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The Bad Boy's Dance

Page 36

by Vera Calloway

  Spencer was a judge on a baking show. He attended events, briefings, seminars, and about a million other lame things that didn’t involve him actually eating.

  Maybe all the food had made him fat. He glanced down worriedly and relaxed when he saw his flat tummy and shaped claves. He still had it going on.

  The bell tinkled again, and Spencer reflexively glanced at the door, idly wondering when he could sneak a donut from Phoebe’s display.

  Thoughts of food flew from his mind when he registered who’d just entered the store.

  She’d only gotten sexier with age. From an off-the-shoulder black blouse to her skintight jeans and heels Spencer wanted wrapped around his waist, the girl electrified every part of him.

  “Is that…?”Caleb’s jaw dropped and he laid his pen on the table.

  Phoebe’s eyes were wide, and she had a terrified -sophomore expression that he hadn’t seen since he’d first met her.

  Brenda Curtis arched a brow when her gaze locked with Spencer’s. A sly smile was the only indication she remembered their little rumble years ago. “Well, well, well,” Spencer declared, sliding off the table and throwing his arms open. “Look who the cat dragged in.”

  Phoebe shot daggers at him. Caleb was still scrutinizing Brenda like she was a mythical creature from a far-off land.

  Brenda rolled her eyes and sashayed forward, bracing her nails against the counter as she leaned forward. Phoebe swallowed and knotted her hands in her apron. “May I help you?” she squeaked.

  “I need a dozen cupcakes for a friend’s graduation party. If you sell cake pops, I’ll take two dozen of those too. Anything but red velvet,” she added with a curl of her lip.

  Spencer was more interested in the shape of her ass in those jeans than her order. He sidled right up to her and flashed his most winning grin. “Hey there.”

  Brenda held up one finger, placed it against Spencer’s forehead, and extended her arm. She returned her attention to Phoebe. “You got that, Jenkins?”

  Phoebe nodded hastily. Caleb finally animated, coming to a stand next to his table. “Brenda.”

  She gave him a once-over and inclined her head. “Caleb.”

  And that was that.

  Spencer, once again feeling left out, rubbed his temples and scowled. He grabbed Brenda’s hand and tugged her out of the store, ignoring her indignant, “Hey!”

  When they were outside the shop, Spencer spun her to the side, pinning her against the wall and caging her in with his arms. Brenda gasped, sky blue eyes sparking with a mixture of irritation and…desire?

  “It’s been awhile, Curtis.”

  “Really? That’s what you dragged me out here to say? Oh boy, I can’t wait to see what else you have in store!”

  Spencer removed a hand from the wall to trap her bottom lip with his fingers and tug it gently. “See that mouth of yours hasn’t gotten better over the years.”

  Brenda sneered defiantly. “What can I say? I’m like fine wine. My essence only gets stronger with the years.”

  Spencer picked up her hand and pressed his lips to the inside of her wrist, never taking her eyes off hers. “I’ve always had a weakness for the sweet things in life.”

  He could have sworn he saw her eyes glaze over with lust before she yanked her wrist away. “Oh baby, you couldn’t handle me.”

  “I seem to recall doing just fine last time. Better than fine, if your rated X soundtrack was any indication.”

  Brenda didn’t so much as bat an eye. “Once behind a store at the mall hardly counts. I was eighteen, and you were twenty. Pretty sure half the performance was our sex drive.”

  Spencer frowned. He wasn’t used to sparring this much with someone who wasn’t a blood relative. And the kick he was getting from the back-and-forth with this woman was definitely something he didn’t experience with his relatives.

  A few customers leaving the store shot them strange looks, but Spencer was too preoccupied with the frustrating blast from the past in front of him. “We could go for another spin, test that theory out,” he offered, wiggling his brows.

  Brenda snorted. “Is that what you pass for charm?”

  Spencer was reaching the end of his rope. “No, but this usually does the trick,” he snapped. Stepping forward, Spencer tugged her chin up and kissed her.

