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Corrupt Empire Series: A Dark Romance Boxset

Page 37

by Sarah Bailey

  I left my boxers on and went over to one of her cupboards. I pulled out a scarf and brought it over to her.

  “Open your mouth.”

  She did as I asked. I made her bite down on it whilst I secured it around the back of her head. I probably should’ve stopped this and let her out immediately, but I couldn’t. I had to remind Avery exactly who she belonged to. Exactly who’s cock she craved inside her every night.

  “Are you ready, princess? There’ll be no safe words or mercy tonight.”

  She didn’t try to speak, just stared at me with fear in her eyes. And as fucked up as it was, her fear fed the darkness inside me.

  I knelt on the bed and pressed her legs open further. Fuck. She looked so fucking sexy, it hurt. My cock throbbed, aching to be balls deep in her tight, wet pussy. Except I wasn’t just going to take her pussy tonight. I’d already had her mouth, so that left only one other place. I’d savour every fucking moment.

  I stroked my cock through my boxers.

  “Mmm, do you want to see how fucking hard I am for you? Want to see what I’m going to fuck you with, princess?”

  If she could’ve responded, I’m sure she would’ve told me to stop, but she didn’t. Despite her fear, there was also desire in her expression. She craved my control. Craved what I gave her. She wanted to be tied up on the bed and fucked hard.

  I pulled my boxers down, kicking them away before tugging her up onto my knees by the harness. I rubbed my cock over her pussy. I looked down at her sweet spot and felt how wet she was for me.

  “You like that, don’t you? So fucking wet even though you’re scared of what I’m going to do. Scared of how hard I’m going to fuck you. You should be. You might not be able to walk after we’re done this evening.”

  I thrust inside her up to the hilt without giving her any time to adjust, grunting at how tightly she gripped me. A muffled yelp sounded from behind the scarf.

  “That’s it, princess. Take my cock.”

  I held onto her hips and fucked her. There was no gentleness to my thrusts. I slammed into her over and over again, feeling her contract around me with every stroke. Fuck. She felt amazing.

  “Do you want me to fuck you harder? I think you do. You want me to fuck you until you’re crying because it feels so good.”

  Her muffled moans fed me. I gripped the harness at her thighs as an anchor, pulling her into me as I fucked her with deep, hard strokes. Our eyes locked. Hers told me she was enjoying it. They screamed at me to fuck her ruthlessly.

  “You’re mine, Avery. You hear me? Mine. You belong to me and only me. You come when I say you fucking come. And you’ll only fucking come on my cock, my fingers and my tongue.”

  She nodded as best she could, moaning into the makeshift gag. This felt so fucking good. Having control of her made me feel right again. Things had become so messed up and I needed to find balance. This was the only way I knew how. The bedroom was the place I had full control. She’d granted it to me.

  I slowed and pulled out of her, shifting off the bed. As sweet as her pussy felt, I wanted what I’d had on New Year’s. I wanted anal and she was going to fucking give it to me. I’d been patient with her. My patience was shot to pieces. All of it went up in flames the moment she told me about her and James.

  I tugged the lube out my bag and brought it back over to the bed. She stared at me when I flipped open the cap and spread it over my fingers.

  “That’s right, princess. I’m having you here tonight.”

  I pressed one finger inside her. The heat and tightness made my cock throb restlessly. Then she tried to talk, the noises she made muffled. She struggled against the bonds she was in.

  “No? I told you. You’re taking what I give you tonight. You want to disobey me?”

  She didn’t stop moving, but I’d tied her up too tight for her to escape. She grunted when I pressed another finger inside her.

  “I want to see your face as I plunge inside you and you come all over my cock. I didn’t get to see how you came apart last time, so yes, princess, you’re going to let me fuck you here. It’ll feel good when I’m in there, you know it will. You loved it. Don’t fucking try to deny it.”

  Three fingers worked inside her. Her eyes bugged out and she moaned, going still before she rocked into my fingers.

  “That’s it, good girl.”

