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Unbreakable Love

Page 7

by Claire Shaw

  He moves away, removing the handle from my mouth.

  Suddenly the chains hold my arms jerk and start to lower me down until I’m practically kneeling on the wooden bench in front of me.

  Gripping my hair again, he forces my lips open and inserts a metal contraption into my mouth to stop my mouth from closing. It feels cold against my lips. Gripping my hair harder, he unbuttons his trousers and removes his hard cock. Moving me into position he starts to push his cock into my mouth until he hits the back of my throat making me gag. He then continues to fuck my mouth until tears are streaming down my face.

  “Fuck you feel so good. You're enjoying this aren't you pet.”

  He keeps thrusting into my mouth and his grip is getting tighter in my hair. I can feel the roots pulling at my scalp to the point of pain.

  He pulls out and removes the metal from my mouth. My jaw is aching so I try to relieve it a little by moving it around as much as I can. The chains Jerk again and I’m moving up again until I’m back in the position I was before.

  “You have pleased me pet,” he coos.

  God, I didn’t want to please him. I don’t want to give into him and make him happy. I want to fight. Feeling his hands on my body I know what is coming next.

  “As you have pleased me greatly my pet, I will allow you pleasure.”

  It's not pleasure, it’s my body reacting. I stopped trying to fight it a long time ago. Instead I retreat into my head and ignore what he is doing to me. This is for his pleasure and the weird sickos who will watch the video. This is not for me.

  I let my mind wander to a happy place; to the woods behind the clubhouse. If you follow the slightly hidden trail, you come to a clearing and a lake. It’s so beautiful and peaceful. I can imagine myself with Beau, watching him play in the water like a normal kid, while I relax in the sun on the bank. We would splash round in the shallow part. My dad and Johnny will be there too. Watching them play in the water with Beau. Beau jumping into the water from my dad’s shoulders like he use to do with me when I was little. Then we would enjoy a picnic or a BBQ. BBQ is my favourite and I used to love going to the cookouts at the compounds. Playing and running around with all the other MC brats. The brothers would laugh at us as we would run riot around the compound. The old ladies relaxing in the sun and the few club bunnies that were around would be cooking the food. Even though they were bunnies, they were still part of the family. They were respectful and only went with single brothers. No drama was caused as BJ wouldn’t allow it. He’s a great Prez, or so my dad always said.

  BJ and Pip are like the perfect couple, everyone loves them. You could see how much they loved each other. Pip was always kind and soft but don’t mistake that as weakness. He could put a brother in his place with that fierce look he had and a few choice words.

  I miss those days.

  My body shaking brings me out of my head. He is lowering me to the floor and removed the cuffs from around my wrists and ankles. Stroking my hair slowly, “You did so well my pet. You are beautiful when you come.”

  My body shivers and he smiles thinking this was a good shiver.

  Picking me up off the floor, he carries me from the fun room and to my room. Placing me on the bed, he continues to stroke my hair.

  “Rest now my pet.”

  He leaves the room, closing the door behind him. I know I need to rest and reserve my energy. If I’ve pleased him, I know he won’t let me rest long before he’s back for more.

  Letting my eyes drift close, sleep claims me.

  I must have been asleep for a while as when I wake; the room is just starting to get dark. Taking stock of my body, I noted where hurt the most. Slowly moving from the bed to the mirror, I see the bruising around my throat, around my ankles and wrists. There was bruising on my breasts and bite marks on my shoulders. I turned around to take a look at my back. Winching as I moved, I looked over my shoulder, big red welts sliced across my back. At some point he has come back and cleaned my back and put salve on the broken skin.

  It shocked me more that he had taken the time to care for me. Usually it was Agnes who cleaned me up.

  Making my way to the bathroom, I did my business which was uncomfortable to say the least. I made a hot drink with the mini kitchen in my room and a snack. Curling up in the chair by the window I watched the last of the sun go down. Flicking the lamp on, I thought about Beau and what he was doing now.

