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Forgemaster (Book 1 in the Spirit Guide Saga)

Page 51

by H. Lee Morgan, Jr

  “Best laugh we had in months since you downed Odin’s brew!” The madman Merlin cackled. Morgane, his wife, laughed lightly at his side, unable to resist.

  “Even on my worst days I would have been silent.” Collu the Centaur stallion announced. “We are all eager to hear what happened.”

  “Ethan, please hold this and explain what transpired. It is a request of us, but Thor demands it done. We stand for truth and justice. Please accept it for now.” Morgane Le Fay said as she flew a metal rod over to him and his group.

  Kiroq though actually flew to his seat beside Pegasus and settled.

  The metal bar had the same rune used on Kira and was enchanted to allow only the truth to be spoken. He knew about it for Kanade explained how it worked months ago. It didn’t allow lies, but it couldn’t force someone to speak without a secondary spell working in conjunction. With a heavy sigh he plucked it from the air and held it in a white knuckled grip at his side. Now that the room sat with heavily expectant silence, he and his team approached the half circle desk. “Alright. Here’s how it went. When Thor and all squad leaders learned one team didn’t respond he told everyone to move immediately to the hospital. Floa Translocated myself and Storm-shadow as this was said only as it was one of her daughters who was a teammate on the squad responsible for checking it out. In a mother’s worry she forgot the rest of our teammates and we arrived not a second before our target erected a barrier that allowed only humans and non-active energy, Spirit or Demonic, inside. Storm-shadow waited outside while Floa and I entered. Soon we located the captured team and I ordered them out. Otherwise they’d be in my way. I covered myself in fire to burn my way past tons of vines that magic cannot burn. Because I’m human and remembered how other humans could pass the outer barrier, I stripped off my enchanted suit Kanade made. I passed a second barrier and…” Ethan continued with the story, telling events as they were and unable to lie thanks to the rod. He retold Tokala’s story, omitting certain details and for the next five minutes he spoke without interruption. “And the next thing I know is sharp pain, waking up, slugging Thor and… well you should know the rest.”

  Silence and contemplation lasted for only a few moments before Crait, the Naga High Champion, said “So this Tokala made a wish to save a human from Fate’s intentions, but you’ve yet to tell us who this human is or where we can find him. Tell us.”

  “Not gonna happen.” Ethan stood his ground even after the powerful Naga glared. “Look, we all have someone we would have used the mirror on and see them returned to life or see them healed and be willing to give everything for it, even our very lives. To see my mom and grandparents again is worth that price. Tokala isn’t as he was. After sixteen thousand years he has changed. The only one in this room who can say they’ve lived so long is Princess Chillie. Princess, can you deny you wouldn’t use the mirror at the cost of your own life?” She shook her head honestly. “Look, Tokala got his wish and I’ll not give him up. I can’t explain how either of us are alive after the wish, but Storm said Tokala left me alive and disappeared. I was helpless and still he didn’t kill me as any other demon would have in the same situation. If all the other things didn’t happen I would still give him a head start and not send a Drone after him. This demon found love and isn’t a threat any longer. Before tonight I thought all demons were evil. Why wasn’t I told this?”

  “Because it is rare.” Mia, the white Centaur mare matriarch said before Crait went on a tirade for answers. “There is no such thing as good or evil, just perspective. Still, we wish life to flourish, Chaos wants as its name implies. Demon masters control their minions and those who adhere to the Accords are left alone so long as rules are obeyed. Only when they start taking lives will we intervene. If this fox has no master, being powerful enough to be one, and hasn’t harmed a soul in recent years, has truly found love in a human and was willing to give his own life… Well I might not agree completely with your field decision, but you made the correct choice and it is true he let you live. Others certainly would have taken your life. Demons are naturally selfish and self-serving denizens, but if he has found love, true love, he will not be a threat now that his human is saved. We can agree the wish was granted if Fate sent an Enforcer saying so. Fact of the matter remains that he broke into Spirit World, a precious artifact is lost forever and his inactions resulted in seventeen human deaths by the Siren companion and the sword so he must be held accountable.”

