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Unmerciful_Forbidden Bonds

Page 35

by Cat Miller

  “It’s about time you came inside. Have you been gone so long that you forgot how to find the front door?” Gage sounded gruff and disapproving. “Your mother has been waiting for you.”

  “We’ll talk about this later, okay?” Kayden asked Lindsay.

  Lindsay nodded. She was eager to hear what Kayden was nervous to talk to her about but now wasn’t the time. Gage and Koren moved deeper into the room.

  “Hush, Gage, they should take all the time they need.” Koren glided around her mate and came to wrap Lindsay a hug. Other than Kayden, Koren had been the only person to offer Lindsay physical comfort since her captivity. Lindsay hadn’t known how much she’d needed that kind of contact until it was gifted to her again. Koren and Samantha had far more to do with her recovery than Dr. Fitz. Samantha had become Lindsay’s friend, but she wasn’t a demonstrative person. Lindsay knew why that was, though, because she too had been raised by the socially elite. Samantha’s parents weren’t as distant as Lindsay’s had been, but they weren’t openly affectionate by any means. It was first Kayden, then Koren that opened Lindsay up to the comfort of touch.

  “Hello, lady, how are you doing today?” Koren said with the genuine caring Lindsay had come to expect from her. “I imagine the idea of a big crowd is a little daunting.”

  “It was, but I’m feeling better now. Kayden and I talked it out. He’s been so understanding and patient.” Lindsay thought the mother of such a badass man might like to hear that said man also had a soft side.

  Koren reached out and tugged on Kayden’s shirt. “Come down here and kiss your mother.”

  Kayden plucked his mother off the floor into a tight embrace and gave her a big smacking kiss on the cheek. “Hello, Mom. You look beautiful today, as usual.”

  “Put her down, boy! For the love of fangs! What is wrong with you?” Gage tugged Koren out of Kayden’s arms and ever so gently placed her feet back on the floor.

  There was an awkward moment of silence where the three of them glanced back and forth between each other and Lindsay. She’d missed something, and Lindsay still hadn’t caught on when Koren broke the tension by ushering them all to the enormous dining room table where they shared a pleasant dinner before Lindsay was given a tour of the Paris home. Kayden’s parents liked Lindsay, and she was grateful for that blessing. Now she just had to immerse herself in the Horde.

  She was feeling confident and ready to take on the world by the time Kayden took her hand and led her out onto the patio. There were about fifty meters of manicured lawn between the substantial house and the spot where the first of what looked like hundreds of large, white tents began to sprout from the ground. The tents were lined up in orderly rows that stretched beyond her sightline, but these weren’t your average camping tents. These were four-walled structures with doors instead of flaps. These were the kind of enclosed space you saw at outdoor weddings. Each tent had its own air-conditioning unit. There were power generators and poles that ran wires to the tents from above for electricity. There were several modular bathroom units with running water and showers. People milled around, ducking in and out of various tents, talking and joking like Lindsay imagined a family did when they were at ease.

  Lindsay had to smile.

  “What are you grinning at?” Kayden grinned, but he still seemed anxious.

  Lindsay waved a hand toward the campsite.

  “You guys are really roughing it out here?” She was trying not to laugh. Lord, she’d been expecting pop tents and spot-a-pots. She hadn’t even considered how so many people would bathe. “If I’d known camping came with indoor running water, electricity, and air conditioning, I would have tried it long ago.”

  Kayden’s mouth split into a wide grin.

  “Yeah, well, Hawk is a very organized male. He and my father have built a small city. It kind of reminds me of the M*A*S*H reruns my dad used to watch. Only everything is white instead of green. There’s even an outdoor kitchen with running water and gas and charcoal cooking. It’s not so bad.”

  “Not bad at all,” Lindsay agreed.

  “I’ve been staying in my room, but I was thinking of having another structure added. It would be nice to have a little privacy, don’t you think?” Kayden pulled her close. “If you like it here, we could have our own tent.” He nuzzled her neck.

  The idea had serious merit. They’d have to see how the Horde felt about her before she gave an opinion.

  “Let’s see how it goes today, okay?”

  “All right. Let’s dive in then.”

