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Forgemaster (Book 1 in the Spirit Guide Saga)

Page 36

by H. Lee Morgan, Jr

  “She will come with us.” One Amazon flexed her muscles and fingered a sword at her round hip.

  Ethan looked up at the six foot nine woman levelly. “Her hunt is finished and needs her family after being controlled by a pack of Incubi. Your services are no longer needed ladies. Kira will stay with them till her case has been verified and punishment carried out.”

  “You cannot order us, Boy.” The woman lazily smiled.

  “Actually I just did, Bertha. I was her supervisor, she did her best and has returned. If you’re going to try overruling my judgment you better be ready to lose more than just singed eyebrows.”

  “Is that a threat? I’ll tear you apart.” The Amazons glowered.

  This time Ethan smiled. “I just killed seven Incubi without breaking a sweat…” then he gasped as he felt a twinge on the back of his neck and slapped a hand over it. “And apparently my Drone just took out their Elf master. It just connected, I felt it just now.” The pain vanished as quickly as it came. “If you interfere on my earlier promise ladies, you wouldn’t be able to get close to tear me apart.”

  “Very well.” The silent, second Amazon said, realizing his power is greater than theirs. “She is your responsibility, Elemental. If she harms another or escapes, it will fall upon you to explain.” She grabbed her sister’s hand and pulled her away before conflict escalated.

  Kira’s father promised “We will watch over her. Thank you, Ethan, for bringing her back and letting her stay with us.”

  He simply nodded back. “I’ll also send you a copy of her hunt, but don’t show Minna. It quite graphic for a little girl. Especially towards the end. What is your name again?” The father gave it. “Alright. Expect it soon. Right now I need to head home, shower and get back for food.”

  “Actually, Ethan,” Kanade said. “go ahead on home. I’ll be bringing supper home tonight. I have a few things to take care of first. Storm-shadow wanted to be here, but Star-bolt was injured when she and Queen Gra went on an Arachne hunt.”

  “Injured? What happened? Will she be alright?” Worry filled him.

  “She will be fine in a few days. She was bitten, but Arachne venom is very painful and paralyzing. Star-bolt though, I heard, flattened the overgrown bug before fallin’. Gra and healers are still with her and already asked for no visitors. Now get goin’. The sooner you send the recordin’ the faster everythin’ will settle.” Kanade gave a gentle swat on his backside which made him laugh and shake his head.

  Ethan took off in a jog.

  “Kanade?” the Enchantress turned towards Kira who fidgeted. “I wanted to say thank you for being kinder than me. The stone, he told me about it, and though it wasn’t used, I’m thankful. I think you should see my hunt… thought I didn’t do much except get captured and almost ended up as a breeding machine. Ethan is a true gentleman and though I can’t forgive myself, I’m happy you are his. He deserves a woman like you, not me.”

  Touched by those words, Kanade let her power flow into Kira, which the Witch could also sense, but said nothing at the intrusion. Kanade learned Kira truly felt miserable compared to the jealous feelings she had sensed before. Then she pulled it back and laid a hand on the much smaller woman’s shoulder. “I planned on watchin’ every second and I’m glad you returned safely. And I won’t ever forget what you did, but I forgive you now that you truly know how horrible it was to lose control at the whims of another. I won’t expel you from this House if you swear to never let it happen again, especially with my mate.”

  “I won’t, but may I ask a question?” Kanade stepped back and nodded while crossing her arms beneath her breasts. “Is it true everyone has a soul mate?”

  The Enchantress smiled. “Of course everyone does. Your parents hide it well, but they too are soul mates. When you find yours you will know instantly as soon as you kiss one another. The only beings who find their angel differently are Pixie and Nymphs for they must mate to find their one. Many times, especially for immortals like us, our mate either finds us the moment we are born and waits till we are old enough or yours has yet to be born. Your dreams will be influenced frequently by your true mate. I was confused when I learned Ethan was mine only because I never knew my kind had mates outside our race. But my dreams, even as a little girl, were of a bearded man of great power that rivaled my own. I could not tell you how many thousands I’ve kissed before findin’ him.” She pointed at Ethan’s swift flight across the ground. “I was only confused because of circumstances. I made spells to help guide me to my angel, but nothin’ worked and I resorted to age old customs when I went to Spirit World, but you can find your mate more easily than I… if he is alive at the moment. The universe is a big place and my narrow search didn’t consider other races, but you won’t have my problems.”

