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Archer: Ex-Bachelor (Ex-Club Romance)

Page 14

by Camilla Stevens

  Her parents are…different. A bit too free spirited and vocal for my tastes. A stark contrast to the conservative and sedate vibe my mother gives off. I must admit, it is fun to watch her discomfort as they continue to smother her with their touchy-feely ways.

  I turn my attention from Kevin to Bette, wondering what spell she’s managed to cast over my brother. Her eyes are sparkling now that she’s focused on Kevin—and no doubt all those dollar signs in her future—but her head is leaning over to the side and the smile seems to be coming from something the girl attached to her is whispering in her ear. I don’t have a clear view of her face, since it’s hidden behind her hand.

  Something about the bounce in the girl’s step draws my eye. Or maybe it’s the shapely legs underneath that frilly pink skirt. When she finally pulls away from Bette and faces forward, her hair flipping to the side, I feel my heart stutter for a beat.

  This is obviously Bette’s sister, the similarities are there. Whereas Bette is pretty and pleasant to look at, this girl dazzles. I can practically feel the energy radiating from her as she smiles brilliantly at each person she passes. It’s like she’s gracing each of them with their own personal ray of sunshine, and they look after her with all the awe reserved for the gods.

  Her arm stays firmly intertwined with Bette’s until they finish coming up the stairs, letting go only so that she can watch her sister go to Kevin. I’m only vaguely aware of Kevin reaching out his arms to Bette. All my attention is focused on her sister, wondering what it is that makes her brighten the space around her. Even her skin glows, like that haze over an oasis.

  Her sister’s eyes flick to me, blink once then dart quickly away with barely a hint of a smile. Irrational envy burns inside of me. What is it about me that she finds so unworthy of the attention she’s showered everyone else with?

  “Hello future husband,” Bette says, drawing my focus away from her sister. Her arms are around my brother, her fingers tickling the nape of his neck.

  “Hello future wife,” Kevin says with that same dopey smile on his face.

  It’s saccharine enough to make me want to roll my eyes. No one could possibly be that much in love. I wonder if they’ll still feel the same way about each other a year from now, once the shiny newness has worn off.

  Without warning Kevin dips Bette back and plants a kiss on her lips. Everyone erupts into laughter and applause. I reserve mine.

  “That’s for after the vows you two!” her sister laughs with that larger than life smile. Usually, I find the sound of a woman’s laugh grating on the ears. Hers sounds like—Christ, there aren’t enough silly, frou frou words in my vocabulary to describe it, it just…makes me feel warm inside.

  When they’re done putting on their little show, her sister finally, gingerly makes her way toward me.

  Her head is tilted to the side and she winds one strand of hair around her finger. It makes me realize how young she is, maybe not even old enough to drink. The horrible thing is, it does little to dampen my interest in her.

  “So…you must be the elusive future brother-in-law.”

  “Was it the resemblance that gave it away?”

  “Kinda,” she says, then bites her lower lip before adding, “but a little bit better.”

  A smile tugs at one side of her mouth. The combination of that and the compliment, sends a jolt of pleasure straight to my cock. Maybe this wedding isn’t such a terrible thing after all.

  “I’m Simone, Bette’s sister.”

  “The resemblance gave it away,” I respond with a slight smile of my own.

  “But not a little bit better?” she asks, her full mouth curving into a teasing smile.

  Before I can respond—yes, a million times better—a flash goes off near us, along with the click of a camera shutter. We both blink in surprise and turn to the source.

  “Gotcha!” the man holding the camera says, pulling it away from his face. His smile is reserved strictly for Simone.

  She pouts prettily, which gives my groin another sort of tug, and plants her hands on her hips. “Hey, you got my bad side.”

  “With you? Not possible,” he responds with a shit-eating grin.

  Quite possibly the cheesiest line he could have used, but Simone shoots him a pleased smile anyway, complete with a flirtatious little lift of her shoulder.

