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Uncrushable (Forehead Kisses #3)

Page 15

by Abby Reynolds

  Dude, you never come out with us anymore. You don’t even play ball.

  Well, I’ve been busy.

  Don’t be a pussy and come out with us.

  That’s a good way to convince me.

  You act like an old married man. Ditch Keira. She’s annoying anyway.

  I smirked. He said so many mean things about Keira but it was obvious how much he loved her. When I tell her what you said she’s going to kick your ass.

  I’d like to see her try.

  Keira noticed me texting away. “The guys want to go out tonight?”

  “Yeah.” I put my phone away. “But I don’t want to hang.”

  She eyed me until I looked at her. “Liam, go out with your friends.”

  “I like being with you.”

  The seriousness was in her eyes. “Liam, you can leave me alone. I’ll be fine.”

  She saw right through me.

  “I can take care of myself, and there’s nothing to protect me from. Now go out with your friends and have a good time. We can watch TV any other time.”


  “Go. Now.”

  I smirked at the aggression in her voice. “Come with me.”

  “No. You need a guy’s night out. Drink some beer and have fun.”

  “I feel bad leaving you here all alone.”

  “I have plenty to do. Don’t worry about me.”

  It was clear she wouldn’t change her mind.

  “I’ll drop you off and pick you up so you don’t have to worry about driving.”

  “I’m not going to get drunk,” I argued.

  “Well, you should. Live a little.”

  “You’re one to talk,” I teased.

  She smirked. “Come on. It’s a Saturday night with the guys. It’ll be fun.”

  I still felt nervous leaving her. “You’re sure?”

  “Positive.” She stood up and snatched the car keys. “Now let’s go.”

  Keira parked in the parking lot and waited for me to get out.

  “Call me if you need anything.”


  I leaned across my truck and gave her a kiss. “Anything at all.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Shut up and go.”

  I laughed at the irritated look on her face. “Sorry.”

  “It’s okay. Have a good time.”

  “I’ll call you in a few hours.”


  I kissed her forehead before I got out of the truck. After I shut the door, I sighed. With one more look at her, I walked inside the bar.

  “Wow…he actually showed up,” Bran said sarcastically.

  “I guess he can leave his wife at home after all,” Tony added.

  “Thank god,” Scotty said. “I’m sick of being stuck with these two idiots.”

  “Shut up, hens.” I headed to the bar and ordered a beer. Then I came back and sat down.

  “Don’t you get sick of her?” Bran asked. “She’s cute and all, but—”

  The glare I shot at him made him shut his mouth. “When you find the right girl, you’ll prefer to be home all night too.”

  “Maybe if she’s good in bed,” Bran said.

  “And super hot,” Tony said.

  “And quiet,” Scotty added.

  I rolled my eyes and drank half my beer. I couldn’t remember the last time I had any alcohol.

  Scotty watched me. “Someone’s thirsty.”

  “I can’t have sweets or alcohol when I train,” I explained.

  “You’re doing it now,” Bran noted.

  “Keira told me to get drunk and live a little.” I smiled thinking about her.

  Tony nodded. “She’s a wise woman.”

  Scotty gave me a serious look. “How is she?”

  I knew what he was really asking. No one knew Keira’s situation but us. “Really well. She practically kicked me out of the house.”

  Scotty’s body visibly relaxed. “Good. I’m glad to hear that.”

  Tony looked across the bar. “Look who’s here.”

  I glanced over my shoulder and saw Adrianna.

  Just looking at her pissed me off.

  Fear came into her eyes and she darted out of the bar, staying clear of me.

  “Damn, Keira really scared her off,” Bran said with a laugh. “That woman is a badass.”

  “I taught her everything she knows,” I said proudly.

  “Well, let’s hope the apprentice doesn’t take out the master,” Scotty teased.

  “Impossible.” I finished my beer then ordered another one.

  “That isn’t water,” Scotty said with a laugh.

