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Psychic Prison

Page 13

by Veronica Agnus

  I bobbed my head and looked back at Phoenix. Now that my anger was beginning to defuse itself, the burning urge to kill was replaced with boredom.

  "I'm returning," I declared.

  Phoenix tightened his grip on my shoulders, reminding me that he was still holding onto me.

  He didn't say anything, but his eyes were speaking a silent language. With quiet resolve, I did what I normally wouldn't – I leaned my body into his and pressed my lips firmly against his.

  The short kiss was filled with enough sizzling heat to give both of us a little energy boost. Leaning back, I returned to the main objective.

  "Before I return the control over to Alisha, let me make this clear. Don't underestimate our potential. Memories are just that. A recollection of the past. Amnesia does not destroy the legacy I've created with my mere strength. Remember that when you suddenly feel like 'testing' me." My words were specifically aimed at Kai, and before I pulled back entirely, my head lifted to give the man one final glare.

  He gave me a sheepish smile, and I tsked in return.

  With a few blinks, I was completely in control once more, now feeling the company of two within my mind. The new, foreign energy had to be Freya, while the calmer energy was Saphire.

  It intrigued me how I'd never noticed Freya before, and all of sudden, with her sudden appearance, I now sensed her distinct energy. Her exit cued Phoenix's retreat, and Atticus's red eyes returned.

  We shared a look before he reached for my hand and inspected the broken nail.

  "I'd forgotten how dangerous you get when you break a nail," he quietly mumbled.

  "You make it seem like they're nothing," I muttered. "Nails are vital."


  "My self-love and aspiration to kill all my enemies with them."

  "You can't kill with-" Kai began but the man with pink eyes interrupted. "Shut up, Kai. You already made us into fools. Keep quiet for a damn minute."

  "Fuck off, Blaze! You're only mad because you're in a submissive state! At least I'm pinned to the-"

  He didn't finish as I slipped my hand into Atticus's, tugged him to the side, and instinctively snapped my fingers.

  "AH!" Kai screamed before his body came tumbling into the floor. He quickly turned over, missing the falling set of blades that actually stabbed through the marble floors.

  Kai's mouth dropped open as he looked from the floor to my cold expression and right back to where he could have been stabbed twenty-five times.

  "Y-You were actually going to kill me?!"

  "Who, me?" I played innocent. "That wasn't me. That was Freya."

  "Liar!" He pointed at me, his finger trembling as he shuffled back until he was literally hiding behind Titus.

  "Titus! Protect me!"

  Titus remained silent while Blaze sighed. "You started all of this."

  "Don't blame me," Kai complained. "I knew she was dangerous, but fuck. Do you have a personality disorder?"

  "She's a monarch." Titus finally spoke, the blunt response emphasizing my royal status.

  "That doesn't mean she can purposely try and kill me." His defensiveness had everyone in the room send a scrutinizing glare his way. Even Titus was giving him a side glare.

  "Okay, okay. I'm sorry. Your culture is so weird. Killing over a broken nail. I'm so glad I'm not a woman."

  Lyla walked over to where Atticus and I stood.

  "A woman's nails are a vital part of her self-care routine. Breaking them is like breaking a part of us. Death is a completely acceptable form of punishment.”

  The way she announced it was like she was the creator of the world's rules and everyone had to obey.

  Yup. I can see why we're best friends.

  "Scary," Blaze commented. "Uh. Can we get out of these chains? We only interfered out of the habit. We’re used to getting Kai out of stupid shit."

  Uh. How do I do that?

  I'd totally reacted out of instinct. Now that we'd settled things, I had no clue how to undo the spell.

  "Envision the chains snapping apart and snap your fingers," Saphire instructed.


  My imagination got to work, watching the chains break apart and disappear into the ground below. Snapping my fingers, I watched the action come to life - the chains snapping from their tight hold and falling to the ground. They began to fade into the ground, leaving the place looking like it had prior to my arrival.

  Minus Titus, Blaze, and Kai, who were still on the ground staring in my direction.