  “Don’t be ridiculous,” she says, then suddenly circles her arm around mine, pulling me closer. She presses against my side and gives a more natural smile. “This one is better. Take another.”

  I’m too preoccupied with how amazing she smells, and the way her body feels pressed against me, and the fact that her hand is slipping into mine, to notice that the picture is even snapped. When she pulls away to run down the stairs toward him, it feels like a harsh winter settling in after the warmest summer.

  “Oh, let me see,” she pleads, coming in closer.

  “Uh, uh, uh,” he teases, holding the camera out of reach. “My boss would kill me if I showed you. I’m in charge of candids and you might want me to delete it. Besides, don’t worry, you looked great in both.”

  She giggles and makes a play for the camera, her arm resting on his shoulder, her body jumping up and bumping into his. He just laughs and eats it up.

  I feel my fists clenching, wanting to smash them right into his asinine face.

  “I see you and Simone are getting to know one another.”

  I turn to see Bette standing next to me. She has a smile on her face that is almost patronizing, as though she can read my thoughts. It bothers me more than I’m willing to admit.

  “Thank you for coming,” she says, placing her hands on my shoulder and reaching up on her toes to plant a kiss on my cheek.

  “Well, you can’t have a wedding without a best man,” I reply with a tight smile. I’m not used to such public displays of affection.

  Kevin comes up to place an arm around her shoulder and bring her closer to him, giving me that same knowing smile. “I’m pretty sure that’s the only way I could have got you to actually come,” he teases.

  I flash him an irritated look. He just returns a toothy grin.

  A loud giggle erupts below us and we all turn to see that idiotic photographer’s assistant playing keep away with Simone instead of doing his damn job. They’re both laughing easily with one another in a way that I never have with a woman. My success with the opposite sex is due to good genes, a healthy bank account, and confident manner. Three things which also help keep things strictly casual.

  Now Kevin is settling down, which I figure is supposed to make me think about my life choices, especially considering he’s two years younger than me. I watch Simone jump up for the camera, her skirt flashing a bit more thigh, her breasts bouncing ever so slightly, her laughter rising above the hum of the bridal party.

  The only thing today has done is made me realize I hate weddings.

  “Aren’t you excited?” Simone is hugging my arm as we walk down the aisle and she squeezes it as she asks.

  It takes all the self-control I can muster not to react physically. The last thing I need is a raging hard-on as I stand at the altar, even if this is only the rehearsal.

  “I’m happy for them,” I respond, keeping my eyes firmly ahead of me.

  “Oh come on, they’re perfect for each other. I can’t wait for tomorrow, it’s going to be beautiful. Bette looks so gorgeous in her dress. I can’t wait to see Kevin’s face when he finally gets a look at her in it.”

  I don’t respond. As attractive as she is, the chatter is starting to annoy me. Maybe it’s the topic. For the past few months all Kevin could talk about is Bette and how he can’t wait to be married and live with her and have kids and yadda, yadda, yadda.

  He’s not just my brother, but my best friend, and now he’s all Bette’s. I want to hate her but I can’t. If it wasn’t her, it would be some other woman. Kevin was always bound to be married one day. It suits him, and to be fair, he could do far worse than Bette.

�re not losing a brother, you’re gaining a sister.

  Those were his words. I know he said them just to appease me. We both know this wedding means fewer hours in the office, fewer trips to see the Yankees play, fewer hours drinking together and talking about nothing.

  I haven’t gained a sister, I’ve lost a brother…and my best friend.

  “How come you aren’t married yet?” Simone asks with a teasing poke to my side, bringing me out of my pessimistic thoughts. All this talk of marriage is driving me crazy.

  “I have yet to meet a woman that I can spend more than one night with, let alone my entire life. I have zero interest in getting married.” I say tersely, hoping she’ll finally change the subject.

  Instead she goes quiet. The rest of the walk is in blessed silence.