  I shrugged. “I forgot how good it tasted.”

  We talked about the basketball game the night before. Then our conversation drifted to girls, like usual.

  “San Diego is huge, but I feel like I’ve banged all the girls already,” Scotty said. “Every time I corner a girl at a bar, I realize I already slept with her.”

  “You should get tested for STD’s,” Bran said seriously. “And don’t ever share a drink with me.”

  Scotty rolled his eyes. “We need new talent around here.”

  “If you start traveling for fights, you’ll find a whole demographic,” I said as I drank my beer.

  Scotty’s eyes lit up. “Really?”

  “Yep. And they love fighters.” I couldn’t count the number of girls I hooked up on the road. They were easy prey.

  “Shit, I’m going to be a fighter too,” Bran said.

  Tony laughed. “Yeah, good luck with that. Keira could kick your ass.”

  “No, she couldn’t,” Bran argued.

  “My money is on Keira,” Scotty said. “When she gets pissed off, she turns into the Hulk. One time I forgot to water her plants and it was World War III at the house.”

  I smiled, thinking about that angry look on her face. There were few things she cared about, and her garden was at the top of the list. Money and possessions never mattered to her.

  We discussed the end of the semester and our pitiful grades. Scotty never talked about school. I wasn’t sure if he liked it or loathed it. He was open about certain things, but closed off like a seashell about other topics. Like Keira, he was a bit of an enigma.

  When I finished my third beer, I felt my mind start to buzz. I usually had a high tolerance for alcohol, but not drinking for several months made me flatline.

  “Give me your keys.” Scotty extended his hand. “You’re not fit to drive.”

  “Keira is picking me up,” I explained.

  “Cool.” He took his hand back.

  Bran eyed a group of girls who walked in. “Fuck, look at the talent.”

  Everyone looked except me.

  “I like the brunette,” Tony said. “I’m into the smoky eye make up shit.”

  “I call the blonde,” Bran said.

  “I’ll take what’s left over,” Scotty said. “Because they are all fucking hot.”

  I finished the rest of my beer and stared at the TV.

  “It’s not against the law to look,” Bran jabbed.

  “I don’t look because I don’t want to,” I said simply. “And I don’t care.”

  Bran rolled his eyes. “Whatever.”

  “I’m going for it,” Scotty said.

  I raised my hand. “Dude, chill. Play it cool for a few minutes.”

  “I’ve gotten as much pussy as you have,” Scotty snapped. “I know what I’m doing.”

  “And you would get more if you took my advice,” I said darkly.

  “What does he know?” Tony said. “Now he’s tied down with a wife.”

  The wife jokes didn’t bother me. Keira made me happy, happier than I ever was when I was single. When they found the right girl, they’ll realize how empty and hollow their current existences are.

  Scotty eyed the door and then his eyes narrowed in anger. His shoulders tensed and his scowl deepened.

  Curious, I looked behind me to see what instilled such a change w
ithin him.


  He walked inside with his guys. There were five of them altogether, walking inside like they owned the place. When one guy passed the group of girls, he swatted her on the ass and winked before he kept walking.

  “Fucker,” Scotty said darkly.

  Crow found a table with his guys, and when the waitress came over they blatantly stared at her tits while they ordered. As soon as she walked away, he made rude gestures with his hands.

  “Maybe we should leave before he sees Liam,” Bran said.

  “I’m not scared of anything.” I stayed in my seat, not moving. “He would never fight me head-on because he knows he’ll lose.”

  Scotty kept eyeing their table. “He sees you.”

  I turned in my seat and stared him down.

  The fury was in his eyes and he didn’t look pleased by my presence. He sipped his beer with a clenched jaw then turned his direction to the TV, ignoring me.

  “That went better than I thought,” Scotty said.

  “He knows he would just embarrass himself again.” I leaned back in my chair then watched the waitress put another beer in front of me. “That’s it for me.”

