Book Read Free

The World Was Going Our Way

Page 88

by Christopher Andrew


  Haddad, Dr Wadi (NATSIONALIST)

  al-Hafiz, General Amin


  Hagerty, James

  Haig, Alexander

  Haile Selassie, Emperor of Ethiopia

  Haj (pilgrimage) to Mecca

  Haksar, Parmeshwar Narain


  al-Hamdi, Lt Colonel Ibrahim

  Handal, Farid

  Handal, Schafik

  hard-liners, Moscow

  abortive coup ()

  Harel, Isser

  Hartvig, Harri Ilmari (UNTO)

  Hasan, Abu Sayid (GULYAM)

  al-Hasan, Hani

  Hassan , King of Morocco

  Hawatmeh, Nayif (INZHENER)

  Hay Imam (Sufi saint)

  Heathrow Airport

  Hekmatyar, Gulbuddin

  Helms, Richard

  Helwan steel works, Egypt

  Herat; rebellion

  Heroes of the Soviet Union

  hijacking of aircraft

  Hitler, Adolf

  Hizb-i-Islami (Islamic Party), Afghan

  Ho Chi-Minh (Nguyen Ai Quac)

  Hobsbawm, Eric

  Holden, David


  Honecker, Erich

  honey traps

  Hong Kong

  HOOVER (Hirohide Ishida)

  Horne, Alistair


  OPEC oil ministers in Vienna

  US diplomatic personnel in Iran

  see also hijacking of aircraft

  Hoveyda, Amir Abbas

  Huang Hua

  human rights

  see also dissidents; terror

  Human Rights Watch


  arms dealings

  Carlos the Jackal based in

  AVH (security and intelligence agency)

  uprising ()

  Hurriya (DFLP journal)

  Hussein, King of Jordan

  HVA (GDR foreign intelligence service)


  IADL (International Association of Democratic Lawyers)

  IBIS, operation

  Iceland, Mitrokhin’s posting to

  ideological agents

  ideological subversion

  IDEYA (codename of Indian newspaper)

  IGROK (Provisional IRA representative in Algiers)


  in China

  in Cuba

  in Iran

  Mitrokhin identifies

  see also FCD (DIRECTORATES, S)

  ILYIN (KGB agent in Israel)

  IMAM (Lieut-Colonel Makhmud)

  imperialism, Western

  active measures against

  blamed for Soviet setbacks in Third World

  Coca-Cola as symbol

  dependency theory

  Khrushchev’s rhetoric against

  Latin American resentment

  NAM denunciation

  USA as leader

  Vietnam War unites opposition to

  see also conspiracy theories

  IMPULS radio stations

  IND (Indian KGB agent)


  active measures in ; in press ; Service A forgeries

  Brezhnev’s visits

  and China

  CIA and

  Committee for Democratic Action

  Communist Parties, regional

  Communist Party of India (CPI) ; and Indira Gandhi ; Soviet subsidies

  Communist Party of India, Marxist (CPM)

  Congress Party: decline and fall ; Forum for Socialist Action; schisms ; Soviet funding ; supremacy; Syndicate


  emergency ()

  under Gandhis: Indira ; Rajiv

  intelligence services

  Janata government

  KGB penetration of government

  KGB residency

  military aircraft

  in Non-Aligned Movment

  Nehru era

  and Pakistan ; wars


  Sikh separatism

  Soviet arms supplies

  Soviet special relationship

  Stalin and

  and USA

  Indian Ocean, Soviet navy in

  Indo-China, former French


  industrialization, Soviet

  Ingush people

  see also Chechen-Ingush Republic

  INO (Soviet foreign intelligence department)

  Intelligence and Security Commitee, UK

  International Association of Democratic Lawyers

  International Department see under Communist Party of the Soviet Union

  International Petroleum Company

  INU (Soviet foreign intelligence department)

  INZHENER (Nayif Hawatmeh)

  Iqbal Khan, Lieut-General Muhammad

  IRA (Irish Republican Army)




  active measures and

  and Afghanistan

  and Baluchistan


  and Iraq; war ()