  I made sure to open her up as best I could before I slicked my cock up. It was still wet from her arousal, but that wouldn’t be enough. I lined myself up and pressed against her entrance. Her face scrunched up as the head sunk in. I groaned. Fuck, so tight. Even though I’d only had her here once before, I fucking missed it. Missed the way she clenched around me. Missed the heat.

  “Fuck, being inside you is torture of the best fucking kind, princess.”

  I didn’t wait for her to give me any sort of response. I thrust a little deeper. Her face was still scrunched up. I knew it was hurting her. I just couldn’t stop. I had to have her. Had to be balls deep. I couldn’t fucking hold back my needs any longer. No matter how precious Avery was to me. No matter how much I loved her. I was still a fucking slave to my desires. My sick and twisted needs.

  What kind of man tied his girlfriend up without asking her if it was okay and then made sure she couldn’t talk or fight back?

  I’d tried to prepare her beforehand but being in her drove me fucking crazy. She knew what being with me entailed. I’d fucking warned her enough times and she’d pushed to be with me anyway. She knew I’d need the restraints. Need to take things from her she wasn’t ready to give.

  I thrust into her again, making her take more. Her eyes opened. Tears welled in them, but even that wasn’t enough to make me stop. I couldn’t even say fucking sorry because I wasn’t sorry at all.

  “It’ll feel better in a bit, I promise.”

  She gave me one sharp nod. The relief I felt was fucking palpable. Avery wasn’t mad at me for what I was doing to her. She wasn’t upset. I’d make her come to make up for all this shit I subjected her to. I’d give her the same level of pleasure she’d had before when she’d begged me not to stop.

  I pulled back and started to build a steady rhythm, trying not to go too deep too soon. I was determined she’d enjoy it as much as I was. I gripped one side of the harness at her thighs, keeping her steady as I fucked her. And when Avery moaned, it was like fucking music to my ears even though it was muffled by the scarf.

  “You want more, princess? You love this as much as last time?”

  She nodded, wriggling against me despite the restraints holding her in place. Her hands flexed at her sides. My other hand went to her clit. I circled it with my thumb. She jerked, moaning again. Her body begged for more. So I gave her more. I pressed deeper and harder.

  “I want you to come for me. It’s so fucking hot seeing you take it. I’m almost balls fucking deep. I can’t fucking believe how well you’re doing. That’s it, come for me, Avery. Come.”

  I was getting far too close to the edge. She felt so good and her tightness almost fucking killed me. I couldn’t hold back for long. The pulsating need to coat her insides with my cum was almost fucking unbearable.

  One final thrust and I bottomed out, fully seated inside her. She was stretched so obscenely on my cock and it was every-fucking-thing at that moment.

  “Fuck, come for me, princess. You’re so fucking amazing for taking it all.”

  I pulled back and thrust deep again. The need to come was killing me, but she had to let go first. I strummed her clit faster. Her hands jerked against the restraints, her head rolling to the side as she moaned. I fucked her until I couldn’t take it any longer.

  Avery clenched around me so hard I thought I was going to fucking pass out as she came. Her screams were muffled, but loud enough for me to hear how much she loved it. And her face, she looked so fucking beautiful in that moment.

  I finally let go, my cock spurting inside her, unloading all I had to give. I shu
ddered above her, my whole body going into spasm as the pulses washed over me. Fuck. No one had ever made me completely lose all sense of fucking reality. But she did. She fucking did.

  When I finally stopped panting so hard, I reached down and untied the scarf from her mouth. She coughed and took several gulping breaths of air. I leant down and captured her mouth in a soft kiss. Pulling away, I rested my forehead against hers.

  “I love you,” I whispered.

  “I love you too.”

  And I knew all was right between us.

  “Was it too much?”

  She shook her head, giving me a lopsided smile.

  I let her out of the harness. She stretched her legs and arms out before she gingerly got to her feet. I didn’t let her take a step, scooping her up in my arms and carrying her into the bathroom across the hall. She went about her business and I cleaned myself up before I carried her back to bed and tucked us both under the covers. She took off her bra and threw it off the side.

