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Chapter Ten: Tracing the Collapse
Three books were especially informative to this chapter, and those were: Hannah Nordhaus’s The Beekeeper’s Lament, Hattie Ellis’s Sweetness & Light, and coming through with an amazing wealth of historical nuggets Hilda Ransome’s The Sacred Bee. Thomas Seeley’s book Honeybee Democracy is largely referenced as well. Several papers coauthored by Dennis vanEngelsdorp, as well as our interview, were very useful, as was my informative interview with CSIRO scientist Paulo de Souza and notes from University of California–Davis professor Elina L. Niño.
“The Ancient Art of Honey Hunting in Nepal in Pictures.” The Guardian, February 27, 2014. https://www.theguardian.com/travel/gallery/2014/feb/27/honey-hunters-nepal-in-pictures
Associated Press. “Collateral Damage: Bees Die in South Carolina Zika Spraying.” September 1, 2016. http://newsok.com/article/feed/1066424
Cardinal, Sophie, and Bryan N. Danforth. “The Antiquity and Evolutionary History of Social Behavior in Bees.” PLoS ONE 6:6 (2011): e21086.
Chrysochoos, John. Ikaria: Paradise in Peril. Pittsburgh: RoseDog Books, 2010.
Cox-Foster, Diana, and Dennis vanEngelsdorp. “Solving the Mystery of the Vanishing Bees.” Scientific American Magazine, March 31, 2009. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/saving-the-honeybee/
Crane, Eva. “Bee Products.” Encyclopedia of Insects. Vincent H. Resh and Ring T. Cardé, eds. 2nd edition. Boston: Academic Press, 2009. 71–75.
Cresswell, James E. “A Meta-Analysis of Experiments Testing the Effects of a Neonicotinoid Insecticide (Imidacloprid) on Honey Bees.” Ecotoxicology 20 (2011): 149–57.
Dainat, Benjamin, Dennis vanEngelsdorp, and Peter Neumann. “Colony Collapse Disorder in Europe.” Environmental Microbiology Reports 4:1 (2012): 123–25.
Eisenstein, Michael. “Seeking Answers Amid a Toxic Debate.” Nature 521 (2015): 552–55.
Ellis, Hattie. Sweetness & Light: The Mysterious History of the Honeybee. New York: Harmony Books, 2004.
Frisch, Karl von. “Decoding the Language of the Bee.” Nobel Prize Lecture. University of Munich, Federal Republic of Germany. December 12, 1973. Lecture.
Hornets from Hell. Dir. Jeff Morales. National Geographic Explorer, 2002.
Jansen, Suze A., et al. “Grayanotoxin Poisoning: ‘Mad Honey Disease’ and Beyond.” Cardiovascular Toxicology 12:208 (2012): 208–215.
Kantor, Sylvia. “Can Mushrooms Save the Honeybee?” Crosscut, February 16, 2015. http://crosscut.com/2015/02/can-mushrooms-save-honeybee/
Laurino, Daniela, et al. “Toxicity of Neonicotinoid Insecticides to Honey Bees: Laboratory Tests.” Bulletin of Insectology 64:1 (2011): 107–13.
Lenfestey, James P., ed. If Bees Are Few: A Hive of Bee Poems. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2016.
Maeterlinck, Maurice. The Life of the Bee. New York: Mentor Books, 1954.
Main, Douglas M. “A Different Kind of Beekeeping Takes Flight.” New York Times, February 17, 2012. https://green.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/02/17/a-different-kind-of-beekeeping-takes-flight/
Monk and the Honey Bee, The. Narr. Roger Mills. Dir. Allen Jewhurst and David Taylor. BBC. 1988.
Munz, Tania. The Dancing Bees: Karl von Frisch and the Discovery of the Honeybee Language. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2016.
Nordhaus, Hannah. The Beekeeper’s Lament: How One Man and Half a Billion Honey Bees Help Feed America. New York: Harper Perennial, 2011.
____. “The Honey Trap.” Wired, September 2016: 70–77.
Pettis, Jeffery S., et al. “Colony Failure Linked to Low Sperm Viability in Honey Bee (Apis mellifera) Queens and an Exploration of Potential Causative Factors.” PLoS ONE 11:2 (2016): e0147220.
Ransome, Hilda M. The Sacred Bee: In Ancient Times and Folklore. New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1937.
Seeley, Thomas D. Honeybee Democracy. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2010.
Seitz, Nicola, et al. “A National Survey of Managed Honey Bee 2014–2015 Annual Colony Losses in the USA.” Journal of Apicultural Research 54 (2016): 292–304.
“Systemic Pesticides Pose Global Threat to Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services.” International Union for Conservation of Nature, June 24, 2014. https://www.iucn.org/content/systemic-pesticides-pose-global-threat-biodiversity-and-ecosystem-services
Tapanila, Leif, and Eric M. Roberts. “The Earliest Evidence of Holometabolan Insect Pupation in Conifer Wood.” PLoS ONE 7:2 (2012): e31668.
