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Forgemaster (Book 1 in the Spirit Guide Saga)

Page 48

by H. Lee Morgan, Jr

  His hearing sharpened as Thor said “Don’t worry about them. I’ll send someone to pick them up.”

  “He’s right.” Blake’s voice drifted calmly from the room they were left behind in. “Do what you have to. We’ll do what we can from outside… Wait, Ethan, look at the roof! I saw something from your camera.”

  Ethan’s head jerked to the hospital’s roof as thick vines larger than ancient redwoods began growing and weaving together like some form of nest that encompassed the entire roof. Huge spikes began to jut from the seams like a giant rose. “Well, we know where he is now.” Ethan said over the dead silent radio. In less than a minute the entire roof was fortified and blocked from visual sight. Then a second green bubble surrounded it. “Three layers of protection. If Thor couldn’t break it I bet that smaller one is stronger if condensed.”

  “Best I stay here.” Storm-shadow decided. “Ethan, you go inside. Human’s seem free to still go about their business.” He gestured with his snout as a car passed through the barrier as if it didn’t exist. “I will stay and if it tries escaping I’ll be waiting to attack in this confined space.”

  “I don’t like it, but we have few choices.” Came the response. “I’ll end this as quickly as I can.”

  Ethan dismounted while Floa flitted around in panic for her child. “Floa, stay close to me, preferably behind. Storm, keep an eye out for trouble. If I must I’ll jump out one of those windows. Stick to the east side. I’ll use it if Floa can’t get us out.” The stallion tossed his head in a nod.

  No further words were needed as Ethan’s hands turned an angry red like his face, but he didn’t burst into flames since he didn’t need to harm anyone. He crossed the parking lot and followed a young family of four through automatic doors.

  Sensing active Spirit Energy, a net of vines dropped from the ceiling, but were turned to ash before they could be used. Along the ground was more vines being swept by a janitor mumbling about strange trimmings. Floa stayed back as ordered. People inside merely fanned their face at the brief flash of heat, but didn’t see his fire. Acting casually he strolled up to the desk and asked “A friend of mine is staying at the top floor. Could you tell me which elevators will reach it?”

  The old woman smiled and said “Your Italian is perfect for an American. You are fluent… oh, sorry. It was rude of me.” She blushed some in embarrassment. “Elevators I’m afraid are all suddenly out of order. It is strange, but they will be operational soon. But the stairs are just down that hall. A big strapping young man like yourself will find it easy… Oh, what a beautiful butterfly!” the old woman said as Floa landed on the desk. As the woman wet to catch her, Floa took off again.

  “Thank you, Ma’am.” She blinked, already forgetting all about seeing a butterfly. The woman waved kindly as he left.

  Stairs arrived soon enough and very carefully ascended them. Peering up through the middle of the winding stairs Ethan and Floa found writhing vines up high and steadily climbed.

  As they reached the ninth story Floa gasped and Ethan’s hands ignited. Around the bend they saw a multitude of tendrils cocooning eight individuals. Checking the area first and seeing it was clear he came forward. Floa shot to a tiny knot and exclaimed “Alive!” and exploded to her larger size to grasp the wad. “I’ll get you out baby doll! Hold on, Elaine.” her fingers couldn’t pull any off. It was like trying to rip steel open.

  “Everyone, hold still!” Ethan said when he didn’t need to be told how to get them out. Struggling ceased a moment before he activate his power to burn off their bindings. The tendrils couldn’t take the impressive heat and burned away.

  Two female Naga, an Amazon, two witches, two Ogress’ and a Pixie exploded to their feet. He canceled the flames and had them back away. Floa grabbed her tiny daughter and held her close to her heart and cried. Then her daughter grew and they fully embraced.

  None of this makes sense. Ethan thought suddenly as all the women looked at him. He asked “What happened?”

  One of the female Ogres, the squad leader, hefted her baseball bat-like club and said “Kitsune trapped us before we could call for help. It gagged us and even prevented Elaine from Translocating us by binding her hands. It happened so quickly we couldn’t react.”