  She was unresponsive for a moment. After a few seconds, however, her hands were in his hair, yanking him closer. Spencer grabbed her hips, propping her against the wall so she could wrap her legs around his waist. He moved even closer, deepening the kiss. It was wild and hot, a battle of wills in the most erotic way possible.

  Brenda panted as Spencer broke away to trail a line down her throat and press his mouth to her sensitive pulse point. Blonde hair mussed and pink lips swollen, Brenda was a sight for Spencer’s sore and sex-deprived eyes.

  “Get a room!” someone shouted across the street. Spencer casually shot them the bird. Brenda wiggled free from his hold, quickly fixing her appearance. She shot him a venomous glare and stormed back into the shop. Inside, Phoebe had boxed Brenda’s orders and was waiting with a cautious smile.

  Spencer watched her quickly pay, sign the recite, thank Phoebe, and grab the boxes. Then he watched as she struggled to carry the boxes.

  Opening the door as she staggered forward, he plucked a box from her load and sighed, beleaguered. “I thought we’d at least get to the fourth date before we went grocery shopping.”

  “I will cut you,” Brenda growled, moving towards her Lexus in a cloud of fury. She snatched the box from Spencer’s grip and gingerly placed it in the back seat.

  As she rounded to the driver’s seat, Spencer took advantage of her lapse in judgment and hopped into the unlocked car.

  Brenda closed her door, started the engine, then braced her hands on the wheel. “I want to do you but I also want to do you in.”

  “Mm, I’m down,” Spencer approved, sticking his feet on the dashboard and grinning.

  Brenda banged her head against the window for a few seconds.

  Spencer hoped she didn’t give herself a concussion.

  “I’m dropping these off, and then we’re heading to my place,” Brenda decided. Every atom in Spencer’s body shot to attention, but he ignored the blood rushing through his veins.

  He tucked a strand of her hair behind an ear. “Finally.”

  Brenda reversed and easily merged the car into traffic. “Just for your information, I don’t do relationships. They’re messy and ugly. I haven’t the time or patience. So if you decide to get clingy, I won’t hesitate to call the cops.”

  Spencer grabbed her free hand and clutched it to his heart. “Where have you been all my life?”

  Brenda grumbled something under her breath. The car ride was surprisingly relaxing, at least for Spencer. He flipped through her iPod approvingly, playing deejay. When Brenda got to her friend’s house, she was in and out in a second. The trip to her place was wired, full of expectant tension. Spencer scrolled through songs incessantly, anything to calm his nerves.

  No luck.

  When Brenda got to her building-a modern and sleek testament to the new contractors in town- it took less than a minute before she’d parked her car, locked it, and had a fistful of Spencer’s shirt in her hand.

  He didn’t need any more persuading. They practically sprinted to the elevator (an amazing forty seconds of pawing at each other until they reached her door). Spencer waited impatiently while Brenda took an eternity to find her key and fit it in the lock.

  When she finally got the door open, Spencer picked her up, relishing her surprised squeal, and kicked the door closed. He kissed her, losing himself in her scent, her taste.

  He tripped over a step and onto the couch. Pushing a knee into the cushions and one on the floor for balance, Spencer frantically worked to pull off her blouse while she yanked at the hem of his shirt.

  “Okay, count of three, we break and remove,” Spencer said after two more minutes of struggle.

; “Go!” Brenda burst, and Spencer wrestled his shirt off. When he looked back, Brenda was lying in her bra, blouse tossed aside. Wow, she worked fast. He paused and took a minute to just see her.

  Long golden strands of hair fanned around her like rays of sunlight. Her lips were pink and swollen from his kisses, and her eyes drew him in with their depth.

  She was absolutely beautiful.

  “Oh, fuck,” Spencer groaned, sitting back on his heels.

  “That’s the plan,” Brenda quipped, propping herself up on her elbows. “Got a problem there?”

  Spencer sighed and clenched his teeth when a strand of her hair curled enticingly against her bare collarbone. Of all the times to have a freaking epiphany, it had to be now?

  “I don’t…ugh. I don’t want another meaningless fling. I’ve been doing them for quite a while. I’ve had offers on the table. I just haven’t taken any. You…you’re different.”

