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Corrupt Empire Series: A Dark Romance Boxset

Page 79

by Sarah Bailey

  She lay there, hands above her head exactly as I’d instructed. I walked over to the bedside table, her eyes tracking me the whole way. Pulling out a length of silk, I knelt on the bed and tied her hands to the headboard.

  “Do you know why I’m tying you up?”

  “I disobeyed you.”

  “That’s right. You ran when you should’ve stayed. What happens to bad girls, princess?”

  “They have to beg.”

  I smiled. She wanted to play that game, did she? It occurred to me she’d run away from me on purpose. My wife. Forever testing me and pushing the boundaries so I’d give her what she wanted. I couldn’t complain. I loved the way she teased me to the point of madness so I’d tie her up and fuck her without mercy.

  “Then you know what to do.”

  I shifted over her. We weren’t quite touching. Already she was straining upward, desperate for contact.


  It was one simple command, but it made her go still. She looked so fucking sexy lying there at my mercy. Her lips glistened as she ran her tongue across them.

  “Please, please use me. I’m yours to command. I’ll let you do what you want. Use me like your fuck toy. I want you. I need you. I crave you.”

  Her sweet voice was music to my fucking ears. I leant towards her, brushing my lips along her jaw. She whimpered at the contact.

  “Please, you drive me crazy, please. I want you. I want your cock, please. I need it.”

  “How much do you need it?”

  My lips trailed lower, down her neck and reaching her collarbone. She trembled below me, her skin a scattering of goosebumps.

  “More than anything. I’m aching. Fuck me. Hard. Please.”

  “What part of you is aching?”

  My lips met her breast, tongue flicking out across a nipple. She arched into it.

  “My pussy. I want your cock filling me. Only you can give me what I need. Only you fuck me deep and hard like I crave.”

  Her pleas were almost my undoing. I was so fucking close to losing control. My cock throbbed. Lust, need, desire punctuated each word she spoke.

  “Spread your legs.”

  She did it without a single moment of hesitation. I looked down at her. My beautiful wife tied to our bed in paradise begging for my cock. Never did I expect to find anything as close to heaven as this. Never had I expected to find any sort of happiness in my life. But Avery had given me more than I ever deserved. She gave me everything I needed. And I gave her everything in return.

  I sat up, pressing my palms against the backs of her thighs and slid inside her slick, deliciously tight heat. I shifted, moving my hands up to rest on the bed beside her head as I fucked her with long, hard strokes. She moaned and writhed beneath me, crying out when I thrust deeper.

  “Aiden, please don’t stop. Fuck. More, I need more.”

  “You want it harder. You want me to prove no one else can give it to you this good, don’t you? Who do you belong to?”

  Her eyes flew open and she stared up at me.

  “You. Always you. Only you.”

  She looked so open and vulnerable. Her expression spoke volumes. Avery was mine. Heart, body and soul. I almost faltered in my thrusts. Fuck. She was everything. All I could ever need. All I could ever want.

  I leant down, my breath dusting across her ear.

  “And I’m yours, princess. I belong to you. Only you. Forever.”

  I kissed up her jaw and captured her mouth, tasting her, devouring her, claiming her as mine. I fucked her harder until she cried out in my mouth, trembling and shaking beneath me as her pussy clamped down on my cock. Fuck. She was so tight and wet and it was fucking amazing.

  I shuddered above her, grunting as I came too, unable to hold back against the onslaught of her climax. My cock spurted deep inside her. The release was the sweetest damn fucking thing.

  I tried not to collapse on top of her and squish her into the bed. Panting, I reached up and untied her hands, letting her wrap her arms around me and hold me. She kissed my cheek, murmuring how much she loved me in my ear.

  Contentment washed over me. For the very first time, I felt free. Nothing holding me back or pulling me down. And it was all down to this girl clinging to me.

  Fuck did I love her.

  And fuck did she love me too.


  Did I ever think I’d be walking along an empty beach with the sun setting on the horizon with the girl of my dreams?

  Not once.

  Avery’s raven hair glittered in the dying light. She wore a black kaftan over her bikini. We were both barefoot as we strolled along, just enjoying the peace and listening to the waves lapping against the shore.

  “Did you think we’d end up like this?” Avery asked, breaking the silence.

  “Like what?”

  “Together with everything behind us and only the future to look forward to.”

  I shook my head. I never considered what it’d be like when the empire was finally destroyed and the people responsible either dead or awaiting trial. As much as I hated my father still, he’d avenged my mother. I’d let go because it wouldn’t make me happy to continue to want him gone. My destructive path of revenge was over. I no longer felt the urge to destroy everything. I wanted to build things instead. Build a life with the girl next to me most of all.

  And a part of building that life was creating a home with her. When we returned to the UK, our home would be renovated completely. It was the very last thing John was doing for me before he left the country for good. Supervising the contractors. He was ready to retire and I couldn’t blame him. The man was a fucking lifesaver and I’d never forget what he’d done for Avery and me.

  “But you’re happy, right? That it’s all over.”

  I stopped, looking down at her as she came to a standstill too. I drew her closer to me, cupping her face.

  “Avery, princess, I’m happy because I’m with you.”

  She bit her lip.


  “Don’t start getting all shy on me now. You’re the reason for all of this, princess. You made it possible.”

  Her cheeks stained red.

  “Quit being so… damn sweet.”

  I raised an eyebrow.

  “Is this me being sweet? I just thought I was being honest.”

  “Damn it, Aiden. When you say stuff like that it makes me want to cry happy tears.”