  “Really? I know I shouldn’t but could you teach…”

  “Kira,” she turned to her red-eyed mother who’s tears finally slowed. “You don’t need to ask, Lass. And she is right about your father and I. We like to keep it a secret because it is rare to find your true soul mate so young. Many of us die before finding that person because we are all that stand between life and Chaos. I will show you how to divine your true mate. I wanted to for many years, but Ken was no longer mine and would not allow me access to the texts. But when he was my burden I found the spell which led me to your father. It is the most complex spell there is in our family. Now that Ken is gone and the pages safely maintained I’ll show you how, if you’ll like. It’ll take six months to complete the ritual and during that time you cannot have sex, not even with yourself or you’ll need to start over.” The last part her mother said was done as she covered Minna’s ears. Her husband turned slightly red as he heard it too.

  “After meeting seven bloody Incubi there won’t be any trouble in that area.” Kira vowed. “I never want that to happen again.” She shivered, even in hot leather.

  “Let’s go home girls.” The father said. “It’s been a long day and I’ll even suffer through one of your chic-flicks if you want to.”

  “At least we don’t need to listen to Ken’s annoying comments.” Kira quipped on the bright side and got a laugh from her parents. “Father, what I need is a shower and to sleep. Is that alright?”

  “Why certainly, Love. I’ll even get Cook to make your favorite ice cream.”

  “That I would like, Father.” Kira sighed.

  Kanade watched them go and oddly felt relieved. Just thinking of what happened yesterday raised her ire, but the punishment and regret from Kira left her satisfied. Still, she had things to do and flew up to her now barren bedroom turned into office to get a few things done. Several minutes later the castle chimed and she soon had Cook prepare an assortment of two meals for a special night in. The Wisp was used to such requests and made the meal which Kanade packed in the picnic basket Floa gave last night and left the castle with great excitement and trepidation.

  After downloading the entire recording of the hunt to the tablet and wirelessly sending it first to Tattoo and those from the tribunal, Blake, Storm-shadow and to Kira’s father as promised he set it up on screen, knowing Kanade was going to ask for it anyway. His finger moved over the screen and placed it over the play button. Then he peeled off his shirt and turned around to ask “Dress, I’m worried about Star-bolt. How is she doing? Can you tell me anything?”

  Dress sighed with a kind smile. “Sure, Hon. Storm-shadow already gave me permission and to tell you not to worry. I’m looking at her right now and she is sleeping comfortably. Gra is stroking her neck rather gently. Yes, the Queen of the Amazons has a gentle side.” Dress and Ethan chuckled. “Storm-shadow is laying beside her as well. She was in real bad shape when she came in. Gra and a platoon of Amazons and Centaur were sent to an Arachne nest down in Malaysia where the demons were nesting after destroying an entire tribe that was quite isolated and thought they would go unnoticed in a rural locale. Well our network is quite extensive, as you know. Tattoo has spent years getting things so smooth and
cooperative. Personally it has eased my burdens tremendously. For centuries I was the primary messenger, but now I have more time to do what I love thanks to technology. Making fabulous clothes.”

  “Dress, your wandering.” He did that often.

  “Sorry, Handsome.” Dress winked. “Well the Arachne were more fortified than expected and as you know, Arachne webbing is like bands of steel, only stronger and not as flammable as spider silk. Well the hunters were led into an ambush where the Arachne weren’t alone. Ghoul’s tagged along, feasting on the corpses of the Arachne attack on the village. Those spider women sure are a nasty species and smart. They hid while our hunters pushed the Ghouls away and then attacked. Thankfully everyone was able to escape, but the mission was a failure. Star-bolt wasn’t the only injury, another Pegasai, four centaur and three Amazons are all in bad shape.”

  “Jeeze, how many were there? Enemy I mean.”

  “From the recordings I’ve seen… about sixty Ghoul and a hundred Arachne. We sent in thirty. Ten Amazon, Pegesai and Centaur. No one expected those numbers for sure. Thankfully everyone got out alive in time.”