  He released her and started walking toward the first row of tents. Smoke rose into the air from somewhere in the middle of the tent city and the delicious smell of roasting meat floated on the breeze. It was dinnertime.

  Vampires had varying needs for sustenance other than blood depending on their age. Young vampires needed food and blood. Older vampires could survive on blood alone. Turned vampires, like Lindsay, needed more food. It could be a psychological thing. When Lindsay got hungry, she thought of food, not blood due to a lifetime of habit and instinct. She often had to remind herself that she had to have blood as well when she ate and still couldn’t shake that burning hunger. Lindsay thought the hybrids must be a mix of born and turned vampires when it came to eating food. It just depended on their genetic makeup and how old they were. Sheena had bragged that she had only needed to feed on blood when she was pregnant with Abel. Sheena also didn’t have the strength and speed of a vampire. Other than her psychic ability to control some humans and vampires alike, Sheena seemed to be mostly human. Abel, on the other hand, had so much vampire blood that Sheena’s minions hadn’t been able to tell he was mixed.

  Kayden and Lindsay stood on the patio hand-in-hand for a while. He was giving her time to take it all in. He might also have been reassuring himself that Lindsay could handle this situation.

  “How are you doing?” Bringing her hand up to his mouth, Kayden kissed her finger. He looked worried.

  “I’m good.” She smiled. “It’s just a lot to take in all at once, you know? But I’m fine. No worries.” Okay, so maybe she was still a little worried about her reception, but he didn’t need to know that.

  “I brought you at this time for a reason. Everyone will be gathering to eat. We’ll join them and have some dessert. They’ll all get a chance to check you out at the same time. We won’t have to wander around the camp, and nobody will feel left out.”

  “Left out?” Lindsay asked. What did that mean?

  “Yeah,” Kayden sighed. “I’m seen as a leader, I guess. If I seek out certain people and not others, they might feel less important. I don’t want that. Most of these people have been completely rejected or hidden by their vampire parents. I won’t be just another vampire who didn’t care. I’m working to bring them all into society as equals. It will be a long battle. Some of them don’t want to be a part of the nation. Others do, but they don’t want to be looked down upon as lesser beings. Don’t even get me started on how to make the nation actually see them as equals.” Kayden ran his other hand down his face, suddenly looking tired. “It’s a balancing act for me. So I want them to meet you and understand what you mean to me. If you’re up to it, you and I will integrate ourselves into their daily life. They’ll get to meet you in time. It will be easier if we walk into the camp and join them in their regular activities. Does that make sense, or am I overthinking this?” Kayden asked.

  “That makes perfect sense.” Kayden was very sensitive to the needs of the Horde. He was a leader in every sense of the word. “I’m pretty sure you’re already integrated though.” She smiled.

  “I am, but I want them to see you as one of us. I want us to be seen as a couple. I don’t want …” Kayden let that sentence trail off. He cleared his throat but didn’t continue.

  “You don’t want what?”

  Kayden released her hand and walked toward the tents. She didn’t think he was going to answer, so she began to follow. It seemed there was more than one thing Kayden w
as nervous about telling her. When he spun back toward her with eyes as dark as night, she knew he was angry. His fangs pressed into his lower lip when he spoke.

  “I don’t want any one of these males touching my female.” Kayden grasped Lindsay’s upper arms and dragged her up for a kiss, being careful with his sharp fangs. “I want them all to know we are a couple and you’re not available to them. Do you understand me? You’re mine and I will kill anyone who—”

  Kayden released her so quickly she nearly fell on her butt. She staggered before regaining her balance. He stomped away from her back toward the house cursing under his breath. He crouched with his head hung and rested his forearms on his legs. Lindsay stayed where she was and waited for Kayden to work through whatever was going on his head. She waited with a smile on her face and a fire burning in her chest because Kayden had made himself clear even if he hadn’t finished his speech. He was staking his claim on Lindsay right from the beginning. Kayden didn’t want to have to kill one of his people for touching Lindsay. She was his female. That’s what he’d said, and those words had meant more to Lindsay than he would ever know. But now? Now she belonged to Kayden. She was his female, and she couldn’t imagine anything else she’d rather be.

  After several long minutes, Kayden came back to Lindsay with green eyes and slightly pink cheeks.

