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His Unplanned Lesson

Page 11

by Nickie Nalley Seidler

  I put on my jeans, and a t-shirt and headed over to Luke’s. It was a beautiful day and I needed some no-drama, fun friend time.

  I checked to be safe, but Jake’s truck or car was not on the property so I knew I was safe to head over. I knocked on the door and stood back, waiting for him to answer.

  “Sadie…come on in!” He smiled and opened the door for me. He was wearing just a pair of basketball shorts and a white undershirt.

  “How’s it going?” I sat down on his sofa and noticed how clean his house was. That was unusual for not only a man, but Luke.

  “It’s going. It’s my day off today so I’m just lounging around the house.” He plopped down next to me.

  “My day off, too!”

  “Somehow, I don’t think you just came over here to hang out. What’s up, buttercup?”

  I took a deep breath and let it out. Folding my hands together I began to fidget.

  “You got a drink?” I smiled at him, my nerves were eating me alive.

  “It’s barely one in the afternoon.” He laughed, giving me a weird look as if I were crazy. “I’m actually out. But I intend on going out tonight with Ava, you’re more than welcome to come. She can’t really drink and all, but I plan to.”

  I looked at him, startled; I wasn’t expecting that. I wasn’t expecting him to be with Ava. Let alone hang out with her. Although, he was in the same boat, I reckoned. He didn’t expect Jake and me together. Except, he didn’t expect it for other reasons.

  “Actually, I’d love to take you up on that. I could use a night out.”

  He turned to me almost like he was happy that I decided to come. “I’m glad, I think you could, too. Want to talk about what happened with Jake? He’s been a whiny asshole and cancelled coaching this week on me.”

  “Luke, you came over to my house asking about him and why he didn’t show up to guy’s night. When I saw him later that night, I thought I’d ask him how guy’s night was. And he lied to me. He told me it was great as usual.”

  Luke sat up straight and his hand rubbed his chin in thought. He eyes moved from one end of the room to the other and I was pretty sure he was officially uncomfortable with the topic and wished he didn’t bring it up.

  “I didn’t want to get in the middle of this, Sadie.”

  “I didn’t say anything. I didn’t tell him I saw you. I basically just kicked him out upset. I was really hurt by his lie, but it just clarified for me that everyone warning me about him, was right. Something isn’t right, Luke. Now you can either help me find that out, or tell me if you know something. I need your help, I can’t do this alone. You know him best.”

  “He’s a complicated man, Sadie. I can’t help you see what you don’t want to see.”

  My hands reached my hips, unsure of his comment. “But I’m asking you to show me. I want to see it.”

  “No, you really don’t. What you want to see is love from the man that made you happy.”

  “I can’t love someone who lies to me, Luke. You wouldn’t appreciate being lied to either.”

  He stood up and grabbed a soda from the fridge, grabbing me one. He opened it up and poured it into a glass with ice. He handed it over to me.

  “I’ll make a deal with you,” he offered.

  “Details, please.”

  “You come out tonight and let loose with Ava and I. Get your mind off things for one night. Then I’ll consider helping you out. But I can’t promise anything, Sadie. He’s a real reserved person.”

  “Well, you must know something.”

  “I know nothing. I assume things. I’m not as dumb as he thinks I am. I may be his best friend, but I’m yours too.”

  I raised my glass to offer cheers to him. I accepted the deal and downed the soda wishing it was something hard, with a high percentage of alcohol in it. I settled for a Coke.


  The night was young, the clubs were popping and Luke, Ava and I were dressed, ready to party. Ava was pretty upset she couldn’t drink, but was excited to be out with us. We felt normal again. As much as this wasn’t my scene, I needed the night out. I needed a drink, or two, or five.

  We went to this place called Rusty’s and it was pretty rusty all right. Dingy hole in the wall bar. After a few drinks, Ava wanted a different scenery. I thought it was odd because this was the plan for the night. She was the sober one, you’d think she wouldn’t care about the scenery too much.