Tison, Léa, et al. “Honey Bees’ Behavior Is Impaired by Chronic Exposure to the Neonicotinoid Thiacloprid in the Field.” Environmental Science & Technology 50 (2016): 7218–27.
Townsend, Gordon F., and Eva Crane. “History of Apiculture.” History of Entomology. Ray F. Smith, Thomas E. Mittler, and Carroll N. Smith, eds. Palo Alto, CA: Annual Reviews Inc., 1973. 387–406.
Tu, Chau. “Step into a Hive.” Science Friday, June 29, 2016. http://www.sciencefriday.com/articles/step-into-a-hive/
Weber, Bruce. “Margaret Heldt, Hairdresser Who Built the Beehive, Dies at 98.” New York Times, June 13, 2016.
Wenner, Adrian M., and William W. Bushing. “Varroa Mite Spread in the United States.” Bee Culture 124 (1996): 341–43.
Wilford, John Noble. “Which Came First: Bees or Flowers? Find Points to Bees.” New York Times, May 23, 1995. http://www.nytimes.com/1995/05/23/science/which-came-first-bees-or-flowers-find-points-to-bees.html?pagewanted=all
Woodcock, Ben A., et al. “Replication, Effect Sizes and Identifying the Biological Impacts of Pesticides on Bees under Field Conditions.” Journal of Applied Ecology 53 (2016): 1358–62.
The index that appeared in the print version of this title does not match the pages in your e-book. Please use the search function on your e-reading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.
Acheta (field crickets). See also crickets
Acheta domesticus (common house crickets). See also crickets
Addington, Rob
adenosine triphosphate (ATP)
Adolphs, Ralph
Aedes aegypti (yellow fever mosquito). See also mosquitoes
age polyethism
Agra schwarzeneggeri (Arnold Schwarzenegger beetle) . See also beetles
Agrius (moths genus). See also moths
Alexander the Great
Allen, Will
Alphey, Luke
American foulbrood (AFB)
American Museum of Natural History (NYC)
American Plague, An (Murphy)
American Plague, The (Crosby)
Anabuki-Browning, Ayomi
Anderson, David
Anderson, Gail
Angels and Insects (book and film, Byatt)
Anopheles (mosquito genus). See also mosquitoes
Anopheles gambiae (African malaria mosquito). See also mosquitoes
Anthony, Casey
anti-inflammatory properties
Antioch Dunes
“Ant Ballet,”
ant colony optimization (ACO) algorithm
antennal taps
Atta cephalotes (leafcutter ant)
Atta texana (Texas leafcutter ant)
bullet ants
colony protection
colony scent
colony specialization
colony structures
Dorylus wilverthi (African driver ants)
fire ants
as food
Formica yessensis
leafcutter ants
Nothomyrmecia macrops (primitive ant species)
primitive ants
Psuedomyrmex triplarinus (fire ants)
rock ants
weaver ants
Ants, The (Wilson and Hölldobler)
Apis mellifera (European honeybee). See also bees
arachnids. See also spiders; tarantulas
Arachnophobia (film)
arbovirus (arthropod-borne virus)
Asian citrus psyllid
assassin bugs
Atala, Alex
Atta cephalotes (leafcutter ant). See also ants
Atta project
Atta texana (Texas leafcutter ant). See also ants
Ayieko, Monica
“Baby Bumblebee” (song)
Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt; bacterium)
Backwell, Lucinda
Backyard Brains
Bacon, Francis
Balfour, Nick
Barcode of Life
Bartholomeus Anglicus
Bed Bug Genome Consortium
Cimex lectularius (common bedbug)
control of
beehive hairdo
Beekeeper’s Lament, The (Nordhaus)
alfalfa leafcutter bees
American foulbrood (AFB)
and anthropomorphism
apiculture (maintenance of honeybees)
Apis mellifera (European honeybee)
bienenvater (German bee masters)
Buckfast bee
colony collapse disorder (CCD)
as food
Hanna-Honeycomb House (Frank Lloyd Wright structure)
history of beekeeping
Israeli acute paralysis virus (IAPV)
varroa-sensitive hygienes (VSH)
Agra schwarzeneggeri (Arnold Schwarzenegger beetle)
bark beetles
beetle wrestling
blister beetle
bombardier beetles
carrion beetles
Colorado potato beetle
compass orientation skill
control of
Darwin and
diving beetles
Dendroctonus ponderosae (mountain pine beetle)
dermestid beetles
dung beetles
elephant beetles
epidemics and infestations
exoskeleton scales
flour beetles
in folklore
as food
grain beetles
Hercules beetle
Khepera (Egyptian beetle-faced god)
ladybird beetle
leaf beetles
long-horned harlequin beetle
Mecynorhina oberthuri
and Mushi-King (arcade/trading card game)
Necrobia ruficollis (ham beetle)
rhinoceros beetles
rove beetles
stag beetles
Tenebrio molitor (mealworm beetle)
tiger beetles
transport and sale
vedalia beetles
wood-boring beetles
Berenbaum, May
Bergeret, Marcel
Berlese, Antonio
Biehler, Dawn Day
Big Cricket Farms
Bitty Foods
Blaberus discoidalis (discoid cockroach). See also cockroaches
Black Death. See plagues
body segmentation
Bombyx mori (silk moth). See also moths
Bonebrake, Timothy
Bornemissza, George
Bozkurt, Alper
Braack, L. E. O.
