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Forgemaster (Book 1 in the Spirit Guide Saga)

Page 24

by H. Lee Morgan, Jr

  “We all saw it’s destructive capabilities are great, but what if I accidently loose a Drone and realize it was a mistake.”

  “Understandable.” Storm-shadow said. “What good is a weapon without control. That weapon is much deadlier than an arrow and in a few moments became faster than a bullet. We need to know if it can be stopped.”

  Ethan conjured a third Drone and threw it, but Kira held the dummy aloft with her magic when Ethan found out one wouldn’t be created without a target to chase. As it fired Ethan learned he felt the immense power held within the ball and willed it to stop. The ball immediately halted as the tail of propelling fire stopped. “Good, I can control it if necessary.” He looked over his shoulder. “Kira, can you do a magical spell that can surround it, like if someone was surrounded in debris or hiding in a room or behind a wall?”

  She nodded and the green dot of magic on the tip of her finger turned pure blue and she began air-writing runes which created a square cube barrier of light around the straw dummy. It took a good minute to properly craft such a complex protective spell out over the water. When done her finger’s light returned to green. “I’m finished, Ethan.”

  The hovering ball of fire shot off like before, but the target held still. The blue barrier didn’t even slow it down and after the light subsided the barrier is all that remained.


  “Ethan,” Storm-shadow interrupted Kira. “Shoot a stream of fire at the magic.” He did just that and a stream of white hot and orange flames left his palm and bathed the cube. “Unlike the Drone, your fire didn’t pass through. Interesting.”

  “It did it to the Elf too.” Ethan remembered and spoke his mind. “It’s like the Drone passes through solid things and releases its energy inside the target. It stopped before dropping the child. I remember it looking around confused before flashing into ash.”

  “You’re right… We can test that too. Kira, take the last two dummies and put them back to back. Ethan, target the one behind, but go through the first as if it were a hostage.”

  The growing crowd watched as moments later the Drone passed through the first, but the second became smoky ash. Up close, the first dummy didn’t have a mark where the ball passed through the chest.

  A half dozen more tests proved the Drone was highly effective, more so than any magic Kira could ward against or craft. Not even Ken could dispute such a weapon.

  At dinner they discussed it at length, listened to Odin from a nearby TV about what had been learned, and spoke of it some more. Before Ethan left to go work Merlin popped up out of nowhere and said to meet him after training. He wanted to see the Drone for himself. Likely to play with it like a kitten with yarn.

  Ethan stoked the fire in the forge after replacing a Centaur’s new set of shoes which were nearly done and hand mixed molten metal destined for a claymore in a bucket. When all was evenly mixed he pulled out a heavy mold blank and gently poured it in the recess beneath Celestia’s gaze. He poured slowly although it weighed over eighty pounds and his arms felt like they were about to fall off. She reminded “Be sure to pour from one end so gravity will fill every spot. Air bubbles, even at this stage will cause nothing but problems. The metal still has yet to absorb enough carbon from the wood to retain adequate strength.”

  “Yes, Ma’am.” He grunted and finished pouring every last drop into the mold.

  “When you’re finished, take the finished pike to the Enchantress and call it a night.”

  An hour and a half later Ethan safely arrived at the castle and took an elevator ride to the fifth story in the heart of the castle and stepped out on the barren hall and headed towards the Enchantress’s office. The large wooden box was still there, but for once Ethan was surprised to hear voices and as he got close he noticed the Enchantress’s door open. Immediately he distinguished Floa’s tinkling voice in a small form.

  Then he stopped cold as the other’s voice spoke back. It was familiar.

  Heart racing, Ethan moved like he was on strings and rounded on the door. His eyes widened completely as he gasped “Kanade?”

  Chapter 8

  Lounging in a Spirit Guide size and approved sofa Kanade had her knee propped up with Floa sitting on it at no more than four inches tall. Her long black hair in disarray while her butterfly wings fluttered every time they laughed. Kanade lay on her wings with a pillow propping her head up. Her eyes went to the door and widened as she heard an intake of breath followed by her name from a voice she didn’t expect so early. She had been so preoccupied in the entertaining exploits of the Pixie that she didn’t sense his approach.