  Thoughts of Jake weighed on my mind nonstop, even though tonight was supposed to be the night to get my mind off him. I was so glad Luke invited me out. The burning sensation of whiskey going down my throat felt good, because it was taking the edge off of my nerves. But it wasn’t stopping my brain. We got in Ava’s Mustang and headed off towards that club I saw her at the other night. I rolled my eyes from the backseat when I saw the sign. This wasn’t my top place to go to since I’m not into the dancer type party, but I was the backseat driver and basically along for the ride. I checked my phone to see if I had any messages, but there were none. I shrugged my shoulders and tried to make the best of the night.

  “You ready?” Luke asked, opening the door and adjusting the seat forward so I could climb out. Pulling myself out of my daze, and out of the backseat, I grabbed Luke’s hand to balance once I got out.

  “I’m ready.”

  He smiled and we all headed towards the line at the front door. Ava must have known the people because she just waved her ID at the bouncer at the door and we got in the door without even having to wait in line.

  “Nice connections, Ava. The pregnant woman but with connections.” I giggled, following them to some room towards the back. Looks were given between Luke and Ava and it was like I was left out of an inside joke. I felt like the third wheel at that moment and it dampened my mood. Once we got seated I looked around the place, embarrassed by what I saw. This was out of my element and definitely out of my style. Women walked past me wearing little to nothing. When I say little to nothing, I mean barely a string was in between one woman’s ass, and barely a cotton ball covered her nipples. I felt self-conscious until the waiter came by with drinks. I didn’t wait to get started. I took two and downed them one after the other.

  “Whoa there girl…take it easy, we just got here.” Luke flashed his bright smile my way while he sipped on a beer.

  I whispered in his direction, “I’m out of my element here,” not wanting to speak too loudly and let anyone know how uncomfortable I felt.

  Luke leaned over and whispered back, “Well, it’s about to get a lot more out of your element.” He patted my knee and sat back in the booth.

  Confused by his statement, I sipped more of my hard mixed drink, having no clue what it was. But it was going down smooth and that’s all that mattered to me.

  “Dance with me?” Ava shot Luke a smirk and they were off to dance on the small dance floor off to the side. The half-naked dancers were off to the right on their stages with poles. Here I was, left in that stupid booth alone, once again a third wheel.

  After sitting there for some time, watching Luke and Ava get hot on the dance floor, I could only fidget and drink so much and try to attempt not to stare at someone too long. I got up to find the restroom. Maybe I could hide out there for a while.

  Getting up off the couch, I made my way to the signs on the wall that directed me towards the woman’s bathroom. Immediately my eyes hit the floor with the things I saw. Well, the half-naked women in there made me feel even more uncomfortable once I was standing next to them. Locking myself in a stall, and after hiding away for a while, I heard Ava’s voice come into the bathroom, giggling.

  “Sadie, you in here?” She yelled out and I was busted. I opened the stall door and saw her smiling.

  “What the hell?” She asked.

  “Wasn’t feeling great for a moment, but I’m fine now.” I rubbed my belly, pretending to not feel well.

  “Alright, let’s go back to the booth.” I followed her out there till a girl stopped her in her trac
ks, followed by some other girls half naked.

  “Enjoying your time here?” The girl flashed Ava a stern look. Looking down at the woman, I could tell she was pregnant, or so I would assume by her round belly. The other women behind her just stood there as if they were following the first.

  “Yup, just hanging out,” Ava glared back. The woman looked at me as if she was waiting for someone to introduce me. Like I needed to know who she was.

  “Who’s she?” She nodded her head in my direction, giving me a once over with a dirty smirk.

  I stepped in and smiled, “I’m just dating her brother.” My eyes went large and I shut up immediately. I felt like it was a line straight from Dirty Dancing. Almost just as embarrassing to carrying a watermelon. I couldn’t believe those words slipped out of my mouth. I must really look drunk or dumb or both. Jake must have been on my mind too, because the whole night the last thing I would have done was introduce myself as his girlfriend.