  Brenda looked horror-stricken. She scrambled for her blouse and stood, pulling it on angrily. “Are you kidding me with this? What did we literally just talk about?”

  Spencer stood, throwing his hands in the air. “You think I like this? Flings are fun. Flings are easy. Unfortunately, flings are also with girls I don’t want to call back, but with you…” he paused, rubbing his forehead. “I wouldn’t waste a second.”

  Brenda pursed her lips. Her annoyed expression withered when her gaze dropped to his chest and abs, but she steeled her resolve. “I don’t do romance. It’s bitten me in the ass for as long as I can remember.”

  Spencer stepped towards her, cupping her adorably irritated face in his hands. “The thing with me is, I’d rather be the one who gets to bite your ass. Why would I let something else do it for me?”

  “That doesn’t make sense!” Brenda wailed.

  “It doesn’t have to!”

  Brenda exhaled loudly. “Put on your shirt. I’m dropping you off back at the shop before I commit homicide.”

  Spencer obediently put on his shirt, but he wasn’t discouraged. He felt something he hadn’t felt in a long time, not since he’d discovered his career path. He felt excited. He felt challenged.

  And this time, it was more about the prize than the chase.

  Twenty minutes later, they were in her car and driving. Brenda darted peeks at him when she thought he wasn’t looking, and Spencer thrilled.

  He understood her hesitation. His reputation was working against him in this situation. Hell, she was a file in that particular report. Years ago, his parents had been in L.A and he’d told Ivy he was spending the night with some friends. In reality, he’d spent it with Brenda.

  He remembered the night clearly, because they had actually talked. There had been conversation, dialogue. She’d told him about some problems she was having with a couple of people at school, and he’d shared his fear that he’d never find a calling. Everyone in his family was always moving in a set direction while Spencer drifted. Brenda had understood.

  It wasn’t until they got to the mall (they’d been hoping with the abysmal weather and early morning, no one would find them) that the actual deed was done.

  Spencer licked his lips and clenched the door handle, trying to block the onslaught of images from their one interlude. He needed to keep himself in check if he wanted to prove to this woman he was serious about trying things with her. He wanted to see where it went, if their chemistry extended beyond the physical.

  “Shit!” Brenda cursed as the car lurched to the side. Spencer’s head hit the window as they came to a violent stop against the curb. He blinked back stars.

  “Oh my God, are you okay? Spencer? Say something!” Brenda panicked, scrambling to unfasten her seatbelt. Spencer shook his head, clearing away the fogginess.

  “I’m fine, I’m good. You?”

  “I’m okay. What happened?”

  Spencer climbed out of the car to determine the answer to that question, but there was no smoke or any indication of an engine malfunction. He walked a few feet away and studied the area. A flash of metal caught his attention. Squatting next to it, he assessed the small rusty pipe.

  “Found the culprit!” he shouted over his shoulder. Brenda’s brows furrowed.

  “The hell is that?”

  Spencer stroked his chin thoughtfully. “No damn clue.”

  “Whoa. All this manly speak is getting me hot and bothered.”

  “That sarcasm is just a defense mechanism for your overwhelming attraction to me.”

  “If you consider attraction synonymous to ‘revulsion’, then sure!”

  “You kids need a ride?”

  Both their heads snapped up at the new voice. A large truck driver with bright red cheeks and a cheery grin regarded them curiously.

  Spencer stood, casually pushing Brenda behind him. “Maybe a call to a mechanic.”

  The trucker chuckled. “I called. Someone’s on their way. In the meantime, how ‘bout I drop you off somewhere? It’s gettin’ late, and it would be unconscionable to leave y’all here alone.”

  “And how do we know you’re not a serial killer or rapist?” Brenda inquired, shoving Spencer to the side.

  Spencer took in their surroundings while Brenda gave the trucker hell. They were about a block away from Darwin. It would be much easier to get picked up from there instead of a random side street. And hey, the guy couldn’t kill them both in the span of five minutes in a residential neighborhood.

  “Actually,” Spencer interrupted. “Could you give us a ride to Darwin High? It’s only a few blocks away.”

  “Spencer,” Brenda hissed. “This guy could be an axe murderer. We could just walk to the school.”