  “Aiden,” she whispered as I wrapped myself around her back. “Are you still mad about the James thing?”


  I decided being honest with her was better than pretending as if everything was okay.

  “Is that why you needed the restraints tonight?”

  “I suppose it had something to do with it.”

  She wrapped her hand around one of mine.

  “I haven’t told him I told you. I don’t want this to turn into a huge thing between the three of us. I promise I’m not keeping anything else from you.”

  I clutched her tighter.

  “I’m trying to be okay with all this, Avery. I’m not annoyed it happened, but I am pissed off with you keeping it from me. I’m especially fucked off with the way you decided to tell me.”

  I felt her tremble in my hold.

  “I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry.”

  I kissed her shoulder.

  “Shh, I know you are.”

  “I want to make it up to you.”

  I almost sighed. She didn’t need to do anything of the sort. This was my fucking shit to deal with and I would. I had to get over it, especially after all I’d done to her.

  “No, you don’t need to do that. We’ll be fine. Just give me some time.”

  I kissed her shoulder again, my lips trailing up her neck. She arched against me, turning her face. I kissed her properly, nipping at her bottom lip. Even though I’d come twice that evening already, I wanted her again. I reached between her thighs and stroked her clit. I didn’t think I’d ever be sated when it came to her.

  My princess.

  She was the fucking one for me.

  The only one.

  That girl had my heart and my soul in the palm of her hand.

  And I wasn’t going to mess it up this time.

  There’s a funny thing about good intentions.

  Sometimes, they weren’t enough.

  Sometimes, the world was just determined to shit all over you.

  And that’s exactly what it did to Avery and me.

  Chapter Eleven


  I sat holding the pen over the dotted line. At the conference table in front of me, the five members of the board sat. All but Mrs Sophia Anderson were male. Their eyes were turned my way. I swallowed. I was going to be the owner of my father’s company. Whilst the board took charge of most of the day to day work, I’d have the final say when it came to all the important decision making. A concept which terrified me.

  I pressed pen to paper, signing my name on several documents.

  It was official.

  I owned my father’s business.

  “Congratulations, Miss Daniels,” Mike Manning said.

  He was another of my father’s close friends who’d been elected to the board ten years ago. He was a stout man with an idiotic twiddly moustache.

  We’d already spent the past hour discussing business with each other. Well, I’d sat listening because I didn’t have much to add. I didn’t want to seem like I was stepping on anyone’s toes. Thankfully, they’d agreed to Ed’s appointment. I was going to text him after the meeting to let him know.

  Mike stood and collected up the papers I’d signed, giving me a nod. The meeting was over. It was merely a formality, the signing of the documents. I shook hands with each member, who left one by one. Mike stayed in the conference room.

  “I do hope you don’t mind me saying I think you’ll do just fine, Miss Daniels.”

  I smiled at him.

  “Please, call me Avery. And thank you.”

  He smiled back and nodded at me again. I walked out, intending to go back to my office. I was pulling my phone out of my pocket when I bumped into someone coming out of the lift.

  “Oh, sorry,” I said, looking up and stopping in my tracks.

  Standing there with his dark hair slicked back, mud brown eyes appraising me with no small amount of disdain was Tristan Shaw. I fought back the urge to hurl an insult at him for merely being alive. I took a step back, needing to be away from him.

  “Hello Avery.”

  His voice grated on my ears. He sounded like a stuck up posh twat. I took a deep breath.

  “Hello Tristan. What brings you here?”

  His lips curved up into a cruel smile.

  “Why, I’m here to collect copies of the handover documents for my father.”

  I should’ve known Frazier would send him here just to taunt me. He knew exactly how much I hated his son. The two of them made me sick.

  I waved at the door I’d just come out of.

  “Mr Manning has them. It’s nice to see you, but if you excuse me, I have a lot to get on with.”

