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Corrupt Empire Series: A Dark Romance Boxset

Page 18

by Sarah Bailey

  “Aiden,” she gasped.

  My name on her lips. Fuck. She vibrated with need. Fuck. She wanted me just as much as I did her. My hands found her shorts. I pulled at them, tugging them down with her underwear. When I straightened, she was naked before me. The sight of her made my cock pulsate and throb, already rock hard from just our shared kiss.

  She was so fucking beautiful and perfect in every single way. Even though I hadn’t turned the lights on, her skin glowed in the moonlight streaming in through the bathroom windows. This was it. There was no fucking going back now. I had to have her. Had to be inside her.

  She reached for me, hands curling around the bottom of my t-shirt. Her eyes met mine, looking for confirmation it was okay. She’d never seen me without a shirt.

  What the fuck would she think when she saw the rest of my tattoos?

  Did it matter?

  The way she’d looked at the ones on my arms told me she found them fascinating.

  I put my hands over hers and encouraged her to help me take it off. It landed with a splat on the floor. Her eyes roamed down, falling on the two large depictions on my chest. Her fingers ran over the one on the right, her eyes wide with interest.

  Now wasn’t the time to explain them.

  Now was the time for us to finally shed the last of our barriers.

  To let go and have this moment we both wanted.

  I tucked my fingers into my boxers, pulling them off.

  For a long moment, we stood there staring at each other as the water cascaded over us. I reached for her first, tugging her to me as our lips crashed against each other again. Her body felt so fucking right next to mine. Her arms wrapped around my neck and mine curled around her back.

  We were as close as two people could physically be but it wasn’t enough. I fucking needed her. I needed to be in her. That way I’d feel her. Feel everything she felt. Every emotion. Every fucking thing.

  I pressed her up against the shower wall, grinding into her stomach as she moaned in my mouth. Fuck. I didn’t want to do this in the shower. Perhaps another time, but right now, I wanted her in my bed where I could lay her down and worship every inch of her. She deserved to be kissed everywhere. Her skin begged to be touched, stroked.

  I pulled back from her and flipped off the shower. Taking her hand, I pulled her out with me. We were both dripping wet. I picked up a towel from the rack and wrapped it around her before taking another and drying her hair as best I could with it. She took the last towel and started drying me too. I grabbed it from her and tied it around my waist.


  I put a finger to her lips, silencing her.

  “Shh. No words.”

  She nodded. I took her hand and led her back to the bedroom. I ripped the covers off the bed, tossing them on the floor. They were drenched in her sweat, so I wanted to change the sheets, but I couldn’t wait. Tearing off the bed sheet and leaving the mattress bare, I laid down our towels on it.

  I pressed her down on the bed and knelt over her. I had no desire to restrain her. I wanted her to be able to touch me. To run her hands over my back.

  “Aiden… I need to say something.”

  I cupped her face, wanting desperately to feel her lips against mine again.

  “Tell me.”

  “I’m… I’m on birth control. I want to feel you. All of you.”

  The thought of taking her without barriers made my cock jerk. I always used condoms. Didn’t want to catch anything and there was no fucking way I wanted to be a father.

  “Are you sure?”

  She nodded. Taking my hand, she brought it to her bicep, pressing my fingers down on it. I could feel a small rod under her skin. I didn’t think she was lying about being on birth control, but proof made me feel a little more at ease about it.

  Fuck. I couldn’t deny her. If she wanted this, then so did I.

  “Has anyone else had you without protection before?”

  “No,” she whispered.

  I almost fucking lost it. The first. The first in her mouth and the first to feel her without barriers. Fuck. She was killing me. She really was mine, in every fucking way.

  “Spread your legs for me.”

  She did so without hesitation. My eyes roamed down her body. Her skin glowed in the moonlight. I’d forgotten to shut the curtains and I was fucking happy I had. She was the most beautiful girl. Alluring. Stunning. Sexy yet still so fucking innocent. The way her nipples hardened under my gaze right down to the neatly trimmed thatch of dark hair between her legs. And she was mine.