  “Hmm, free ride or physical activity?” he pretended to think. “Got it!”

  Grabbing her hand, he pulled her to the truck while she called him every name in the book. The trucker made an amused noise and climbed into the driver’s seat. Spencer grabbed Brenda’s shoulders and forced her to look at him.

  “Hey. Take a breath,” he ordered gently.

  With a frown, she obeyed.

  “It’s just a ride, babe. We’ll be fine. I think you’ve probably scarred the man for life anyway. I’ve got you, okay? I’ve got you.”

  Brenda leaned her forehead against his shoulder. “I haven’t done anything crazy since high school, and I was a complete bitch in high school.”

  “You weren’t too bad,” Spencer laughed, chucking her under the chin. She repaid his kind gesture with a swift punch to the rubs.

  “I was awful. You realize your sister hated my guts, right?”

  Spencer helped her into the truck and closed the door. He gave the trucker a thumbs up. “Yeah, I know.”

  Brenda squinted at him suspiciously. Spencer was just relived she wasn’t asking the driver for his medical history and mother’s maiden name.

  “You really think she’d be cool with it if we started something-which we won’t-and not kill you?”

  “It’s been like twelve years, Curtis. Ivy’s many things, but vindictive isn’t one of them. She’ll be too astonished with the fact that I’m actually dating someone to scrutinize the who.”

  “If you say so.”

  “We’re here.”

  They both jumped, having forgotten the driver’s presence. Darwin High loomed next to them, as badly painted and soul-sucking as always. Spencer helped Brenda to the ground before turning. “Thanks, man. Really appreciate it.”

  The truck driver shook his head with a perplexed expression. “You were always the wild card. Never would have predicted this twist, but it makes sense. In a way. Good luck with your sister-you’d better have a lot of moon cheese on hand.”

  Spencer’s jaw dropped as the trucker reached forward, closed the door, and winked. He watched him drive off, mystified.

  “Brenda…” he started.

  “What?” she muttered, scrolling through phone. “My friend’s gonna kill me.”

  “I think I just met Santa Claus.”

  Paul />
  “I can’t take this anymore! God, do you even remember the last time we had an actual conversation? I’m sick of this passive-aggressive bullshit, Annie!” Paul shouted, glancing at the house to make sure the curtains weren’t moving. He’d rather their neighbors see him arguing with his wife than his children.

  Annie knotted her hands in her hair and paced back and forth on their driveway. She looked up at him, hazel eyes full of anger and sorrow. “You think I don’t know that?” she gave an incredulous chuckle. “I miss you. We sleep in the same bed every night, and I still miss you, Paul.”

  He ran a hand down his face and sighed. “I’m gonna go over to Mom and Dad’s. I think we both need some time to calm down.”

  Annie’s bottom lip quivered. “But it’s Valentine’s Day.”

  God, the look on her face was breaking Paul’s heart, but he knew if he caved, if he spent the day with his wife, they’d end up the same way as always-fighting.

  “I know. I’ll be back tonight. Maybe we can, I don’t know, have a late dinner or something.”

  Annie swallowed thickly and schooled her expression into a blank mask. “If that’s what you think is best.”

  He didn’t know if it was best. When it came to his marriage, he didn’t really know anything anymore. Placing his hands on Annie’s shoulders, he kissed her forehead and closed his eyes for a second. Then he was moving, into the car and down the driveway.

  Annie watched the car disappear down the street, taking her heart with it. She’d held the tiniest hope that maybe this Valentine’s Day would heal her marriage, help get things back on track with her husband. But so far, all it had done was reignite the seemingly endless flames of resentment.

  “Mommy?” Annie glanced down at Quinn, her adorably puzzled five year old. “Where’s Daddy going?”

  Connor ran out of the house and grabbed his little sister’s hand, tugging her away. He was only ten, but smart enough to know when there was an ‘Adult Discussion’.

  “It’s okay, honey,” she reassured Connor, bending to pick up Quinn and kiss her chubby cheek. “Daddy’s going to Grammie’s and Grandpa’s house to see how they’re doing.”


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