  “I’m sorry about that. I don’t know what came over me,” he said.

  “Never apologize for loving me, Kayden. You have nothing to worry about. Even if someone were stupid enough to approach me, I wouldn’t be interested. You’re my male. Mine.” She emphasized the word by grabbing the front of his shirt and pulling him toward her until they were chest to chest with her hand between them. “I’m going to have moments of jealousy, too. I hope you’re ready for that.”

  Kayden grinned down at Lindsay. “My possessive female,” he purred. “Strangely enough, I like it.” He kissed her then, long and deep. It was a claiming kiss that burned her right down to her toes.

  Someone cleared their throat, and Kayden looked over Lindsay’s head. She turned in his arms to find that they had an audience. Several dozen people had stopped to watch the scene Kayden and Lindsay made. She had no idea how long they’d been there, but she had a feeling the news of Kayden’s feelings for her and vice versa were going to spread quickly through the camp.

  Kayden came to Lindsay’s side and took her hand. He grinned at the onlookers and said, “Hey guys. This is Lindsay,” he tilted his head toward her, “and she’s mine. I hope you’ll make her feel welcome.” He tugged her through the crowd toward the mess tent.

  Lindsay cringed when she heard the whispers start behind them.

  “Do you think she’s the Lindsay they rescued from the rogue nest?”

  “I think so. They said David was obsessed with her. That’s why Sheena tortured her. This Lindsay is undoubtedly beautiful enough to inspire a male to be possessive.”

  “I heard she’s insane. Even the full-bloods are afraid of her.”

  “Shit, man. Kayden’s throng of lovers is going to be pissed. Did you hear what he said to her and the way he looked at her? I think he’s serious.”

  “Good! More chicks for the rest of us. There aren’t enough females, and I’m sick of hearing them bicker over which one of them he likes better and who’s going to do him next.”

  “She won’t last long,” said a female. “They never do. He’ll need a mate eventually, and we all know he likes us better than the full-blood females. I don’t think she can give him a family. So, yeah, he’ll pick one of us eventually.”

  “Shut up, Jamie. You’re still pissed that you were the first he left behind, and he never come back for more. Kayden wouldn’t bring her here if he weren’t serious. You’d better watch your smart mouth.”

  “Fuck off, Owen. She better keep an eye on you. If you suck his ass any harder, people are going to start wondering if you want more than just a spot on his tactical team.”

  Owen chuckled. “Am I supposed to be insulted? Grow the fuck up. No wonder he didn’t keep you around. Kayden is my friend. I don’t give a shit what you think of me. And for your information, I’ve already earned a tactical position. It would be nice to see you contribute something to the Horde besides hot air from your lips flapping.”

  The bickering behind them continued and Lindsay decided she liked Owen, but Jamie needed to die. Other people chimed in on the conversation, adding their opinion of Kayden’s newest lover. When someone suggested a betting pool over how long Lindsay would last, she’d just about had enough. Lindsay was doing her best to not lose her temper. It had been a while since she’d totally lost her shit and went on a rampage, but the idea of Kayden with other women was enough to set her off. She knew he wasn’t a virgin before her, neither of them had been, but he was hers now, and Lindsay was willing to defend what was hers. Starting a fight or going into a mindless rage wouldn’t do. It had been a mistake to come.

  She was just about to ask Kayden to take her back to her room on the Enclave when Kayden came to a sudden halt just as they reached an opening in the rows of tents, and Lindsay ran into him. She stumbled back a step to catch her balance. Kayden turned around slowly with his nostrils flaring and his hands fisted, as if he were struggling to control himself, and gave their followers a scorching glare.

  “My love life is my business alone. It’s not up for discussion. I plan to make Lindsay my mate. Lindsay should feel comfortable here among us, or I will no longer be here among you. She is my future, my life, my love. Anyone who suggests otherwise is insulting my mate.” Kayden cast his gaze around the open area just outside of the mess tent. “Does anyone have anything they’d like to say to my face on this subject? I’d really love to hear it.” Kayden’s ready stance and menacing expression suggested that nobody should say a word. Lindsay was no longer sure if the smoke in the air was emanating from the grill or Kayden. He looked like a bull ready to charge.

