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Corrupt Empire Series: A Dark Romance Boxset

Page 24

by Sarah Bailey

  “Hey, Aiden, I know you’re mad, but you’re scaring me.”

  He looked down at me, his eyes softening immediately. He lay back down and pulled me into his arms.

  “I’m never going to let anyone touch you or hurt you again. You understand? No matter what I ask you to do, I won’t let them hurt you. I’ll keep you safe. You’ll only be safe with me.”

  “I know.”

  I just wished Aiden had kept me safe from himself.

  Chapter Twenty Four


  The buzzer for the door went. I picked myself up off my office chair and stalked out, locking the door behind me. Avery told me to stay out the living room as she was painting. It was only a few days till Christmas now. I’d been good and not looked at what she was doing for me. I wanted to know, but in order to make her happy, I kept away.

  Fuck knew who was at the door. I walked over to the intercom camera and froze. What the actual fuck? This could not be fucking happening.

  Standing there was a police officer and a woman in plain clothes. A detective. Fuck. Why the hell were the police at my door? This didn’t fucking bode well. I had to act now. No fucking doubt they’d want to come up to speak to me.

  “Avery, I’m going to need you to put all your shit in the cell, right fucking now,” I called.

  “Why?” she called back.

  “Because the police are here.”

  The buzzer went again.

  “What? Why?”

  “I’m going to find out. Just do as I said.”

  She appeared in the doorway of the living room, eyes wide. I pointed at the cell door. She nodded and disappeared. Putting her back in there killed me, but it was the only place she’d be safe from them. The only way I could hide her.

  I pressed down on the buzzer.


  “Mr Lockhart? My name is Detective Reynolds and this is PC Yeoman. Might we have a few moments of your time?”

  “What is this about?”

  “It would be better if we came inside, Mr Lockhart.”

  “And I would rather you tell me what you want with me. Isn’t that within my rights?”

  The detective frowned.

  “We have some questions regarding the disappearance of Avery Daniels.”

  I fucking wanted to punch the wall. Fuck.

  “What would I know about her?”

  “You work for the Daniels, do you not? We simply want to ask you some questions, but if you would rather we conduct this down the station, then you’re welcome to come with us.”

  I had no choice. No fucking way I was going with them. I couldn’t keep her safe then.

  “I’ll buzz you in.”

  I pressed down on the button for a moment before turning away from the camera and intercom. Avery had the cell door open and a bundle of stuff in her arms.

  “You got everything?” I asked.

  “All my art stuff, toiletries from the bathroom and any clothes I left in the living room. I don’t think there’s anything else other than my stuff in the bedroom.”

  I wanted to kiss her. She hadn’t questioned any of it. She knew.

  “Just leave it. I’m not fucking letting them search the place. They need a warrant.”

  She put the stuff down in the cell and turned to me.

  “You want me to stay in here, don’t you?”

  I approached her, curling my hands around her waist.

  “I’m sorry to ask it of you.”

  “I’ll be okay, Aiden. I promise. You fixed it when you blindfolded me. I’m not scared of the dark anymore.”

  I leant down and kissed her. Tasting her lips made my cock twitch. Fuck. No. Really didn’t need a reminder of how much I needed to be inside her. How much I worshipped her body. How fucking perfect she was.

  “They want to ask me about you. I don’t fucking know why, but whatever it is, I’ll deal with it.”

  She ran a hand over my cheek and smiled. The last week had been too fucking perfect between us. This shit wouldn’t change that. I had to give her a perfect Christmas before I told her what I planned to do.

  “I know you will.”

  She walked into the cell. The light was on and I’d leave it that way for her. I shut the door but didn’t lock it. Next, I pulled out the hidden panel and secured it in front of the door. Unless you looked closely, you wouldn’t be able to tell there was something behind the wall.

  The bell for the door rang. I walked over and opened it.

  “Please come in,” I said, stepping back.

  The detective and the officer walked in. I pointed down the hall towards the living room. I shut the door and followed them. I indicated they could sit down. Reynolds took a seat but the officer remained standing. I sat on the sofa and turned to the detective.

  “So, you want to ask me about the missing Daniels girl?”

  “Yes,” she replied. “Have you met Miss Daniels?”


  That was easy enough. It wouldn’t be the end of it. Something in her eyes told me she was suspicious of me. I didn’t have my tattoos on show so who knew why she’d already made up her mind about me.

  “How long have you worked for the Daniels?”

  “About four years.”

  Reynolds cocked her head to the side.

  “Is it not the case that you’ve known them for most of your life? I am aware your mother’s missing persons case was never solved.”

  She’s dead. It’ll never be solved.

  I tried not to clench my fists. Fucking police bringing that shit up. I bet she thought I was directly involved in all the shit going on.

  “Looked me up, did you?”

  She didn’t flinch. Where the fuck was this line of questioning going?

  “You’ve known the family for your whole life, worked for them for four years and you’ve never met Miss Daniels.”

  I shrugged.

  “I’m not a family friend if that’s what you’re getting at. I do their security. That’s it.”