  “I’m not saying he shouldn’t.” Ethan said and as he held the rod still, they knew he meant it. “What I am saying is I’m not going to be part of this anymore. As it is, my orders, when Blake got the mission, was to retrieve the sword and mirror, find those responsible and have the objects returned. Mission complete. And the mirror should never have existed. With it destroyed it can no longer be used by anyone, for any purpose.”

  “I find no fault.” Priestess Edda, the Nymph, said to the assembly.

  “Nor do I.” Odin announced. “Fate can get over it and stop whining like a spoiled brat. The Crescent Mirror was too great a temptation to have ever existed and now that it is no more we have no further need to fear a repeat and fear of what it represents in the wrong hands. Besides, Lad,” the lone blue eye locked on the feisty Elemental. “Fate’s influence won’t decide your actions in my House. You won’t be imprisoned for this unexpected turn of events. What’s done cannot be undone, especially now that the mirror’s power is forever gone. By majority vote of the council, who disagrees?” Only Crait raised his arm. “Then Ethan, your mission was a success and lives were saved. You all earned your rest and bounty of ninety five thousand points apiece.”

  “But tomorrow, Ethan,” Morgane Le Fay interjected as she played with a loose strand of her curly strawberry hair. “I request that you come by and see me just so there aren’t lingering effects of the demon flowers. They aren’t deadly for the short amount of time you were exposed, but just in case… You understand. If any new symptoms arise you must find me immediately.”

  “Yes, Ma’am.” He replied to the High Witch.

  “Good, now that that is settled…” Floa bounced on the balls of her bare feet and the room turned their attention to her suddenly chipper personality. “Ooodin?”

  “Floa!” For once the one eyed, seven foot tall Viking was completely flabbergasted as he knew that particular tone. Everyone in the room heard it and the mood of the room shifted with anticipation. “I thought we agreed?”

  The grinning Pixie shrugged her slender shoulders at his attempt to conceal what he hid. “Couldn’t be helped. Come on. Tell everyone! I’ve waited long enough and you know I’m not a patient woman.”

  “What Pixie is.” Odin grumbled and saw her evergreen foot tap with impatience. “Oh, Fine. I was waiting till after my sleep, but if you’ve already spoiled the surprise it also cannot be helped.” Gungnir in hand, he walked around the table, the end of the solid metal lance clinked on the floor in a rhythm to his long natural strides. Everyone was curious and eager at the strangeness and for once, Merlin wasn’t bouncing in his seat like he had too much sugar and was listening to voices only he could hear. Odin met Floa by the corner where the entire room could see and he said “You all know I gave my eye and vow to serve Order for all eternity and have filled that role for nineteen hundred years.” Heads nodded while all leaned forward. “Last week I was granted a gift by the Spirit King.”

  This now gained the entire room’s attention as not one pair of eyes weren’t bulging. It was such a shock that many had to force themselves to breathe. Odin went on and wove his massive hand around Floa’s tiny green one, even as she remained in her larger form he was massive. “Fate was who heard my wish to fight and granted me immortality under Order’s endless service, but he did more than take my eye. The Spirit King spoke to me in my mind a week prior and I hadn’t heard his voice since I pleaded that Jormungandr be given a better opportunity when he aided me against the Dragon Rattyz. Jormungandr lives outside to this day as a loyal hous
e guardian. I would never forget his voice. I learned Fate actually is who granted my request on my behalf against his father, but not for an entire century of debate. I was in a century long Odin Sleep, unaware of Fate’s tinkering. To me it felt like just a moment when I learned he’d said aye. In actuality I learned I’m not nineteen hundred, but two thousand years old exactly, as of last week.”

