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Unmerciful_Forbidden Bonds

Page 20

by Cat Miller

  “We were halfway there when I realized we were being followed. It was a human, so I wasn’t too concerned. I figured they might try to rob us or something. I turned around to confront the guy and give him a nice brain scrub and send him on his way. When I turned my back on Danielle to confront the tail who was following us, another human who was hiding in an entryway up ahead attacked her. The male behind us lunged at me at the same time. We fought them off easily enough, but it wasn’t just any mugging attempt. They were both armed with syringes, and both were under mind control. They were waiting for us to leave the hotel. I’ve sent the syringes for analysis, but we’re sure it’s either Hypnovamp that was meant to knock us out or the new drug that makes you insane. Can you imagine what would happen if the children of two council houses were the ones to expose the Vampire Nation to the humans?”

  “Were either of you hurt? Why didn’t you call me earlier?” Kayden was furious. He could have lost two of the people who meant the most to him in the world. “Where are the humans? Were the interrogated?”

  “Danielle was scraped up when she was tackled, but she’s already healed. The humans were clueless. They were being controlled by someone nearby. As soon as it was clear they wouldn’t succeed, the one who attacked Danielle ran out into the path of a car. He didn’t survive. The one I took down was clueless once his mind was released. The guy was easy to read. He didn’t know where he was or what was going on. I gave him a scrub and let him go,” Chase explained.

  “Fuck, man, that was too close,” Kayden cursed.

  “Agreed. Both of us want to stay here and help with the search for Sheena, but it’s become too dangerous for the females. Sheena is either still nearby, or she’s got people working here to keep us off of her trail. Either way, I won’t risk Danielle or Brandi to find out. The girls think they’re protecting each other right now. No sooner than the attack was over Danielle was on the phone with Brandi. They’ve been stuck together at the hip. Both of them think they’re keeping the other safe. Abel and Brandi stayed with us last night so the girls could be together.”

  “We have plenty of boots on the ground here, Chase. You’ve been an asset, but if Danielle or Brandi were taken, they would be a weapon Sheena would gleefully use against us. Above that, all of you mean too much to me to lose to that bitch. Take the girls home and keep them safe. That’s your duty. I’ll carry on the hunt here.” Kayden placed a hand on Chase’s shoulder. It was as close to a hug as the males would get. Chase gave Kayden a manly thump on the back to acknowledge his mutual feelings.

  “How’s Abel doing? I haven’t caught up with him since we rescued Lindsay. She was pretty hard on him,” Kayden said.

  “Abel plays his cards close to the chest. If he were having issues, Brandi would be the only person to know. He is beginning to loosen up a little with my house though. My father and I, along with my mom, are doing all we can to make him feel at home with our family. As far as the current danger goes, Abel thinks we need to split the girls up. They’re a bigger target together. I don’t disagree, but the girls aren’t happy. Since the battle for the Enclave, they think they’re a stronger front together.” Chase looked back to the store where the girls were now paying for the selections. Abel stood over the girls like a storm cloud just about to burst. His expression was dark, but his hand was gently caressing Brandi’s shoulder.

  “Will Abel and Brandi be heading home with you?”

  “No, Abel is taking Brandi somewhere he deems safe. Brandi isn’t happy, but she knows Abel won’t bend when it comes to her safety. The attempt on Danielle and I pushed Abel past his breaking point. It could just as easily have been them instead of us. Brandi was taken by Darren on the night they were bonded. Darren is gone now, but Sheena seems to have a far-reaching network. We need to get the girls off the streets.” Chase smiled at Danielle, who was approaching.

  “Did you leave anything in the store?” Chase asked Danielle, eyeing her shopping bags.

  “Only the things that don’t fit me,” Danielle laughed. “I’m all set for bathing suit season next year.” Danielle turned her attention to Kayden.

  “Hey there.” Danielle hugged Kayden’s waist. He hugged her back and kissed the top of her head.

  “How’s your patient? When we visited Lindsay … well, let’s just say it didn’t end well.” Danielle was frowning.

