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Corrupt Empire Series: A Dark Romance Boxset

Page 56

by Sarah Bailey

  “This conversation isn’t over, Avery. I expect you to tell me everything.”

  I nodded. He turned and walked back into the ballroom. I slumped against the wall of the alcove. That had not gone to plan at all. What the fuck would Aiden say when I told him Chuck knew my engagement to Tristan was fake and that I planned to destroy the Shaws? That was a bridge I’d have to cross later. I had a party to get through.

  I straightened, patting myself down to make sure the knife was still strapped to my thigh.

  I was going to be strong even if my mind was running riot.

  I stood tall and walked back into that ballroom.


  Five Weeks Prior

  Frazier stood in front of my desk, his eyes shining with glee.

  “I cannot begin to tell you how delighted I am.”

  I held back from rolling my eyes.

  “I’ve thought about it long and hard. This is the right move for our families. It’s what my father wanted and I’d like to give him that even if he’s not alive to see it.”

  Frazier nodded, his expression solemn for a moment. I really, really fucking hated this man with a passion. I couldn’t look at him without seeing that awful look on his face when he’d tortured that girl in the video Aiden showed me. Not only that, I had a new memory of him. One of the videos Rick had shown me. It was worse. He’d used a knife to slice into the girl’s skin. Her body was completely covered in small cuts. Each one made his eyes light up further and his erection grow bigger. I hated that I even knew what he looked like naked. Hated that I’d watched him fuck her afterwards until they were both covered in blood.

  I swallowed, the revulsion I felt about those memories threatening to consume me. I couldn’t be sick in front of Frazier. Not now.

  “Yes, it is terribly sad he won’t be here to see his daughter get married.”

  I didn’t want him here. I was marrying the man who’d murdered him and my mother. Anyone would think I was certifiable. It didn’t matter. I knew Aiden and I belonged together. Knew it deep in my soul. We’d fallen hard for each other. Fallen into the pit of insanity we now both resided in and neither of us wanted to crawl out of it. Neither of us wanted to ever let the other go. Aiden consumed me and I consumed him. It’s just how we were together.

  “I know it’s a lot to ask… but would you consider walking me down the aisle when we do get married? You were Dad’s best friend. It would only be fitting.”

  Frazier’s eyes lit up further. The slow smile which appeared on his face made my skin crawl.

  “What about your uncle?”

  “We’ve never been close. I’d like it to be you.”

  The lie almost stuck in my throat. I’d rather fucking die but reeling him in with my web of lies was paramount. The further I convinced him I’d been taken in by his bullshit, the easier this would be for me to infiltrate his home. I had to make Frazier and Tristan trust me.

  “I’m honoured. I cannot replace your own father, but I do hope you’ll think of me as your father one day.”

  I smiled at him, trying not to show my distaste at such a thing ever happening. He would never be my father. Not if I had anything to do with it.

  He took a seat in front of me, drumming his fingers on the arm.

  “I’m sure Tristan will be very pleased when I tell him. There are a few matters we should discuss first.”

  “Such as?”

  “I’m aware your uncle is holding an event for you.”

  I nodded. It was common knowledge now. There was already media speculation as to what would happen at it. Were we going to announce something big? How would the company move forward in light of the tragedy of my parent’s death and me taking up my father’s mantle?

  “I’m wondering how you would feel about making the announcement then.”

  My smile dropped. I couldn’t help it. Announcing publicly was not a part of our plans. Not at all. The look in his eye told me he wouldn’t drop this subject. Wouldn’t let me get out of it.

  “So soon?”

  “It is the perfect opportunity.”

  I supposed in his eyes it was. The world would be watching. What better way to secure my fortune than to announce it and make sure I’d have a hard time backing out of it. My skin crawled. I knew the stakes in this game were high. I’d known that from the moment Aiden told me about what my family really did.

  “I will think about it.”

  “Not too hard now.”

  “Wasn’t there something else?”

  He nodded, his dark eyes flickering with emotions I didn’t understand, but nevertheless made me feel like I should be on my guard.

  “Well, Avery, this arrangement should be mutually beneficial. I know you bear no love for my son. I imagine you’d prefer to be his wife in name only.”

  It was true. If I was really going to marry him, I didn’t want him to touch me physically. The thought of that made my skin prickle. The memory of him pressing me up against the counter in the ladies and his disgusting hands on me was more than enough.

  “You’re correct.”

  No point lying about this aspect.

  “I would like to draw up an agreement between you. Of course, it wouldn’t be legally binding, but it would be beneficial to both parties to make their positions clear.”

  “That’s fair. Is Tristan going to agree to it?”

  He gave me a smile.

  “Oh, have no fear on that score. I will make sure he does.”

  His expression told me I had a lot to fear. He was just as psychotic as Tristan. The two of them were shining examples of men who lacked any sort of morals.

  “Well, okay. Do you want to maybe start drawing something up and I’ll think of what I want out of the arrangement?”

  He inclined his head before standing. I stood too, putting my hand out to him. He took it, his cold, papery skin sending a chill down my spine. Giving my hand a firm shake, he smiled.