  When we’re at the altar I manage a few looks her way, but her eyes are never directed toward me. It’s probably for the best. The last thing I need is to have a messy wedding fling with the sister of my future sister-in-law.

  Still, it’s almost as though she’s deliberately avoiding looking in my direction. Why?

  Our walk back down the aisle is oddly impersonal, with Simone only barely holding on to my arm this time. By the time we get to the end of the aisle, she can’t part with me fast enough. I look after her wondering what the hell changed between our walk to the altar and back.

  “You know, you could show a little more enthusiasm.”

  Kevin has pulled me aside in the lobby of the restaurant where the rehearsal dinner is.

  It’s true that I’ve been silently brooding in the car ride over, my mind completely taken over by the maid of honor. Why is she avoiding me? I hate that some silly girl has consumed me like this.

  “I’m happy for you, Kevin. Bette is great, but really...that sister of hers? She acts like a teenager.”

  “Technically she is. She also happens to be the sister of the woman I love, so it would help if you at least tried to be nice to her.”

  “Sorry if I don’t have anything in common with some silly, cotton-candy brained coed, Kevin,” I snap.

  “Enough, Archer!” he says, getting angry with me for the first time in a long while. “You don’t have to like her, and after today you may never even see her again. I know you hate the fact that I’m getting married, and there’s nothing I can do about that. But for the next twenty-four hours I need you to at least pretend to be happy for me.”

  I look at him and realize how important Bette is to him, how she’s now the most important person in his life.

  What’s it like to actually feel that way about a woman?

  “Okay,” I say backing off. “I’ll play nice.”

  He calms down visibly and places a hand on my shoulder. Immediately, the air between us is clear again. Kevin always has that ability to make things instantaneously right. “Come on, let’s go get a drink.”

  Kevin and Bette are at the head of the table for the rehearsal dinner and I’m sitting across from Simone. The way the dim light of the candles flicker make her seem surreal. Her face shimmers like copper pennies. Every time my eyes land on her, they linger—too long.

  As such, I’ve tried avoiding looking her way all evening, and failing.

  “Haven’t you had enough champagne? You’re not even old enough to drink.” Bette says, looking at Simone with a concerned wrinkle in her brow.

  My eyes dart her way. How old is she exactly?

  “It’s a special occasion,” Simone says, her voice tipsy, but no less enjoyable on the ears. “Besides, I’ve only got one and a half more years to go.”

  Good grief, I’ve been losing myself over a nineteen year old girl. What the hell is the matter with me?

  She catches me looking her way and her chin lifts almost in defiance as she downs another glass. There’s something different in that gaze tonight. It’s filled with resentment, which is odd, seeing as how I’ve barely said more than a few sentences to her.

  She suddenly grabs the champagne bottle and pours another glass, still giving me a hard look. The next moment she pops out of her seat and kicks off her shoes. Everyone looks in surprise as she stands on her chair in her bare feet and reaches down to grab the glass, almost toppling over. What the hell is she doing?

  “I want to make a toast, everyone!” she announces, raising her glass.

  The table has already gone silent by this point. Kevin seems amused. Bette looks worried. Everyone else just looks slightly bewildered.

  “I know we’re supposed to save the speeches for after the wedding, but I think any time is a good time to acknowledge love,” she looks down at the soon to be married couple with a smile. “Bette is going to kill me for saying this. Kevin, you may not know it, but when my sister first saw you, she fell in love.”

  Bette has her hands over her face with an embarrassed laugh and Kevin just hugs her into his side with a big smile on his face. Everyone else is laughing. I’m just staring up at this girl in wonder.

  Simone briefly glares my way before planting a smile back on her face and continuing. “When she called that night, she wouldn’t shut up about you. She’d never done that about a boy before. I was like, there’s no way this guy could be all that. Then I met you...and I got it. You,” she shoots another set of daggers my way, “are everything she said you were and more. I know you two will be happy, and I can’t wait to see you at the altar for real tomorrow.”