  “Yes, but why aren’t you all dead?” He demanded calmly. “For all people have said of the fox, it should have killed you.”

  “We don’t have an answer.” She said. “I’m surprised too. It could have done so with no trouble at all. The real question is what we need to do next.”

  “We? Unh-unh.” He shook his head. “You ladies are all heading down and getting away to regroup with Storm-shadow outside. I am going up.” The silence was momentary as all of them aside for the Pixies shouted objections. He put an end to it by bursting into flames and they backpedaled till they were flush against the wall. He then stopped and said in a calm voice “I’m going up alone. Not only am I more powerful than all of you combined, you will get in my way. Right now you all are leaving. If I happen to fail it will be up to you to help Thor and the others outside get in and take care of business. The Kitsune’s plants are useless against me if you haven’t noticed and I don’t require saying words, writing or clapping to activate them. So long as I’m conscious I’m his worst enemy. No more debate or you’ll all end up here in the burn ward. Am I clear.”

  The Ogress saw the wisdom and confidence in him to say “Very well.” Her companions went to reject, but she forestalled them with a hand. “Fire against plant. We’ll do what we can, Kid. You just come back safely. Let’s go, Girls. Elaine, you and your mother come too. He needs to focus and we are a distraction.” The group of nine women came to understand fully of the situation, like the Ogress and proceeded downstairs. Floa smiled in gratitude before taking her child’s hand and leaving.

  Alone and silence helped Ethan think. The vegetation writhed slowly along the stairs leading up with some dangling. It was a trap and likely any other passage to the roof was likewise blocked, but as he contemplated he noticed that the vines didn’t grow any further down and there were no thorns.

  When Ethan made up his mind he cloaked every part of himself in flames and slowly walked up the steps. They reacted by trying to bind him, but he was so hot they burned off in an instant. Unfortunately the resulting smoke activated fire alarms for ten seconds till he heard a ‘whoosh’ of air and realized the witches he saved were magically taking care of all the smoke. The intercom of the hospital said “False Alarm.” And he didn’t stop. Nothing stopped him.

  He reached the fourteenth floor without breathing hard from all the exercise he underwent and saw the green barrier was actually a sphere that blocked the upper roof access and was surprised to find that his unlit hand could pass through, but his jacket couldn’t. He realized that Kanade’s runes were Spirit Energy infused. Making a heavy risked decision, Ethan took off his jacket and pants. He stood in a white t-shirt and his blue boxers. He then worried about his bracelets, but they passed so long as he didn’t talk or hear anything that needed translating.

  He leapt through the barrier and was instantly tangled, but he turned up the heat again and was released. Then he felt the side of his head as the headset was ripped away as he passed. He knew it had some magic, but forgot. The lens could record the supernatural, but if a human not permitted tries it on it’ll self destruct.

  Unable to go back because he had to keep the fire burning, he burned his way to the roof door and when all was charred he stopped and opened the door.

  The roof was entirely blocked of all daylight. A slightly sweet scent permeated the air like roses. The roof was littered with gravel, but completely surrounded by giant stalks so tight not a sliver of sunlight passed through. Most surprising of all were the gigantic flowers in full bloom facing inside. They glowed softly and were beyond beautiful, not even the smallest petals had a fifteen foot diameter. Never before had Ethan seen the like.

  Sitting in the center of the roof was what Ethan first thoug
ht a man in white sitting on a bed of pillows. Only they weren’t. They were large fluffy, snow white tails. The man wasn’t a man at all. What he mistook for a white coat was a body of snow white hair. Long pointed ears tipped black twitched at the sound of the door opening and then came a sad voice that was beyond unexpected. “Have you come to kill me, Fire man?”

  Then the Kitsune stood up on two legs, its nine tails spreading like a fan. It wore just a pair of pants and stood on large paws rather than feet and the odd joints were lithely disguising incredible running power. Then it turned and Ethan knew it was a beautiful being, not grotesque or hideous as he assumed. The Kitsune looked much larger with his tails spread, but he was thin like a runner. In deep pools of silver were eyes that had seen many ages come and pass, held immense power and tremendous sadness. It truly looked like a man and snow fox had become one rather than the picture he once saw of a werewolf. In his hands that had claws, he held the silver chain that hung the Crescent Mirror. Just as the name sounded, it looked much like a six inch crescent moon.