  “Sure.” She headed back to the bar.

  “You may as well finish that one,” Scotty said with a shrug. “You already paid for it.”

  I probably shouldn’t but since I wasn’t driving I didn’t see why it mattered. I took a few sips while the guys started checking out the girls again.

  “Alright, we need a plan of attack,” Bran said.

  “No,” Scotty argued. “We just walk up to them and start talking. It’s really not that hard.”

  “I don’t know about you, but I really wanted to get laid tonight,” Tony said. “I can’t afford any fuck-ups.”

  I didn’t miss being single at all.

  They talked about their strategy for several minutes.

  “You need to make your move soon,” I said. “Some other guy will make the steal.”

  Scotty glanced at Crow then turned back to me. “Maybe we should just stay here…”

  I shook my head. “No. He won’t bother me. And if he did, he’d regret it.”

  “Are you sure, man?” Bran asked.

  “Yeah, I’m good.” I felt a little dizzy from all my beers. “I think I’m going to head out anyway. As much fun as it is to see you pick up on chicks, I have my lady waiting at home for me.”

  Tony rolled his eyes. “You don’t need to remind us.”

  I pulled out my phone and texted Keira. I’m ready whenever you are.

  You better be drunk when I get there.

  I smiled. Pretty much am.

  I’m on my way.

  I put my phone in my pocket. “Keira is coming. Now go catch some tail.”

  Scotty clapped my shoulder. “Don’t mind if I do.”

  The guy left the table and headed to the girls in the corner. I pulled out my wallet and left my share of the bill. After I watched the TV for a while, I downed my beer and decided to wait for Keira outside. The guys were distracted by the girls they were pursuing, and I didn’t want to sit alone so a girl could try to make a pass at me. Without saying goodbye, I walked out the door and headed to the parking lot.

  I was off balance and a little confused. The lights from the streetlamps were blurry. I couldn’t remember the last time I drank this much. But I didn’t regret it. It was nice to go out with the guys again, to relax and break the rules a little bit. The fact Keira felt safe being home alone made me feel better. I assumed she wouldn’t want to be alone ever. But I was glad she was being strong about the whole situation. Her strength surprised me every day.

  I heard footsteps behind me. When I turned, a hand grabbed my shoulder and yanked me to the ground.

  “What the fuck…?” I hit the pavement then looked up.

  Crow was grinning down at me like a murderer. “What are the odds of running into you like this?”

  I moved to my feet but one of his thugs pushed me back to the ground. My balance was off and the vertigo was making the ground spin underneath me. There were four guys with him, making it five to one. “You’re such a fucking coward. You’re bigger than me but you still can’t defeat me. So you have your friends help you corner me in a parking lot when I’m drunk because you’re such a damn pussy.”

  The ferocity burned in his eyes. Quicker than my sluggish mine could process, he kicked me right in the face. My head jerked back and the blood dripped from my nose. I felt the pain but it was numbed due to the alcohol in my system. “You really shouldn’t talk like that when you are in this position.”

  I spit the blood out.

  “Beg me to let you go and I will.” He stared me down, waiting for me to say it. “Tell me you’re scared.”

  “I’m not.”

  He kicked me in the face again.

  My body fell into the pavement, hitting me right in the shoulder.

  “Say it or this will be extremely painful.”

  I was sick of this bullshit. Drunk or not, I was kicking this guy’s ass. I climbed to my feet then took my defensive stance. “You. Are. A. Pussy.”

  His eyes popped in rage. “Hold him.”

  I prepared for them to move toward me.

  One guy grabbed my arm but I twisted out of his grasp and punched him in the chin. My moves were slower than they usually were. My reflexes were almost non-existent. I was grabbed from behind and then an arm hooked around my throat. I kicked behind me, hitting the guy right in the nuts. He stumbled back and groaned.

