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Ethnic Apocalypse

Page 19

by Guillaume Faye

  Our entire situation could still undergo dramatic change and people’s inhibited and guilt-ridden consciences may yet awaken. That is when the unthinkable becomes possible and the long-prohibited watchword comes alive: Get out! In the event of a brutal, murderous and racist civil war, especially one that is aggravated by the economic collapse that occurs mechanically during periods of extreme turmoil, mentalities could sweep the paralysing ideology aside and proceed to take action in ways that would once have horrified them. What I am referring to is of course the implementation of a shocking policy of immediate de-migration and de-Islamisation, both of which could only become possible, acceptable and admissible as a result of incredible trauma.

  Another possibility to consider lies in the emergence of serious diplomatic tensions should a racial war be declared in France. Muslim-Arab countries, and even the Turkish dictatorial government led by the pseudo-Sultan Erdogan, all of which will have hypocritically supported and aided the rioters (i.e. their co-religionists and often their de facto or perhaps even rightful citizens), shall condemn France for defending itself and accuse it of indulging in repressive xenophobia and Islamophobia. And some Muslim countries may regret the fact of having too blatantly sided with the insurgents.

  An Increasing and Worsening Spate of Islamic Terrorist Operations

  Based on the terrorist attacks — or rather acts of war perpetrated by Arab Muslims or African converts in a dozen European cities (notably Toulouse and Brussels, followed by Paris, Copenhagen, Berlin, and Stockholm) and against similar targets (city-dwelling white people; the French, on the sole account of being French; Jews, simply because they are Jews; the physically weak, the elderly and the defenceless; young women, and so on) over the past three years — one realises that the pace of attacks has been increasing. We must all therefore prepare for a proliferation of such actions and the ultimate outbreak of genuine jihad on our own territory as well as that of our European brothers.

  Before predicting the various possible scenarios, let us first examine the causes behind this deterioration:

  1) The increase of the Muslim population as a result of uncontrolled immigration has gone hand in hand with a radicalisation afflicting the members of this sect in religion-like disguise. The masses of foot soldiers ready to take action (through insurrections or attacks) are and will be growing ever more numerous. In addition to this, one notices that the young murderers who carried out the latest attacks, whether in France or on our immediate neighbours’ territory, are all convicted common law criminals — and not de-socialised or excluded individuals — and are accustomed to savage and fanaticised acts of violence, with which many of them familiarised themselves during their incarceration, in a cell alongside their friends…

  2) An anti-French, anti-Western, anti-European and anti-Jewish radicalisation has taken place among the Muslim-Arab and Afro-Muslim population. An (extremely simplistic but effective) ideology was born, one that is assertive and vengeful and has found in Islam both a banner and an aggressive identity marker. According to analysts, anti-White and anti-Jewish racism combine with Francophobia and hatred of the West and Christianity, resulting in ‘the worst possible mental confusion’. In reality, however, and in accordance with an implacable — albeit simplistic — sort of logic, they constitute the psychological underpinnings of compulsive behaviour, behaviour that is simultaneously manipulated by the ideologists of global jihadism.

  3) A certain frustration has surfaced not as a result of exclusion, but due to a pronounced inferiority complex. In an incredible reversal, it turns out that the more they are aided, the more they hate us and complain. This resentment is mixed with a desire for conquest and revenge. This divide is unmanageable, and it is too late to consider any sort of integration or assimilation. Any peaceful coexistence has become impossible. The multi-ethnic myth of a ‘living-together’ has been forged by urban (political and journalist) elites who live among their own.

  4) As seen in both France and Denmark, a significant part of the young Muslim immigrant population supports ‘martyred’ jihadist killers, whether implicitly or explicitly. This is even true of those who seem perfectly peaceful and integrated. This provides all suicide-bombers-in-the-making with a kind of rear base, logistics, and a powerful sense of encouragement. The feeling of participating in an exhilarating collective war, one of justice and conquest, is a huge incentive for taking action.

  5) Accentuated by the media and the Internet, the hardening and expansion of global jihadist propaganda — which is relayed by the preaching of mosques and illustrated by the terrifying examples of the barbaric acts of violence perpetrated by Islamists in Syria, Iraq, Mali, Libya and Nigeria — has boosted recruitment and excited young brains whose intelligence has never been much of a trademark.

  6) Another factor is embodied by the presence of thousands of young Muslim immigrants in the ranks of the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq, many of whom will then return to Europe hardened, fanaticised and barbarised. Not to mention the phenomenon of competition among jihadist assassins, a phenomenon that drives each one of them to attempt to surpass previous attacks in terms of criminal horror.

  7) Let us not forget, furthermore, the encouragement of Islamic jihad epitomised by the weak and neurotic responses of European governments, whose members have failed to react properly: the admittedly massive demonstrations of 11th January, 2015 (‘I am Charlie’) had a laughable care-bear aspect to them. Cunningly depicting himself as the victim, in harmony with one of the fundamental precepts of Islam, the aggressor is aroused by the weakness of those he attacks. It is all common knowledge.

  8) The judicial laxity displayed by our Keepers of the Seals,142 who have succeeded each other but proven equal in terms of mediocrity, protects both common law criminals and jihadist terrorists, whose actions are generally greeted with a deafening silence. The judicial power is the weakest link in the fight against terrorism in France. Is it because our judges are paralysed at the thought of intervening in Muslim milieus and housing estates, which act as citadels of insurrection and terrorist attacks? Possibly. In any case, the anti-terrorist criminal justice response remains ridiculously weak. Anti-terrorist magistrates are overwhelmed and outnumbered, as are the judicial police officers assigned to this task — only 200, although they should be twice or three times as many. The financial resources allocated to investigating the members of the right-wing opposition and to the surveillance of sex offenders are incomparably greater than those used in the case of potential or even confirmed jihadists! According to Parisian public prosecutor and magistrate François Molins, our antiterrorist judicial investigation proceedings are ‘dangerously and scandalously hindered’, particularly in the field of wiretapping and computer intelligence.

