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Twisted Fate (A Twisted Fairy Tale Book 1)

Page 25

by Ace Gray

  “I’ve got something else for you,” he said as he uncurled and unzipped his pants.

  Kneeling put him at mouth level and he pulled out his cock.

  “He can fuck your mouth right, Ladyface?” Cole asked as he shoved into me and stayed there.

  I couldn’t answer. Hell, I could barely move, constricted by that amount of muscle. So I closed my eyes and nodded as best I could manage.

  Horse pushed in unceremoniously. I felt his soft tip against my lips just seconds before the mouthful hit the back of my throat. Whether it was my imagination or reality, Horse seemed to hit the belt. I tried to moan again but this time the sound was even more trapped than before.

  “For a second I thought this was gone. That you both were.” Horse’s words turned into moans.

  He palmed my tit as he picked up to a punishing pace. Cole leaned in and kissed his shoulder then picked up speed to match.

  My skin was on fire. It was a vague reflection of how my insides felt. The fabric of Horse’s pants brushed against my skin as his hands kneaded on me. His finger pinched on my nipple and he started twisting. I jerked at the touch and Cole snarled at the way I went rigid against him.

  “What in the fuck are you doing?” Conrad shrieked from the door and I froze again.

  I’d been too far gone to realize he was missing.

  “It’s called fucking. You should try it sometime.” Cole’s voice was liquid sex and I trembled beneath him.

  “You’re tag teaming my best friend!” His voice was the obscenely high note that only dogs could hear. I wanted to smack him. “And I thought I wanted to kill you for almost murdering that insane chick.”

  The room went icy when Conrad brought up Siobhan. I was stuck with a mouthful but the tightness at my throat disappeared. A moment later Cole pulled out of me and leisurely strolled over to Conrad. His hand flew to his throat and he pinned him to the wall.

  “We aren’t tag-teaming her. We’re with her.”

  Conrad ground his teeth where Cole held him. “You want this?” he spat at Horse.

  “I want everything in this room. And each for a special, unique reason.” Horse twisted and fell from my mouth.

  “It’s disgusting,” Conrad shouted.

  “It’s us. It’s all of us,” Horse defended.

  “I’m out.” Conrad threw his hands up.

  “If you walk out that door, you’re walking out on all of us.” I kept my voice quiet but put weight behind each word.

  “You need to watch,” Cole added.

  “And if I refuse?” He leveled his gaze at Cole.

  “You’re gonna watch, and you’re going to like it. Because I said so,” Cole snarled at him just before he grabbed Conrad by the throat and thudded him against the wall.

  “Yeah? And who died and made you king?”

  “No one. Have you seen my dick? I am king.”

  “You’re nice looking and all. I mean, I could definitely hang a load of clothes out to dry on your line, but I’ll take Horse. Any day. And seven times on Sunday.” Conrad crossed his arms while Cole held him, managing to huff despite the circumstances. Horse moved closer to the both of them but didn’t quite know what to do.

  “No, I’ll take Horse.” Cole let go of Conrad and reached for Horse’s shoulder, guiding him to the ground.

  “Make it good. Make him fucking jealous,” Cole whispered as he leaned in, never taking his eyes from Conrad.

  He wove his hands into Horse’s dark locks as his dick danced against Horse’s full pout before he pulled him in. I could imagine the feel of Cole deep down my throat and my hand automatically went to my neck.

  Horse’s big hands wrapped around Cole’s body to grasp onto his ass. For a few swallows Cole let him control the rhythm of their movements but then Cole took over. He slammed the pile of muscle that was Horse up against the wall, right next to Conrad who hadn’t moved except to cover his shocked and wide open mouth. Otherwise, he watched unflinchingly.

  My hand wandered down between my thighs, unable to stop itself. Cole in control was a beautifully terrifying thing to watch. Every inch of my being remembered what it was like to be tossed, every inch of me craved it. I groaned when I hit my mark.

  “Told you I was king. Don’t even have to be inside Elle to make her moan,” Cole said as he thrust hard enough to jostle Horse into the wall.

