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Forgemaster (Book 1 in the Spirit Guide Saga)

Page 30

by H. Lee Morgan, Jr

  “KANADE!” Ethan shouted as her legs gave out and he barely caught her.

  Wild, unseeing gold eyes said “He’s been spelled. No memories remain…” then she looked up as more tears surfaced. “Oh Ethan! I’m so sorry.” She hiccupped a sob. “Kira, she… spelled you for sex.”

  Kanade watch as the muscles in his jaws clenched, his stormy grey eyes darkened an a rumble grew from his chest. He turned his head as he heard tiny flapping wings. “Floa, watch over Kanade.” He stood and turned into her bedroom. “Dress, what’s Kira’s room number?”

  Dress responded. “Three oh six, but you aren’t going to kill her, are you?”

  Without answering Ethan stormed out and headed for the stairs, heat and anger rippled off him like a mirage over desert sand. He rushed down and with a single-minded focus, he exited into the main hall and the haze turned to a trail of smoke. At this hour, quite a few were still awake, going about their business, but seeing a man start having flames appear around his body drew attention.

  Before Ethan knew it his fist was banging on Kira’s door. “What is it?” he just banged more and more till she turned off her TV to check on it.

  When she opened it she was assaulted by a wave of intense heat that stung the eyes so painfully they shut. Before she could get away, Ethan’s red hand grabbed her upper arm painfully enough she cried out. He lowered his heat when he realized what was happening but didn’t let go. Her light green eyes widened as she gasped “Ethan? Wha…”

  “You’re coming with me.” And would not give her time to respond as he jerked her out.

  “You’re hurting me!” She cried loudly enough it echoed.

  “And what you did to me and Kanade didn’t?” he growled, the first time she had heard it herself and the steely glint in his eye said he was royally pissed off. He jerked her ahead.

  Behind followed Ken at twenty feet, unable to stay away from Kira as he was drug. “Ha ha, you got caught!” he taunted.

  At the foot of the stairs were two Ogres who were warriors and saw the whole thing. “Release her. Females must be treated with respect.”

  “You boys better get the hell out of my way.”

  “And if we do not?” The other responded, drawing a metal club inscribed with runes. Their answer came in the response of fire that sprung up around them that rose well over their blue heads.

  Kira stopped struggling at what Ethan had done without blinking an eye or raising a hand. Ethan willed the flames to not do harm and walked through. Kira felt nothing and the Ogres knew he could have done far worse, but merely followed when the flames were quenched. Ethan didn’t look back, but Ken kept cackling as if this were all a joke. No one picked him up as he was drug along the ground. They left the human area and headed for the elevators.

  Surprisingly there waited guests.

  Kanade looked so frail and broken as she leaned against the wall with Floa consoling her girlfriend from a shoulder. But sitting in front was a grim-faced Tattoo in his wheelchair, the powerfully beautiful Gra standing behind her husband, Morgane Le Fay and two other Witches Ethan hadn’t seen before.

  Tattoo no longer smiled as he usually did when he wheeled around. He pushed forward and as the second in command of the House ordered “Ethan, remove your hand and Kira, do not move. One word from you or gesture will worsen the allegations brought against you.” Ethan took his hand off and stepped away. “Morgane, if you will please verify the situation.”

  “Certainly, Kiddo.” The High Witch glided forward and stood before Ethan. “Please hold still. I need to flush your system.” He didn’t ask questions. Morgane Le Fay laid a single finger on Ethan’s scalding forehead, but began expertly drawing very specific runes intending to heal the body by expelling foreign poison. He felt his mind clear before a stomachache formed and unable to hold still for any longer he leaned forward and retched. A large cupful of bile and clear fluid rocketed from his stomach, but before he could worry about hurling on the ancient Witch there appeared a bucket out of nowhere. His pain lasted only a few moments before standing straight and wiping his lips. Morgane looked into the bucket as if it wasn’t an issue. “Kiddo, he has no food in his stomach, but I smell a sickly sweet odor a certain potion of magic, lays inside. I will need to analyze, but he wouldn’t have retched if a recently ingested foreign magic wasn’t coursing through his system and…” Morgane stepped closer and sniffed his neck and then Kira’s, who went rigid. “Smells of smoke, Kira’s fragrance and sex. If it were our Enchantress he was with, I should smell only sex and his smoky natural smell.”