  “I’ll be in touch.”

  I smiled back, trying to keep the nervousness out of my expression.

  “I look forward to it.”

  He released my hand, turned and left without a backwards glance.

  And I knew I was in deep shit.

  Whatever Frazier had up his sleeve, I wasn’t privy to it. I knew he wanted my money, but everything else was a mystery to me. For now, I had what I wanted, but at what cost? What had I really signed myself up for?

  I could only hope marriage to Aiden would keep me from whatever it was Frazier had planned for me. Because if it didn’t. I wasn’t entirely sure if I’d ever recover from it. Knowing Frazier. It wouldn’t be anything good.

  I needed this to work.

  Needed it desperately

  My future with Aiden depended on it.

  And the thought of it all falling apart around me chilled me to my very core.

  Chapter Four


  Avery was sat up in bed drawing when I got in. I’d told her I’d be late due to a bunch of shit Chuck asked me to do. I was growing tired of being at his beck and call. The sooner we finished this shit with her family, the better. All I wanted was to settle down with the girl I loved. Whether that made me a fucking pussy or not, I no longer cared.

  I dropped a kiss on the top of her head before going over to the cupboard to strip out of my clothes.

  “What you drawing?” I asked, tugging my jumper off.

  “Ben texted me a couple of his sketches. Was just working on the one for us.”

  She’d been back and forth with him for a few days now. At night, she’d taken to drawing or painting. She was working on something for our living room having insisted on taking a bunch of photos of us together for reference. I had told her I wanted more of her paintings for our walls, but I wasn’t counting on her wanting to paint us again. She told me it was going to be a proper portrait rather than fantastical like the one above our bed.

nd Frazier?”

  “He was obviously happy, but he wants to have some kind of agreement put in place since he knows this isn’t a love match.”

  I could go over the footage of her conversation with him tomorrow. I moved to the bed, having stripped down to my boxers and slipped in next to her, looking over at her sketch. She paused, taking her pencil away so I could see it. A pair of angel wings, but it was only half done.

  “It looks good.”

  “Thank you. I should hope so since it’s going on you too.”

  I grinned. Another set of matching tattoos. Ben was going to tattoo them next week so she’d have them done in time for the wedding. She set the drawing down on the bedside table and turned to me. She looked a little concerned.

  “Something weird is going on with Ed.”

  I reached over, tucking her hair behind her ear.

  “What makes you say that?”

  “I know Saskia is new and all, but she followed me into the ladies earlier and told me she overheard him having a shouting match with someone on the phone.”

  I frowned. From what Avery told me, he was a very amenable guy who never raised his voice to anyone. I’d not met him in person, but I knew his father, Troy, a little. At least I’d seen him often enough on footage of him and Mitchell to know he was just as bad as his cousin.

  “Did she happen to hear anything he said?”

  “Not much. Just that someone had really fucked up and they needed to sort it out before Charlie finds out. I don’t know whether it’s to do with the company or… if it’s perhaps because he’s involved in the other shit.”

  I had my suspicions about her cousin. She knew that. Something about him didn’t add up quite right.

  “Perhaps we can look at the footage from his office at some point. Maybe we’ll hear the whole thing.”

  She shook her head.

  “He wasn’t in his office, he was in the photocopier room which you know doesn’t have any cameras.”

  I wondered if that was on purpose. If he didn’t want his conversation filmed, then it might well be.

  “A little too convenient.”

  She took my arm, wrapped it around her and put her head on my shoulder.

  “That’s what I thought.”

  “I’ll look into it, but we have to focus on Frazier.”

  She nodded. That really was our main priority. So far, Chuck hadn’t found out about Sophie and Cora. We were in the clear on that for the time being. Tina said they were both doing a little better since she’d moved them to her place in Cornwall. She was down there with them at the moment, but she’d return before the wedding.

  I’d had lectures from her about how soon it was, but she’d still been happy for me. By most standards, it probably was too soon. Avery and I knew what we wanted. Each other. No other girl would match up to her in my eyes. No one would love me the way she did. Accept me flaws and all. Especially after what I’d done.

  “I hope I find a dress this weekend. It’s going to be difficult at such short notice.”

  “You will. I don’t care how much it costs. I want you to be happy.”

  Honestly, I’d pretty much do anything to make sure this day went off without a hitch. I’d already arranged a tiny reception along with rooms for everyone in the hotel so she didn’t have to worry about it. I never thought I’d be sorting out a fucking wedding, but then again, there was a heck of a lot of shit I never imagined I’d do before I met Avery.

  “James is begrudgingly coming with us. He asked me if he really had to when I rang him earlier.”

  I laughed.

  “I’m sure he’d rather be doing anything else than putting up with you two doing girly shit all afternoon.”

  “He’ll have John.”

  I raised my eyebrow. I was admittedly a little bit fucked off that he’d get to see Avery in whatever she picked out before I did. Half the fucking wedding party would. It was necessary for him to protect her given that we knew Rick would come after her again. He’d promised that. It reminded me I hadn’t yet told Avery about the night my mother died. I should, but finding the words was harder than I realised. It really was my worst fucking memory with the exception of Christmas Day when Avery left me. I didn’t want to think about that shit right now. Not when she was right here and was about to become my wife.