  "Why don't we have a quick time out?" Lyla suggested. "Looks like you three are drenched.”

  "Huh? No, we're-"

  It was as if Kai's denial summoned the rush of water that came from nowhere. The three of them were suddenly soaked from head to toe.

  I couldn't even hide my shock while Atticus began to grin. I knew he wasn't the culprit. My eyes moved over to Lyla as she crossed her arms over her chest and gave a sweet smile.

  "I'll say this once," she began before her eyes were deadly slits. "I don't care what you do when I'm not around King and Queen Phoenix. However, when I'm present, I won't tolerate such foolishness. This is the only time I'll warn you, newcomers. Next time you override your agreement to not place Alisha Butterfly in harmful situations due to one of your involvement, I'll slice your throats myself."

  The three of them nodded without a peep of disagreement.

  Lyla was sweetly smiling again.

  "I've kindly laid out a set of new clothes for the three of you. Please follow me."

  She gestured to the door and glanced our way. "Atticus. Alisha. We'll be back in a few minutes. Please sit and relax. I'll bring some coffee, tea, and biscuits for our next conversation."

  With a slight bow of her head, she and the three men were out the door. As if that cued a time out, my knees buckled before I could think. Atticus wrapped his arm around my waist, catching me before my knees could hit the ground.

  "That..." I began but groaned. "Fuck, I'm tired."

  "You haven't used your magic in a while." He scooped me up with ease and sat down in the nearest chair, and placing me right into his lap.

  "What just happened?" I questioned, feeling drained all over again. "Now I feel wiped out. When are we sleeping?"

  "You're asking too many questions," he noted.

  "I asked two."

  "I have a sneaking suspicion you want to ask more."

  "Like how did I just use magic, who is Freya, why did it feel like she was in control but I was still conscious in an odd dual type of way, and can I totally add that Lyla is so badass! How is she still single?"

  "Did you know when you're tired, you talk a lot?"

  "I didn't, but good to know. When I feel depleted, I'll make sure to talk your ear off. Or Kai's. He's annoying. I don't like him."

  "Sure." Atticus leaned into the seat and used his left hand to grip my face. He turned it to look right into his eyes, but before he could move, I placed my hands over his face.

  "What are you doing?"

  "I thought I'm the one asking the questions?" I countered. "As for what I'm doing, I'm making sure you don't use your hypnotic eyesight of sexiness."

  "I'm glad my gift is deemed sexy," he announced. "But that wasn't what I had in mind."

  "Oh." My simple reply was followed with my hands slipping from his face and lying back onto my lap. "What were you planning to-"

  His mouth slammed against mine, his tongue boldly slipping into my mouth with a hidden motive that I couldn't quite figure out through the initial shock. I didn't resist his scorching hot lips, my body relaxing immediately as I kissed him right back.

  The kiss grew hotter with every movement, and it felt like we were exchanging energies. I accepted every bit of the boost, my strength building up once more.

  Atticus broke the kiss but bit my bottom lip before sucking it gently. Our eyes were still locked on one another, and I could see my glowing magenta-purple eyes through the refection of his swirling red ones.

  "How are you feeling now?"

  "Far better than before," I replied while catching my breath. "What did you just do?"

  "Exchange of flame," he announced. "Dragons, phoenixes, and other fire element supernaturals can exchange heat to give a temporary boost."

  "Doesn't that make you weaker?" I inquired.

  "A little, but it's not too bad. You haven't slept and using that chunk of energy would leave you knocked out for days if we let you sit through this introduction."

  "Introduction my foot," I huffed. "He actually was going to kill me."


  "You didn't interfere earlier because?"

  "You're a strong, independent woman who would have kicked my ass and denied me of sex for a month if I did."

  His response was unexpected.

  "Have I done that before?"


  "Hmph." I thought about it. "Man, I'm awesome."

  "I love how you're praising yourself." He shook his head.

  My body leaned against his as I kissed him very lightly on the lips. "Thank you, Atticus. I needed the boost."

  His cheeks actually began to blush, and he looked away.

  "You’re welcome."