  “She’s improving,” Kayden said. He didn’t say more out of fear that Danielle would pick up on his thoughts. Kayden was still conflicted about his relationship with Lindsay. He had strong feelings for Lindsay, that he couldn’t deny, but he felt like he had taken advantage of her. Nobody else would understand what had happened between Kayden and Lindsay. Hell, he didn’t understand it.

  Danielle was looking up at him with her eyebrows raised in surprise. Yup, she was snooping in his head. Kayden frowned at her.

  “Stop groping my mate, Kayden,” Chase complained.

  “Don’t be silly, Chase.” Danielle bounced over to Chase and kissed him quickly. “I was the one doing the groping.”

  Chase swatted Danielle’s ass. Giggling, she snuggled into Chase’s arms. Chase was well aware that his mate was devoted to him. They belonged together, and the love between them was easy for anyone to see.

  “Let’s get out of here,” Abel said when he and Brandi joined them on the sidewalk. Abel was scanning the area for threats. “I don’t like being out in the open like this.”

  Kayden said good-bye to the two couples and watched as they left the ocean front hand in hand. He watched them go for a few moments before turning his attention to the ocean. The waves rolled in without fail onto the nearly vacant beach. The sound of music and laughter floated out of the restaurant on the pier. Kayden stepped into the sand and meandered down to the water.

  Nothing could hold back the tide. His feelings for Lindsay were like the unstoppable waves. No matter how hard he tried, Kayden wasn’t able to stop the pull to her side. Even when she was out of her mind, Lindsay had a hold on him. He wanted to protect her, to heal her, and to make the world a place where she didn’t need to be afraid ever again.

  For the first time since he’d been with Danielle, Kayden began to imagine himself in a close relationship with a female. Not just any female, but Lindsay, and that worried him. Kayden was struggling with guilt and self-loathing over the sex in her hospital room at the infirmary. She was vulnerable and sick. How could he have given in to his desire for Lindsay when she was so ill? Her life was in shambles, and it would take time for her to feel comfortable with her new life once she was healed. Kayden refused to even entertain the idea that she wouldn’t get better. Once she did, who knew if she would want him in her life?

  His attraction to Lindsay had forced him to turn his back on her in the past. She was human, and it was just too hard to hide being a vampire from them indefinitely unless you controlled their minds or wiped their memories every time you slipped up. Who could live that way? It wasn’t fair to either of them. Kayden got the feeling that Lindsay had been hurt when he refused to acknowledge her after their night together. Honestly, back then, Kayden was so self-centered that he wouldn’t have noticed or cared. He liked her a lot, but he wasn’t interested in a relationship at that age. Plus, again, she was human, and that just wasn’t done.

  Lindsay was attached to Kayden now because he was familiar to her. Due to that hot night, they’d spent together—the most sexually fulfilling night of his life until his recent sexual encounter with Lindsay—Kayden was a distant part of her human life that had followed her into her new vampire life. What if she got over that attachment when the fear of everything vampire wore off and she was no longer confined to the infirmary?

  Lindsay was doing so much better. It was like she’d finally woken from her nightmares. She was aware all the time, and she hadn’t attacked anyone since she woke this last time. Kayden had seen the last of her Hypervamp fueled fury. It was a good thing he was strong enough to handle anything Lindsay could throw at him. He did
worry about how she was going to do when she was introduced to the general population of the Enclave. Thinking about how Lindsay was going to handle public interaction gave Kayden an idea. Lindsay had been shut up in the room in the infirmary for far too long. It was time for some fresh air.

  “Are you sure about this?” Lindsay peeked up and down the long, brightly lit corridor. There was nobody in sight. The nurse’s station was abandoned.

  “I’m positive,” Kayden chuckled. “Don’t you want to get outside for a while?”

  She did, she really did. Lindsay hadn’t seen the sky in over a year. She couldn’t remember what fresh air and sunshine felt like.

  “Where is everyone? Am I allowed to leave my room?” Lindsay didn’t want Kayden to get in any trouble.

  “Sometimes, it’s better to ask forgiveness than permission. As long as you don’t feel like you might lose your temper and kick anyone’s ass, we should be fine. Are you up to it?” Kayden asked. “There’s no pressure. We can stay right here if you want to.”