  Now the two of them are looking up at her with sentimental smiles. The rest of the table is ohhing and ahhing in admiration.

  “To Kevin and Bette!”

  Everyone raises their glass and salutes to the couple, laughing as they drink.

  I just find the whole thing ridiculous. It was a nice little impromptu speech and all, but why did she have to get up on the chair to make it? How many glasses of champagne has she had so far?

  And why the hell does she keep looking at me like she hates me?

  She’s officially drunk.

  The wedding was as close to perfect as a wedding could be. Now we’re well into the reception. Simone managed to make it through the dinner and (second) speech without a hitch. By the time the cake was cut and the first dances—Kevin with Mom, Bette with her dad, and the happy newlyweds themselves—were completed, she had finished off at least a full bottle of champagne.

  And is still completely avoiding me.

  Which is fine by me. What was actually going to come of this anyway? I’m twenty-six years old and already running a multi-million dollar company. She’s still in college.

  Besides, she seems to be treating it like a contest, dancing through as many groomsmen as she can. Everyone except me.

  Which, again, is for the best.

  Now that the party is in full swing, even the open bar fails to hold my interest and I make my way out on to the terrace, where there are fewer people. I haven’t seen Simone in a while, which has had the opposite effect of putting her out of my mind.

  This whole damn wedding can’t end soon enough.

  “Aren’t you going to get in trouble?”

  The giggling voice is unmistakable, even laced with God knows how much champagne.

  “Nah, I’ve taken enough photos.”

  I turn and see that photographer’s assistant leading Simone toward the end of the terrace where the shadows are darker. She’s got one bottle of champagne in her hand, which isn’t a good sign. I watch them, even though my head already knows what’s about to happen.

  He stops suddenly and turns to press his body against Simone’s. The next moment his lips are on hers. I hear a surprised squeak but wait to see how she reacts. When the hand that isn’t holding the bottle comes up to his chest, pushing him away, I make my way over.

  She pulls away, and giggles nervously. “Not so fast there, Casanova.”

  “Come on, I’ve only got a short break,” he begs, pulling her back in.

  “I think she said no,” I say, announcing my appearance.

  They both turn to look at me in sur
prise. Neither of them look pleased to see me.

  “This doesn’t concern you, man,” he says, still with his arm securely around Simone.

  “Seeing as how it’s my brother’s wedding and you’re the hired help who isn’t doing his job, I think it does concern me.”

  “He’s right, it doesn’t concern you,” Simone says, glaring at me. “Why don’t you go back inside and butt into someone else’s business?”

  I don’t budge. She’s Bette’s sister. She’s officially Kevin’s sister-in-law. She’s nineteen and drunk as hell. There’s no way I’m leaving her in this mess.

  “Go!” she finally shouts, waving the bottle of champagne toward the party inside. “I don’t want you here.”

  I should leave. I really don’t need this shit.

  I stay.

  Simone gives me an exasperated sigh then reaches both arms up around the guy’s neck, sloshing champagne all over him. He doesn’t seem to mind, probably because she’s pressing her body firmly into him as she gives him a hard kiss.

  I should leave.

  The only thing I want to do right now is rip her away from him and smash my fist into his face for putting her in this situation. This situation where she for some reason needs to prove something to me by making out with this loser. I can actually feel my temperature rising and my fists tightening against my thighs.

  “There you all are!”

  Simone breaks the kiss and pulls back, looking away with shame. I turn to see one of the bridesmaids making her way over.

  “We’re about to send Kevin and Bette off. Can’t do that without the best man and maid of honor!” she chirps.

  Simone shoots me one last glare then pushes past me toward the party. I give the guy she was with a last hard look. He just shrugs with a smile, which definitely makes me want to punch him.

  Instead I go inside to see my brother and his new wife off into their new life together.

  I leave right after they drive off into the sunset, happy as two love birds can be.


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