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Corrupt Empire Series: A Dark Romance Boxset

Page 35

by Sarah Bailey

  She leant her forehead against mine when we stopped breathing so hard. Her fingers curled around my neck.

  “I’m tired of fighting and secrets. Can’t we just have one day where it’s just you, me and nothing else?”

  Her words fucking tore at me. I was still pissed off she’d kept things from me. She was right though. We fought too much. My need to control her got worse as the days went on and she bore the brunt of my frustration with myself.

  “I’m so sorry, princess.”

  “Shh, don’t. I know this is hard for you. I never expected anything else. I haven’t made it easier. I push you too much, but you have to stop shutting me out. It makes me so afraid I’m losing you when you do that.”

  I cupped her face with both hands.

  “I’m not going anywhere. You and I belong together, remember? I’m trying to be better for you.”

  She shook her head.

  “I don’t want you to change. I need you.” She placed a hand on my heart. “I’ll always crave your control. It feeds me just as much as it does you. Don’t ever forget that even when we fight.”

  Could I love this girl any more right now?

  I kissed her forehead before releasing her.

  “I think I owe you dinner, then I’m going to run you a bath.”

  She smiled, her doe eyes twinkling.

  “Sounds perfect.”

  She shifted off me and ran to the bathroom to clean up. I found my boxers and tugged them on. Walking into the kitchen, I pulled out a few things to make her a quick pasta dish. I knew she was tired after today. Having to deal with Chuck and the police can’t have been easy on her, then me going off the deep end over the photo of my mother and her revelation didn’t help matters.

  I doubted I’d ever be okay with her having had a sexual relationship with James. Knowing he’d touched her and seen her naked fuelled the violence inside me I usually kept at bay.

  Mine. Mine. Mine.

  I needed to get a grip. She was right to be worried. I wanted to hurt him. Except I wouldn’t. Being an adult about this situation was the only way forward.

  Her arms banded around my stomach. Her lips pressed against my back. She’d put a t-shirt on. I could feel the fabric against my skin.

  “You know there’s nothing sexier than a shirtless man cooking for his girlfriend, especially this tattooed one right here.”

  I chuckled. She’d successfully pulled me out of my dark mood with that sentence.

  “Is that so?”

  “Mmm, you make my panties wet.”

  I snorted, running my hand over hers.

  “Are you trying to compliment or flatter me?”

  “I’m trying to make you smile, but obviously what I said is true. You do make me wet with a single look sometimes.”

  I stowed that little detail away for future use.

  “Go sit at the table.”

  She kissed my back again before she let go. I turned to watch her walk over, pull out a chair and sit down. She rested her chin on her hands and looked at me with a grin. The tension between us had evaporated completely. I had more shit to make up to her. And I would because I loved her.

  “I’m just going to sit here and admire my boyfriend. Is that okay with him?”

  “Look all you want, princess. No one else gets this view.”

  “I should hope not.”

  I winked at her whilst I put pasta in boiling water.

  “Do I detect a hint of possessiveness in your tone? Are you going to start a catfight if you catch a girl looking my way?”

  She scowled.

  “You are mine.”

  The way she said it made my heart tighten.

  “Are you quite sure about that?”

  “Don’t you start with me, Aiden, unless you want me to demonstrate the fact to you.”

  Now I was intrigued by how she would go about doing that.

  “Maybe I do.”

  “Later. Hurry up and feed me.”

  I laughed. I dumped out the water and finished it up with pesto and parmesan. I placed both plates on the table and got her a glass of water. She dug in straight away, mumbling ‘thank you’ with a mouthful of food.

  As promised, I ran her a bubble bath when she finished. She gratefully sunk into the water. I kissed her forehead and left her to it. I still had things to do. Not least of which was to make sure Chuck didn’t try to pull any shit now she was back. And we still had Frazier Shaw to worry about.

  What would happen when he found out Avery had returned ready to take over the company?

  It would likely be nothing good.

  She and I had a lot to prepare for.

  And I vowed to keep her safe.

  Even if it cost us everything.

  Because to me, Avery was worth losing it all for.

  Chapter Nine


  The board meeting might be in a couple of weeks, but that didn’t stop some of the members coming to see me. I’d been polite and courteous to each one of them. I couldn’t work out who knew about the dark side of the business and who didn’t.

  Until they hired me a secretary, Clara was helping me, much to Uncle Charlie’s annoyance. And when she buzzed to say Frazier Shaw was waiting, I wanted to tell her to inform him he had to make an appointment. Except I couldn’t. He was the firm’s solicitor. I had to deal with the man whether I wanted to or not.

  I asked her to send him in whilst I fired off a quick text.

  ME: Frazier is here.

  AIDEN: What the fuck?

  ME: I’ll let you know how it goes.

  I popped my phone on the desk as he walked in. Frazier Shaw was dressed in a grey pinstripe suit with a cravat. So pretentious. His grey hair was slicked back and he appraised me with dark eyes.

  “Hello Avery.”

  “Good afternoon Mr Shaw, what can I do for you?”

  He strolled toward me.

