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Dangerous Rock: A Rock Star Romance (Dangerous Noise Book 3)

Page 30

by Crystal Kaswell

  The way he's smiling—he enjoys the attention.

  "Uh." She groans with delight. "I always liked Dangerous Noise. I saw you in San Diego. You were so good."

  "Thanks, sweetheart. That means the world to me."


  He shoots her a panty-melting smile. "It really does, sweetheart."

  Ugh. This is disgusting. I'm not watching it any more.

  I go to cut past Ethan but his fingers curl around my wrist.

  He looks at me expectantly. "Where you going, Vi?"

  The fangirl stares at me with a mix of envy and confusion.

  "Excuse me. I need to sit down." I hide behind my drink so no one will see me scowl. Ethan deserves it, but the poor fangirl is just expressing her love of music. It's not her fault Ethan is a cocky player.

  "It was great to meet you, sweetheart." Ethan nods goodbye to the fangirl. "Good luck with school."

  Her eyes go wide and her jaw drops. "Thank you."

  Ethan slides his arm around my waist and leans in to whisper in my ear. "It's crowded in here. Should we go outside?"

  This is where I should say: how about we go straight to my car and part forever?

  My mouth won't open at all. I'm too caught up in the feeling of his breath on my skin. My eyelids press together. I replay the feeling of his body on top of mine, his cock buried deep inside me.

  "Vi?" he asks.

  Fuck me, this isn't working. I clear my throat. And, dammit, I nod.

  "You okay?"

  "What was it you wanted to talk about?"

  He presses his palm into my lower back, over my jacket—well, his jacket.

  "Let's talk somewhere more private." He leads me out of the coffee shop and around the corner, to the tables in front of the pizza place.

  It's empty. The place doesn't open for another half an hour.

  Ethan looks at the coffee shop, then his eyes are on me. "It's easy to forget how much things have changed."

  Yeah. It is.

  I take deep breaths while I collect my thoughts. The silence should be heavy, what with this whole we should talk thing hanging over our heads, but it's not.

  It's easy and light. Like old times. He smiles when I steal sips of his iced coffee. He moves closer when I shiver and zip my jacket.

  His eyes meet mine with this look that begs me to spill my guts.

  He waits to speak until his drink is melting ice. "I know you think Mal is pulling strings to get us back together."

  "Is there a reason why you don't object to this?"

  "Mal doesn't listen to anybody but Mal. Besides, I've seen him stressing about numbers. He doesn't have the expertise. And I'm not saying you do, but he's right. You're somebody we trust." Ethan's eyes find mine. "If you want the gig, you should take it."

  His voice is even, effortless. Usually, Ethan wears his intentions on his face. But not right now.

  No. That was the old Ethan, the one I knew. This playboy rock star version of Ethan… who knows what he does or why.

  I take a long sip of my now lukewarm drink. "Won't that bother you?"

  "No." His voice is shaky for a moment. "Just, well… I'm not gonna be celibate just because you're around."

  "Excuse me?"

  "I get it. You think I'm a manwhore. I won't argue." He runs his hand through his wavy hair. "You're right. I fuck a lot of women. That isn't going to change if you join us on tour."

  "Thanks for the update on your sex life."

  "Don't want you to get upset if you see me with someone else." His voice is clipped, his expression is frustrated.

  But why? I stare back at him. "I don't give a fuck where you stick your dick."


  "Yeah, great. Is that it?"

  "Pretty much."

  I stare back at Ethan. I'm getting in the last word here. "Goes for you, too. I didn't swear off sex when we broke up."

  Okay, so I've only slept with one guy since Ethan and I broke up. Denny and I dated for a few months. He was crazy about me—he wanted to move in together—but I never felt the same. After we broke up, he nearly evaporated from my mind. It still goes back to Ethan every time I pull out my rabbit-style vibrator (he did buy it for me). Or every time I touch myself sans mechanical assistance.

  I clear my throat and smile my most confident smile. "Don't get upset if you see me with someone else."

  "You're sleeping around?"