  I grinned, stroking her cheek.

  “No crying now. Not allowed tears in paradise.”

  I leant down, kissing her forehead.

  “No? If I start crying, will you punish me?”

  “No… I’ll kiss away your tears.”

  “I’m warning you, any more of this and I will be sobbing on your chest.”

  Her doe eyes were bright with amusement, love shining in them too.

  “No crying, princess. Not when we have so much to look forward to.”

  “We do?”

  I nodded, leaning down towards her again.

  “Yes, we’re going home soon and we’re going to start a new life together. Just you and me… and perhaps one day soon, we might add to that number too.”

  I’d thought about it long and fucking hard. The crazy thing about having a nephew, even if he wasn’t a blood relation, and seeing how happy it made Ben and Skye was it made me crave that with Avery.

  “Are you serious?” she whispered, reaching up and wrapping her hands around my neck.


  “Fuck… Fuck, I love you.”

  I smiled.

  “I fucking love you too, princess.”

  I pulled her closer and kissed her under the light of the dying sun.

  And nothing and no one could take that moment away from us.

  I was hers.

  And she was mine.


  The End.


>   Thank you so much for taking the time to read this book. Where do I begin with this one? Writing the end of Aiden and Avery’s story has been an emotional one. There were moments where I thought I’d never get through this book because I didn’t want to say goodbye to them. Ultimately, they got their happy ending and I really hope that it was worth the wait.

  I felt it was important to tell the story of what happened before Avery’s birthday event and give an account of their wedding. This felt like a pivotal moment in their journey together. And they went through a hell of a lot of ups and downs after that along with heartache and turmoil. Aiden finally got his closure and Avery put her demons to rest.

  As hard as saying goodbye is, I’m honoured I got to tell their story and be a part of their journey. I can only hope that you’ve all enjoyed it too.

  A huge thank you to all my readers for sticking with Avery and Aiden. Especially my ARC readers! Knowing you’ve loved these two as much as I have gives me the utmost joy. As an author, knowing that my stories are enjoyed and loved is what keeps me going.

  Thank you to my amazing Twitter Gang and everyone who’s supported me on this journey. I really couldn’t do any of this without you. Your support is invaluable and gives me the strength to carry on even when things get tough.

  Another big thank you goes to my two writer besties – Sean and Sabrina. You two are my biggest inspirations. You give me hope. You give me strength. And you certainly give me all the best laughs too. I love you guys so much!

  Sean – you always manage to cheer me up when I’m feeling down and are an amazing cheerleader. We celebrate each other’s successes and I’m so lucky to call you my best friend.

  Sab – you’re simply one of the most amazing people I’ve ever met. You’re my twin. My soulmate. My Savage Slytherin Sister. I honestly don’t know what I’d do without you. Never stop believing in yourself. I’m so proud of you.

  Thank you to my mum for reading all these stories and helping me proofread. You’re an absolute star and I couldn’t do this without you. Even if you do like to make crude jokes about it all!

  And lastly, as always, my biggest thank you is to my husband. I genuinely have no way to tell you how much I appreciate your support. You’ve made it possible for me to achieve my dream to be a writer. I love you to the stars and back.

  The spin off series to Corrupt Empire

  The Benson Siblings


  I was his gift. He was my downfall.

  They say your parents are the two people who are meant to love you and keep you safe.

  So what does that say about mine?

  My father gave me to a man as a gift.

  A man who wears many masks.

  A man who terrifies me.

  Why then do I want to know what lies beneath?

  Why does a single touch send shivers down my spine?

  I know what he wants.

  My body. My words. My mind.

  I can’t run. I can’t hide. And I can’t give in to him.

  My name is Liora Stewart.

  And Dante Benson is my Master.

  Out Now

  I sincerely hope you enjoyed reading this book as much as I enjoyed writing it. If you did, I would greatly appreciate a short review on Amazon or your favourite book website. Reviews are crucial for any author, and even just a line or two can make a huge difference.

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  Sarah’s Sinners

  Music is one of my biggest inspirations for when I’m writing my books. If you’re curious about what songs inspired me, have a listen to Avery and Aiden’s soundtrack.

  Avery & Aiden’s Playlist

  Titles by Sarah Bailey

  Dark Romance

  Corrupt Empire




  Benson Siblings





  The Devil’s Syndicate






  Paranormal Romance

  After Dark

  Demon’s Destiny

  Vampire’s Kiss

  Witching Night

  Cursed Heart

  Death’s Angel

  Lucifer’s Cage

  Blood Magic

  Erotic Romance

  Dirty series

  Dirty Dom

  Dirty Cop

  Dirty Chef

  About The Author

  Sarah writes dark, contemporary, erotic and paranormal romances. She adores all forms of steamy romance and can always be found with a book or ten on her Kindle. She loves anti-heroes, alpha males and flawed characters with a little bit of darkness lurking within. Her writing buddies nicknamed her 'The Queen of Steam' for her pulse racing sex scenes which will leave you a little hot under the collar.

  Born and raised in Sussex, UK near the Ashdown Forest where she grew up climbing trees and building Lego towns with her younger brother. Sarah fell in love with novels when she was a teenager reading her aunt’s historical regency romances. She has always loved the supernatural and exploring the darker side of romance and fantasy novels.

  Sarah currently resides in the Scottish Highlands with her husband. Music is one of her biggest inspirations and she always has something on in the background whilst writing. She is an avid gamer and is often found hogging her husband’s Xbox.

  You can find more about Sarah Bailey in the following ways:

  Sarah’s Website









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