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Corrupt Empire Series: A Dark Romance Boxset

Page 15

by Sarah Bailey

  My stomach dropped. What I’d seen Frazier do. I never wanted to see anything else like it.

  “They’re monsters.”

  He gave me a sad smile.

  “And you think I’m not one too?”

  “Do you take women, rape them, force them to do unspeakable things, mutilate them?”

  His eyes flashed with pain.

  “No. Those aren’t the only things that make people monsters.”

  “Then what makes you a monster?”

  “I killed your parents for a start and I took you.”

  In my eyes, it didn’t necessarily make him a monster. Not anymore. Not now I knew what my dad had been involved in. What he’d allowed. Perhaps the fact he’d taken me and broken my fucking mind made him a shit person. That didn’t seem to matter to me any longer. I’d sort of forgiven him for it as fucked up as that was.

  “And what else?”

  “You wouldn’t want to know.”

  “Try me.”

  “Some things are better left unsaid.”

  I crossed my arms over my chest.

  “Then I say you’re not a monster.”

  He reached out, cupping my face.

  “You don’t know the things I want to do to you.”

  The air felt too hot. The molten silver of his eyes made my insides pool. I’d seen how he looked at me the day he’d handcuffed me in the cell. Restraints made him hard. Submission and total control. That’s what Aiden wanted. Needed. I knew it deep within my bones. And I wanted it too.

  The day in the forest opened my eyes to a lot of things. Even though I’d fought him at first, when I’d submitted, I felt a sense of freedom. Of belonging. I’d given into my instincts. I needed to obey him and have him take control.

  “I have some idea.”

  “Are you sure about that?”

  “Am I sure? No. Am I scared of what I think you want? No.”

  He dropped his hand.

  “You don’t know what you’re saying.”

  I fucking did. I knew my own mind and it was time he learnt that too.

  “You might not want to talk about what happened in the forest, but you need to understand something.”

  His eyes flashed and he took a step back from me.


  “No. I’m not letting you get out of this. Yes, I’m fucking innocent and inexperienced, but that doesn’t mean shit.”

  My blood pounded in my ears. I clenched my fists. How did this man manage to drive me fucking crazy and yet all I wanted was to fall at his feet and beg him to take me?

  “I wanted to hate you for forcing me. I wanted to, but I couldn’t. You know why? Because I’m fucking yours. I’ve been struggling to accept it this whole time, but that day, I finally understood. You need my submission and I need to give it to you. In return, you gave me freedom for the first time in my life. I felt free. And then you shut me out. I thought I understood, but instead, you made me feel like what we did was wrong. That I was fucking wrong for wanting that with you.”

  Aiden just stared at me. He wasn’t exactly expressionless, but I couldn’t read a thing either. Why did we keep fighting with each other over this? Wouldn’t it just be easier if we gave in? It’s what we both wanted. He knew it. I knew it. Fighting exhausted me. Fighting had no point to it.

  He turned away from me.

  My heart constricted. My legs almost buckled. Except I couldn’t fall apart.

  He walked over to the bed, squatted down and pulled out a padlocked storage box. He turned the dials until it clicked. Discarding the padlock, he opened it and stood up.

  “This is the truth of what I want from you,” he said, his voice so quiet, I strained to hear it.

  I approached him with caution in my steps. Did I really want my suspicions confirmed? I stopped next to him.

  When I looked down at what was in the box, my pulse kicked up a notch. There were more than just handcuffs. Ropes, chains and silk bindings lay nestled together.

  Aiden shifted on his feet, moving to stand behind me. He rested his chin on my shoulder and held my waist lightly in his hands, his thumbs running circles across my t-shirt.

  It wasn’t so much the restraints I recognised which bothered me. It was the other things in the box. It wasn’t whips or crops or any of the other stuff I expected. None of it was about pain. It was about control. And there was something else. Something which made me tense up. Aiden wanted to take me in the one place I’d never given anyone. That much was clear.

  “Does this repulse you?” he asked.

  I pointed down at the ropes and chains.

  “Those, no. I expected those.”

  His fingers ran down my sides.

  “The rest scares you.”

  “I don’t even know what half of this is, Aiden. But no, I’m not scared about most of it.”

  “What exactly are you afraid of?”

  Could I even bring that up? If I was going to do this with him, then I had to find a way to accept what he needed. I could do the submission thing. I could let him take control. Tie me up and be at his mercy. The other thing? I had no idea.

  My face felt too hot. I knew my cheeks were burning.

  “Do you really want to…”

  “Want to what?”

  I couldn’t say it. The word just wouldn’t come out. I took his hand and guided it behind me, rested it on my bum.

  “Fuck me here?”

  I heard him let out a breath. He didn’t move his hand.


  I almost choked. The last thing I’d ever expected. And my inexperience when it came to sex showed. Stupid naïve girl wanting to play with the adults.

  “Aiden, I can accept all the other things.”

  “But you won’t let me do that.”

  “Is it really that important?”

  His hand around my waist tightened.

  “No, but you can think about it rather than just outright saying you won’t.”

  Think about it? I’d never even considered the possibility anyone would want that from me until today.

  “I guess so.”