  “So I was magically roofied?” He growled deeply and got a nod from the Witch. “What about my memories?” Morgane shook her head.

  “You two” Tattoo pointed at the pair of Witches Morgane summoned. “detain Kira for the remainder of the night. A tribunal will be held at ten tomorrow for full details and adequate punishment.” Kira hung her head as the pair each took an arm, but not before trapping a magic canceling collar around her neck. They, and Ken, moved to the elevator and disappeared when the doors shut. Tattoo looked between Ethan and the disheartened Enchantress. “I’m sorry this happened to both of you and I swear an appropriate punishment will be reached. I must also ask you both to come to the top floor a quarter hour before the tribunal. Whatever tasks you have can be put on hold. Again, I’m sorry… Gra, let’s go to bed.” The Amazon queen followed her husband to the next elevator in which Morgane also accompanied them, bucket of bile dangling from her hand.

  Ethan walked over to Kanade and she tried touching him, but he shook his head. “Don’t. I’m barely keeping it together and trying not to explode… literally. I need to let off some pressure before someone gets hurt. My sense of smell isn’t strong enough to know I stink of her, but I’ll need to wash her off. Floa, please send me to the roof of my building before I do hurt someone.”

  Kanade’s eyes widened as a small flame appeared on his shaking shoulder, burning his clothing unintentionally and his clam mask wasn’t lying. Less than a thread held him together. Just as another flame lit in his hair, Floa clapped and he disappeared.

  The Pixie’s tiny hands pushed against Kanade’s cheek. “Come on girlfriend, let’s go clean you up. You’re a total mess.”

  Emotionally burnt out, Kanade’s voice was barely a whisper. “I was wrong, Floa. He is faithful. Kira… she used him against his will. I hated him. I hated my own soul mate. I didn’t believe him…”

  “Hush… You. Didn’t. Know.” Floa consoled softly. “Your reaction was only natural. You need to clean up and be with him. You need him as much as he needs you right now. You were both raped today, him literally. Hurry up, who knows what he’ll do to let off steam.”

  The Enchantress drew herself up and moved to the elevator Floa flitted down to and already pressed the button. They waited together, quietly till it opened and a few moments later on her floor. “Did Ethan do that?”

  Floa said “Yes.” Meaning to the blackened area around her room’s floor, ceiling and back wall. “I also was surprised, but I think it was his way of getting through that thick skull of yours.” Floa rapped the side of her girlfriend’s head. “What was it like in your room, when he blasted it I mean?”

  “It shook the whole room and the noise was so loud and sudden I almost jumped clean out my skin.”

  “Same here. I was almost afraid the window I was watching from was about to shatter.” The Pixie pushed the idle conversation forward. “Do you have anything to eat in your bedroom?”

  Kanade shook her head. “Didn’t get a chance. You ate my last bagel last night and I am too much of a wreck to order anything tonight.”

  “I’ll go to my room and whip something up. Neither you or Ethan had anything to eat. Go shower and you two can picnic under the stars. Since I cannot tell you two to have a shower together…”

  “Floa, not now… please. I don’t want to think about that.”

  Kanade entered her bedroom and immediately she noticed the balcony door o
pen. Floa said “I understand, but the sooner you two kids reunite, the sooner this pain will end… Dress, what are you doing out of your spot?”

  Out on the balcony Dressor hopped and turned his broad face to the pair and said “You two better come see this.”

  Kanade quickened her pace across her room and stood beside Order’s fashion king. From the balcony where Kanade would stare toward Ethan’s home for hours, her jaw dropped.

  In the darkness a pillar of fire shot skyward from the roof of Celestia’s home. Shooting upwards that even from a distance, tendrils of flames could be seen as clear as if up close. At least a mile high pillar of flame shot high.

  “Is it just me or is the whole building also on fire?” Floa gasped.