  “Good Christ what’s wrong with you guys?” Conrad’s voice had changed though. It wasn't horror or outrage coloring it this time, but a sense of wonder.

  “Nothing,” I cried out as I fondled myself.

  “Yeah, there’s something.” Conrad didn’t peel his eyes from the show in front of him to answer.

  “You don’t find his lips around my dick, swallowing over and over and over hot? I mean look at him...” Cole commanded and I did even though it wasn’t me he was commanding.

  Horse furiously worked his cock, cheeks hollowed where Cole’s inked hips shoved in over and over. He couldn’t break away because Cole had him in a vise grip up against the wallpaper. Every inch of Cole’s perfectly defined ass and thick roped legs flexed as he thrust. Every tiny definition in Horse’s forearms or chest did the same as he pulled him in relentlessly. Horse’s thick cock bobbed and wove like a snake in front of a charmer where it stood tall out of his jeans.

  And the noises Horse made, muffled as they were by Cole’s cock were still as sinful as the scene itself.

  My circles and dips got a little more furious on my clit.

  “You like it.” Cole leaned toward Conrad. “You like it so much, you want in. You want to touch me,” he murmured. “You want to share what Horse has. You want to share in what’s Elle’s.”

  “I don't.” It was a weak defense, and his voice wavered.

  “You do. You crave it. You crave the intimacy after tonight. The connection that sharing would give you. You don’t want to be alone in the cold.” Cole’s hand found its way back to Conrad’s throat. “I know because I’ve been there.”

  My body twisted and writhed as I watched. Conrad couldn’t answer and I didn’t know if it was Cole squeezing or because he honestly couldn’t this time.

  “Touch it. Touch me.” Cole was inches from Conrad’s face, teeth bared.

  Conrad’s hand hesitated at his hip.

  “Do it. We all know you want to.”

  This time he lifted it and hovered over top of where Cole rested in Horse’s mouth.

  “Do it!” he yelled and Conrad’s hand fell into the fray.

  He groaned as he grabbed the thick root of Cole. I couldn’t help but follow suit with the sound and wishing my hand was in his place.

  “You,” Cole said, suddenly rounding on me, leaving both Conrad and Horse gasping against the wall. “You’re mine. Your pleasure is mine. Your orgasms. Everything.” He softened while he spoke and his last word as the usual soul-obliterating, tortured whisper.

  He grabbed me from the couch and twisted me to perch on top of him. My knee slid off the slick upholstery once or twice as I straddled him and I felt off kilter completely but that didn’t stop Cole from taking my arms and pinning them behind me back as he laid back and smoothly lowered me down to his chest.

  “Ladyface, everything,” he almost breathed the words in and out as he thrust into me.

  I screamed but then he slowed to a long, leisurely pace that had pure pleasured moans replacing my need to breathe.

  After Cole set about splitting my being in two, Horse’s familiar big hands wrapped into my hips. He pulled me down hard onto Cole then bent over so his warm breath puffed against my ass. His fingers curled into my cheeks then spread them a second before his nose touched my tailbone and his tongue sank into me. My sounds were more tears this time, tears from a body begging for release, tears over the emotional turmoil that still hung heavy on my skin, tears of pure pleasure that was actually unhinging my bones.

  Maybe even tears from a heart so full it might burst.

  Horse lapped at me, tongued inside of me,
even nibbled a little while Cole kept up his perfect rhythm. Even if he hadn’t held my arms behind me, I would have been powerless to stop it. It was too good.

  We were too good.

  So I surrendered to them completely, sure Cole was, in fact, my king. I turned my head to the side and let sensation wash over me. Right before everything went blurry I saw Conrad start to stroke himself.



  Familiar groans and the new wails came from the living room. The furniture jostled and thumped outside, taking a beating just like someone’s ass. Horse and Conrad sizzled together and I was glad I’d lit the fire under them. Conrad wasn’t so bad when his mouth was full.

  Matter of fact, if Elle hadn’t been dead to the world, I would have used her body to get off listening alone. Instead I was up in more ways than one, watching the dark shadows shift across the ceiling.

  Her breathing was soft and soothing but considering the evening, I needed more than soothing.