  Fuck. I had to swallow, my mouth watering at the sight of her. As much as I wanted to bury my face in her pussy and taste her until she came all over my tongue, my cock throbbed restlessly. It needed her and I was so fucking done denying it.

  I leant over her and captured her lips again. Her tongue danced with mine. The taste of her so fucking intoxicating. My fingers ran down her sides before I cupped her breast. Her perfect fucking tits. Just the right size for my hand.

  I settled down between her legs, my cock finding her pussy and sliding against it. Fuck. She was so wet. I fucking ached to fill her. To have her clenching around me.

  Was she ready for me?

  Her pussy was so tight, I wasn’t sure she’d be able to accommodate me. But fuck, I couldn’t wait any longer. I needed her.

  I released her mouth, shifting back slightly. I gripped my cock and guided it to her opening. I watched her face for any sign of discomfort when I pressed myself inside. There was a little resistance.

  When I sunk the head of my cock in her, she cried out, gripping my arm. Fuck. She was like a vice. Her pussy clenched around me, so tight.

  “Am I hurting you? Shit, I should’ve known you weren’t ready yet.”

  “No, no please, it doesn’t hurt. Just give me a sec, okay?”

  I brushed her hair from her face.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes… it’s just… you’re…”

  “I’m what?”

  “So big.”

  I bit my lip to keep from grinning.

  “Oh, you’ve barely felt me yet, Avery. Did you forget what I told you?”

  She shook her head.

  “Mmm, say it.”

  “You said I want you to give it to me deeper and harder than I’ve ever had before.”

  Fuck. If I wasn’t so concerned about hurting her, I’d have slammed into her up to the hilt.

  “That’s right… Now, we’re not going to talk anymore. I want to fuck you and I’d much rather hear you moaning and crying out my name.”

  She squirmed beneath me. Fuck. She was so innocent. Her hands curled around my back. I took it as a sign she was ready. I thrust into her a little further before I pulled back. I fucked her with slow, shallow thrusts, only giving her as much as I thought she could take.

  Her pussy was the tightest I’d ever felt. So fucking wet. She gripped me, pulsating with heat. Her eyes were wild with desire, pleasure. Her lips parted as she breathed out small pants and moans. The sweetest fucking sounds I’d ever heard. And I fucking needed more. I thrust deeper, harder and her moans got louder.

  “Aiden, fuck, please, I want all of you,” she cried out.

  Her wish was my command. I gripped one of her hips as an anchor. I pressed deeper. Her pussy. Fuck. She was so tight, it was almost fucking agony. I could feel her stretching, trying to accommodate the intrusion of my cock.

  “Fucking hell, you’re like a fucking vice.”

  “Aiden, please, I need it.”

  “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “Don’t stop. You feel so good. I want this. I want you so much.”

  Her words spurred me on. I pressed harder, breaking through the last of her resistance and seated myself fully inside her. She felt like nothing else. Her moan, a mixture of pleasure and pain almost fucking broke me. How could she want this when it was clearly hurting her?


  “Fuck me, Aiden,” she moaned, her eyes flying open. “Fuck me hard.”

  Well fuck.

  I pulled back and thrust into her, setting a steady rhythm. She gripped my back, staring up at me with those fucking doe eyes. Only her doe eyes spoke of lust, need, desire and pleasure.

  I captured her mouth again, kissing her without mercy. My fingers entwined with hers as I rode her harder.

  No one fucking told me it would feel this fucking amazing. Fucking her was ecstasy. She moulded to me perfectly, her body so in sync with mine. With her, my need to restrain and control disappeared. She was so pliant, so fucking perfect, I didn’t need any of it. I already had her submission and that was enough right then.

  She moaned, panted and writhed beneath me. I didn’t let up. I pounded into her harder until I set an almost punishing pace. The fingers of her free hand dug into my back, nails biting against my skin. And fuck, I really wanted her to come. Her pussy was so fucking tight, but I needed more.

  “Avery, are you going to come for me? I want to hear you scream my name.”