  Is he thinking of me? Are we looking at the same sky?

  “Love you to the moon and back baby boy,” I whispered as a tear escaped down my cheek.

  I really hope he’s safe. I’m aware of the shock it will be for Jason to learn he has a son. I just hope I still know him as well as I used to and he takes him in with open arms. I hope he looks after and accepts Agnes too. She’s been the mum I always wished I had. She was as trapped here as I was but he allowed her some freedom thinking she would never leave him. He was wrong and she was just waiting for the right time. He really thought he had broken her enough that she wouldn’t go against him. What a joke! Women are devious by nature. We can plot and plan before we have our revenge. It will be when you least expect it. You see women are stronger than men give credit for. We are no longer the weaker sex that needs to be saved by a white knight like all the fairy tales. I want a dark knight who will sweep me off my feet and stand beside me while we fight our demons together.

  Now that’s a fairy tale!

  The door to my room opens and he walks in. God what does he have planned for me now. He takes my hand and pulls me up from the chair and leads me over to the bed.

  “I trust you feel rested and your back is not too painful my pet.”

  He has never asked me this before; he’s never cared before about my health.

  “Not too painful,” I confirm.

  He pulls the cord of my robe, releasing it and pushing it over my shoulders so it pools around my feet. He’s trailing his fingers down my arms and along my shoulders. Turning me so my back is to him, he gently traces his fingers over the marks on my back causing a hiss to escape my lips. He then slowly and softly kisses each mark on my back. Holding myself as still as possible. His gentleness is freaking me out more than anything he’s ever done. His finger glides along my sides and slowly moves to run along the underside of my breasts. Turning me to the side to face him, he lowers his head and lightly licks my nipple while his other hand finds my other breast and he rolls my nipple between his fingers. “Lay down my pet.”

  Doing as he says I lay down on the bed. He climbs in next to me and continues to shower my breasts with attention.

  “You’re so beautiful Pet. You are even more beautiful when you broke for me.”

  He kisses my nipples before slowly kissing further down. He stops just as he gets to my pelvic. His hand slides down between my legs and slowly enters me.

  “You’re so wet for me my pet. I love how much you enjoy the pleasure I give you.”

  He’s delusional. I know this is my body's natural response and nothing to do with me enjoying anything. His hands on me make my stomach turn and it’s taking everything in me not to be sick on him. He’s moves off the bed and takes his trousers off. Joining me back on the back, he moved between my legs and slowly pushes into me.

  This whole thing feels like sensual love making. I know better; he’s not capable of love. He is a monster, pure evil. Love is something he has no idea about. He can’t love otherwise how could he do the things he does.

  Once he’s finished, he curled himself around me as if were some couple and kisses my shoulder. “You have pleased me greatly my pet.”

  After a few minutes of lying here, he gets up and dresses. With one last look at me and a smile on his face, he leaves me in peace.

  Getting up, I head for the shower as I want to remove all traces of him from me. I scrub my skin until it’s raw. I still feel dirty. I think a part of me will always feel dirty when it comes to things, he has done to me. But it doe
s not define who I am. I am not a victim and he will not affect my life. One day I will be free and he will not be.

  Crawling back into bed after I’ve changed the sheets, I curl up into a ball and dream of life I wish I had with Beau.

  Chapter Ten


  It’s been over a week since Beau came to the compound and every day, he seems to come more and more comfortable with everyone. The guys love him and are always having him do impressions and entertain them. He’s now mine and Tank’s little mascot, following us around. He’s spending time in the garage and has struck a friendship up with Wrench.

  Wrench even bought him his own mini tool kit to keep at the garage and a pair of coveralls with his name on them. First time he wore them, he even wore them to bed he loved them so much. He’s a great kid and I’ve loved getting to know him. Spending time with him has kept me calm while Wire and Webbie have been looking for Carrie.