  Lindsay glanced down at herself. She wore scrubs, a pair of men’s flip-flops that were two times too large for her feet, and a jacket that was rolled several times at the sleeves and hung below her knees. She looked ridiculous, but she really wanted to go outside.

  “I’m working on getting you some real clothes. I spoke to Brandi, and she’s ordering some things and having them delivered to the Enclave for you. I figured a female would know everything you might want and be a better judge of size than me.” Kayden had undoubtedly noticed her discomfort.

  “Thank you. That’s so thoughtful.” Lindsay’s heart swelled. Kayden was so kind to her. He’d been with her as much as he could, even when she was out of her mind and violent. He hadn’t rejected Lindsay when she needed his affection so desperately that she’d thrown herself at him. He was always holding her hand and touching her. When they were together, Lindsay felt like a person again instead of a monster.

  “I feel good. Let’s go outside.” Lindsay smiled at the massive soldier who made her heart flutter and dream of things she feared she could never have. An uncontrollable smile split her face. Lindsay really wanted to see the sun.

  Kayden blinked hard a few times. Then he seemed to shake himself.

  “Fuck, Hellion, even when you’re lucid you’re still dangerous. That smile is enough to render a male stupid.” Kayden shook his head with a grin. Lindsay flushed with pleasure at the compliment. “They’re all at dinner except for the doctor, and she’s in the office working.” He pointed at a door behind the nurse’s desk. “If we get out of here before they come back they won’t even notice you’re gone. Have you eaten?”

  Lindsay’s stomach growled in response. Blushing, she covered her belly with her hands.

  “I had blood, but no food yet. I didn’t like what they brought me today.” Lindsay wrinkled her nose. Mystery meatloaf wasn’t a favorite of hers. She’d been a very clean eater her whole life. She was raised that way, and it was a hard habit to break. She got on her college friends’ nerves when she questioned where the food on campus was sourced and refused to eat food with too many preservatives. She’d loosened up eventually, but she didn’t like processed meat. She hadn’t had a choice in what she ate or if she ate in so long that it seemed silly for her to turn her nose up at a meal.

  It was a good sign that she was worried about things like where her food came from and what was in it. It was an even better sign that her hospital room wasn’t empty any longer. She had a rolling table and a chair for a visitor now. After a few days passed and Lindsay hadn’t freaked out or hurt anyone, they gave her some creature comforts like the remote for the television mounted high on the wall in her room. She also started getting meals delivered with forks and everything. She really was feeling good.

  “Let’s get some real food in you.” Kayden’s big, warm hand reached out for Lindsay’s, and she let him pull her out of her room.

  He picked up a cooler that was sitting just outside of her door and they hurried away. Kayden led Lindsay on a twisted path through the compound that she was sure she’d never be able to retrace on her own. They came the end of an abandoned hallway, and Kayden reached for the door handle. He turned to pull Lindsay closer and wrap an arm around her shoulder.

  “It’s a beautiful evening for a cookout. I hope you like steak,” he said and kissed her forehead before pushing open the door.

  Sunshine and refreshing late September air greeted Lindsay. She turned her face up to the sun and took a long, slow breath. She was outside, and it was glorious. Tears filled her eyes, and she fought to hold them back. It was a happy day, the first one she could remember in a very long time. She didn’t want to cry, she wanted to run and spin around in circles and roll in the grass like a little kid.

  “I have a great spot picked out for our picnic. Let’s go before somebody gets nosy.” Kayden pulled Lindsay across a parking lot and into an open green area with a playground, stationary grills, and picnic tables. There wasn’t anyone around. Kayden pulled Lindsay to a table that was set back into the woods along the edge of the verdant field. There was a stand of trees that blocked the view of the secluded area where the table rested. They were almost all alone.

  “You get comfortable and enjoy the daylight while I get us some dinner on the grill.” Kayden seemed to understand that Lindsay was feeling overwhelmed and needed some time to gather herself.