  “Agreed.” Ethan sighed. “Just let Storm know I’m thinking of Star-bolt and wish her a speedy recovery. And ask when I can come visit.”

  Dress nodded and went quiet for a moment before saying “He says it is appreciated, but not to come today. They need quiet and Gra is in the mood to hurt someone and if you show up she’ll hurt you. He’ll let you know later.”

  “Alright. Well I’m going to take a shower.” He stood up as Dress spit out fresh and folded clothes. The hot shower was just what he needed and wondered what all the holes in the wall were for and was startled due to the hot air blasting from them. At least the clear glass door was sturdy and didn’t shatter as he made impact with it. The inner railing kept him from slipping along with sure grip non-slick flooring. He recovered and turned the shower drier off before finishing the needed wash. Compared to his original tub which was like a hot-tub in size, this open shower was large enough for Kanade to stretch at least one wing straight out completely. That thought led to her showering and then being naked and other thoughts that made his face flush and ears burn and not be a result from the hot shower. He shook his head and turned the water off, used his power over heat to dry off, dressed and groomed his hair and short beard again that was just long enough to be soft, not short and bristly or long and grimy.

  As he stepped out he was pleasantly surprised to find Kanade had returned and Dress’s face gone from the cabinet. Kanade sat on the couch transported from her room, her long, luscious legs crossed on the cushions with the tablet situated there. On the long coffee table in front of the enormous sofa sat a large dinner meal she had spread out and was covered by cloth to keep warm. Her golden eyes were intensely locked on the screen and Ethan could hear the speakers reciting his and Kira’s initial conversation after being transferred to Amsterdam. Without Dress to take his dirty clothes, Ethan sat them in a corner in the bathroom.

  Quietly he moved around and sat beside her. Without looking from the screen that began moving through the forest and images mostly locked on the back of Kira’s head Kanade said “Sorry. Couldn’t wait to watch…”

  “It’s fine, Angel. But you should Fast Forward till you see us stop on a path and she look back. Kira was too silent after that last part. Not a word was spoken till then.”

  “Promise? No secrets?” Her eyes spoke that she was still a little jealous and self conscious.

  “I promise. The only part I’d rather skip over was tripping over a stump and falling flat on my face. Kira didn’t see, I don’t think.”

  “I’ll play at twice the speed so we can eat and watch.” She lightly hit the double arrows and placed it on the table. The computer still made sounds, only faster. She pulled the covers off the food and scooted closer to watch closely while eating a delicious meal. Ethan was kind enough to be silent and let her watch. She moved quickly when the screen showed the game trail and she heard her mate’s voice for the first time, as promised. “Oh, go back. Go back.” She told herself and rewound several seconds before hitting play. She mindlessly munched on a sweetly steamed carrot while hanging on every word. He was overly full by the time they started walking again and wrapped an arm around Kanade’s waist. She looked away for a moment with a tender smile before going back to the show. At the part where Kira covered herself in potion she accused “You touched her.”

  “No fair. Kanade, did you forget how you helped me with my back just last night? If I can’t reach every spot on my back, how could she?” Kanade just huffed and mumbled something about understanding how she couldn’t smell Kira or something. “Oh, here is where she spotted the first trap.”

  Kanade’s anger vanished as she watched closely and barely saw it herself, but Kira easily did and disarmed it. She ate what Ethan couldn’t and was soon full. As she listened from the minutes upon the hillcrest she curled up in his embrace, listening to his narrative, pointing things out she would have otherwise missed. For a quarter hour she remained so till Kira began moving in. Ethan stayed still, but always kept the steady image of Kira and the front door centered at all times. When Kira disappeared on the backside she heard him whisper from the computer speakers “Oh crap.” and saw the pair of powerful Incubi stalking. Kanade sat forward, listening and hearing everything. She even felt sorry for Kira when she returned to the screen, completely enamored with the lust demons as their newest slave. When the door closed she watched as he flew for a closer cover and hid just in time. Her attention was glued to the screen as the Elf appeared and then the image turned fiery, but she could still see figures clear enough as he vanquished them all and launched a Drone. “So that is what you meant earlier when you slapped your neck. You actually felt your Drone destroy the demon master that got away?” She paused the show.