  "That's not a crime, is it?" I chew on my lower lip. It's not the case either, but he doesn't need to know that.

  "No. Of course not. I'm glad. Anybody I know?"


  "You coming often, at least?"

  "Excuse me?"

  "We're gonna be around each other. We should be friendly."

  "Pretty sure you coming often goes past most people's idea of friendly."

  "Of course, Vi. Would never want to make you uncomfortable." He smiles, the look in his eyes screaming I guess that's a no.

  I clear my throat. "Yeah, I'm coming a lot. Every night." By my hand, but that's a technicality. "Sometimes multiple times."

  His expression flares with frustration. "Great."

  "And you? Enjoy screwing strangers at bars?"

  "Depends on the stranger."

  I laugh-scoff. "I guess it would."

  He smiles.

  Even though we're hate-flirting, I fucking melt.

  Buy Dangerous Kiss Now

  Want more cocky rock stars?

  Check out the Sinful Serenade series. Miles, Drew, Tom, and Pete each have their own standalone novel. But be warned: the Sinful Serenade series is known to cause sleepless nights and melted Kindles.

  Sinful Serenade

  Sing Your Heart Out - Miles

  Strum Your Heart Out - Drew

  Rock Your Heart Out - Tom

  Play Your Heart Out - Pete

  Sinful Ever After – series sequel

  Turn the page for an excerpt from Sing Your Heart Out

  Sing Your Heart Out

  Special Excerpt

  Buy Sing Your Heart Out Now

  Between the throbbing house music and the dance floor full of beautiful people grinding, it's difficult to move. It's harder to think.

  I need to pee. Now. Waiting in the line snaking around the corner is not an option.

  How can there only be one bathroom downstairs? One hundred people plus one bathroom equals far too many tortured bladders.

  Kara must know where the bathroom is. Wherever she is.

  I push through the crowd, but there's no sign of my best friend.

  Someone bumps into me, her hip pressing firmly against my pelvis. Dammit, my bladder is going to explode at this rate.

  Screw upstairs being off-limits. This isn't a church. It's some up-and-coming band's Hollywood mansion. I'm not about to pee my pants respecting the sanctity of rock stars' bedrooms.

  There's a couple making out on the curving staircase. I step past them and make my way to the second floor. The sounds of music and conversation fade to a murmur. I'm tempted to hang out here until Kara is ready to go home.

  Parties are not my scene. Even my bladder hates them.

  I scan the wall, trying to figure out which of the five doors is attached to the smallest room. There. Second on the left. That must be it.

  I turn the knob and push the door open.

  Not a bathroom.

  Definitely not a bathroom.

  There are two people on a bed. The woman is on all fours. The man is kneeling behind her.

  They're naked.

  They're having sex.

  Then they're not. The grunting stops. Flesh ceases to smack together.

  The man looks at me. There's no sign of embarrassment or awkwardness on his face. He's totally unmoved.

  The woman shrieks. She scrambles off the bed, pulling a sheet over her chest. "Miles, you fucker. I told you I don't do threesomes!"

  Miles. There's something familiar about him. I try to place him but my thinking abilities
are back to zero.

  He's tall, broad shoulders and chest, sculpted abs, and below his bellybutton...

  He's hard.

  He's hard and he's huge.

  Save for the condom, he's completely and utterly naked.

  A blush spreads across my cheeks. I stammer, attempting and failing to speak. I've never seen that before. Not in person. In movies, sure. Textbooks, of course.

  But never in person.

  I can't look away.

  The guy, Miles, makes eye contact. His voice is even. Calm. "You mind?"

  I take a step backwards. My foot sinks into the plush carpet. I only barely manage to hold my balance. "Excuse me. I thought this was the bathroom."

  "Next door on the left."

  I know I'm red. Beet red. "Thanks."

  I pull the door closed so I'm alone in the hallway. Next door on the left.

  I step into the bathroom, lock the door, and die of embarrassment.

  It takes twenty minutes for my cheeks to return to a normal color. I slink back to the sprawling main room and do my best to blend in amongst the partygoers.