  “Two thousand! Happy birthd…”

  “I’m not done speaking yet, Merlin, my old friend.” Odin interrupted before he could be assaulted by questions. “In my study last week I learned of the secret withheld from me. Spirit King mentally explained that if I had remained faithful for two millennia and fought Chaos’ corruption I would get back what was lost. Well… I have been steadfast.” He glanced down at Floa with a tender smile she beamed back. “What I didn’t know was that Fate also took more than my eye. To ensure I upheld my end of the bargain of eternal servitude he also took my sense to find my soul mate. It would ensure I had no ties to alter my course or withhold my warring against Chaos. Spirit King returned it to me that night a week ago.”

  Floa pulled the collar of her shirt down to show off the silver patch of skin that was almost a perfect oval between her breasts and seem to enhance the beauty of her unblemished green skin. “We knocked boots afterwards and found out why we’ve always been so attracted to each other and why Odin has fathered more of my many babies than any other man. We were soul mates all along, but without Odin having that part of him… we would never have known.”

  “We’ve chosen the winter solstice to be traditionally wed, after my annual slumber.” Odin said.

  The room clapped and Odin gave Floa a deep kiss when she jumped in his bulging arms and wrapped her slender arms around his neck. Hugs and backslaps were exchanged. Merlin though commented “Seems like Odin won’t be having so many strangers come visiting.”

  “Think again!” Floa announced, hearing it with her pointed green ears. “Just because we’re soul mates doesn’t mean our sex life will be pruned back. He better keep bringing girls to our bed or I’ll bring them myself. A virile Viking and a Pixie need bedmates… lots and lots of bedmates!”

  Odin laughed proudly. “That is my woman! I couldn’t ask for better!”

  “No. You couldn’t.” She agreed with a bright smile of sharp teeth. “Princess Chillie, care to join us tonight to celebrate?”

  “It would be my pleasure.” The ancient princess’s smile broadened.

  “I guarantee it will be.” Floa stated, dropped down and openly kissed the princess in front of everyone. The princess wasn’t even surprised and returned the attentions. None seemed like this was anything out of the ordinary. The only ones to blush were Ethan and Kanade.

  “Congratulations, Floa.” Kanade hugged her friend a moment later when the crowd pulled back some. “Ethan and I are goin’ downstairs to eat. The others wanted me to also tell you how happy they are for you, Storm especially.”

  “Thanks, Girlfriend. I’m just glad I no longer have to keep this secret. A week felt like centuries. Too bad your kind won’t play. I could show a trick to make…”

  Kanade pressed two slender finger’s over Floa’s pouty lips. “Don’t ruin this moment. You know it will never be between us. We are friends, not with those benefits. Ethan is all I want or shall ever need. Enjoy your night, I will do the same.” She then kissed her friend’s emerald cheeks. “See you soon.”

  “Oh, before you go. I want you to be my Maid of Honor.”

  The Enchantress smiled kindly, but didn’t get teary eyed as either woman expected. “I’d be honored and accept. We’ll talk later, your husband-to-be is wanting your attentions.” Kanade stood and waved goodbye as her Pixie friend skipped to Odin’s side.

  She returned to see only Ethan and Storm-shadow had remained by the door. Magnus, Blake and Ellen left. She took Ethan’s hand with a smile and they left.

  “What will you have?” Cook said as they sat down at the nearest table just out of the elevators. The Wisp was waiting, use to being called at any time. Since it wasn’t time for a mass meal and the heavy resources for today’s hunt would mean she’d be working extra tonight as different groups were coming and going.

  Kanade said “Three extra large, deep dish pizzas with pepperoni, sausage and mushrooms and two large pitchers of beer.” With a flash, Cook prepared the order instantly and glowed more brightly with happiness as the Enchantress said “Looks and smells delicious. You’ve outdone yourself again, Cook.”

  “Call my name if you need anything else.”

  “We will.”

  Cook disappeared and Ethan’s gnawing hunger had him grabbing two slices at a time and stuffing his mouth. Kanade would have found his manners appalling if she couldn’t sense how depleted he was after such an ordeal. It proved too much and she too was effected, remembering she also hadn’t eaten since breakfast and was sickened at the thought of his disappearance for hours. Ethan devoured an entire pizza alone and two slices from the third before downing three glasses and much of his pitcher’s golden liquid. Kanade though finished off the remainder of the meal and liquor.