  "So cute when you're all embarrassed."

  "Hush," he huffed and picked me right up. Rising out of his seat, he helped me stand and let out a sigh. "Guess you got a glimpse of your masters."

  "Barely," I pointed out. "Why was I able to react if this is a prison?"

  "There are certain times within the day that the magic shields go down to replenish. To be frank, the people running this place don't keep an eye on Level Threes, from what Lyla gathered."

  "Why?" I inquired while enjoying his fiery scent.

  "You guys are powerful on your own. What are a few shields going to do? Some of these prisoners are here on purpose, and again, it comes down to whether they want to test their chances of escaping. They’d rather put that energy into Levels One and Two where the supernaturals aren't as dangerous."


  We stood there in silence before Freya came to my mind. "What is Freya?"

  "You could ask her," he pointed out.


  My mind remained silent until Saphire spoke up.

  "Looks like she's asleep."

  Why couldn't I sense her presence like I do yours?

  "I allow you to sense my existence. She may like to rest in secrecy."

  I mentally nodded and looked up at Atticus as he patiently waited for my response.

  "She's asleep."

  "Thought she'd change that habit."


  "Freya is your phoenix side."

  "Huh?" I blinked in confusion. "You said I was a dragon."

  "You are."


  He paused in his motion to speak, looking deep in thought.


  "Lyla's telling me that the others are coming back."

  "Can she distract them for a moment?" I insisted. "Please?"

  We couldn't keep putting vital things on hold. This was something I needed to know about myself and I’d rather have that conversation with Atticus now.

  He remained quiet for some time before he nodded.

  "Kai said something stupid and got drenched with water again." He actually looked pleased with the news of Kai's stupidity.

  I had a feeling he was the type to push your buttons on purpose. The other two were a little harder to decipher at first glance, but Blaze had a shyness to him while Titus was mysterious as fuck.

  "Then let's take advantage of it," I prompted. "How do I have two supernatural sides? I've only seen people with one...well, if it's obvious."

  "Monarchs are supernatural children with two supernatural souls. In some cases, those individuals are twins, one carrying one supernatural trait of wisdom, while another carries sheer power," he explained. "For example, there's fae legend that there are two supernatural monarchs of dragon fae ancestry."

  "Dragon fae ancestry?" I questioned. "Meaning they're hybrids?"

  "Correct." He nodded. "However, the legend says one princess was completely human while the other carried enough power to take down the world if she so deemed it."

  "Why is that?"

  "Multiple reasons, I think. It's only a recent saying among the fae and dragon supernaturals. They haven't yet determined who these princess monarchs are, and if they're even alive. Needless to say, they're a prime example of the usual sort of monarch."

  "Then I'm considered a rare case?"

  "Yes, since you didn't end up becoming a twin."

  "Was I supposed to?"

  "From what I recall as a child, your parents were expecting twins."

  "And ended up with me," I concluded.

  "Sometimes twins occur when both supernatural souls are too drastically powerful to be held in one body. That's something out of the mother’s or baby's control. The universe decides who will be twins after the souls have descended into the fetus. Originally, you could have been a potential twin, but from what I know about my experiences with Saphire and Freya, they balance one another out. Saphire is of wisdom, a common trait for dragon shifter, and has her share of magic. Also, to add some detail, she's not a normal dragon. She's a special butterfly type of dragon."

  "Butterfly type of dragon?"

  "Butterflies are known for ascending from caterpillar to cocoon state, and flourishing into their final form after hibernation, correct?"

  "Yes." I knew that much.

  "Butterfly dragons go through a similar stage, especially monarchs. They go through a state of hibernation, which is usually triggered when they reach twenty-two or twenty-three. The cocoon state doesn't mean you'll be unconscious for months upon months, but it could be a time where Saphire will grow stronger and wiser than before."

  "Have I achieved that yet?"

  "No." He lifted his hand to run his fingers through my ponytail. "However, we had a strong feeling your ascension was supposed to happen after our assignment."

  "The way you state it tells me my unfortunate downfall into an ocean with one thousand apparent prisoners was a way to hinder my ascension?"