  Every inch of the hardwood floor is packed with beautiful people talking, flirting, or making out.

  It's like the up-and-coming models, actors, and musicians are attracted to each other. They have a certain glow that mere mortals lack. And here I thought this was a normal college-students-with-a-keg-and-cheap-vodka kind of shindig.

  Kara's friend invited us. He's in a band. Are they really this popular? I can't remember their name, but then it's hard to think of anything but Miles naked on the bed, hard and ready for action.

  The lines of his hips and torso are burned into my brain.

  And his…

  Dammit, I'm not going there.

  I find the closest thing to an empty corner and try to clear my head. I fail. My mind keeps going back to that vivid mental image.

  Miles. He was unfazed, like the sex meant nothing to him. Like the girl on his bed meant nothing to him.

  The man is a player. He's not the kind of guy I need in my life. He doesn't deserve my thoughts.

  This stops. Now.

  I scan the room for some better way to stay occupied.

  It's no use. He's here. Miles is still effortless and aloof. He's still unaffected.

  The guy has already moved on from the blonde in the bedroom. He's flirting with a redhead in a designer dress and stilettos.

  She's model gorgeous with perfect hair and makeup. I'm standing here in an H&M skirt and blouse, my brown hair its usual frizzy mess, my black eyeliner doing little to enhance my plain-Jane brown eyes. Liner, mascara, and under-eye concealer are the extent of my makeup knowledge. I think I'm the only woman here who isn't contoured. Hell, I know I'm the only one wearing canvas sneakers.

  I don't belong here.

  It doesn't make sense that Miles is looking at me instead of the pretty redhead.

  But he is. His clear blue eyes are fixed on mine. They're gorgeous. I couldn't see them in the dark but out here, they're practically shining.

  Heat spreads across my chest. I'm gawking.

  He smiles, reveling in my attention.

  I press my eyelids together to temper my out-of-control blushing. It's no help. My head fills with that beautiful image of him in nothing but a condom.

  Why did I let Kara talk me into coming to this party?

  I push my way through the crowd, trying to get as far from Miles's gaze as possible. A dozen steps and I'm standing in the clean, modern kitchen. It's dark and mostly empty.

  "You're not big on respecting people's privacy, huh?"

  It's the same voice I heard upstairs. Miles.

  I could swear I've heard it before. A lot, even.

  I turn so we're face to face. Why does Miles seem so familiar? I don't go to parties. Hell, I've been MIA the last few months.

  I wouldn't forget his strong jaw, his messy brown hair, or his gorgeous blue eyes.

  Those eyes are fixed on me. He's staring at me, picking me apart.

  I don't like the scrutiny. Sure, I'm hiding. But I'm not admitting that to him.

  I clear my throat. "No, I'm not big on alcohol. Can't find anything else to drink."

  He reaches past me. His hand brushes against my shoulder as he pulls open the fridge. He nods to a row of water bottles on the middle shelf. "Help yourself."


  Miles looks so familiar. And his voice is familiar too. Almost like he...

  No. That's not possible.

  There's no way this guy is the singer of alternative rock band Sinful Serenade, the guy who sings In Pieces, the guy who's been haunting my thoughts for the last three months with his breathy, tortured voice. With all the pain in his soulful eyes.

  I try to recall the song's music video but my damn brain goes right back to the image of Miles naked on the bed.

  Damn. I watched that video a thousand times. It was a massive hit. The song hit the top 40 for a week or two, a rarity for alternative rock in this day and age.

  More importantly, the video and the song went right to my soul. The singer was whispering in my ear. He promised that I wasn't alone. He promised that I wasn't the only person who had ever felt this way.

  I understood him and he understood me. We were the only two people in the world who knew how badly it hurt, losing everything that mattered.

  The man who sings In Pieces is a tortured soul. He doesn't screw one woman, wash up, then move on to flirting with lay number two.

  Kara keeps playing down how famous her friend is.

  He lives here. I know that much.

  This Miles guy seems to live here.


  Why didn't Kara warn me her friend was in that band?