  “You’re not mistaken.” Dress said evenly. “Right now Ethan is beyond pissed and venting his frustration in the safest place there is. Celestia is sometimes prone to outbursts and is why only she has a home completely separate from the castle. It is why her home and grounds are black, otherwise the granite would be gray like the rest of the castle. Fire wards are heavily restricting and containing his flames… you don’t need to tell me what happened, I know it all.” Compassionate blue eyes turned. “Kanade, I know it is not my place to say this, but can you… I don’t know… cool him off. He’s screaming above my heads from the rooftop in both Celestia’s and his room. She’s up there with him, but saying and doing nothing.”

  Kanade felt strength return to her as she responded her to mate’s anger and seeing his inferno display that lit much of the northern grassland like a light bulb. She leapt for her bathroom, knocking Floa off from the sudden movement. She turned on the shower and stripped.

  “I’ll be right back.” Floa said and before she disappeared, spun around and stared at the golden face. “Dress, give Kanade comfortable clothes. Nothing sexy. They don’t need any pressure after what they are still dealing with.”

  “Wasn’t planning to. Let’s just hope their first time won’t be spoiled by all this.” Floa’s tiny green head bobbed before she clapped her hands together.

  In the steamy shower Kanade washed off all the tears and sweat, allowing the warmth to invigorate her body from the coldness it had only felt all day. Her wings grew heavy with all the water and she lathered soap as quickly as she could without overlooking anything. She rinsed and turned off the water before touching the specialized dryer that blasted from sixty holes in the tile covered wall. The heated air blew off the water as she hastened the effect with a few runes traced along her wings that shed the water. She couldn’t wait and enjoy the drier she had ordered like usual after a bath. As the droplets fell Kanade couldn’t help watching and remembering they were like the many tears she shed.

  Mostly dry, she pressed the button on the wall to stop the drying process. Her feathers were no longer saturated. She pushed the glass aside and heard Dress’s loud ‘thunk’ each time as he hopped back to his place in the corner of the room. Cracking the door, she found just a pair of laid out sweats and a backless t-shirt. She quickly slipped them on and stepped out.

  Precariously placed on top of the back of the sofa was a picnic basket stuffed with food and a small Pixie sat on the wooden handle. “One question, Girlfriend, just how are you going to get near Ethan? The area isn’t as bright outside, but I can still see the roof on fire from here. For a mate, you sure have a dangerous one to your health.”

  “Got it covered.” Kanade moved to her nightstand and pulled open a drawer. Out came a gold choker. “It’s taken weeks to make this.” She said. “In my spare time I’ve worried what would happen if Ethan’s flames might hurt and his intentions do not see me… well, yesterday I finished enchantin’ this to protect me.”

  “That could come in handy.” Floa said. “Can you make me one too?”

  Kanade shook her head. “No. Wearing this can only protect my kind should my mate have a deadly power that could potentially do me harm. Any power less than my own will separate the soul from the body. Floa, you are indeed powerful, but not even you would survive this. Besides, it’ll permanently bond to me, like Ethan’s bracelets…” She stepped to look outside and saw the blaze had indeed lessened and then at the band of gold between her fingers. “Now that I know he was forced against his will, I’ll wear it till the very end.” She snapped her fingers and the seamless ring separated and stretched as she put it around her slender neck. Another finger snap latched the ends together without a seam. The choker hugged her neck, and would do so from this point on. It was snugly fit, giving enough room to move and clean behind. “Now, like Ethan, I’m immune from his burnin’.”

  One bare foot raised and planted on the stone barrier and her wings spread. “Wait, you’re forgetting something!” and all Kanade said was “Oh!” when she noticed she almost left without the meal her friend took time enough to scrounge up from somewhere. “And tell Ethan I’m sorry.”

  “For what?” she asked as the basket hung from her elbow.

  Floa’s green cheeks darkened embarrassingly. “I punched him.”

  “You did what?” Kanade paused and listened to the quick explanation before saying “I’ll let him know.” And took to the air.

  In a few moments she saw two individuals on the blazing roof. Celestia stood over Ethan as he struggled to meditate the way he was taught. Kanade glided slowly and Celestia’s sharp, predatory eyes caught the movement. The Phoenix merely said “Enchantress, order Dress to tell me what has upset my pupil. If he cannot recover from whatever has happened between the two of you, he will cease as my student forthwith.”