  As soon as golden eyes met gray she gasped as well and sat up instantly. “Ethan!” she shouted as Floa recovered instantly in midair and fluttered to the back of the sofa and lightly sat down on tiny feet. “What are you doing here? You’re too early…” She couldn’t help looking over his sooty body covered in drying sweat from working. In his large hand was a long pike. Beneath long sleeves she saw muscles growing by the day and that he had grown a thick, but trim beard. But as his smoky musk entered her room she breathed it in and her heart flipped before racing.

  Kanade felt naked under his roving gaze as he took in her blue jean short shorts and backless red t-shirt. Her large blue wings quivered as her long, naked legs gathered at the floor and she stood, her glittering skin sparkled as the ceiling and wall lights in her room played off her skin like thousands of tiny diamonds on alabaster flesh. Her molten gold eyes remained wide and her naturally metallic blue eyebrows nearly got lost in her bangs. Her silky blue hair remained short, framing her face and lining her soft angular jaw.

  His grip on the sharp pike tightened as his words spilled out without a mental filter. “What is going on?! Kanade, why don’t you have that shimmer around you anymore? What are you doing here? You’re the Enchantress?” He accused and watched her barely flinch. “I thought I’d never see you till my life ended again…”

  “You’re not supposed to be here.” Kanade hastily said.

  Ethan recoiled as if he were slapped. His openly astonished expression melted remorsefully as memories of last time coupled with these fresh words reminded him of his foolishness. In a dead neutral tone he said “Won’t happen again.” He felt like throwing the pike down, but he knew Celestia would peck him in the head again for dropping another weapon. He flipped the pike and laid it against Dress as the blue eyed closet looked sad.

  Ethan then grabbed the door handle and shut the door.

  “You better go after him, Kanade.” Floa fluttered over and slapped the giantess on the cheek. Kanade’s breaking heart at what she just did made tears start flowing into her eyes. “Kiss and make up! You’ve not spoken to him since you got here and I’ve kept your secret long enough and let me tell you it was stupid.”

  “What have I done?” Kanade’s voice quivered. “His thoughts… empty…”

  “You screwed up in a royal way.” Floa stated directly, floating before Kanade’s left golden eye. “We all say stupid things, but you know he thinks you don’t care for him. If you don’t clear things up you can’t repair the damage. Go after him before he does something stupid!”

  “But you just saw that look he gave me.” Kanade choked as the tears spilled down her cheeks. “He hates me and won’t want to talk. Nothing I’ll say will reach him.”

  “Then don’t say anything!” Floa sighed and Kanade could see the Pixie was angry by how her wings flapped. “Men are all the same! Get a hold of him and don’t let go. If he’s you’re soul mate and you do actually like him then fucking do something about it!”

  “She’s right, Sweetness.” Dress said from his secure spot. “Get after him. I’ve never seen two more made for each other and I’m the sixth oldest living soul in the mortal world.”

  “You have to the count of three to go after him before I Translocate you. One!” Floa spread her hands straight out. “Two!” The green hands moved together halfway. “Thr…”

  Kanade acted th
rough blurry vision, moving through the threatening Pixie who flew out of the way. She yanked the door wide open and jumped into the hall, but Ethan was gone. Kanade’s powers spread out in a wave at just a thought before sensing Ethan already on the ground floor and running down the empty Ogre hall. The Spirit Guide could feel the Elemental’s anguish and his thoughts of self loathing tore her heart apart. Her tears became rivers as she realized just how hurt he was and immediately pulled her power back and found herself collapsed in the hall with Floa biting her ear.

  “Finally.” Floa said with genuine concern in her voice and expression as Kanade reacted. “What just happened, Girlfriend? You suddenly yelped and fell down.”

  “It’s Ethan.” Kanade quivered. “He’s in so much pain. Agony. I’ve never felt the like before…”

  “Only you can make him feel better. Where is he?” Kanade pointed at an angle at the ground. “Better fly then. It’ll be quicker.” Without any more warning Kanade gasped when the Pixie clapped and was sent through space instantly.