  When I wasn’t lost inside her, I was just lost. This situation was spinning wildly out of control. I’d never really had a plan outside of hide her, but the reality of how long that could ever last was washing over me. Well, more like slamming into me.

  Siobhan knew. Even if she didn’t have proof, she knew. And Mick would listen.

  I was looking down the barrel of a loaded gun. This time someone was going to pull the trigger and I wasn’t going to dodge the bullet. If it meant keeping Elle safe, I was okay with that. But something said she wouldn’t be.

  Well, Vinny said it.

  His words turned over. How were they involved? Why were they? Could they help me keep her safe?

  I slowly pulled myself from under Elle’s fingertips and slid out of bed. Her hand clutched into the sheets when I was gone. I wanted to walk away from her like I wanted a hole in my head. That this was for her, for a hint at how to protect her, a way to maybe see the future, was the only thing that kept me moving.

  At the door, I turned back and let my eyes sweep over her. In the moonlight, she was creamy pale against the soft gray sheets. They fell across her body in little waves. Her big, pouty lips were parted and her soft breaths and sweet sighs slipped between them. Her golden hair was a haphazard pile cascading around her face, tangled here and there from where I’d fisted into it. The hickey on her shoulder was bright even in the faded light.

  I wanted to mark her permanently as mine. I didn’t care how I did it, but I needed the world to know that she was meant to be with me and I was a lucky son of a bitch to find her. Maybe a tattoo. Something delicate and small, barely altering that perfect skin.

  The idea made me smile as I slipped out the door.

  A very different sight met me there. Horse was deep inside Conrad, one hand fisted in his Conrad’s surfer blonde hair. The other was supporting himself where he was bent over the arm of the couch. Conrad was at his mercy, arched back up toward Horse’s flexed chest. Conrad’s toes were scrambling to stay grounded on the carpet.

  Tanned skin was tangled up, all dewy with sweat. Ink poked out here and there where Conrad scrambled to keep their balance or reach back up to clutch on Horse. Like this, my best friend was a savage rather than the submissive he was with me. I couldn’t stop watching as I grabbed jeans and slid them on.

  “Someday,” Horse purred. “Someday, I’ll have you like this.” He rammed into Conrad all the harder.

  I walked right over and batted his hand from Conrad’s hair. The big beautiful body fell limp beneath Horse. I leaned in, close to both of them.

  “Dream on,” I murmured before I planted my lips on Horse’s.

  He started thrusting again as his hand came to cup the back of my neck. Conrad started to protest beneath us and this time I didn’t feel like forcing myself on him.

  “Elle’s the only one that gets me like that.” I pulled back. “Conrad should get the same courtesy.” I smacked Horse square on his ass as I walked over to my shirt, slid it on, then walked out the door.

  It was a different world out here. Even with the faint sounds of Conrad back behind the door, there was no pleasure out here. Only pain. And it was made all the worse because I missed my blonde little puzzle piece like a lame man missed his cane.

  I grabbed a cab downstairs and gave it an address that barely formed in my mouth.

  “The Italian neighborhoods, eh?” my cab driver asked. “Don’t take many visitors out that way.”

  “I have an old acquaintance there.”

  “Seeing him late tonight?” He was trying to make small talk but under the circumstances, it just felt like prying.

  I decided not to answer, instead turning to watch the streetlamps and few headlights barrel past. Chicago was all I’d known, the grit and the grime tucked among the beacons of industry. The lake had always been the edge of the world, a sudden stop to all the city madness, a tumultuous sea replacing the clean, sharp glass. Spanish class mildly attended was as close as I got to a different world.

  We pulled up to a dimly lit street, a few lamps flickered on and off. It was miles away but it reminded me of the street outside Mick’s. Simple, plain, like any grid in the city, but it was covering a giant gaping entrance to Hades itself.

  I waited for the cab to pull away before I walked under the streetlight and turned my pockets out. One by one, I pulled up the legs of my pants to show there was nothing shoved in my shoes. I held my hands out to the sides and turned in a slow circle. Then I waited.