  Beau asks about his mum all the time and I’ve promised him we are doing everything we can to bring her home to him. His favourite bedtime stories are when he has Tank and me telling him tales from when we were kids and what we all got up to.

  He’s met Johnny and loves him. Johnny spends a lot of time playing with him. Reck bought him a replica Harley similar to my own, his eyes lit up when he gave it to him. He insisted we went for a ride together so we rode round the compound. Beau riding his little electric bike and me on the real thing. Pip managed to snap a photo of us both which she had framed and it is sitting on his nightstand. I have the same photo on mine too, next to the photo I have of Carrie and me.

  Agnes seems to be settling in well. She’s taken to cooking and cleaning for everyone, a little like a house mother as she’s living at the compound. BJ gave her a room at the back away from the noise. Pip also seems to have struck up friendship with her and the two are always found somewhere together. Agnes also seems to be getting close to Reck. I’ve noticed them spending time together.

  I’m currently in the family room with Beau and we are watching a Disney film. We’ve been trying loads of different cartoons and kids films to see what he likes. Jungle book is a favourite of his and he sings along to the songs. Charlie and The Chocolate Factory is also a favourite, but what kid wouldn’t love all that candy and chocolate?

  Pip joins us to watch the film, bringing popcorn with her.

  “BJ’s called church, I’ll sit with him,” she whispers to me.

  Ruffling the kid’s hair “I got church Beau, Pip will watch with you. Be back soon.”

  He looks up grinning at me and cuddles into Pip as I leave and head into church.

  Seems I’m the last one in and quickly take me seat. Looking around; all the brothers seems uneasy. Looking at BJ’s face I can tell what he’s got to say is not good.

  “Okay, Wire came to me today as he and his web friend have been hunting for any trace of Carrie they can find. About an hour ago he came across a video that has been uploaded on a fetish website.”

  Taking a deep breath, he lets what he just said sink in. A fetish website, what the fuck! This is not going to be good. I can feel it already.

  “Wire and his friend are currently working to trace the link of who uploaded the video and where from. Hopefully this will give us a location for Carrie.”

  The brothers all nod.

  “What was the video?”

  “Reck, I knew you or Joker would ask but I would warn against seeing it.”

  I can't help myself, “Have you seen it?”

  He lowers his head and lets out a sigh. I have my answer.

  “Yes, I’ve seen it and I wish I hadn’t.”

  “I wanna see it. I wanna know what they’ve done to my baby girl so when we catch the sick fuck, I can make sure she has her revenge.”

  Prez nods his head like he understands. He presses a button and the television on the wall behind him comes to life. Clear as day I can see Carrie, her head is hanging down and she’s strung to some device but also looks like she's sitting too. She’s naked and does not look good. I can feel the rage building inside of me. Prez presses play.

  I watch the girl I loved as she’s electrocuted and her body defiled while she's unconscious.

  “Stop,” Reck screams out, his head in his hands.

  Unable to help myself I stand and leave church. Heading straight for the bar, I grab the bottle of tequila and take a mouthful straight from the bottle. Feeling the burn run down my throat helps my rage. Few more swigs from the bottle and I head for the family room.

  Beau is playing some game but I scoop him up and hold him close to me. Walking to the corner of the room where the big comfy chair is, I drop down in it. Hold Beau even closer, as if he senses what I need, he wraps his arms around me and holds me just as tightly. This is my undoing; tears stream down my face. I bury my face in his neck and just hold him tight. This grounds me, having him in my arms. I’m not too man enough to admit seeing my girl like that broke my soul. At least she was unconscious and won’t know the sick things he did to her and I didn’t see all the video. I just couldn’t stomach anymore. Reck joins us a little later and holds Beau the same for a while. Then we sit together the three of us watching a film. Beau's head is on my chest but he's holding Reck’s hand and has his little feet touching him as if he’s trying to comfort us both.