  “Not destroy exactly…” he looked at the ceiling for a better explanation. “more like it connected. I remember a slightly similar sensation when Kira helped me out. Whether it was the range, I don’t know, but when I wasn’t looking and it destroyed the target, I felt a mild twinge. When I got back here it was a much sharper feeling. I’m just glad the Drone knew where the Elf went. All I needed was the Elf’s face pictured in my head and the Drone did the rest.” She nodded and resumed, wincing when he slapped Kira back to herself and hearing her response. Ethan went to Fast Forward, but her hand gripped him. “Kanade, I don’t want you to see what’s coming.”

  She let go as he tapped the touch-pad, pausing it, and twisted around. “Ethan, you forget so easily that for the past eleven years I was a Spirit Guide who took souls from Earth to Spirit World. I’ve seen horrors not even you can imagine. I’ve taken souls from soldiers blown quite literally in half, their bodies blown to bits, gruesome car accidents that weren’t accidents at all, drowned children and I could go on. None of that affected me even close to what happened yesterday. Nothin’ you’ve seen comes close to what I have.” She then reached over and resumed play just as he opened the door to fine the cribs of purple skinned babies with pale hair to one side and naked women chained to beds, some heavily swollen with pregnancy.

  Ethan watched her cool expression closely and found she wasn’t lying. Kanade obviously didn’t approve or stand for what she saw, but it didn’t affect her in any shocking way. She watched the next two minutes and laid the devise down when she saw her own wings block out the light upon his return.

  “So how long did you wait for me to come back?” He asked as he collected the dishes and empty glasses.

  “Didn’t leave.” She admitted as she took the tablet back to the desk and sat it by his headset. “The only one who did was Kira’s mother and that’s only because she had to take the book, that Ken once bound together, somewhere safe. Many Witches share spells, but some are coveted and dangerous in the wrong hands. The book needs new spells of protection, especially if Witches and Wizards aligned with Chaos got their hands on it. Kira’s sister and Father wai
ted silently as well before her mother returned. Storm-shadow stayed till an hour before you arrived for Star-bolt. I was very nervous while you were gone.”

  “So was I. The only thing that settled my nerves is whatever this surprise you got for me is.” He smiled. “So where is it? What did you get? Show me.”

  Kanade struggled not to blush and barely held on as she smiled secretively in return. “It’s not entirely ready yet.” She stood up and went to her nightstand beside his and pulled out a strip of black cloth. “Stand up and close your eyes for me.”

  “Must I?” he stood anyway.

  “Yes. Be patient. It will be worth it.” She spun her finger in the air and he turned around trustingly. Kanade then tied the cloth over his eyes and made sure he couldn’t see through the thick material. Now her features reddened as she said “Stand right here for a few minutes.” He nodded and she secretively placed a few spells on him. A variation of what Kira had done.

  Kanade jumped into action to grab a box and opened it to look at what Dress made for her so quickly and she changed into them, rushed into the bathroom to clean up, brush her hair and teeth and made everything perfect. She pulled out a dozen candles, lit them with a lighter and placed them around the room. She sprinkled rose petals over the bed and over the floor before turning out the lights. Her heart pounded rapidly and she looked around to find all perfect.

  Ethan was slowly brought out of the spell and heard Kanade’s sultry voice say “You can take off the blindfold now.”

  “That was quick.” He said, but she didn’t correct him.

  Immediately he noticed the room wasn’t as it was a short minute ago. The room was candlelit, dark, romantic and mysterious. The fireplace crackled with cheer and flower petals gave the room a delicate scent which made one’s mind rest. That all was inconsequential to what stood before him. His heart slammed on the accelerator and beat wildly.

  Kanade wore the finest lingerie he had ever seen that no machine could ever design and could only be done by the very finest hands. She wore a strapless white corset made of satin with baby blue floral patterns wrapping around her torso and lifted breasts which had his knees weakening. A lacy miniskirt hung from her bare sparkling hips while intricate vine embroidery and mesh leggings hugged all the way up to her tone thighs. Long white stiletto heels made her natural eight foot height seven inches taller. And her wings glimmered from the fireplace, glowing warmly behind her to also play on her natural glittery skin. The gold necklace around her delicate neck shimmered like the finest topaz.


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