  “I’m sure the two of them can console each other.”

  “I’m not that bad. It’s Gert they should be worrying about. She’s constantly texting me pictures of dresses she thinks will suit me. I swear she’s more excited than me.”

  “What? You’re not excited about getting all this for life?”

  I pointed at myself, biting my lip to keep from smiling. She eyed me, giving me one of those ‘are you serious?’ looks.

  “You’re such an idiot,” she muttered, brushing her fingers across my chest.

  “You wound me, princess.”

  “Boo hoo.”

  I kissed her forehead. She pouted so I shifted, kissing her properly.

  “Better?” I whispered as I pulled away.

  She nodded. Her eyes were drooping a little. No wonder she was tired considering she’d had a long day.

  “You want to sleep?”

  “Yeah… is that okay?”

  “Why wouldn’t it be?”

  She smiled, sitting up and pulling the covers out from underneath us.

  “Well… because… someone usually has an insatiable appetite for me.”

  I laughed, shaking my head a little as I got under the covers with her and leant over to turn out the light. I tucked her up in my arms, giving her a kiss goodnight.

  I wasn’t a complete fucking animal who couldn’t control himself around her. Some days were bad, but others, like today, I was content to just fall asleep with her close to me. The girl who soothed me and kept the nightmares at bay. She’s who I wanted for life.


  The shouting hurt my ears. I had my hands over them, my eyes squeezed shut against the onslaught.

  “Let go of me.”

  “You bitch. You’ve always been a fucking little troublemaker.”

  “You’re not supposed to be here.”

  I heard a loud slapping sound. Opening my eyes, I peered through the crack in the cupboard door. I couldn’t make out the man she was talking to, but I could see Mummy.

  I wasn’t supposed to be in here. In her room, but I’d been looking for a toy I’d lost. My favourite race car. I remembered I’d been playing with it in here a few days ago with Mummy. I’d run in the cupboard and closed the door when I heard loud voices in the hallway.

  “It’s time you learnt your fucking place. You think just because you had that bastard kid, you’re above everyone else? Let me make something fucking clear to you. You’re not.”

  “No, I don’t think that, sir. Please. I haven’t done anything.”

  Mummy was pulled out of sight by a suit-clad arm.

  “That’s where you’re wrong, Lizzie. You’ve done everything wrong since the moment you came to us. Getting knocked up and now this bullshit. You know how much fucking trouble you’ve caused me? No, you don’t because you’re a stupid little bitch who we have no use for any longer.”

  “No. No, please.”

  I heard a smack. It made me flinch. She fell back into my eyeline, holding her face.

  “Please, sir. I’m sorry. Please.”

  “Sorry, are you? Sorry for being alive and making trouble for my whole family?”

  “I’m sorry. Please, sir, don’t.”

  “It’s too fucking late for that.”

  The hand reached out, spinning her around. I couldn’t quite make out who was holding her to their chest, but I knew it was a man by the sound of his voice. It was a familiar voice to me. That’s when I noticed something else in his other hand. A blade.

  “Any last words?”

  “Please, please don’t. He’ll be all alone.”
  “You should’ve fucking thought about that before you fucked up, Lizzie.”

  “Please,” she whispered.

  He raised his arm up and dragged the blade across her neck. Blood pooled immediately. She gurgled. The man released her. She put her hands to her neck, the blood pouring out of the wound. Then she collapsed to her knees. I heard the man’s footsteps retreating from the room. When the front door slammed, I pushed open the cupboard door. She lay on her back, staring up at the ceiling with her hands by her sides.


  There was no answer.



  I jolted awake. My skin felt clammy. What the actual fuck? I’d not dreamt about her in so long. So fucking long. I sat up, trying to reorient myself to the present. That fucking memory. Why had I dreamt about it? Was it because I’d thought about her before I’d gone to sleep? Fuck. Fuck. I couldn’t deal with this shit.

  I jumped out of bed, pacing the room before I walked out and along to the bathroom. I splashed water on my face and the back of my neck. Staring at myself in the mirror, I had dark circles under my eyes and a haunted look on my face. Fuck. Frustration tore through me. I shouldn’t be having these fucking memories attacking me from all fucking sides. I’d had enough. This shit needed to end.

  I dried my face and went back into the bedroom. Slipping into bed, I lay there staring at the ceiling. Avery shifted, her hand reached out and connected with my chest. She moved, tucking herself back up under my arm and curling her own around my stomach.

  “Where did you go?” she whispered, her voice groggy and full of sleep.


  “Are you okay?”

  I shouldn’t be burdening her with this shit in the middle of the night. She needed to sleep, but the memory wouldn’t fucking leave me alone. It wouldn’t disappear. I could see her face. Her glazed over eyes staring back at me.


  Avery raised her head, staring down at me. I could just about make out the concern on her face from the light streaming in through the gap in the curtains.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “It’s nothing. You should go back to sleep.”


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