  Kanade’s great wings flapped as she hovered over a ways. “I will do as you say. Ethan will recover, that I will see to.”

  “You are his soul mate?”

  Instantly Kanade answered without a shred of doubt “I am. He is my angel.”

  “Then tend to your mate and do not allow this to occur again. He is a fine asset to me and is dedicated. Such is rare in a human.” With that Celestia walked through fire and dropped down the large ceiling access hole.

  The Enchantress stared down at Ethan in a swirl of flames spiraling slowly from his red-tinged body. Ash from was once his shirt flew off in flakes from his bare torso. The many bruises stood out worse than usual. He was sitting with his legs crossed in the center of the roof, fists shaking as he fought his anger for control and serenity. Even without using her powers she could feel his pain at what had happened. He hated losing control and for a Fire Elemental, that was dangerous indeed. Kanade felt the waves of radiating heat, but slowly came closer, testing her choker to see if she and anything she touched remained unharmed. A magical barrier still faintly shimmered over all the surface, protecting the building’s structure of the home from his immense heat. When flames passed her like in a breeze, she sighed and sat her bare feet on warm stone. Without the enchantment, she knew she would already be burning alive. Kanade walked forward and softly said “Ethan? It’s me.” No response even came, not even a muscle twitch. She hated seeing him in such misery so she stepped into the heart of the vortex and delicately laid a hand on his shoulder.

  At her touch his flames slowly died, and a minute later, vanished. His mottled flesh went from an angry red to a tanned, healthy bronze. His shaking subsided and Kanade smiled as she knew her mate knew her touch, even without knowing. She put the basket down and lovingly wrapped her arms around him from behind, her wings naturally wrapped around them. Her superior sense of smell still picked up Kira’s foul scent, but his fire burned much of it off and the smell of ashy clothes masked it further, but his smoky scent eased her and gave comfort. “Oh, Ethan, I’m so sorry for doubtin’ you.” She sobbed on his shoulder.

  He jerked as he pulled from the meditation. Then he calmed as he created a fire to see by and asked “Kanade?”

  “It’s me.” She pulled back, but sat on her heels.

  He spun around, staring at her. “I thought I heard your voice… Wait, how can you be here? My fire…”

  “No lon
ger affects me.” She pointed to a gold band around her neck. “Your fire cannot hurt me. Mates to Enforcers also wear one for protection, but I had to modify the magic because your Spirit Energy is unique. Does it look pleasin’?”

  His eyes softened. “You could wear a trash bag and no one could say anything other than ‘Beautiful’. Yes, you look good, but what are you doing here? I thought you didn’t want to see me at all… for what happened.”

  She looked down into her hands. “When I” she swallowed a lump in her throat. “saw the two of you… I never knew I could feel so broken. Even hatin’ you I still loved you deeply. How could I not? There’s somethin’ about you so endearin’ that no words or runes could ever accurately describe. And when I found you hadn’t betrayed me I felt relief and sadness for all my angry thoughts.” She held her hand half way between them. “Right now I need you as much as you need me.”

  Ethan’s whole appearance deflated. “Kanade, I feel so awful for what happened. Hurting you… I would never have done anything so cruel and all I feel is angry at being used. Is there some magic that can make me remember so I can hate myself for hurting you?” he pleaded as he took her hand.

  “No, not without damagin’ your mind. Blockin’ or stealin’ memories are simple, but returnin’ are too risky. Knowin’ you are innocent is enough for me. That what happened, this backstabbin’ plot, lays with her.”

  Then he blinked. “Do I still smell like her?” he read the answer on her expression. “I’ll go bathe. You’re welcome to stay in my room.”

  She smiled. “I’m not plannin’ to leave tonight, if that’s alright?”

  He rubbed the back of his head. “Uh, we can talk, but I think that if you go that far, it wouldn’t be fair to either of us. The wounds are too fresh.”

  “Ethan,” Kanade stood. “there is no way I’m up to that. I just want you close… and Floa sent a care package since neither of us ate supper and she wanted to apologize for punchin’ you earlier.”


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