  Out of instinct, Kanade’s large blue wings snapped out and she recovered midair above the castle. It took her a moment to reorient her position, but when she did, she knew what needed to be done.

  Stupid. Stupid. Stupid! Ethan’s mind roared as he ran unmolested through the long hall made for Ogres. Beside the one he met at the elevator, the hall was empty. Thankfully for it being past two in the morning, none were out. Why am I so broken up over her? Because she’s so beautiful? Probably. Why do her words cut so deep? No other woman has made me feel so pathetic. She looked so great. Awe, Ethan, snap out of it! She doesn’t want you and never has. It’s just a coincidence or some cruel trick Fate thought up for the punch. It worked, Bastard! Kanade’s job is twofold, screw with me and help this place. Bah, Stop thinking of her Ethan. Stop thinking! He chastised himself. She doesn’t care about you!

  All the exercise left him winded as he reached the open gate. The hard run made him sweat and expel the energy the meeting filled him with. As he crossed the smaller Ogre drawbridge he ignited his hand for light in the darkness. His chest hurt like an elephant sat on it and the gasping from the run only made the sensation worse. He hated himself for how he felt for her and looked at the ground as he made for the path home.

  His hearing picked up the sound of large wings beating and he assumed it was from a Pegesai until it got too close for comfort and he looked up to see the darkness turn blue.

  Kanade swooped it and wrapped her arms around Ethan’s torso and drew his wide back to her chest, used a little power to hold him to her and flapped her wings for some altitude. She felt a twinge of fear as a growl ripped from his breast, a sound she never heard from him. It was anger, feral and deadly. She never knew a human could make such a deadly sound. “Ethan, it’s me darlin’.”

  The sound of her silky southern belle accent washed over him like a bucket of cold water. His growl ended and his struggle ceased. Unable to see, he did hear her sigh and the pressure he felt on him lessened along with all his inner loathing. He enjoyed the cool feel of her slender arms around him, but being blind wasn’t fun. His arm moved forward and ignited as he strained his neck to look at her.

  “I see you’re getting’ used to your power.”

  “What is it you want, Kanade?” He said and no matter how much he wanted to scorn her, he didn’t have it in him to make such a breathtaking being feel bad.

  “To clear up a misunderstandin’. Are you willin’ to listen?”

  “Why are you crying?” He noticed the wetness on her cheeks and her puffy eyes.

  “Because your thoughts hurt me. I do not hate you or see you as a burden.” Her words were softer than silk and sweeter than honey.

  “You don’t?” he asked in disbelief. “Wait, my thoughts? You can hear my thoughts? Telepathy?”

  She nodded while biting her full, naturally ruby red bottom lip. “I’m sorry. I usually do not send my power so far. A person’s mind is a sanctuary and I didn’t mean to intrude, but in my haste to find where you went it sort of happened. Won’t happen again… Promise.”

  “Since you are in complete control right now and can drop me to my death, I’ll listen. Where are you taking me?”

  “To your home with Celestia. We’ll be there in moments. I think we need a moment to collect our thoughts. You can bathe. You usually do that when you get home after you bring me items to spell.”

  “It’s you! You’re the watcher!” He accused and felt a change as Kanade’s wings flapped and they went from horizontal to vertical. Ethan fell and tripped on the roof as her arms released him. He jumped up quickly and reapplied fire to his hands to see Kanade’s cheeks blushing and her arms crossed over her flat stomach. She had guilty written all over her. “Wait, you just touched me… How? You couldn’t last time.”

  Her golden gaze bashfully hid behind fluttering eyelashes as he tucked a loose strand of hair behind an ear. “It took time to make a body I could inhabit, Ethan. I’m now as flesh and blood as you. It’s been eleven years since I was corporeal. At eighteen I left the Nineteenth House in Alabama to become a Spirit Guide in full… Go, I will wait here.”

  Ethan realized he stood on the roof of the two story building and could hear Celestia below still hammering away. He remembered the access hatch just outside his bedroom door that was locked from the inside. “Uh, how can I get down.” Kanade simply snapped her fingers and in the darkness he noticed a metallic blue spark appear with the sound that matched the color of her hair and wings. Dully he could hear the lock open and fall to the ground and watched as the eight foot tall woman smiled mischievously. “I know I’m a bit ripe, but you can wait in my room. It might be a bit more comfortable.”