  “Now you’ve seen the truth, do you still want to stay with me? Do you want me like you say you do?”

  I turned around, causing his hands to drop. I stared up into his grey eyes.

  “Am I fucked up for wanting you? And don’t list the things you did to me when we met because we’re so far past that now.”

  “Yes, you are. You shouldn’t want me. I’m not good for you. You’re innocent and here all I want to do is corrupt you.”

  I came from a corrupt family. Corruption was in my blood at this stage. Aiden would set me free. He just couldn’t see it.

  “Fine. If I’m fucked up, then so be it. I’m tired of fighting. Aren’t you?”

  “Of course I’m fucking tired, Avery. Do you think I enjoy fighting with you?”

  “Then stop pushing me away.”

  He sighed, running a hand through his hair.

  “You don’t know the whole truth.”

  It was one excuse after another with him. Excuses could go to hell.

  “Then tell me.”

  “You can’t handle it all in one go. Look at what happened today.”

  “Why does it matter so fucking much? Me knowing everything.”

  “It just does.”

  I wanted to tear my hair out. What was the point in him showing me his box of toys? What more did I have to do to prove to him how much I wanted this? Wanted him.

  “I don’t want to hear any more bullshit. I’ve laid my cards on the table. I am yours. All of me. What more do you want from me?”

  Aiden opened his mouth and closed it again. The tension between us rippled and snapped. He felt so close but so far away. A deep fucking chasm lay between us and I couldn’t cross it. He wouldn’t let me.

  “Fine. Not going to answer? Then I’m fucking done.”

  I stormed out of the room. Emotions warred inside me. I wanted to cry. Scream. Rage. I wanted to hit him. Show him how much he kept hurting me. Why the fuck did it even hurt? My heart wasn’t built to withstand all these revelations. These feelings.

  It cracked.



  I slid down the wall outside his bedroom, trying to fight back the urge to cry. Had I not shed enough tears? Why was the world fucking doing this to me? Why did the one person who gave me the utmost joy and freedom also have the power to destroy me entirely?

  The rumble of my stomach interrupted my thoughts. I’d barely eaten today. He’d promised me dinner, but after that shitshow, I doubted he remembered.

  I hauled myself to my feet and shuffled into the kitchen. On automatic, I pulled things out of the fridge and cupboards. Stir fry would do. I wasn’t in the mood to be creative.

  I just finished cutting up the veg when two hands rested either side of me on the kitchen counter. His breath dusted across my ear as he leant down towards me. I expected him to say something, instead, he nibbled my earlobe. I stiffened and melted at the same time.

  I put the knife down, fully prepared to turn around and ask him what the hell he was doing when his tongue trailed down my neck. My knees buckled. I gripped the counter to steady myself.


  “Shh. Shh. I know you’re angry with me. Let me make it up to you.”

  What? The world spun around me. Aiden wanted to what?

  “I’m making dinner.”

  “It can wait.”

  He pulled me away from the counter and directed me toward the kitchen table. Spinning me around to face him, he sat me on the table. There he resumed kissing my neck and nibbling my ear. He trailed his fingers up my inner thighs. I could hardly breathe. Heat coiled in my stomach, flooding my veins with fire.

  He pressed down on my shoulder, forcing me to lie back and moved me higher up the table. He crawled over me, his eyes molten silver as he stared down at me.

  “You’re so beautiful.”

  His fingertips trailed down my sternum, brushing across my stomach. My breath caught and my heart stuttered. I was his instrument and he knew exactly how to play me. Fuck. How could we go from fighting each other to this so quickly? Was fighting just a part of foreplay? I didn’t have a clue. All I wanted was his hands on me.

  “Give me time.”

  He pushed my t-shirt up slightly, exposing my midriff.

  “That’s all I’m asking. In return, I’ll give you what you desire.”

  “What do you think I desire?”

  He smirked as he traced circles along my stomach with his fingers.


  I raised my eyebrow.

  “You want to be fucked. You want me to slide my cock inside you. Give it to you harder and deeper than you’ve ever had before. That’s what you want. I know because I see it in your eyes.”

  I couldn’t refute that statement even if I wanted to.

  “Are you saying if I stop asking and give you time, then you’ll do that?”


  Oh. Oh shit. Oh fuck.

  Was this actually happening? Had Aiden just agreed to fuck me sometime in the future?

  “How exactly are you planning to make things up to me right now in that case?”

  “Are you wet, Avery?”

  I felt my face grow hot. I nodded, unable to say it aloud. He leant down and his teeth grazed along my ear.

  “Wet at the thought of my cock, aren’t you? Did you like it when it was in your mouth? When I fed you my cum?”


  His hand slipped below my jogging bottoms. I hadn’t bothered to get dressed in jeans today since I wasn’t exactly going anywhere. His fingers brushed over my clit, causing me to buck against him.

  “Would you like me to fuck your mouth again?”

  He moved my underwear aside and plunged a finger inside me. I moaned.

  “Tell me.”

  “I want your cock in my mouth.”

  “Do you like it when I talk dirty to you?”

  I nodded, moaning again when he inserted a second finger inside me. His tongue curled around the back of my ear and I squirmed beneath him.