  I shifted and gripped one of her legs, pressing it upwards so I could get a better angle on her. I pounded into her again, feeling her clenching around me. Fuck. She felt so good.

  “Aiden, fuck, fuck me.”

  “Come for me. Fucking come all over my cock.”

  She cried out, her nails digging deeper. I could feel it. She was so close to the edge. I wanted to make her snap.

  “That’s it. Tell me how much you want it.”

  “Harder. Please, fuck me harder.”

  Harder. Faster. She was so fucking pent up. The tension inside her so close to snapping. And when she did, I wasn’t quite sure if I could hold on either. I was too fucking close to blowing my load inside her.

  “Fuck. Come on my cock. I want to feel you.”

  I shoved my hand in between us and strummed her clit. Once. Twice. Then she fucking detonated on me. Her scream of pleasure echoed around the room. And her pussy milked me for all it was worth.

  I thrust once, twice, three more times and then I was fucking coming too. Coming inside her whilst she pulsated and trembled beneath me. I rode out both our orgasms, grinding into her. Making her take it all as my cock spurted again and again.

  I almost fucking collapsed on top of her when both of us were spent. Shit. I’d never fucking come so hard in my life. Nothing could prepare me for the sweet ecstasy she brought on.

  Fuck. Avery was a fucking goddess. Just like the Aztec goddess of carnal pleasures and lust tattooed on the right side of my chest, Tlazolteotl. And on my left, Tezcatlipoca, the god of darkness and the lord of the night. They represented the darker sides of me. Partially why I kept them hidden so much. My desires weren’t for public consumption. But Avery knew. I’d shown her. And I’d explain the meaning of the tattoos to her later.

  Avery. Beautiful, strong and so fucking amazing.

  I pulled out and lay beside her. She curled into my chest, her hand running down my back. Her touch so gentle. Her lips met my chest in a soft kiss, making me shiver.

  “Am I allowed to tell you that was the best sex of my life?” she whispered.

  I smiled.

  “You’re allowed to say what you want.”

  “Best. Ever.”

  I couldn’t help laughing. Fuck. Too innocent, but really… she was right. It had been. No one gave me the same intense rush of feelings she did.

  “Don’t want to raise the bar too high, how do you expect me to top that?”

  She shoved me, which only made me laugh harder.

  “Aiden, it’s not funny. Now I’m embarrassed.”

  I wrapped my arm around her and kissed the top of her head. I brushed her hair away from her ear and leant towards it.

  “Don’t be. Everything about it was fucking perfect.”

  She twisted in my hold, trying to shift away from me. I wouldn’t let her.

  “Be serious.”

  “I am. You’ve got the sweetest, tightest pussy. You’re so sexy it hurts to look at you and the way you came apart on my cock was fucking amazing to watch. So yes, Avery, it was fucking perfect.”

  “So you don’t regret it?”

  I tucked my fingers under her chin and forced her to look at me. The hesitation in her doe eyes almost fucking fractured my heart in two.

  “Never. Trust me, I won’t be able to stop. Not now I’ve had you once. That’s not fucking enough.”

  “You want to fuck me again?”

  “I expect you to spread your legs for me daily.”

  She bit her lip.

  “Will that include the use of your box of toys?”

  I raised an eyebrow.

  “Is that what you’re calling it?”

  “It felt apt.”

  “Yes, it will. I’ll go easy on you though.”

  She trembled against me.

  “Okay. Um… I need to go… Uh…”

  I watched her squirm, knowing exactly what she wanted to say.


  “Bathroom. I don’t want to get it all over the bed.”

  “Mmm, did you like that? Knowing I came inside you without any protection?”


  She tried to wriggle away from me again.

  “Don’t be shy.”

  “Yes, okay?”

  I kissed her, trying to ease her embarrassment. Her fingers curled in my hair. Fuck. I wanted to kiss her all the time. I pulled away, cupping her face.

  “You’re so fucking beautiful, you know that?

  “If you say so.”