  “Much better.” He said and rubbed his firm stomach.

  “I feel as content as a fat cat.” She quipped and gathered the dishes. “Now I’m ready to purr.” Kanade nudged him suggestively and felt at ease as he richly chuckled.

  “Let’s go home.” He got up with her.

  After dropping the dishes in a depositing hole she wrapped an arm around him as he did her. Since it was getting late there were fewer in the way and he didn’t care how it looked as Kanade spread her wings and carried him through the air. Few ever joked that he relied on a woman for all knew who they were and their overwhelming powers.

  Cool air helped ease Ethan’s mind and his stomach was seriously full. Hey Kanade? He thought and saw her golden eyes turn fully on him and realized she was still inside his head. “Thanks for ordering pizza.”

  “You’re welcome, My Love.” She smiled softly, a private smile that is his alone. “Neither of us were in the mood to play with our food. It was a quick and fillin’ meal. Would you like me to stop readin’ your mind?”

  “Doesn’t bother me, but I still cannot for the life of me understand how you find my thoughts so fascinating.” He admitted as the wind ruffled his hair more strongly as she few them outside and into the open where she slowed and took her time flying with him.

  “I do not like pryin’ into another’s mind just like I do not like others inside my own, but of all the minds I have touched yours is by far the most unique. You have a strong sense of morals and kindness that others of Order lack or have forgotten in time or under heavy hardship that they become desensitized. Even among humans, your mind is special and different, but I do not know why and I like it that way.” She touched her gold choker out of habit and smiled as she always does for it meant it was proof all this was real. “Odin, I’ve read before, and your minds couldn’t be more different. All he thinks about is fightin’, drinkin’ and tearin’ the clothes off Floa and every woman who catches his lusty eye.

  “You on the other hand think of a great many things at the same time unless you do that intense focus thing you do and push all thoughts aside. Your focus is frightenin’ sometimes because until your goal is complete, nothin’ stops you or gains your attention unless it is big. When you don’t focus though, your mind relaxes and once I caught you jugglin’ over twenty ideas at the same time. I would swear you were a great, master Wizard for only they can do such so easily. You can juggle like my kind in mentality, but I usually juggle over a hundred thoughts at any one time. Your mind is refreshin’, especially when you catch sight of me.” She flapped her wings and grinned. “It might be because you are my angel, but never have our kinds bonded as we. You are the first human I mean. Aside from that I truly love how you see me. I know I’m pretty, even among other Spirit Guides, but the way you see me…” She quivered in delight and it made him smile. “Well I can say I’m flattered.
There is no word in the universe, Spirit or Demon World that could come close to saying how delightful your honest mind is. I cannot help myself by feelin’ your emotions when you know I’m around and it fills me with joy and I find it erotic. And my heart goes aflutter when you see me as yours, your sexual goddess. I love how vivid your imagination is…”

  “Like this?”

  Kanade saw what he suddenly thought and missed a beat before catching them. “Don’t do that!” She swatted his arm with her free arm and laughed. “But yes, My Darling Husband, and it will feel good. Your beard is wonderful between my thighs and that image you just sent me better become reality.” She smirked. “It is unfortunate you cannot read my thoughts.”

  “Oh?” he arched an eyebrow. “How so?”

  She pulled him closer and whispered in his ear in an intimate way “Because no matter how bad you think your dirty thoughts are, mine are far worse.”

  “Doubt it.” He chuckled and she enjoyed how his sound vibrated through her.

  “I cannot lie and you well know it!” She slowed even more, enjoying the closeness and the slight electrical current that occurs whenever they touch. “I always thought Pixies and Nymphs were incorrigible, wantin’ to wrap their legs around anythin’ with a rod or each other. I barely believed they had more than a thought that wanted anythin’ else, even as I kissed my way through troves of Spirit Guides and Enforcers in search for my mate. Not once did I see myself like those free spirited females.


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