  “There’s no need to be so formal. I have known you since you were in the cradle.”

  His eyes roamed over me, a deadly smile appearing on his face. I straightened my spine.

  “What brings you here?”

  “I heard you were back. I wanted to see for myself. Chuck says you’re ready to take over. The papers are being drawn up as we speak. You are the irrefutable heir after all.”

  “Well, as you can see, I’m here. I assure you, I’m prepared for my role.”

  He cocked his head to the side.

  “Yes… well, if you require anything else of Shaw Associates, you will let me know. I do hope we can begin a successful working relationship together.”

  I swallowed back the bile rising in my throat. I wanted to tell him to get the fuck out of my office and never darken my door again. I remembered the video Aiden showed me of him. I tried not to think about the wild look in his eyes when he’d lowered the drill to that girl’s leg.

  “Of course, I have every intention of continuing business with your company.”

  It killed me to say that. I wanted another firm who were far more reputable and not involved in the horrors my family had committed, but I couldn’t. I had to keep up appearances. None of them could know, I knew the truth. The role I had to play would be key.

  I wished I had Aiden right here with me. I didn’t feel safe in Frazier’s presence. He wouldn’t do anything in the office because there were cameras in here. I was in no doubt he was aware of that fact.

  I was going to have my father’s office redecorated so I’d taken another one, closer to my uncle. I hated relying on him for help with the business, but the reality was I had no idea what I was doing.

  “I’m glad to hear it. I’m sorry about your parents. Mitch and Kath were my closest friends. I do hope the murderer is brought to justice.”

  I shuddered. I didn’t want Aiden arrested for it. Yes, what he’d done was wrong, but my parents deserved it. Especially knowing what my dad had done to his mother.
It sickened me. The more I discovered about my father, the harder it got to see him as anything other than a monster hidden behind a well-constructed mask. My love for my parents was a pile of ashes at my feet. When the wind blew, they’d scatter, never to be seen again.

  “Thank you. It’s been difficult, but I’m sure the police will discover the truth.”

  He paced away a few steps.

  “Tell me, Avery, do you know why someone wanted them dead?”

  I shrugged. I knew all right.

  “No. Did they have enemies?”

  “Everyone in a position of power has enemies.”

  His eyes met mine. I could see the warning in them. The one which told me not to cross him. Not to make him into an enemy. Problem was, he was already on my shit list. His time in this world was limited. Aiden would see to that. My boyfriend. The stone cold killer with a heart that only beat for me.

  “You’d do well not to rock the boat any time soon. You’re going to be in charge and that’s a big responsibility to put on a twenty-year-old girl with no knowledge of how big business works.”

  I didn’t move an inch or change my expression. Inside, I raged at his words. I might only be twenty, but I knew how sick and evil he was. I was walking a dangerous line when I agreed to take up my place as head of Daniels Holdings. So much rested on my ability to convince them I was capable and had no idea about what other shit they got up to.

  “I’m sure it will be a steep learning curve, but with my uncle’s guidance, the company will continue to thrive.”

  I had to become proficient in the art of bullshitting. I intended to destroy it all so they couldn’t hurt anyone else.

  Aiden and I could’ve washed our hands of all of this. I was within my rights to appoint someone else to run the company and not be involved myself. Except I had a responsibility. I had to finish what Aiden had started. Together, we’d make sure they all crashed and burned for what they’d done.

  “Of course, your uncle worked closely with your father.” He paused, his dark eyes appraising me. “I know you and your father discussed having one of your cousins work closely with you. Have you perhaps reconsidered my son for the role?”

  I locked my muscles in place so I wouldn’t react. I should’ve known he’d bring that shit up, but I wasn’t prepared for it. It made me ill, sickness coiling in my stomach. Not only did it remind me of what Aiden originally wanted me to do, but I didn’t want to be anywhere near his son. Tristan was just as disturbed as his father.

  “I’ve already decided to have Ed come work with me.”

  I hadn’t, but he was the obvious choice. Dad kept mentioning him as the perfect candidate. It left me with the distinct impression my cousin knew about the human trafficking and sex ring my family kept under wraps.

  Edward Daniels was my father’s cousin, Troy’s son. He was four years older than me. His sister, Lindsay, was only sixteen and not yet out of school. My cousins were all nice enough, but I had a tainted view of my family now. I couldn’t exactly see Ed in the same light any longer.

  If Frazier was annoyed by me choosing my cousin over his son, he didn’t show it. He smiled at me, a gleam in his eye.

  “A fine young man. He will be an asset to you.”

  Ed knows. He has to know.

  “I’m sure.”

  I wanted Frazier to leave. He didn’t have any other reason to be here. My phone buzzed on the desk. I eyed it. Aiden sent me another message. I didn’t move to touch it.

  “Well, I shall leave you to your day. The paperwork will be delivered before the board meeting,” he said.

  “Thank you.”

  He gave me a sharp nod before turning on his heel and striding out of my office. I let out a sigh of relief as soon as the door closed behind him. I pulled my phone off the desk.

  AIDEN: Call me.