  “Tank’s in the gym beating shit out of the bag,” these are the first words Reck has spoken to me. His voice is a little more strained than normal so I know he’s still trying to reign himself in and get control of himself.

  “It’s hard on us all who love her,” I tell him.

  I knew this would affect Tank as much as it did us. He loves Carrie like a sister.

  We sit in silence for a while longer and Beau falls asleep. Lifting him carefully I carry him to bed. On the way Prez stops me.

  “I know that was hard son and if I had my way you wouldn’t have ever seen your girl like that but also, I think it will help when we get her back to understand what happened so we can work out the best way to help her.”

  I know he’s right but it still kills me.

  “Was that the only video?”

  Placing his hand on my shoulder, he looks at me with a sadness I’ve never seen before.

  “Wire just told me a new one was added a few minutes ago.”

  Dropping my head and holding Beau a little tighter.

  “I’ll just put him to bed and be back in church.”

  Prez nods and heads back to church.

  Making my way to Beau’s room I manage to get him in his pyjamas and into bed. His face when he’s asleep looks like an angel. I watch him sleep for a few minutes before I head back down to church.

  Slowly taking my place Tank catches my eye. He does not look like he’s handling this well. His knuckles are bloody and some attempt to patch them up has been made but not well.

  “Tank when were done, have Doc look at your hands,” Prez orders.

  He just nods his head in understanding.

  “Right, another video has been uploaded.”

  Fuck no. I’m not sure I can take another video like the last one.

  The video appears on the screen and shows my girl strung up from the ceiling and the sick bastard with a mask covering his face whipping her. Seeing the pain on her face but she’s not giving him the satisfaction of him knowing she’s in pain. Carrie is strong and I feel so proud of her strength.

  Looking over to Reck I can see he’s barely keeping it together. Suddenly the room is filled with the most harrowing scream. Reck is out of the chair and the chair goes flying across the room into the television just missing Prez. His whole body is vibrating with rage. A rage like no other, he is hulking out.

  I know how he feels. That scream will live with me for the rest of my life.

  Looking around the room the pain, rage and clear desperation is shown on the face of every brother present.

  “It’s clear that video has aff
ected us all greatly. Anyone needs to talk; my door is open.”

  Prez knows as men we will keep a lot inside but somethings are good, healthy even, to talk about and not bottle up.

  Just as everyone settles down, Wire comes into church.

  “We have a possible location.”

  That gets everyone’s attention. Laying a map and photos out on the table, he starts to explain that the videos were uploaded from a farmhouse a few towns over. The details fit what Agnes was able to describe for us.

  “Get Agnes NOW.” Prez says looking directly at Reck, who a few minutes later comes back with Agnes behind him, gripping his hand.

  “You’re not in trouble Agnes; we need your help,” Prez sooths.

  Nodding her head but her body relaxes a little until she notices the pictures on the table. Her whole-body tenses back up and then some. That’s all we needed to know. This is the place. Slowly she makes her way to the table and picks up a photo of the farmhouse.

  “You found it?” her voice is shaky.

  Reck instantly goes to her and wraps his arms around her waist and holds her close. Giving her the support, she needs.

  “Yes, we believe this is where Carrie might be,” replies Prez.

  Nodding her head, she looks to Reck.

  “This is the house we were in, I escaped with Beau through the back and out through the woods to the main road where we walked into town. We hid behind some shops on the main street until the bus came.”

  God, she went through so much to get my son to me safely.

  “Okay thank you Agnes,” said Prez.

  Reck leads a shaking Agnes from church and returns a few moments later.

  “Pip is with her,” he confirms when he comes back.

  “We need a plan; I’ve been looking at the surrounding area and the aerial photos Wire has. We need to split into teams and cover each side of the property. That way we can approach through the woods and have the element of surprise. Wire can you tell if he has any surveillance round the property?” asks Tank.

  Tank takes over as Sergeant At Arms, this is his job and he’s the fucking best at what he does.


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