  Getting the blanket that was draped over the top of the cooler, Kayden spread it out in a sunny spot. He took Lindsay into his arms and kissed her tenderly, slowly, and without demand. Lindsay melted into his embrace. He pulled back and placed soft kisses on her eyes, her cheeks, and the corners of her mouth before he released Lindsay and went to fire up the grill.

  After removing her borrowed jacket and flip-flops, she lowered herself to the blanket. She lay back and stared up at the azure blue sky. Puffy clouds floated by like cotton candy in the wind. Lindsay ran her fingers through the grass beside the blanket and let the sun warm her body. This was something she never thought she’d see again. There were times when Lindsay believed she was about to die, and even more times that she prayed she would, but today none of that mattered. Lindsay was alive, and she was warm and happy and thankful to have another chance at life.

  The sounds of Kayden working and food sizzling was a comforting addition to Lindsay’s peaceful sunbathing. She wasn’t sure how much time had passed when Kayden called her to the table for dinner.

  “Hellion, come and get it,” he said.

  The sound of actual plates and silverware rattling around near the table made Lindsay smile. Kayden had given her a gift he’d never be able to understand. This quiet time on a blanket in the sunshine had cleansed her tired soul of so many terrible memories. She breathed in the fresh air and breathed out the feeling of somehow being less than worthy because of what she’d lived through. Kayden thought she was worthy and that made Lindsay believe it. She didn’t have to listen to the voice that sometimes popped back into Lindsay’s head to tell her that she was worthless. She didn’t believe she was a monster any longer. She was just different now—not bad or evil, just changed. She didn’t want to tell anyone she still heard the voice. They might think she wasn’t ready for things like forks with her meals and sunshine.

  The sun was quickly sinking in the sky. Dusk was falling over the wooded area that secluded Lindsay and Kayden from the rest of the Enclave by the time Kayden came to stand by the blanket.

  “Are you ready?” he asked, and held out a hand to Lindsay.

  “I’m ready.” Lindsay took Kayden’s hand and pulled with all of her new vampire might. She knew Kayden could have stopped his fall, but he didn’t. He fell on Lindsay, covering her body with his but keeping his weight off of her.

  “Aren’t you hungry?” Kayden chuckled and kissed the side of her neck.

  Chills raced over Lindsay’s skin, and suddenly she was starving, but not for food. The food could wait. She needed Kayden now. His touch, h
is taste, just his presence was more filling than any meal ever could be.

  “I want you,” Lindsay admitted. She didn’t know how much longer they would be alone. She didn’t know what tomorrow would bring either, but she did know this man made her feel alive. Kayden made Lindsay feel safe and wanted. He made her happy. Lindsay needed a little happy. “Please, let me have you?” she asked, and ran her hands down Kayden’s back to the waistband of his running pants to push them down over his hips.

  “Lindsay, no, I can’t.” Kayden rolled to his side and yanked his pants back up. He looked horrified and maybe a little disgusted.

  “Oh, okay.” Lindsay sat up and turned away from Kayden on the blanket. Her face flushed a deep, hot red. She kept forgetting that Kayden didn’t want her, he just felt sorry for her. He didn’t want her years ago, and she supposed he’d only had sex with her because she’d literally begged for it. What else was a guy to do? She felt the flush spread down her chest. She was such an idiot. “I’m sorry. I’m not really hungry anymore. I think I’ll just go back to my room. Thank you so much for getting me outside for a while. It was … a wonderful gift.” Lindsay jumped up and headed for the opening in the trees. She was passing the table that Kayden had set for their meal when he stopped her with one big hand on her shoulder.

  “Lindsay, stop, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you. It’s just that …” Kayden didn’t finish. He was standing very close behind her. His breath stirred her hair and sent another round of chills over her skin.

  “It’s just what?” Lindsay turned to face Kayden. Maybe if she looked him in the eyes when he rejected her this time Lindsay’s stupid heart would get the hint and stop wanting a man who didn’t want her. She was surprised at the look of sheer need and torment in those black eyes. Kayden was in full-on vampire mode. His fangs were extended, his eyes no longer hazel green but obsidian.


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