  They looked at me weird and then back to Ava, while she shrugged her shoulders. I’m not even sure they heard what I said over the loud hustle and bustle anyway. The woman’s hand reached out in front of Ava and straight for me.

  “I’m Tracy, the owner. Ava’s brother’s wife.” She reached her hand out to me and as I shook it, my body went limp. My hands immediately grew sweaty and I pulled away from her reach. I let those words sink in for a moment while I stared at her. Ava and Tracy picked up the conversation and I just stared. Eyes wide open from her face, to her round belly while a million thoughts rushed through my busy brain. My heart started to race, the world started to spin, and I really wasn’t feeling good now. Tracy…Ava’s brother’s wife…. I kept repeating how those words slipped out of her mouth so casually. So hurtful, like a knife through my chest. At the corner of my eyes I saw Luke coming towards me before my eyes darted back to this Tracy’s belly. It felt like an eternity of staring, but really it was seconds. Tears puddled in my eyes and my heart beat through my ribcage. I ran. I ran fast and ran straight to the bathroom, while Luke hurried after me.

  “Sadie! Wait up!” Luke grabbed my wrist and whisked me around to see my make-up running down my face and a look of defeat, while I stared at my best friend talking to this woman, seeing right through Luke.

  “Sadie, what’s wrong?”

  “His wife?” I asked looking back towards Luke to see his face turned serious and expression grew hard. He then looked at the ground instead of answering my question. I was going to be sick.

  I flicked my wrist away from him and ran into the bathroom and as soon as I got into a stall, I hurled everything I had in me into the toilet below. Tears escaped my eyes and they were almost acid laced with so much pain that I thought my heart would just stop beating right there. I imagined something being off, something being wrong, but I didn’t imagine Jake married with what looked like a pregnant wife.

  Once I gained composure, I could hear Luke yelling outside the bathroom for me to come out and he’d take me home. Home was all I wanted right now. After a few minutes of silence in my head, and nothing but tempo beat from the outside, I was ready to go. If I could walk.

  I wanted fresh air and I needed it now. I ran out of the bathroom and headed right towards the entrance. Turning the corner, I slammed right into a chest. A hard, firm, muscular chest. As I began to apologize, I looked up at and saw the last person I wanted to see, Jake.

  “Sadie? What are you doing her…?” He couldn’t even finish his sentence before he saw my face.

  “Move the fuck out of my way,” I spat, before pushing past him with all my might. Which wasn’t much, being so intoxicated.

  “Sadie, wait!” He hurried after me and then I heard Luke’s voice trailing not far behind him.

  I saw a cab and flagged it down. Tears were pouring from my face uncontrollably. This was the worst moment of my life. The daggers going through my heart made it hard to breathe, hard to function, being so intoxicated.

  “Stop.” He yelled.

  I turned to look at him. All his beautiful features came into clear perspective while I washed his memory from my brain. At least I tried, real hard.

  “Stay the fuck away from me. Go attend to your fucking wife.” The hurt in his eyes was laced with fear as he realized that I finally knew. I finally found out. I could see how much it tore from his insides. The hurt and pain washed over his face. That wasn’t even a fraction of what I was feeling. Luke rushed past him and hurried into the cab with me.

  Chapter 11

  The cab ride was simply just tears. Painful, heavy, sobbing tears. Luke held me and I just collapsed into his arms, letting out every possible ugly sob I could manage. I’ve never felt so hurt or betrayed by a live person. I thought Bobby hurt me by leaving me in this world, but this was a whole other hurt I didn’t plan for. I didn’t anticipate dating a scumbag. The scumbag I was finally opening my full heart to. The one I never pictured hurting me as he bad as he just did. My breathing was rapid and Luke’s arms around me was my only safe spot. If I didn’t have Luke right now, I wouldn’t have anybody. I didn’t know who to be angrier at. Ava knew this. She had to. She knew exactly who Tracy was, because she was having friendly conversation. She didn’t run after me, she didn’t help dry my tears when she had to know the realization I had come to. Luke was the only one there for me right now. He even left Ava at the club by herself. Something was going on. I didn’t even want to piece it together right now. The puzzle was fucked up, and I’m not sure the box even contained all the pieces for me to work with right now. I’m pretty sure I got fucking gypped.