  Miles clears his throat. "You okay?"

  I nod a yes and attempt to hold his gaze. "Don't walk in on casual sex very often."


  "I was looking for the bathroom."

  He laughs. "Is that the best you can do?"

  "I was." I take a half-step backwards. "Excuse me. I should go."

  His voice drops an octave. "You're not going to let me formally introduce myself?"

  "Okay." My stomach flutters. "I'm Meg Smart."

  "Miles Webb." He takes my hand with a strong grip. His eyes pass over me like he's trying to place me. "How is it we haven't met before?"

  "I don't go to parties."

  "Guess that makes this my lucky day." His hand brushes against my wrist. Then it's back at his side. He leans in a little closer, his eyes on mine. "Why'd you decide to come tonight?"

  I should be the one asking him that. "My friend convinced me I wouldn't hate it."

  "What's the verdict?"

  "I still don't like parties." I take a deep breath. "Why'd you come tonight?"

  "That was my bedroom you burst into."

  Somehow, my cheeks burn hotter.

  His eyes rake over me. "Can't blame you for looking. I'd do the same."

  My knees go weak at the seductive tone to his voice. That's him, the guy who sings In Pieces, the man who has been haunting my dreams.

  That song is the centerpiece of my listen on repeat and fall apart playlist.

  I try to formulate some excuse for why I need to leave immediately, but nothing comes. "You're um… you're in the band? The one that is throwing this party?"

  "Yeah. Sinful Serenade. I'm the vocalist." His eyes pass over me again. He takes his time, like he's sure I'll be in his bed in thirty minutes flat.

  A pang of desire shoots straight to my core. My damn body isn't obeying my commands. It can't help wanting Miles Webb. There's something appealing about the tattoos poking out from under his t-shirt. About the confidence in his eyes.

  It's not like me to fall for the bad boy.

  Even when he's so tall. Two inches taller than me at least. I'm 5'11', a giant for a women. I tower over most of the men I know.

  But not Miles.

  I take a deep breath, trying to convi
nce my body it doesn't want him.

  He's bad news.

  A player.

  A rock star even.

  But I can't stop staring.

  I clear my throat. "I was looking for my friend, Kara. She's tight with some guy in your band. They go way back."

  "Oh, yeah, Drew's friend. Heard a lot about her last tour."

  "So, I should really find her." I step aside. "And go home. I have to study. You know how it is. Or maybe not, being a rock star and all. But I have a test tomorrow."

  I turn and make my way out of the kitchen.

  There are footsteps behind me. "Meg?"

  I spin, eye to eye with Miles again. Once again, my mind flashes with the image of him kneeling on that bed, his cock hard, the muscles of his thighs and torso taut.

  How is it possible that Miles is the guy who has been singing me to sleep? He's not a poet.

  He's a manwhore.

  "Yes?" I ask.

  "Your friend isn't in a state to drive."

  He points to Kara, curled up on the couch. Her dark eyes are filled with an expression of drunken excitement. She looks especially short and curvy next to her tall, muscular friend. That must be Drew. His black hair and intense brown eyes are appealing. No wonder she's staring at him like she wants to devour him.

  She bounces to her feet and throws her arms around me. "Are you having fun? Please, tell me you aren't completely miserable."

  I hug back. "Only partially."

  She laughs. "That's a start!"

  Good. She still happy. Kara is an endlessly patient friend. She's been dragging me out of mourning for months now. I'm not going to ruin her night.

  "I'm about ready to go home," I say. "I'll take a cab."

  "No. I can drive. It's getting late," she says.

  The dark-haired guy, Drew, butts in. "Kendrick, you are way too drunk to drive. If you even think about getting in your car, I'll throw you over my shoulder, carry you to my room, and strap you to my bed."

  Her eyes light up the second he calls her by her last name. "I didn't know you were into that. Do you have rope or handcuffs or what?"

  "I'll call you a fucking cab." His voice is equal parts playful and protective.

  She nudges him and points to me. "This is my friend Meg, who you are so rudely ignoring in favor of lecturing me."


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