  She leant back in her seat.

  “Care to explain why we had an anonymous tip placing you with a woman matching Miss Daniels’ description on the 4th December?”

  That’s when we’d gone to see Tina. Fuck.

  “I was out with a friend.”

  “She was seen getting into your car. Care to tell me who it was if not Miss Daniels?”

  I’d need to pull in a favour to deal with this shit.

  “Skye Andrews. Married to my best friend, Ben. You’re welcome to ask her. I’m sure she’ll clear up this little misunderstanding.”

  Fucking lucky Skye looked a little like Avery with dark hair. Or I’d be absolutely fucked.

  Reynolds looked put out for a moment. I’m sure she hadn’t been expecting me to have an immediate answer. I smiled at her.

  “I see. Well, I’m sure you understand why we are required to follow up on matters such as these.”


  Reynolds stood up.

  “If you’d be happy to provide me with Mrs Andrews details, I would like to verify this information before I put this to bed.”

  Happy to? No. I would just to get them off my case. I needed to get in touch with Ben and Tina, but not by normal means. Didn’t need them tracing that crap. I pulled out my phone, picked up some paper and pen from the coffee table and wrote down Skye’s details for them.

  “Well, thank you for your time, Mr Lockhart. We can see ourselves out.”

  I got up.

  “No need. I’ll show you out.”

  No fucking way I was letting them do any snooping. The sooner they left, the fucking better. I led them to the front door and nodded when they left. Slamming it shut, I strode to my office, unlocked it and rummaged through my drawer. I sent a message to Ben and one to Tina via another burner phone.

  It rang two minutes later.

  “Mate, how you been?” Ben s

  “Good. How are you, Skye and the bump?”

  “All good here. Baby is due in a few months. You should come see us. I still need to touch up that fucking girly phrase on your arm.”

  The tattoo Avery had first asked about. My latest. I’d see him to deal with it soon.

  “Listen, I need a favour. If the cops ring Skye, I need her to say she was with me when I went to see Tina on the 4th of December.”

  “What shit have you got yourself into this time?”

  “They think I have something to do with that missing girl.”

  “Your employer’s daughter? I saw that shit on the news. Why the fuck would you know about it?”

  I wanted Ben to meet Avery. He wouldn’t fucking say anything to the cops. Ben and I trusted each other with our lives. Brothers in fucking arms.

  “Because it was her with me when I went to see Tina, but they don’t need to know that. Some prick tipped them off.”

  “Aiden, what the fuck?”

  “I know, but she needed help. The chick was messed up as fuck after the shit with her parents.”

  “Why the fuck would she have gone to you? Not exactly gentlemen or therapist of the year.”

  Ben knew me all too well. Except I’d sort of fucked away her pain with my cock. Least she kept telling me whenever we had sex, she felt free. Free from the burden of her family.

  Shit, I’d left her in the cell. I walked out of the office, shutting the door and locking it behind me.

  “She didn’t. I found her. It’s a fucking long story.”

  “Always getting yourself into shit. And for a girl? Don’t tell me you’ve gone fucking soft.”

  “Says the shithead who got married and has a baby on the way.”


  I pulled back the panel.

  “Listen, I’m sorry I haven’t been in touch.”

  “Yeah, yeah. Just text me the regular way when you’re free. I’ll make sure Skye covers for you.”


  “Anytime dickhead.”

  He hung up. There was a missed call from Tina. I texted her again to let her know I was done with Ben. I opened the door of the cell just as the phone rang.

  “What’s wrong?” Tina said.

  “Some prick tipped off the cops that Avery was with me when I saw you. If they talk to you at all, tell them it was Skye. I have to go.”

  “I will. And Aiden, stay safe, okay?”


  I hung up. Avery turned and smiled at me.

  “I finished it.”

  “Finished what?”

  “Your gift.”

  She walked out and wrapped her arms around my back. I didn’t look in the cell. I buried my face in her hair. Fuck. I was so relieved she was okay.

  “What did the police want?”

  “Had a tip-off you were with me at Tina’s, but I sorted it. Don’t worry.”

  “Saving me from the big bad police officers hunting me down?”

  I chuckled.

  “Something like that.”

  “Do you have a story ready for them when I do finally make it back into the real world?”

  Not quite yet. I’d work it out soon.

  “I will when it’s time.”

  She stepped back from me.

  “I’m going to ring James. I’ll clean up afterwards, just don’t go snooping.”

  She went up on her tiptoes and kissed my cheek.

  “Snooping? Me?”

  “Yes, you. You said you’d let me do this. It’s only a few more days.”

  I smiled and tucked a stray hair behind her ear.

  “Okay, but later, you’re going to make up for it for all this waiting.”

  “How exactly?”

  “By letting me cuff you to the bed.”

  She bit her lip before running her fingers across my chest.

  “I’ll make sure to wear something nice for you then.”

  My cock twitched. I’d bought her all sorts of underwear, but I not asked her to wear any of the more revealing sets. I leant down and brushed my lips over her ear.

  “Now you’re just teasing me.”