  The cab finally came to a stop in front of my house and Luke helped me out of the car, practically carrying me. I gave him the keys and he unlocked my door, carrying me to my room before laying me down softly on the bed. No words were spoken. Not one. I didn’t stop crying either, I couldn’t. My heart was broken into pieces. Luke took my heels off one by one and tucked me under the covers. I heard the water run in the bathroom and then I heard him place a glass on my nightstand. He turned the lights out and hopped on other side of the bed. He kicked off his shoes, leaned up against the headboard, sitting like he was guarding my room. It was comforting. Like a soldier not leaving his post. Like a soldier not leaving a wounded one. I was wounded, I was damaged and I was on the verge of packing my shit and running far from here.

  The doorbell rang and Luke jumped from the bed. I gave him a look and he knew damn well what it meant. I wanted no company. None. After a couple seconds, Luke entered the room with more footsteps then I wanted to hear.

  “Sadie?” A gentle woman’s voice entered the room. Ava was here.

  I didn’t speak. I didn’t want to. I knew if I said anything right now I would literally have nobody because nobody would like anything that came from my mouth. I had so much of the devil rising up in me that I would only speak hate.

  “I wanted to tell you, Sadie, but it wasn’t something I could just blurt out. I’m so sorry.”

  I kept my eyes closed, my head pinned to the pillow. I heard Ava’s steps leave the room and Luke followed. Shortly after, the door closed and the lock was in place. Luke walked back to the bed and went back into position.

  I don’t remember falling asleep but I assumed the alcohol did its job. If it wasn’t in my system, I’m positive I wouldn’t have slept at all. But it was proven, I couldn’t fight it. I looked next to me and saw Luke still sitting there, passed out, but sitting upright, fully clothed.

  I shifted in the blankets and startled him. He was awake now.

  “You okay?” He asked.

  I shook my head before reaching for the glass of water on the nightstand. I quickly sipped it then held my head and squinted my eyes. Hello migraine.

  “You don’t have to stay,” I squeaked out, realizing my voice was gone from screaming or crying, or the combination of both.

  “I feel responsible.”


  Luke took a deep breath before looking me in the eyes. “I kn
ew taking you to that club would have its outcomes. But I didn’t figure all of it would happen right away. I wanted you to see it for yourself, though. Neither Ava nor I wanted to be the bad guy here. I hope you can understand how hard it’s been for us knowing you were falling so in love with him.”

  “Why Luke? Why would he do that to me? Why would you guys let him?” My tears puddled in my eyes and my migraine was full force. I could barely see out of my eyes and it hurt so bad to talk but I had so many questions. Questions I knew I didn’t have the answers to.

  “Sadie, we didn’t figure it out in enough time. Jake never told us he was dating you. He kept it as you were just a friend. It wasn’t until Ava saw you kiss him, that we realized it was more. By then, we weren’t sure what to do. If you were kissing him, it was already too late.”

  “That’s because we were just friends. Neither of us were ready to commit to something more than that till later that day. I need to sleep. I need to be alone. Can you just make sure he stays the hell away from my house?”

  He nodded. “I can do that, I’m sure he’s not happy with me or Ava at the moment.”

  Luke headed out the door and I threw the pillow over my face and let out a huge scream. I was so frustrated, hurt, and disappointed. I checked my phone and had texts from Jake but refused to even read them. I didn’t want to hear the excuses yet. I think it’s time I take a weekend off and go visit my aunt and uncle. It was only a three hour drive and I was ready for a break. It would keep me away from Jake and everyone else. I just hope I wouldn’t lose it. I could also visit my parents and Bobby’s gravesite, which would be nice. I haven’t been since I’ve moved out here. I picked up my phone, time to call Savannah, inform her I’m taking time off.


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