  “Mmm, you’re so fucking tight. So hot. I bet you taste so fucking sweet. Shall I try you?”

  I didn’t have the wherewithal to answer him. Pent up and needy, I wanted Aiden like nothing else. Even though he told me to give him time, I wanted him to tear my clothes off and fuck me with abandon. This teasing had gone on long enough.

  He pulled away and withdrew his hand from me. I felt bereft immediately. He stared down at me as he tasted me on his fingers. His eyes darkened. Desire, lust and need flickering in those silver depths.

  “Fuck, you really are fucking perfect.”

  His hands went to his jeans, tugging open the fly and unzipping them. He took one of my hands, pressing it to his cock through his boxers.

  “Do you feel that? Feel how fucking hard I am for you?”


  He groaned as I brushed my fingers along his length. He shoved his hand back down my bottoms and plunged his fingers back inside my pussy. I bucked against the table, moaning as he thrust into me.

  “Touch me, Avery, touch my cock.”

  I reached up with my other hand, freeing him from the confines of his boxers. I ran my hand along his cock, fisting it. I stroked him as he continued to fuck me with his fingers.

  Both of us stared at each other, quite unable to look away. His thumb ran over my clit and I almost detonated on the spot. His words, his fingers and his cock in my hand set me alight.

  “Aiden, I’m so close.”

  “Come for me. Come for me so I can fuck your mouth.”

  His thumb circled my clit harder. I exploded, crying out and bucking against him. The rush of sensations flowing through my body fizzled in my blood. I saw stars. And I saw Aiden. The most beautiful man I’d ever laid eyes on staring down at me with satisfaction on his face. He enjoyed this. Sending me hurling over the edge. He left me a panting mess on the kitchen table.

  He pulled away from me and stood up.

  “Come here and open your mouth for me.”

  I somehow slid off the table and got on my knees for him. My whole body still felt like jelly.

  He cupped the back of my head and fed me his cock. He wasn’t gentle. He shoved his cock down my throat and I almost gagged. I didn’t panic. I’d taken it before and I could do it again. He thrust into me over and over, grunting. I stared up at him. His eyes were glazed over, hazy with desire. I brought him pleasure and that’s all I could ask for.

  It didn’t take long until he growled and came. I could feel his cock pulsating and hot sticky streams coated the back of my mouth. He pulled out when he was done, slamming his hand down on the kitchen table as he panted. I swallowed, but his cum still lingered in my mouth.

  I dragged myself up off the floor, reached out and put him away, zipping up and re-buttoning his jeans. He pulled me to him and pressed his forehead against mine.

  “For someone who claims to be so inexperienced, you have the most fucking amazing mouth.”

  “Aiden… you’re the only one.”


  “In the forest, that’s the first time I sucked cock. That’s why I was reluctant. I didn’t want to be shit at it and disappoint you.”

  He ran a hand down my back.

  “You didn’t disappoint me. Fuck, so innocent. I’m going to take all that innocence away from you, piece by piece.”

  I shivered. I wanted him to. His desires were mine now.

  “What were you making for dinner?”

  I smiled at him.

  “Just stir fry.”

  “Shall we resume then?”

  I nodded.

  As Aiden helped me finish up with the food, I couldn’t help but wo
nder just how much time I needed to give him.

  Would he really give into what was between the two of us finally?

  Or was it just his way of trying to placate me after our argument?

  I wasn’t quite sure I wanted to know the answer because the latter would break me in half. Whilst the former would make it impossible for me to ever leave Aiden.

  Because once we took that final step.

  There really was no going back.

  At least… for me, there wasn’t.

  But would there be for him?

  Chapter Sixteen


  The burner phone buzzed on my desk. I checked it. Anthony texting to say it was done. A week had been and gone. Now it was time to check if he’d really followed through. Social media was the first place. There it was, plain as day. Avery. Her video trending on Twitter. Shared all over Facebook and Instagram. And there was nothing the police could do about it.

  I’d made sure to tell Anthony to get it to his boyfriend in the first instance. Likely the police had sat on it this whole time. Idiots. Now Avery was viral.

  I left the office, locking the door behind me. She was on the sofa, drawing with a film on the TV. Things between us weren’t strained, but I knew she was waiting for me to give her what I told her I would.

  I picked up the remote and switched it to the news channel. She looked up, then her eyes fell on the screen.

  “The missing heiress resurfaces. A video of her was posted in the early hours of this morning and has since gone viral. Twenty-year-old Avery Daniels, the heir to Daniels Holdings, has been missing since Mitchell and Kathleen Daniels were found murdered five weeks ago in their penthouse. Speculation as to what happened to Avery and her parents has been making headlines. This new development—”

  “What did you do?” she asked.

  “Just made sure they had proof of life and now the world is watching, waiting for the next move.”

  “Aiden, you said the video was for the police only.”

  I shrugged. It had been, but I needed to make sure everyone knew she was still alive and not doing anything under duress.

  She shoved the drawing off her lap, stood and walked away to the window. The sound of the reporter in the background blared in my head, but all I could see was her. The way her dark hair lay across her back. Her curves. Everything about her enticed me.


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