  Islamic revolution

  Israeli intelligence and military cooperation

  KGB intelligence collection

  Khomeini régime


  Kuzichkin’s defection

  oil industry

  and Pakistan

  Politburo special commission on

  sabotage in

  security and intelligence see SAVAK

  Shah’s régime

  Tudeh (Communist) Party

  and USA;

  hostage crisis;

  Iran-Contra scandal

  World War Soviet occupation

  Iran-Contra scandal


  arms supplies from USSR

  Communist Party

  invasion of Kuwait ()

  and Iran; war ()

  Kurdish rebellion

  Leonov’s assessment ()

  under Saddam Hussein

  Soviet relations with

  and Syria

  and United Arab Republic

  Irish Republican Army see IRA

  ISAYEYEV (Vietnamese intelligence officer)

  ISC (UK Intelligence and Security Commitee)

  Ishida, Hirohide (HOOVER)

  Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries

  ISKANDER (signal device)

  ISKRA (codename of Latin American sabotage and intelligence groups)

  Iskra (newspaper)

  ISKUL-(radio transmitter)


  h anniversary ()

  active measures and


  ‘Alawi sect


  in Caucasus

  conspiracy theories

  corruption of political élites

  deportations under Stalin

  Gorbachev and

  hierarchy: official ; unofficial

  Iranian revolution


  and national identity

  persecution in USSR


  private practice of religion

  rising proportion of population

  Soviet, and Afghan war

  Sufi brotherhoods


  Supreme World Council of Mosques


  underground publications


  Islamizdat publications

  Isma’il, ‘Abd al-Fattah


  active measures and

  Andropov and

  Bulgarian agents in

  diplomatic relations severed by USSR

  and Egypt: hostilities ; peace process

  and FRG

  illegals, KGB

  intelligence and security services

  Iranian intelligence and military cooperation

  KGB and

  and Kurds in Iraq

  and Lebanon; invasion

Palestinian attacks on

  security problems

  Soviet Jews and;

  emigration to

  in Stalin era

  US special relationship

  see also Arab-Israeli Wars; Mapam; Zionism; and under Egypt; Syria

  Ito, Shigero (GRACE)

  Itskov, A. N.

  Ivan , the Terrible, Tsar

  Ivanov, General Boris

  Ivanovsky, General Yevgeni

  IZOT (Brazilian KGB agent)

  IZZAK (Tarazi Salah al-Din)

  JACK (Japanese KGB agent)

  Jadid, Salah

  Jakobovits, Dr Immanuel

  Jalalabad airport



  Janata Party, India


  active measures

  agents in

  and China

  Communist Party ; pro-Moscow minority faction


  diplomatic communications exploited

  Foreign Ministry, KGB agents in

  Gorbachev and

  Japanese Socialist Party

  Kuriles disputed with USSR


  Parliamentary Japanese-Soviet Friendship Association

  police communications

  residency budget

  sabotage plans

  scientific and technical intelligence

  and USA

  and USSR

  Jaruzelski, General Wojciech

  Jatti, B. D.

  Jehovah’s Witnesses

  Jerusalem; KGB residency

  Jewish Agency

  Jewish Defense League

  Jews, Soviet

  emigration to Israel

  ‘Jewish doctors’ plot’

  purges, exclusion and persecution


  Jiang Qing

  Jibril, Ahmad (MAYOROV)

  JIMMY (KGB illegal in Tokyo)

  John Paul , Pope

  Johnson, Lyndon B.


  Jumblatt, Kamal

  Jumblatt, Walid

  al-Jundi, Abd al-Karim

  Jung Chang

  Kabanov, Boris


  Kabul Radio

  Kadar, Janos

  Kahane, Meir

  KALIF (Bangladeshi minister, KGB agent)

  Kalmyk people

  Kalugin, Oleg

  on India

  KAMUS (Japanese KGB agent)


  KANDI (Japanese KGB agent)

  Kang Sheng


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