The World Was Going Our Way

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The World Was Going Our Way Page 86

by Christopher Andrew

  active measures against; in Afghanistan; in Africa ; in India ; in Iran; in Pakistan and Bangladesh

  and Afghanistan

  Agee’s defection

  Ames as KGB agent in

  and Angola

  assassination attempts: Castro ; Hekmatyar

  CHAOS operation

  and Chile

  conspiracy theories on ; Indira Gandhi’s

  and Cuba

  ‘dirty tricks’ exposed

  Forty Committee and

  and India

  and Iran

  and Iraqi invasion of Kuwait

  Kuzichkin’s intelligence passed to

  and Levchenko’s defection

  and Mexico

  on Mitrokhin’s archive

  and Nicaragua

  and Pakistan

  and Panama

  and Peru

  PFLP operations against

  sabotage offensive, alleged

  and Sadat

  Sakharov as agent

  and Syria

  US public criticism of

  and Vietnam protests

  and Yom Kippur War

  cipher personnel


  in KGB residency organization

  Circus, Moscow State

  CISPES (Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador)

  civil liberties

  KGB and domestic

  see also dissidents; terror

  Coard, Bernard


  COCOM (Co-ordinating Committee for East-West Trade)

  codenames, KGB

  Cogan, Charles ‘Chuck’

  Cohen, Aharon

  Colby, William collaboration, intelligence

  with China

  on counter-terrorism, with West

  with Cuban DGI

  with PDRY

  with Peruvian SIN

  Soviet bloc network


  COLLINS (KGB contact in ZAPU)




  Committee of Information (KI)

  Communist International

  Communist Manifesto, The

  Communist Parties



  El Salvador (Partido Comunista Salvadoreño)

  Latin American

  Muslim members




  see also Communist Party of the Soviet Union and under Afghanistan; Argentina; Bangladesh; Britain; Chile; Cuba; Egypt; France; India; Iran (Tudeh Party); Iraq; Japan; Lebanon; Pakistan; South Africa; Syria; United States of America

  Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU)

  Central Committee

  General Department

  International Department of Central Committee; and Africa ; and Cuba; and Egyptian CP; and Syria

  Party Congresses: Twentieth (); Twenty-fourth (); Twenty-fifth (); Twenty-Sixth () ; Twenty-seventh ()

  Programme ()

  Communist University of the Toilers of the East (KUTV)

  Conference of Independent States of Africa

  confidential contacts, policy on

  Congo (Brazzaville) (Congo Republic)

  Congo (Kinshasa) (Republic of the Congo)

  Congress Party see under India

  Congress of the Peoples of the East, Baku ()

  conspiracy theories

  over Afghanistan

  break-up of USSR as US plot

  French, against USA and UK, over Algeria

  in India, against USA; see

  also under Gandhi, Indira of Islamic conspiracy

  Khomeini’s susceptibility to

  and Khrushchev’s Cuban policy

  Leonov and

  Mao and

  Nkrumah blames overthrow on CIA

  on Sadat’s visit to Israel

  Shah’s susceptibility to

  Stalin and

  Syrian leaders’ susceptibility

  on Torrijos’ death as CIA plot

  in USA

  see also under CIA; Zionism

  constitution, ‘Brezhnev’

  Contras, Nicaraguan

  Contreras Bell, Miria (MARTA, ‘La Payita’)

  Contreras Sepulveda, General Manuel

  control, social Cuba

  Soviet Union and Russia

  Convention Muslim League, Pakistan

  Convention People’s Party, Ghana

  cooperation, intelligence see collaboration

  Co-ordinating Committee for East-West Trade (COCOM)

  Coral Sea, Israeli tanker


  Asia ; see also under India; Japan; Pakistan

  Brezhnev family’s alleged Zaire

  Corvalán Lepe, Luis (SHEF)

  Costa Rica

  Council Muslim League, Pakistan

  counter-terrorism, collaboration on

  coups ’état, Moscow KGB-assisted abortive

  Crimean Tatars

  cruise missiles, US

  Cruz Arguello, Rigoberto (GABRIEL)

  Cuba () (-)

  and Africa ; in Angola ; in Ethiopia

  Agee defects to

  Allende and

  and Argentina

  arms purchases

  Bay of Pigs affair

  Committees for the Defence of the Revolution


  CIA attempts to destabilize

  Communist Party (Partido Socialista Popular, PSP)

  covert Soviet arms supplies sent through

  and Czechoslovakia

  Departamento América (DA)