  Kanade shook her head while thinking, If I did that we might become one. Instead she reasonably said “Not a good idea. Dress will hear and add comments. Up here we have privacy.” Before her real thoughts of what she wanted to do could redden her cheeks further she turned around, grateful for the night’s darkness and human blindness. She walked to the small battlement of the large building and put her hands on the cool stone and leaned forward. She realized what she wore and looked over her shoulder to feel flattered as Ethan ogled her firm posterior, framed by her wings. He realized embarrassingly what he was doing and looked away. Ethan found the hatch and lifted it with a squeak and began climbing down a series of steps cut into stone.

  Immediately a pair of glowing green eyes were upon him. Celestia stood in the hall, holding the lock Kanade removed. Her fiery appearance looked agitated. “What is the meaning of this and how did you come down from the roof. None other than a…”

  “My fault, Celestia.” Kanade’s head poked down through the open hatch.

  The Forgemaster cocked her head questioningly. “Enchantress Kanade? Now it makes since. Only an Enchanter or I could have unlocked this. What did Ethan do to Magantin?”

  “Magantin?” Kanade inquired.

  “The Pike I sent. Did it get damaged? Where is it?”

  Kanade’s golden gaze understood. “All is well. Magantin is safely locked in my room and waitin’ for me. I’m sorry for the disturbance, Forgemaster Celestia. I didn’t mean to disturb you. Ethan and I have personal business to discuss and is why I landed in the roof. I forget your kind’s hearing is second only to an Elf’s.”

  Celestia was mad and it showed in her body’s fire growing. “As you should be. If you have business with my apprentice, enter silently through the front. I heard this fall and wasn’t done working. Another disturbance like this again and I’ll ban you from my home. Understand?”

  “Yes, Ma’am.”

  Celestia dropped the lock in Ethan’s hand. “Lock up when you’re done. Any more disturbances will result in punishment.” The large Phoenix vowed and turned around to proceed downstairs and get back to work. Already Kanade’s head no longer poked down and Ethan shrugged to open his bedroom door.

  Dress immediately said “You sure got here quick! Where’s your girlfrie

  Ethan flushed, but said “She’s not my girlfriend.” One of Dress’ gold eyebrows shot up as if to say otherwise. “Kanade’s on the roof. I need a shower. Can you pick my best clothes? Man, I don’t want to look a slob.”

  “Give me a moment to think, Handsome.” Dress’ eyes closed.

  It was a record setting shower for Ethan. He toweled off, brushed his teeth and combed his hair before finding his personal fashion designer had spit out a pair of blue jeans, a red shirt and fresh boxers. In a minute he was dressed and left the room hearing “Good luuuck.”

  Up on the roof Ethan found Kanade had piled up a stack of wood and the Elemental gasped. “Please tell me you didn’t pick those from the side of the building?”

  “I thought we could talk in front of a fire? Is something wrong?”

  Her innocent question had him nodding. “Better put it back. Those logs are from thousand year old oak that has cured for a year after being cut. Nymph royalty gift Celestia with wood for her work and she’ll use no other and the coal is made from aged dragon bones. The carbon in the ancient wood adds strength to her metal and the coal grants flexibility or rigidness depending on how much is used. If she catches you taking from her supply you’ll be in for a world of hurt.” The sincerity in his voice made her realize how important the supplies are. “Making fire is effortless for me and I produce no smoke that will choke you.”

  “Thank you for the warning.” Kanade touched the logs with a finger and wrote something with a green spark and then the wood floated over the wall and was put back in its original place.

  Ethan, barefoot like her, moved to prop his back against his chimney that led to a fireplace in his room. Kanade’s wings surrounded her and she seemed as uncomfortable as he was and the time apart didn’t seem to help organize thoughts. To break the silence he held out his hand and created the bright Drone, selecting a cricket as the target, but instead of letting it loose he had the contained fireball hold position between them.


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