  Standing before the demon in nothing but his boots, boxers and a shirt Ethan said “Actually before I answer that I would like to ask you why you have done all this. The only reason you aren’t ash right now is because up until now you have not killed a single person. Tell me why.”

  The Kitsune’s liquid silver eyes widened, but he made no move in aggression. “The answer lies four floors beneath our feet. My mother is going to die tomorrow morning and I intend to see she does not.”

  Of all the possibilities Ethan planned on hearing, it certainly wasn’t that.

  Chapter 14

  “Die? Well I must say you’ve piqued my curiosity again. You’re the first demon I’ve ever met who actually doesn’t fit the demon category and who seems to be more a person than some cruel and vindictive rabid animal that’s in desperate need to be put down.”

  The Kitsune laughed, but it was hollow and tainted with sadness. “You must be new to our world, Human. I too am surprised. Most warriors of Order would have attacked the moment they opened that door and taken my head while my back was to them. Nevertheless, you will not need to take my life for it will soon be offered willingly soon enough.”

  Reality of those words set in and Ethan said “You intend your wish to save your mother at the cost of your own life.”

  This time it was the Kitsune who was surprised. It wasn’t a question. His long set of tails seemed to sag under heavy weights before he regained composure and brought them back in a fanlike pattern more stunning than any peacock could ever be. “That is my intention. Before I give my wish, would you hear my story? It is demon tradition for the higher classes who know it is their time to vanish.”

  For some reason Ethan felt compelled to say “I’ll listen.” This Kitsune had the clear feel of a demon of great power, but lacked the killing intent he had felt from all the other demons he had faced so far.

  The white fox sighed and his sleek shoulders lifted as a great invisible weight was lifted and his muzzle pulled back to reveal a kind smile of canines. He passed the left chain to his right, keeping a death grip on the Crescent Mirror and used his free arm to pass it over his chest and bowed at the waist. “Many names I have taken over the millennia’s, but I now go by Tokala.”

  “Fox?” Ethan said stunned at the dual translation he heard naturally and what his silver bracelets altered. “I had a college friend descended from Cherokee and I remember certain animals and names. Tokala means a male fox!”

  Tokala this time truly chuckled. “So my mother’s humor isn’t lost. She is also Native American, descended from Sioux.” He then sat on four of his tails and relaxed. “Please, sit and I will tell you of myself.” Those silver eyes noticed the hesitation. “As you have deduced, I have intentionally not harmed a single individual and I clearly could have. Not a single trap has even a thorn. My plants merely were tasked to bind any who used Spirit and Demon energies from getting too close. You though I didn’t account for. And it’s just my luck that a Fire Elemental passed easily through my most powerful barriers and plants. Still I feel your companions trying to break through. They will not succeed. Judging by your attire you have figured out only non-active energies of humans can pass through. Most would not pass without protection, but then you clearly are stronger than that small army outside combined. If we wished to fight I know my chances won’t be fair. You are my natural enemy and you clearly know it.”

  “So it seems.” He shook his head and said “Well, Tokala, since you haven’t lied so far I’ll listen. My name is Ethan.” He walked closer, keeping a hair trigger on his power to be loosed at the slightest movement that could be seen as a threat. Despite the Kitsune’s promises, he was a powerful demon who could thwart the great power of Thor and over three hundred powerful teams of warriors without flinching. He walked, noticing how the inward facing floral lighting played with his shadow. The path took him towards the deceptively powerful demon and heard a strange sound behind him. Paused. And glanced at the door to see more thorny vines climbing the door he had entered until it completely disappeared. “Tokala, what is the meaning…”

  The fox-man clearly said “I cannot expect other warriors to be so kind as you have been. Many kill demons on sight. Wizard fire is not powerful enough to even singe my plants, but you are no wizard and I want no other to disturb us. Please.”

