officer, I will report your shameful handling of a young lady to the queen herself,” she snapped in a voice so cold that it even made Oasis hide a shiver. She turned to look at Oasis. The blue eyes were gloriously enraged. Oasis swallowed as hot desire tugged at her clit. “I will also expect a formal apology to Lord Pope for having had to do the job of your captain.”

  The soldiers appeared shamefaced as they lowered their gazes. Just as quickly Tia dismissed them and turned her attention to the young lady who had been helped to her feet by a Samaritan. She held out her hand and the girl blinked at it. Tia smiled. “I’m Lady Tia. I believe you wanted to see me about something.”

  The girl curtsied before taking the hand. “My…my name is Mini. It’s an honour to make your acquaintance, milady.”

  Tia turned to Oasis, who had been standing by quietly. “We’ll need your escort to talk outside the palace grounds, milord.”

  Oasis bowed deeply. “It would be my pleasure, Your Grace.” She followed the two women to a nearby bench in St. James’ Park, making sure to keep her distance. They passed a number of people and Oasis noticed that the area was crawling with her people. She didn’t acknowledge them nor did they her. She stood a few feet away to offer Tia and the girl some privacy.

  Today she was simply happy to be Lady Tia’s bodyguard.


  Tia could see that the girl was incredibly nervous, so she gently placed her hand over the twitching fingers. She leaned closer to the girl. “Do you want us to go someplace else, Mini?”

  “N…no, milady…Your Grace….”

  Tia smiled at the girl. Maybe they should just get to why the girl wanted to see her. “You said you needed my help. How can I be of assistance?”

  The girl was sweating as she swallowed convulsively. “I think that there is something fishy happening at the House of Trichardt.” She looked around nervously. “The girls are getting hurt.”

  Tia’s heart shattered at hearing the last sentence. The House of Trichardt was one of her late mother’s initiatives to train young, talented girls from poor backgrounds. Too many gifted girls ended up in brothels or in mind-numbing marriages and her mother wanted to change that by giving these girls a chance at rewarding employments. Most ended up as governesses, but at least then, they had the chance of finding a man with ambition and better career options. To hear that the girls were being hurt in some way was incredibly disheartening. She hid her panic and smiled encouragingly at Mini.

  “Why did you come to me and not the police, Mini?” She needed plausible deniability when she put the plan in action. It would not help for anything to be traced back to her.

  “I didn’t know who else to trust, but you, milady,” Mini answered quickly. “My friends…” The girl burst out in tears. “I’m scared for my friends.”

  Tia gently rubbed the girl’s back and looked at where Lord Pope stood. He was a few feet away, his bearing relaxed, but somehow intimidating too. As if feeling her eyes on him, he turned to look at her and Tia sighed. What was it about this man? He slept with young debutantes, denies fathering a child and now here he stood, having defended a girl and his concern for her was clearly visible on his face. Tr
ying to figure him out was giving her a headache and she quickly returned her attention to Mini.

  “You need to tell me everything, Mini. I need to get back to the queen and you understand that I can’t keep her waiting.” She watched as the girl quickly pulled herself together. No one wanted to keep the queen waiting.

  “For the past month, I’ve noticed that some girls were selected for evening events around the city. It’s never the same girls twice. The only problem is that when they return these girls are kept in segregation for a few weeks. When they return to the dormitories, they are different. It’s like they’re shadows of their former selves.”

  Tia’s concern deepened. This sounds very serious. “What does Headmistress Trichardt say about this? Is she even aware of this?”

  Mini’s gaze flickered around before it settled on Tia again. “The first time I suspected something was wrong, I happened upon a girl crying and bleeding profusely in the bathroom. Before I could get her to tell me what happened, Mistress Trichardt appeared. She sent me off to bed and since then, the girls were kept from the dormitories.”

  Fury, hot and reckless burned through Tia. It didn’t take a genius to suspect what was going on at the House of Trichardt. The very thing her mother wanted to protect the girls against was becoming a reality. She needed to find The Maverick and Mini will have to stay at the townhouse until this mess has been sorted out.

  “Mini, here’s what we’ll do.”


  When they re-joined the picnic crowd, the air crackled with excitement and Oasis knew immediately that her plan had worked. Around the garden, cliques of men and women stood together all talking animatedly. Tia looked at her and she shrugged. She wasn’t going to be the one to break the news to Tia. The queen saw them and gestured for them to join her. The group around her dispersed quickly, freeing up the chairs.


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