  The two other guys gripped me, and when the others recovered they yanked me down to my knees, holding me in place. I may have been able to take them if I was sober, but being drunk I couldn’t think straight. I tried to move from their hold but I couldn’t.

  Crow gave me an evil smirk. “This is going to be fun.” He gave me a savage kick to my stomach.

  I groaned and leaned over, feeling a rib crack. Not only did I feel it, I heard it. “You’re pathetic.” I looked back at him and gave him a fierce gaze. “You think this makes you stronger than me? You’re even weaker than I gave you credit for.”

  “Tell me you’re scared and I’ll stop this.”

  I looked him straight in the eye. “I’ll never be afraid of a weasel like you.”

  He clenched his jaw then slugged me in the face. He hit me repeatedly, his fist hitting me in the eye over and over. I felt it swell then shut. Blood poured down my face and my chest started to hurt. My lungs started to ache.

  “You look like shit.” Crow spat in my face.

  I felt it drip off of me.

  “You’re ready to die in this alley?”

  “You couldn’t kill me.” I refused to be afraid. He could take my body but he could never take my mind.

  “We’ll see about that.” He kicked me in the stomach three times, digging hard into me.

  I gasped but didn’t scream. I knew we were in the parking lot so someone was bound to see us eventually. The guys were still talking to those girls so they probably didn’t even notice my absence.

  He hit me in the face again.

  I was growing weak. My body was starting to fail me. I was going to black out and then I would have no idea what they were doing to me. Maybe I would die in this parking lot, loose so much blood that I couldn’t go on anymore.

  “Beg me to let you go!” Crow stared me down.

  I leaned forward, unable to hold myself up. “Go fuck yourself.”

  His body tensed in irritation. Then he prepared to kick me again.

  But the kick never came.

  “What the fuck?” Crow had an arm hooked around his neck and his knees were kicked out from under him. He fell to the pavement, still trying to breathe. He gasped and tried to scream.

  Through my one eye I could see my savior.


  The anger was in her eyes while she choked him.

  “Get her, you idiots,” Crow barked.

  I could deal with the pai
n. I could even die. But I couldn’t let Keira get hurt. “Run! Now!”

  One of the guys advanced to her, ready to tackle her.

  “No!” I tried to fight their hold but I was too weak.

  Keira saw him then stepped back, her body facing him. Her fists were pulled to her chin, and she watched every move he made. Crow was on the ground, trying to catch his breath. Her opponent studied her then lunged in. Keira blocked his reach and jabbed him in the nose. While he was distracted, she kneed him in the groin then tripped his feet.

  “Fuck.” He cupped his balls while he whimpered on the ground.

  All three of the guys released me, ready to move for her.

  I was weaker than a child and I could barely stay conscious. With the remaining strength I had, I grabbed one of the guy’s legs and yanked it from under him, making him fall. Then I crawled on top of him. She might be able to take on two guys, but certainly not three. “Keira, run! Call the cops and run.”

  She ignored me, her body prepared for the fight.

  Both guys circled her.

  “Take her out and beat the shit out of her.” Crow stumbled to his feet.

  Keira stayed calm and dodged one guy, hitting him in the back of the neck when he passed. Then she punched the other guy in the throat.

  “Baby, run!”

  She held her ground.

  Both guys stared at her hesitantly.

  “She must have a black belt or something,” one guy muttered.

  “She’s still a girl,” the other snapped. “We’ll take her down easily.”

  They both rushed her at the same time. Keira punched the first one, making his head snap back. But the other got a hold of her.

  “Stop moving, bitch.” He tried to hold her steady but she kept flailing.

  Crow advanced to her, but I left my guy and tripped him.

  “Don’t come near her,” I threatened.

  Crow growled then hit me in the face.

  Keira head-butted her guy but she couldn’t get loose.

  “She’s feisty…I like it.”

  I saw red. I was going to kill this guy and bury him.

  “Keira!” Scotty sprinted around the corner, the same fire in his eyes that burned in my own.

  Thank god.


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