  She ducked away and hurried down the hall.

  “Patience, Aiden.”

  Fuck patience. I stalked after her. I caught her hand before she could escape into the living room. I tugged her back and pressed her into the wall. She stared up at me with a raised eyebrow.

  “Don’t you know anticipation only makes it sweeter?” she asked.

  “You know what is driving me fucking crazy?”

  “No, what?”

  “Every time you walk away from me, I can’t take my eyes off you.”

  Her brow furrowed in the cutest fucking way.


  I brushed my hands down her sides and curled my hands around her behind.

  “Because I want this. I want to touch you here.”


  “Did I say fuck? No. I won’t unless you agree to it, but I want you to let me touch you here. I know you liked it when I did last time.”

  A flush crept up her neck.

  “I… I want to let you fuck me there, but I’m scared.”

  She looked down at our feet.

  “The thought of you taking the last bit of my virginity. It… feels sort of right. I want to, Aiden.”

  I couldn’t speak for a long moment. I hadn’t meant to pressure her. I’d tried not to bring it up, but I wanted her there, so fucking much.

  “Are you sure?”

  “How can I be sure of something I have no experience in?”

  I took her hand, pulling her into the bedroom. She shifted nervously on her feet as I left her by the bed. I knelt down and pulled out the box, selecting what I wanted to show her. I set it out on the bed. She stared at the items with curiosity.


  She hopped up on the bed. I shifted so I was kneeling before her. I picked up the bottle of lubricant, putting it in her hands.

  “You know what this is for, right?”

  She turned it over.


  I picked up a small plug and handed it to her.

  “And this?”


  She didn’t look nervous. Putting down the bottle of lube, she ran her fingers over the plug.

  “And what do you think to using these next time we have sex?”

  “You mean you want to put this in me?”

  I smiled.

  “That’s the point of it.”

  “And do you want to fuck me at the same time?”

  My cock couldn’t take it. The thought of her having that in her arse whilst I fucked her pussy made it stand to attention.

  “Yes. Fuck. Yes, so fucking much.”

  “This is new, right? Not one you’ve used with anyone else.”

  I nodded. I wouldn’t do that to her. I always replaced those types of things. It didn’t feel right otherwise. She placed it on the bed.

  “Then yes, we can use this later. I want to know what it feels like.”

  Later? I wanted her right fucking now. She’d just agreed to let me play with her arse. Something I’d been so fucking hesitant to wish for. If she liked this, then maybe she’d let me stick my dick up there. I wanted her so fucking much. Her pussy was so tight, but fuck, being in her virgin arse would be like heaven.


  “Yes, later. I need to call James and I doubt you want me leaving a mess in the cell even if you never go in there.”

  All of that shit could wait. All of it. My fingers went to her jeans, unbuttoning them.


  “No. I want you now. Right fucking now. I want to stick my tongue in your pussy. Don’t fucking deny me.”

  Her eyes were wide, but she didn’t stop me when I tugged off her jeans and her knickers. I tugged her hips to the end of the
bed, draped her legs over my shoulders and buried my tongue in her pussy. Fuck. She tasted sweet.

  “Fuck, Aiden. Oh, oh, fuck.”

  Her fingers threaded in my hair. I’d make her come now and later, I’d fuck her. After I called Chuck and sorted out the rest of the shit with the police.

  I promised myself I’d keep Avery happy until after Christmas. That meant making this shit go away.

  We’d have a few more days of bliss.

  A few more days of her being my solace.

  A few more days before everything went to hell.

  Chapter Twenty Five


  Christmas. The day I’d always spent with my parents. I’d never wake up to the smell of pastries for breakfast again. Never wear ridiculous matching Christmas pyjamas. Never watch my parents smile and cook dinner together.

  I shook myself. They were gone. It still hurt. Worse now I had all those perfect memories tarnished by the knowledge of who they’d really been. I had to lock that pain away. That part of my life needed to be let go. I’d always love them, but it wouldn’t be the same.

  A hand curled around my waist and lips pressed to my shoulder.

  “Happy Christmas,” a deep voice whispered in my ear.

  His voice always had me melting on the spot. Deep, rich and sexy. That was Aiden all over.

  “Happy Christmas.”

  “Shall I give you a gift now or would you like breakfast in bed?”


  His hand slipped below my underwear, brushing over my curls. I whimpered when his fingers met my clit.

  “Mmm, my fingers are your gift.”

  I arched against him as he strummed me. This was one way to wake up on Christmas morning. Aiden was the first man I’d share this day with. And he was already making me forget all about not spending it with my family.

  “Today is all about you,” he told me. “Feeding you. Making you smile. Making you come over and over again.”

  “You promised we could watch Christmas films.”

  He growled in my ear.

  “Talk of that isn’t permitted when my fingers are on your clit, Avery.”

  I wanted to laugh but he circled my clit harder. Shit. I cried out. His cock dug into my back as he ground against me.

  “Aren’t you going to fuck me?”

  “Don’t tempt me.”

  “Even if I want you to fill me with your cock?”


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