  I grinned, releasing her. She shifted away and practically ran to the bathroom. I got up, pulling the towels off the bed. I snagged a clean set of sheets from one of my cupboards and remade the bed. I’d just finished putting the pillows back on when she stood in the doorway. Her body called to me. I put my hand out to her. She walked over.

  I shoved back the covers, grabbed her and tossed her in the bed. I got in next to her and cradled her to my chest, kissing the top of her head.

  “Go back to sleep. I’ll protect you,” I whispered.

  Her palm flattened on my chest where my heart hammered.

  I listened to her breathing turn steady before I let myself fall away into oblivion too.


  So fucking perfect.

  And mine.

  Chapter Nineteen


  Waking up next to him felt like heaven. A dull ache settled between my thighs from the intense pounding he’d given me. I didn’t care. It reminded me last night was real. It happened.

  Aiden finally kissed me.

  Finally fucked me.

  And it was everything.

  Neither of us had dressed before falling asleep. Aiden had thrown the covers off. His bare chest illuminated in the soft glow of the late morning winter sun streaming in through the windows. His tattoos were so beautiful. I traced my fingers over them. He shifted under my touch.

  “Are you admiring them?” he grumbled.


  “They’re Aztec. Tlazolteotl in the right. Tezcatlipoca on the left.”

  He yawned, opening his eyes and blinking at me.

  “And who are they?”

  He smiled at me.

  “Tezcatlipoca is the god of providence, the darkness and the invisible. Tlazolteotl is the goddess of lust, carnality and sexual misdeeds.”

  “Sexual mis… Oh. I get it.”

  My face burnt, but I did understand. She spoke to his desires. Ones I knew he thought were twisted, but they didn’t freak me out. And the other, his darkness. It was Aiden all over. Complex. My avenging angel.

  “There’s one more you haven’t seen.”

  My curiosity piqued. What had he hidden from me for all this time? He rolled over so his back was to me. I stared for the longest time. Then I ran my fingers over it. T
his huge, beautiful phoenix rising from a fire at the base of his spine. Holy hell. It was absolutely stunning. The artwork, divine. I had to meet the man who’d tattooed this on his flesh.

  “It’s you.”


  “Well, I do pay attention to what you tell me.”

  He rolled back over, grabbed me and held me close. His fingers danced across my skin. I arched against him, desire immediately flooding my veins. His cock nudged my stomach.

  “Do you… want me?” I asked.

  His grey eyes sparkled with amusement laced with the heady cocktail of lust.

  “I always fucking want you. Especially now I’ve seen you naked.”

  My skin itched to feel his fingers. His mouth crashed down on mine, stealing away all my thoughts. His taste. Intoxicating. I wanted more. I knew what Aiden brought out in me. I craved it.

  “Fuck me,” I whispered against his mouth.

  Aiden shifted, pressing himself between my legs, pinning one to the bed. He rocked his cock against me. I grew wetter, hotter as it brushed against my clit relentlessly. I’d come quickly if he kept this up. My hand curled around his back, the other caught between us.

  “I need to be in you,” he growled.

  I shifted, reaching down between us and gripping his cock. He groaned, thrusting against me. His lips sealed mine again. A kiss so deep, I felt as though I drowned in him. I pressed him to my entrance.

  Just as Aiden thrust inside me, a loud sound rang through the flat. We both froze.

  “For fuck’s sake,” he grunted. “Who the fuck is that?”


  “I know. Fuck. All I want is to ignore it so I can fuck you senseless.”

  He thrust into me deeper, not making any attempt to dislodge himself. I moaned. His cock felt so good. Replacing the dull ache with pleasure.

  “Fuck, you feel amazing.”

  I gripped his back, letting him fuck me how he wanted. I didn’t want him to stop. Who knew if he’d withdraw from me again now he’d finally given into this thing between us.

  The buzzer went again. He groaned.

  “Seriously? They can fuck off.”

  I sighed. It seemed we were destined to be interrupted at that moment. He pulled away from me and got up. His cock slapped against his stomach, glistening and damp from my arousal. And I really wanted to stop him from walking away so I could take him in my mouth. Giving Aiden pleasure turned me on.


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