  Dirección General de Inteligencia (DGI) ; collaboration with KGB ; illegals ; internal surveillance

  Dirección de Liberación Nacional (DLN)


  and El Salvador

  export of revolution

  and GDR

  in Gorbachev era

  and Grenada

  KGB residency

  and Mexico

  missile bases, Soviet

  New Left admiration for

  and Nicaragua

  one-party state

  and Panama

  Partido del Pueblo Cubano

  and PDRY

  and Peru

  and USSR: ; Soviet ambassadors

  and USA


  see also Castro, Fidel

  Cunhal, Álvaro

  currency exchange, unofficial



  arms dealings

  Chinese embassy

  and Cuba

  Prague Spring ; suppression

  StB (security and intelligence service)

  Dabengwa, Dumiso

  Dadoo, Yusuf

  DAG (KGB agent in Dahomey)



  Dalai Lama

  Damansky island, Ussuri river


  Dange, S. A.

  Das Gupta, Promode

  Daoud, Muhammad

  Daultana, Mian Mumtaz

  DAVEY (Japanese KGB agent)

  Davis, Moshe

  Davis, Nathaniel

  Dawson Island, Magellan Straits

  Dawson’s Field, Jordan

  De Beers Corporation

  Debray, Régis

  deception operations military, before invasion of Afghanistan

  see also active measures; forgery

  decolonization in Africa

  decorations and awards, Soviet see Heroes of the Soviet Union; Lenin Peace Prize; Order of the Red Banner

  DED (CPI official)

  Dedyulya, I. P.


  ballet dancers

  see also individual names

  DEFEKTORand, operations

  defence industry, and S & T intelligence

  Degtiar, M. V.

  Dekatov, Anatoli

  de Klerk, F. W.

del Valle, Sergio

  demonstrations, KGB-organized

  Deng Xiaoping

  DENIS (Japanese KGB agent)

  dependency theory

  DEPO (active measures fund in India)

  deportations, Stalin’s

  DEREVLYOV and DEREVLYOVA (Oleg Petrovich and Zinaida Nikiforovna Buryen)

  Derounian, Aredis (pseud. John Roy Carlson)

  Desai, Morarji

  D’Escoto, Miguel

  DESERT STORM, operation

  Destu, Asrat

  détente, East-West



  DFLP (Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine)

  DGI see under Cuba

  Dhar, P. N.


  Dias, Giocondo

  DIE (Romanian foreign intelligence service)

  Diestel, Peter-Michael

  DIK (KGB agent in JSP)

  al-Din, Tarazi Salah (IZZAT)

  diplomatic communications, operations against bags SIGINT; India; Japan; Middle East

  diplomats, entrapment of

  DISA (Direção de Informação e Segurança de Angola)

  disarmament and arms limitation

  disinformation see active measures; forgery

  disintegration of Soviet bloc

  KGB reaction


  Castro’s intolerance of

  FSB and

  Japanese ambassador in Moscow contacting

  KGB and

  samizdat publications

  Syrian persecution

  see also individual names

  DITA (Israeli KGB agent) n

  Dityayev, D. A.

  Dmitrov, Georgi

  Dnepropetrovsk Oblast KGB

  Dobrynin, Anatoli

  dock, floating

  DODZH (KGB agent in Dahomey)

  Doe, Samuel

  Dominican Republic

  DOROZHKA (codename for DRG landing areas)

  Dorticós, Osvaldo

  Dragulis, P. Y.

  Dreifus, Claudia

  DRGs (diversionnye razvedyvatelnye gruppy, sabotage and intelligence groups)

  DRU (Dirección Revolucionaria Unida), El Salvador

  drug trafficking

  DST (French security service)

  Duarte, José Napoleón

  Dubs, Adolph ‘Spike’

  Dudayev, Djokhar

  Duffy, H.

  DUG (Japanese KGB agent)

  Dulaymi, Nazibah

  Dulles, John Foster


  Dushin, N. A.

  DVIN (Pakistani KGB agent)

  Dylan, Bob; ‘Ballad of Student Dissent’

  DYUK (KGB contact in Ethiopia)

  Dzerzhinsky, Feliks Edmundovich

  statue in Moscow

  Dzhirkvelov, Ilya

  eavesdropping see bugging

  Echevarría Alvarez, Luis


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