  The sounds of the city were vague in the distance as if I’d entered a bubble where the usual activity didn’t wander. No sirens were nearby, nothing rustled in the garbage, no dog made a ruckus and no music played. It was how I knew they’d seen me coming.

  Eventually, a lone figure started walking down the street, their footfalls echoing off the buildings.

  There was a small chance that I was dead right now. If Vinny had lied or the Giancomos misunderstood. This was as good as a bullet walking into range. I held my chin high and thought of Elle. Her little body and its slight but beautiful curves. Her large eyes and big plump lips. And her laughter. Her beautiful, twinkling laughter.

  “Cole,” Vinny started when he was close enough to speak in an even tone. “Glad you came. Let’s get inside.” He jerked his chin and I couldn’t help but blow out a deep breath as I followed him.

  “You gotta start explaining. I can’t be gone long.” I shoved my hands into my pockets while I followed him into a small ranch style house nearby.

  “I would but there’s someone who I think’ll do it better.”

  We stepped into a home that was nothing like Mickey’s. It was actually a home with photos of generations on the walls and well-worn furniture. All of it looked like the original furniture off a 70s television show, shag and velvet in the most awful colors. There were a few plastic toys scattered in front of a TV, which seemed to be as old as the orange Formica countertop in the kitchen. Trippy flowers were interspersed here and there.

  The space actually made me smile until I saw who was sitting at the vintage kitchen table.

  I lunged at Jimmy, my hands finding his throat and squeezing before anyone could react.

  “You did this to her!” I shouted as fury bubbled up in my throat and pulled my grip tighter.

  He scrambled beneath my grasp, clawing at my hands until Vinny got his arms around me and pulled. I could take Vinny in a fight and I writhed against him until the click of a pistol stilled us both.

  “We don’t do business like that in this house.” Nonno Giancomo was holding a pistol, silencer and all, against my head.

  I looked up the barrel then swept my gaze along the patriarch of the Giancomo family. He was older and more wrinkled than the last time I saw him. His gold tooth still stood out of his thin-lipped smile and matched the golden chain he wore over his undershirt. Despite being in his eighties, he was strong beneath the thin cotton, even if he seemed leaner and more stringy than the last time we’d run into each other. The deadly glin
t in his eye was exactly the same.

  My hands fell automatically from Jimmy’s throat.

  “Good bambino, good.” His accent was thick but it wasn’t patronizing. “The only person who sheds blood in this house is me and I’m not in the mood tonight.”

  “What’s this all about? What’s going on?” I tried to hold my temper back.

  “Sit down. It’s time for a story.” Vinny gestured to the table as he turned a chair around to sit backward on.

  I took a seat and the vinyl creaked beneath me, the thin metal frames of the furniture protested against my heavy body. I couldn’t help but glare at Jimmy across the gold-flecked table.

  “When it was the track it was kind of fun. We were like Sinatra in our fedoras, making money hand over fist and smoking good cigars. Elle’s mom was this French goddess that liked long cigarettes, Baccarat and fast horses. I fell hard for Simone.” Jimmy smiled wistfully and my heart softened a little bit. “Suppose the Laroux girls have a type too, bad boys suit them.”

  My eyes fell away from Jimmy and I swallowed down the self-loathing that statement welled.

  “Elle didn’t like the law breaking. There was no way of explaining that once you’re in, you’re in with the Maloneys. She definitely didn’t understand Mickey’s tastes…” We both shuddered thinking about exactly which tastes he was referring to. “It drove a wedge straight down the middle of the family but Simone stuck with me. The money let us fund a scholarship for art school for Elle. Let us buy her sculptures too, place ‘em around town or hang ‘em in the house. I can’t regret those things, those years.”

  Jimmy looked up and his eyes begged me to understand. Vinny and Nonno hadn’t said anything, letting us have a moment across the table instead.

  “But then it changed. Mickey’s business interests…diversified.”

  “Beyond gambling, laundering, loan sharking, arson, murder and rape? Into what?”

  “Human trafficking,” he said simply. “Mostly sex trade.”

  I was going to be sick. I had thought that Mickey had hit rock bottom years ago. He dealt in sin and shit for so long where was there to go?


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