  Ethan watched Tokala pull a seed from his pocket and saw it grow into a thick, sunflower-like plant that was over four feet wide and wreathed in bright yellow petals, but it wasn’t a sunflower. In its center was a cushion that looked soft as felt. Tokala then gently tossed it ten feet in front of himself like an oversized Frisbee. Realizing what it was for, Ethan came over and felt it was both firm and soft under his boot. He walked calmly to the center of the flower and sat, earning a smile from the demon.

  “Thank you for this. I never expected to tell my story till all was over… least of all to a human.” Tokala said gratefully as he sat the mirror’s chain around his neck and pulled his long white hair around for more comfort than anything.

  “My story begins sixteen thousand years ago in Demon World in the Great Forest of the Fox, under the Fire King’s dominion. I am the only surviving member of my litter, born under my Kitsune parents. I grew my second tail a hundred years after my birth and was a guard of the great forest for much of that time and thereafter. I’ve fathered four hundred litters and am proud to say many still live. My tails continued to add and my power doubled each time. When I reached my fifth millennia I finally earned my ninth tail and I became a demon lord who ruled a fertile section of the forest and joined the ranks of aristocracy in Demon World. I became a loyal lieutenant of the Fire King in times of war and enjoyed all the vast wealth I either earned, stole or pillaged. Despite my rank I loved testing my limits, breaking and entering and theft.” Tokala had a twinkle in his eye as he said this. “None could bar me from sneaking in and stealing what I sought. I even broke into the Fire King’s vaults, much to his amusement. Nothing happens without his knowledge, but he liked using me to always strengthen his vast territory and guard the wealth so others couldn’t do as I. My cunning, patience and intelligence served me more than my great power. My band of thieves could not be stopped and for centuries it was my abilities that steadily gained me more prestige and power in demon world.” He swallowed dryly and watched Ethan closely for he knew the Elemental wasn’t going to like this next telling. “Also, you must know that I also had a steady supply of souls to consume.” Ethan sat straighter, his grey eyes shot daggers, but he held still. Tokala though felt more waves of heat and watched the human’s hair rising from the generated updrafts. No flames appeared though. “Listen, I know it is hard to not hurt me for it, but what’s done is done. As a Kitsune, I feed on avarice, greed if you prefer. Humans are especially greedy and always filled me and in my long years I’ve lost count of the souls I’ve consumed. For a few decades I’d only eat human souls on a weekly basis. No other souls is like
human and even now I can taste it.” Tokala then held up a finger. “But my traits would be the end of me, like all Kitsune who aren’t tethered to another.

  “Seventeen years ago I led my elite band of thieves to Vilorogue’s lair, Dragon General of my king. I coveted a precious ore that is rarest in all the universe for it is said any item or weapon crafted from it is inherently indestructible. Even a piece the grain of sand was worth more than all the treasure I ever collected tenfold.” Tokala smiled in sad remembrance. “My men were wholeheartedly against tempting one of the greatest powers in all of Demon World. The Fire King might have allowed many things to slide in my direction, but Vilorogue didn’t share our great master’s mentality. We all knew if we were caught the Dragon General would make sure we suffered for decades before killing us. But the ore was too tantalizing and just begging to be pinched by the old black dragon. Despite my men’s protests, I went after it.

  “We entered Vilorogue’s domain and snuck into his mountain fortress. But little did I know that we were betrayed.” Tokala grimaced. “My second, an Elf by the name of Ildio, forewarned Vilorogue of my plans to steal his precious ore.

  “We walked straight into an ambush. I knew immediately something was wrong when Ildo Translocated from my side. The obstinate old dragon brought in a dozen more greater demons, some I had thought died out millennia ago.

  “I immediately erected my greatest shield as the Elf disappeared. Since I trespassed, Vilorogue had every right to do what he did. Even with my barrier, the dragon ripped it apart like paper and attacked.”

  “Really?” Ethan said, flabbergasted at the mental images the words created. “This dragon broke through?! How is that possible… Thor! I mean, he hit that green barrier with power I’ve never seen before and it didn’t even ripple.”


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