  "Another huge guess that we feel is valid," he replied. "You were taken down."

  "I was?"

  "Lyla and I are looking into it, but she can confirm that there were one hundred and twenty-five supernaturals instructed to take you out."


  "Twenty-four survived, but they have brain damage."

  "How did they get...what?!" I gasped in shock. "Are you telling me that one-hundred-and-twenty-five supernaturals, beings like you, me, those three masters, or Lyla, were sent to take me," I paused, took a step back and dramatically waved my hands up and down to emphasize my slim frame, "out? I may be a badass, but even I can't comprehend that reality."

  He grinned but nodded to confirm their findings. "We're gathering the evidence secretly. I don't think the brain damage the remaining survivor's experienced is solely your doing. We only got this information from a secret agent who has connections, and even so, he's very limited to what he gets information-wise. Now that you're in our possession, we'll have more time to look deeper or ask other resources why this occurred, but the block on your mind is due to that confrontation. You have strong mental barriers, Alisha. It's why your psychic abilities are dangerous."

  "Now that you mention it, why can't I read your mind? Or the others’?"

  I hadn't noticed how quiet my mind had been since arriving here, the thoughts that normally drifted into my mind keeping their distance.

  "The attack on you lowered your abilities a bit. You can definitely pick up our thoughts, but you’ll need far more psychic power to do so versus the common supernatural or any human. Lyla and I keep our mental guards up around new people, but when it's us three, they're low."

  "…" I was trying to figure out what else to ask. "What were our jobs before all of this? Also, are my parents actually dead?"<
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  "We are Special Ops Investigators of Supernatural Crime and Worldly Affairs."

  "Fancy," I commented.

  "You sound bored from the mere mention of it."

  "Because it sounds like a fancy way of saying we’re cops that find criminals and kill them either in town or overseas."

  His response was staring at me, long enough for me to add, "What? It's true."

  "You said the exact same thing," he revealed. "Except you were in front of the head manager and she still doesn't like you."

  "Dandy." I shrugged. "She's probably a bitch then."

  "She is, if it makes you feel better."

  My smirk was followed up with, "So was I targeted because of my potential ascension to an epic dragon, or did I really do something wrong?"

  "Again, you were framed. We're positive about that. The timing could be due to your ascending butterfly dragon status, but that wouldn't be enough to frame you for a crime. We just recently finished a very important assignment that took down a major crime drug lord. That could have triggered you becoming a target," he explained.

  "But you don't agree?" His tone of voice was giving me those vibes that there was something brewing beneath the obvious reasons.

  "Phoenix thinks there's more to this than meets the eye." He slipped his arms around my waist, pulling me close. I didn't resist his sudden need for the intimate connection, my body still humming from his boost.

  "Can I share something I saw before coming here?" My voice was hushed as I sought his approving eyes. "It's not something physical but like a vision, sort of."

  "Foresight." He followed up with, "It's one of your abilities."

  "So it's not me hallucinating or adding to the list of craziness that comes with my lovely package of badassery?"

  That made him grin, and he actually rewarded me with a kiss. "Not hallucinating, and remember that I enjoy your list of craziness with a hint of badassery. Not too much or you're hard to handle."

  "Fear my badassery wrath," I quietly teased.

  "Mhmm." He kissed me softly. "Carry on."

  "There were four women. All of them were uniquely different, aside from two women. They had their distinct characteristics, but they also looked like twins. The similarities were obvious, but one girl looked plain in the beginning. Plain as in human-like, but the longer I stared at her, the more her image morphed until she was oozing waves of power. The other woman that was almost like her counterpart was badass from the get-go. One look at her and you knew she dominated every bit of her power. The other two women were just as unique. One had a sort of energy that's a little hard to describe, but she wore a punk outfit and seemed to be the mischievous sort. The last woman was just as confident in her power as the second potential twin, but her power had a dark edge to it, and she had dazzling black wings that were on fire. They were in a line, the four of them. Then they parted to the side and I came walking out of the shadows, but it wasn't this me."


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