The World Was Going Our Way

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The World Was Going Our Way Page 85

by Christopher Andrew


  Basindawa, Muhammad Salim

  Basov, Aleksandr Vasilyevich

  Ba‘th party



  see also Saddam Hussein

  Batista, Fulgencio

  Bausin, Lev Alekseyevich

  Bay of Pigs affair

  Bazargan, Mehdi

  Bearden, Milt

  Beer, Yisrael

  Begin, Menachem

  Beirut, KGB residency in



  Belousov, A.

  Belov, Valentin Nikolayevich

  Beltrán, Don Pedro

  Beltrán Prieto [Figueroa], Luis

  Ben Bella, Ahmed

  Bendaña, Alejandro

  Bengal Communist Party

  Ben-Gurion, David

  Benin see Dahomey

  Benjedid, Chadli


  Bergus, Donald

  Beria, Lavrenti Pavlovich

  Berlin, Mitrokhin’s posting to

  Berman, Paul

  BERTRAND (Georgi Ivanovich Kotlyar)

  BESHIR see Bakdash, Khalid

  BESKOV see Arafat, Yasir

  Bevan, Aneurin

  Bezborodovsky State Hunting Ground

  Bhutto, Benazir

  Bhutto, Murtaza

  Bhutto, Zulfikar Ali

  Bil’ak, Vasil

  bin Laden, Osama

  biological warfare, alleged US

  Biqa’ valley

  Bishop, Maurice

  al-Bitar, Salah al-Din

  Bittman, Ladislav

  Black September

  BLYUM (Japanese KGB agent)

  BND (FRG intelligence service)

  BNS (Syrian Bureau of National Security)

  BOAC , Palestinian hijack of

  Bobkov, F. D.

  Bodnara, Emil

  Bodrinskikh, Sergei

  BOGDAN (Aleksandr Iosifovich Lysenko)

  Bogdanov, L. P.

  Bokassa, Colonel Jean Bedel, ‘Emperor’

  BOKER (KGB courier)

  Boland Amendments

  Boldin, Valeri


  Bolshoi Ballet



  terrorist attacks

  Bombay KGB residency

  Bonner, Elena

  Borge, Tomás

  Borisenko, Boris Ivanovich

  Botha, ‘Pik’

  Botha, P. W.

  Bourguiba, Habib

  Boumedienne, Houari

  Boussouf, Abdelhafid

  Bovin, Aleksandr

  BOY (Israeli confidential contact)

  Boyarinov, Colonel Grigori

  Brasilia KGB residency

  BRAT (Japanese Line agent)

  BRAT (Syrian KGB contact)



  see also Congo (Brazzaville) break-up of Soviet bloc

  KGB reaction

  Brezhnev, Leonid Ilyich

  and Afghanistan ; consents to invasion

  and Argentina

  and constitution

  and Cuba


  on economy


  and Guevara

  and India

  and Israel/Zionist conspiracy theories

  and Japan

  and Jewish emigration

  Kazakhstan Party First Secretary

  and Khrushchev’s fall

  and Latin America


  and Mengistu

  and Muslim states

  and Palestinians

  Sharaf’s meeting with

  and Somalia


  and Syria

  and Third World

  and US-Soviet étente


  Brezhneva, Galina

  Brikova, T. K.


  and Aden

  African decolonization

  and Iran

  and China and Hong Kong

  Communist Party of Great Britain

  Cuban DGI operations in

  Government Communications Headquarters

  Intelligence and Security Committee

  and Iraq

  KGB/PDRY intelligence collaboration against

  Lyalin defects to

  Mitrokhin defects to

  S & T intelligence


  SIS plan to assassinate Nasser

  Soviet intelligence officers expelled

  and Suez

  Tel Aviv embassy

  Yom Kippur War intelligence failure

  see also SIS

  BRIZ (codename of Indian newspaper)

  Brockway, Fenner

  Brutents, Karen N.

  Bryaskin (Soviet adviser in Afghanistan)

  Brzezinski, Zbigniew

  Buddhism, Tibetan

  Budnik, S. S.