Brachystola magna (pink grasshopper, aka plains lubber). See also grasshoppers
Bromenshenk, Jerry
Brunat, Paul
Buckfast Abbey
Bugs and the Victorians (Clark)
Burton, Tim
Butler, Charles
Butterfly Pavilions
butterfly sticker traps
in The Collector
Comma butterfly
Crowned Hairstreak butterfly
Heliconius genus
learned behavior
monarch butterflies
order Lepidoptera
pale grass blue butterfly
rice paper butterfly
swallowtail butterfly
and taxidermy
transport and sale
Xerces blue butterfly
Butterfly Company (insect dealer)
Buttress, Wolfgang
Byatt, A. S.
Cammack, Jonathan
Campsicnemus charliechaplini (Charlie Chaplin fly)
Capps, Dan
Carreck, Norman
Carson, Rachel
as food
and insect economics
Cebrio (beetle). See also beetles
Ceccatti, John
Cedars-Sinai medical center
Chaplin, Charlie
Charles V of Spain
Cherniack, E. Paul
chironomid midge (sandfly)
Cimex lectularius (common bedbug). See also bedbugs
Clark, J. F. M.
classification. See taxonomy
Coalo Valley Farms
Cockroach, The (Cornwell)
Age of Cockroaches
Blaberus discoidalis (discoid cockroach)
as food
hissing cockroaches
known as “water bugs”
and pest control
and Salmonella
Simandoa cave roaches
Collector, The (book and film, Fowles)
Colorado potato beetle. See also beetles
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO)
Cornwell, P. B.
Cortés, Hernán
Cowan, Richard
Cox-Foster, Diana
Crane, Eva
Acheta family
Acheta domesticus
and cave paintings
chirps and calls
and climate change
cricket collecting
cricket farming
cricket fighting
cricket paralysis virus (CPV)
as food
Golden Autumn Cricket Festival
Jiminy Cricket (character)
pet crickets
and plagues
rhaphidophorid cave cricket
spitting dead crickets
Teleogryllus oceanicus (oceanic field cricket)
Texas field cricket
Crosby, Molly Caldwell
Cryptochaetum (parasitic fly). See also flies
Dactylopius coccus (cochineal)
Dalí, Salvador
Damkaer, David
Darwin, Charles
D’Asaro, Laura
DDT (dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane), See also pest control
De Animalibus Insectis (Aldrovandi)
deathstalker scorpions
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)
DeFoliart, Gene
Deinacrida heteracantha (Wetapunga)
DeJean, Pierre
DeLeon, Cesar Soto
Dendroctonus ponderosae (mountain pine beetle). See also beetles
Densley, Clare
Denver Museum of Nature & Science
Descartes, René
Deutsch, Curtis
Deyrolle (Parisian insect store)
Dicke, Marcel
disease, human. See viruses and disease
Do Bees Sneeze? (Wangberg)
Dorigo, Marco
Dorn, Ronald
Dorylus wilverthi (African driver ants)
/> Dossey, Aaron
Drager, Kim
Dryococelus australis (tree lobster)
Duke of Burgundy, The, (film)
Dung Down Under (documentary)
Dunn, Robert
Dyar, Harrison G.
Dzamba, Jakub
Eason, R.
Eat-a-Bug Cookbook, The (Gordon)
economics of insects
sale and transport
Edible (Martin)
edible insects. See entomophagy (practice of eating insects as food)
Ellis, Hattie
Entomo-L (listserv)
Entomological Society of Washington (ESW)
entomophagy (practice of eating insects as food)
cooking a meal
Eating Insects Detroit (conference)
insect allergen sensitivity,
in Japan
and world hunger
Environmental Discourses on the Ingestion of Bugs League (EDIBL)
epidemics. See infestations and insect epidemics; plagues; viruses and disease
Erzinçlioglu, Zakaria
Escherichia coli (bacterium)
Evolution Store (Manhattan)
extermination. See pest control
Exterminators, The (comic series)
Fabre, Jean-Henri
Fabricius, Johan Christian
Felton, Chaquettea
Finlay, Carlos
Fitch, Asa
and bubonic plague
control of
as entertainment
and typhus
Xenopsylla cheopis (Oriental rat flea)
Fleming, Stuart
black solder flies
Cryptochaetum (parasitic fly)
dance flies
flesh flies
fruit flies
Phaenicia sericata (green bottle fly)
scuttle flies
Fly for the Prosecution, A (Goff)
food, insects as. See entomophagy (practice of eating insects as food)
Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO)
Forcella, Lawrence (Lorenzo)
Forensic Anthropology Research Facility (FARF)
Forensic Laboratory for Investigative Entomological Sciences (FLIES)
forensics, insect
Formica yessensis (ants). See also ants
Fowles, John
Frisch, Karl von
Full, Robert
fumigation. See also pest control