  Lindsay blinked in shock and confusion. Mates? Kayden had said mates. Her brain was stuck on that word and refused to budge. He’d just announced to everyone within the sound of his voice that they would be mated and demanded that they spread the word. Lindsay’s mouth was hanging open along with quite a few other females who had wandered into the mess area during Kayden’s speech. Lindsay tried not to think about how many of them Kayden had slept with. He was a virile, single man who’d had a difficult breakup a few years ago. It was likely he’d been through a lot of women, but he didn’t love those women. He wasn’t talking about making any of them his future.

  A tense minute passed when everyone in the area seemed afraid to move. Many of the males didn’t seem to be able to meet Kayden’s gaze. The ones that did wore expressions of complete understanding. The few females in the area all glared at Lindsay. Well shit. This was no way to endear herself to the Horde. Lindsay could feel the waves of anger and possessiveness rolling off of Kayden. He was an alpha predator enforcing his dominance, and the rest of the pack shuddered in fear before him. Lindsay had learned during her education about vampires that they were closer to a primal, animalistic breed when angry, lusty, or hungry. Lindsay felt like this showdown was her fault, so she tried to defuse the situation. She rubbed Kayden’s arm and laced their fingers to bring his attention back to her.

  “Something smells really good. We should probably get to the mess tent before dinner gets cold, Kayden. What do you think is on the menu for dessert?” Lindsay smiled up at him as if he weren’t breathing fire on her behalf. God, she loved this man. She’d be his mate in a hot minute if he asked, but she did expect him to actually ask her the question. That was a discussion for later when they were alone.

  Kayden turned his head to blink down at Lindsay. His eyes were black with anger. He seemed to be reeling in his temper as he sucked in a lung full of the fresh evening air. His eyes returned to hazel green between one blink and the next.

  “Let’s go find out.” Wrapping an arm around Lindsay’s shoulder, he led her to the
mess tent where the people who hadn’t witnessed Kayden’s flash of temper were in line waiting for their evening meal.

  “You relax. I’ll go get us some dessert,” Kayden said, and he seated her at a table before kissing her sweetly. He shot a glare at everyone gathered for the meal that repeated his threat without a word.

  “I’ll be just fine here.” Lindsay smiled even though she was nervous about being left alone.

  The rest of the evening passed blessedly without incident. Kayden returned to his usual good-natured self, and his friends took Kayden’s brief meltdown in stride. He touched her often as they ate and people stopped by to offer her a greeting or just chat with Kayden. Every so often Kayden would kiss her cheek, or her hand, and all in attendance took notice of his behavior. Lindsay noticed, too. It was finally sinking in. This was real. Kayden wasn’t going to walk away. They were really going to be together. She felt peaceful at his side. The Horde wasn’t a faceless group of strangers who may or may not hate her any longer. They were people just like Lindsay who were making the best of a strange life. Thankfully, Lindsay had Kayden to guide her. The Horde had his guidance as well. Hawk and Kayden were building a real life for these people. Lindsay was proud to be at his side. She’d need to start thinking about what she could do to help. There was plenty of work to be done in the camp.

  Not the entire Horde was camping out on the vast property behind Gage and Koren Paris’ home, but there were at least a hundred and fifty of them in residence at the time. Some of them were out on missions, some were still in South Carolina monitoring the area for any trace of Sheena, and others didn’t live in with the rest of the Horde full-time. It was hard to believe that all of these people had been out there alone in the world, hidden from both the Vampire Nation and the humans.

  Lindsay couldn’t remember why she’d been so nervous earlier. There were so many people in the camp that she lost track of all of the names and half the faces, but the good news was she hadn’t freaked out. Vampires didn’t scare her anymore. Not even large groups of them. She’d overcome the obstacles that had held her down in the early days of her freedom. It was almost like it had never happened. Except that it had happened and now her life was changed forever. Thinking back over the entirety of her days, Lindsay couldn’t say it was a change for the worse. She’d found love. She’d also found a need for blood. That was an adjustment, but overall, all she needed now was a home. Lindsay just needed a place to call her own where she and Kayden could be together, even if it was a tent in the trees behind his parents’ house.


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