  Buenos Aires


  by Cubans

  by KGB

  by Shin Bet


  Bukovsky, Vladimir n

  Bulgakov, Mikhail


  see also Markov, Georgi

  Bunting, Sidney P.

  burglary of World Jewish Congress offices


  Burnham, Forbes

  BURNUS, operation


  Buryen, Oleg Petrovich and Zinaida Nikiforovna (DEREVLYOV and DEREVLYOVA)

  Bush, George Herbert Walker

  caches, KGB arms and equipment

  CAESAR see Torres González, General Juan José


  Calcutta KGB residency

  Calliès, General Jean


  Camp David Agreement ()

  Cámpora, Hector José

  ‘Carlos the Jackal’ (Ilich Ramírez Sánchez)

  Carlson, John Roy (pseud. of Aredis Derounian)

  Carlton Caceres, Floyd

  Carpio, Cayetano

  Carringtonh Baron (Peter Carrington)

  Carrión, Luis

  Carter, Jimmy (James Earl)

  and Latin America:

  and Middle East

  and Pakistan and Afghanistan

  and Shcharansky

  Casey, William

  Castro, Fidel

  and Africa;


  and Alekseyev

  on Allende’s death


  CIA assassination attempts

  delusions of grandeur

  and dissent

  and El Salvador

  export of revolution

  and missile crisis

  and Nicaragua

  in Non-Aligned Movement ; as Chairman

  personal politics

  and Polish martial law

  and Prague Spring

  and Reagan’s election

  rise to power

  Torrijos imitates

  UN speech ()

  and US-China étente

  and USSR;

  Brezhnev’s visit; and

  Gorbachev ; KGB contacts ; and


  Soviet distrust of ; visits

  and Yemen

  Castro, Raúl

  visits to USSR

  Castro, Teodoro (pseud. of Iosif Grigulevich)

  Caucasus, North

  see also individual states

  Ceauescu, Nicolae


  Central African Republic

  Central Intelligence Agency, US see CIA

  Challe, General Maurice

  CHAN (Jean Pasqualini)

  Chandra, Romesh

  CHAOS (CIA operation)

  Charan Singh

  Chaudhry, Fazal Ilahi

  Chebrikov, Viktor Mikhailovich

  Chechen-Ingush Republic (Chechnya-Ingushetiya)


  Cheka (predecessor of KGB)

  CHEKH (Ze’ev Avni, born Wolf Goldstein)

  chemical weapons


  Chen Yi, Marshal

  Cheremnykh, V. P.

  Cherepakhin, Viktor Nikolayevich (VLADLEN)

  Cherkashin, Viktor

  Chernenko, Konstantin Ustinovich

  Chernyaev, Anatoli

  chess players

  Chiang Kai-Shek

  Chibás, Eduardo

  CHICORY, operation


  Allende régime

  Communist Party of


  Pinochet régime

  security and intelligence system

  USA and



  active measures against

  and Africa

  agent operations against ; in PRC groups outside China

  atomic bomb

  and Britain

  and Burma

  Cultural Revolution

  death of Mao

  Deng Xiaoping’s emergence as leader

  émigrés in Stalin’s Terror

  Gang of Four

  Great Leap Forward

  and Hong Kong

  illegals in

  and Indonesia

  influence in Third World

  intelligence collaboration with USSR

  KGB attitude to

  Khrushchev and

  laogai labour camps

  Maoism and cult of Mao

  nuclear installations

  and PDRY

  SIGINT against

  Soviet attitudes to population

  Soviet relations with: intelligence collaboration; split

  and Tibet

  China - cont.

  US rapprochement

  invades Vietnam

  Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region

  see also Mao Zedong and under Bangladesh; India; Japan; Pakistan; terror

  Chinese Nationalist régime

  Chipendra, Daniel

  CHIZHOV (Anatoli Nikolayevich Kocheskov)

  Chronicle of Current Events (samizdat journal)

  CHUB (Austrian KGB agent)

  Chubakhin, Dmitri

  CHUK (PFLP terrorist)

  Chukhrov, V. A.

  Chungara, Khoja Shir-Aga (ABAY)

  Churbanov, General Yuri

  Church, Russian Orthodox

  KGB residency in Jerusalem mission

  Churchill, Sir Winston

  CIA (US Central Intelligence Agency)


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