  I sighed, leaning back in my desk chair. I was already rattled by Frazier’s presence. I didn’t need Aiden going off the deep end too. Things were already weird between us after I’d told him about James. A few days had passed and I was beginning to worry. Outwardly, nothing had changed, but I knew Aiden and his moods. It would grate on him. It was a question of when this would blow up in my face again, not if.

  He’d get pissed off if I didn’t call him, but I also needed to call my cousin and speak to Uncle Charlie. I decided my boyfriend could wait. I was at work and that meant concentrating on doing the necessary. I stood, slipping my phone in my trouser pocket and walked out of my office.

  Clara nodded at me when I stepped up to Uncle Charlie’s door.

  “He’s free,” she said.

  I turned the handle and walked in. He looked up from his computer, a frown immediately appearing on his face.

  “Frazier was just here,” I said, walking over to the window and looking out.

  Our offices were located on the top floor of the building. The views of the city spanned far and wide. The city of secrets and lies.

  “Checking up on you no doubt,” my uncle replied.

  I still felt uncomfortable in his presence, but it didn’t matter. I had to work with him.

  “Dad told me Ed would be best placed to help me with the business when we discussed it. I think he was right.”

  I eyed my uncle out of the corner of my eye. His eyes lit up.

  “Accepting you need help now, are you?”

  I resisted the urge to curse him for his sarcastic tone.

  “Unless you want me to call Frazier and tell him I’m happy to have Tristan here…”

  He paled. His reaction piqued my curiosity. Did he hate Frazier and Tristan as much as I did?

  “Ed will do just fine. Do you want me to speak to him?”

  I shook my head. It was better coming from me. I hadn’t seen any of my extended family for a long while, but the world knew I’d returned to the public eye.

  I refused any interviews. The police had given a statement regarding my reappearance yesterday after they’d got my official statement. Now, we had the paparazzi camped outside the building. I wasn’t sure how I’d get out of here without being snapped and followed. Aiden wasn’t coming to pick me up for that very reason. We still had to keep our relationship a secret.

  “I’ll do it. Got to start somewhere.”

  My uncle didn’t respond. I turned to him. He was staring at his phone, his expression dark.

  “Is everything okay?”

  He waved me away.

  “Yes, yes. Go speak to your cousin.”

  I wondered what he’d received. There was no point me trying to snoop. I could get Aiden to do that for me. The reminder of him caused my pulse to spike. He wasn’t going to be happy with me for not calling him straight away.

  I walked out of my uncle’s office and left him to it. No point sticking around. I didn’t need his approval to appoint Ed but keeping him onside was more important in the long run. If I ran things by him before I did them, he’d think I trusted him.

  Sitting back in my office chair, I tugged out my phone. Aiden had texted me again, but I decided not to look at them. Instead, I dialled my cousin’s number. He answered it on the fifth ring.

  “Hello little cousin. Long-time no speak.”

  “Hi Ed.”

  “I’m sorry about your parents. Shitty business.”

  “Thanks. It’s been difficult, but I’m back now. Trying to get things in order.”

  My phone vibrated against my ear. More texts from Aiden no doubt.

  “Of course, Dad told me you are at the office. I’m sure you’ll see him at some point.”

  Troy worked on one of the lower floors. I was surprised he’d not popped up to see me, but I wasn’t particularly close to my dad’s cousins.

  “I’m actually calling because I’d like to see you.”


  “Yes, I want to discuss you coming to work with me. I can’t make a formal appointment until the company is signed over to me, but
no harm lining things up.”

  Ed was silent for a long moment.

  “I can come to the office now if you’re free.”

  “You’re not busy?”

  I knew he was working somewhere in the city, so I was a little surprised.

  “Little cousin, for you, never. I’ll be there in half an hour.”

  He hung up before I could say any more. I didn’t expect him to drop everything to speak to me. Perhaps he’d been expecting this. My dad had told me several times he’d discuss it with Troy and Ed. Maybe he had done so already and not told me. I’d never know.

  True to his word, Ed arrived in my office half an hour later. His dark hair was tousled, brown eyes glinting.


  I smiled, standing up and coming around the desk. He enveloped me in a warm embrace. When he released me, he gripped my arms.

  “You look good.”

  “Thanks. You want a drink?” I replied.

  “A cuppa would be divine right now.”

  I walked around to my desk and sat back in my chair, pressing down on the intercom button.

  “Clara, can you make Ed and I tea please?”

  “Of course, Miss Daniels,” she said.

  I released the button and indicated the chair in front of my desk to Ed. He folded his long legs into the seat, unbuttoning his suit jacket.

  “How’s Linds and Aunt Penny?” I asked.

  “Both doing well. We missed you at the funeral.”

  I looked at my hands.

  “I’m sorry I missed it. Grief does funny things to people sometimes.”

  When my eyes met Ed’s, they were full of sympathy. I forgot for a moment that my cousin likely knew my family were a bunch of sick bastards.

  “It’s okay. It came as a shock to us all, but we don’t need to talk about that. I am here to discuss the future after all.”

  I gave him a half smile.

  “You’re right. Shall we start with my plans?”


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