  I didn’t give him a chance to respond. I walked away and shoved open the door to the ladies. I planted both hands on the sink counter, staring at myself in the mirror. Tristan being here rattled me. I didn’t want to go back out there.

  The door to the bathroom opened. I straightened, looking over at it expecting to see another woman. Instead, the man I wanted to avoid strode towards me. I tried to back away, but he caught me and pressed me up against the counter.

  “Running away from me, Avery?”

  There was a deadly note to his voice. I trembled, unable to keep my limbs locked in place.

  “What do you want?”

  Tristan’s cruel smile made the hairs on the back of my neck stick up.

  “I want what’s owed to me.”

  What’s owed to him? What the fuck does that mean?

  I must’ve looked confused because he continued.

  “You were promised to me. I intend to make you suffer for telling your father you wouldn’t have me.”

  I swallowed, my skin suddenly clammy. My pulse skittered as the fear took hold. I was alone with Tristan and he was fucking crazy. I wasn’t promised to him. I owed him nothing.

  “Get off me.”

  I put my hands up, shoving him away from me, but he didn’t budge. He took both my hands and pinned them down on the counter behind me. I struggled in his grip. He’d wedged me against the counter, his body flush with mine and a knee in between my legs so I couldn’t even kick him in the balls if I wanted to.

  “Now, I expected you to fight back, but you’ll soon learn that’s useless. I’ll take what I want from you whether you like it or not.”

  “Get the fuck off me, Tristan.”

  He leant down, running his nose up my neck. It made my skin crawl.

  “Mmm, your fear smells so sweet.”

  “Stop it, let me go.”

  I struggled again, but it was completely useless. I wasn’t strong enough to fight him off or get out of his grasp. Panic set in. Was Tristan going to rape me in the bathroom of my own office? The thought of it made my limbs lock up. Tears pricked at the corners of my eyes.

  No, no, no, no, no. This can’t be happening.

  His lips trailed up my neck, replacing his nose. I
swallowed, trying to breathe air into my lungs. My body prickled all over and not in a good way. I felt sick to my stomach, nausea coiling around me like a vice.

  “Stop it, please. I don’t want this.”

  “I don’t care,” he whispered against my skin.

  I shuddered, feeling trapped and claustrophobic with him pressed up against me. And I could feel his semi pressing into my thigh. This was the complete opposite of what my boyfriend made me feel when he restrained me.


  My heart shattered. I couldn’t stand the thought of what this would do to him, but I knew for a fact, Tristan wouldn’t survive long. His words rang in my ears.

  “If anyone else tries to put their dick in you, I will put a bullet in their head.”

  And Aiden really would. He’d fuck Tristan up beyond recognition and then put him down like a dog just for putting hands on me. It should terrify me. The knowledge that my boyfriend was a killer should send me running for the hills. It didn’t. I loved Aiden. Faults and all. I loved that man with every breath I took. The force of my emotions overwhelmed me.

  “You don’t want to do this. Please, just let me go.”

  Tristan ignored me. He shoved both my hands behind me and pinned them down with one hand. The other curled around my neck. He stared down at me, his intent clear on his face. He was going to hurt me.

  “Oh, I think you’ll find I do. I’ve waited a long time to have my hands on you. Your disappearing act did you no favours. Poor little Avery Daniels with her murdered parents and her sad pathetic cry for help.”

  “Fuck you,” I hissed, feeling his fingers tighten around my throat.

  He leant closer to me, his mouth brushing over my jaw.

  “No, Avery. I’m going to fuck you,” he whispered.

  I snapped. I bucked against him wildly, trying to dislodge him. His grip on me tightened further, but I didn’t let up. I screamed. His hand left my throat and clamped around my mouth, sealing away my voice.

  “Shut the fuck up you little bitch.”

  I didn’t stop struggling. I wasn’t going to let him rape me. He wouldn’t have an easy target here. The last thing I wanted was his dick anywhere near me. The thought of it made me feel sick all over again.


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