  There is an even more serious side to this last point: anti-terrorism judges have been attracting our attention to the early release of highly dangerous individuals, of scum that often end up serving less than half of their original sentence and are, incidentally, given excessively light prison sentences to begin with… On top of this, the violations of judicial supervision remain unpunished. Our sieve-like prisons (where inmates can actually keep a mobile phone in their cell) serve as radicalisation centres. In line with our common law, which happens to be one of the world’s laxest general laws, terrorists enjoy an implementation system of reduced sentences while imprisoned there. The European Court of Human Rights, apart from being the delinquents’ most faithful friend, is also the perfect ally of all apprentice terrorists and jihadists. By contrast, our intelligence services are completely overrun and hampered in their investigations. What all of this means is that there is a feeling of impunity now spreading like wildfire, as fast as Islamic radicalisation itself. In other words, the current state of affairs stimulates the planning of terrorist acts, since, on the one hand, suspects are poorly surveilled, and, on the other, the offenders that are likely to take action only receive lenient punishment and are incompetently
monitored, as seen in the case of the Kouachi brothers or African convert Coulibaly.143

  The Scenarios of Guerrilla Warfare, Racial Rioting and Protean and Anarchic Terrorism

  We shall soon experience tragic events involving a conjunction of several factors, first in France and then across all of Western Europe. Let us now review the elements that could lead to an insurrectional situation that would spiral completely out of control. Hold on to your hats — the prospects are horrific enough for anyone to be scared stiff.

  1) Low-intensity attacks and aggressions against various targets, with fewer than ten fatal casualties, will increase. In addition to the usual Jewish victims, the police, the army, and Christians, white children will, according to my own very bleak prediction, be the ones primarily targeted, either using ‘homemade’ weapons (knives, firearms) and improvised weapons (vehicles rammed into crowds, etc.), or by means of more elaborate explosives. The perpetrators may, in some cases, be lone wolves, or perhaps small groups acting through improvised amateurism.

  2) We shall also witness more professional, better prepared and much more deadly attacks against the above-mentioned targets (resulting in up to 100 deaths), as was the case in Bataclan. These might turn out to be acts of sheer untargeted terrorism, i.e. attacks carried out in areas with a high population density. Detailed jihadist instructions on how to conduct attacks against France and target tourist sites, department stores, and various symbolic locations are now being spread on the Internet. For a long time now, the Islamic State (Daesh) has been disseminating such a publication, and in French at that. We must therefore expect this abject sport of theirs to spread, as it has in both Iraq and Syria: bombs will be planted; suicide bombers will detonate their explosive belts; and car bombs will be used. An operation of simultaneous attacks is quite possible as well, in an effort to create panic and stupefy the crowds.

  3) The prospect of a massive terrorist attack with a toll of more than 1,000 fatal casualties, resembling the 11th September, 2001 attacks but carried out against a European country (with France most at risk in this regard), is less likely due to the obvious logistical difficulties, although it remains perfectly conceivable. There is no doubt that jihadist groups are considering a new ‘9/11’ and preparing to unleash it in one place or another. At this very moment, in fact. As for the possible targets, they are very numerous indeed.

  4) What we are also looking at is a simultaneous outbreak of riots and violent insurrections in different parts of our territory, under a ridiculous pretext that can be invented at any time — an outbreak that shall be accompanied by assassinations, arsons, attacks, looting and urban guerrilla warfare involving actual weapons of war and a clearly defined cadre of experienced mujahideen. Our police forces will find themselves overwhelmed, and it is rather uncertain whether the French army has the required means, capabilities and psychological preparation to be able to cope with such a development. Large insurrectional riots + indiscriminate terrorist attacks + targeted assassinations = a simple equation.

  Can a Civil War Be Avoided?

  Just like a baby viper that breaks its egg shell, the coming racial civil war is only in its humble beginnings. ‘We are at war’, some politicians and journalists keep telling us. What they mean by that, especially after the January and November 2015 attacks, which truly left their mark upon people’s minds, is that we are at war against Daesh and a handful of Islamist fanatics (who have nothing to do with Islam, so no amalgamation please!).

  No, our situation is much more serious than that. For what is happening on our French territory — and will soon impact the European and American territories as well — is a commencing ethnic clash between extra-European populations marching under the banner of Islam and the French Nation and its people.144 The successful and foiled terrorist attacks are but the tip of the iceberg.

  The responsibility for this ethno-racial civil war, which has already been kindled, will be borne by our political, intellectual and mediatic elites and a statal apparatus that have conjointly been tolerating and enabling this colonising immigrational flooding for a period of forty years. But remember — he who sows the wind shall reap the whirlwind.

  Ajaccio, December 2015 — A Future Laboratory

  A very symbolic event and provocative challenge: a few days after the victory of the local pro-independence nationalists in the regional elections of Corsica, a group of young Maghrebians chose to commit, for the very first time, a violent act on the island. They started several fires in a housing estate located at the gates of Ajaccio and ambushed the intervening firefighters, assaulting them and leaving a few of them severely wounded. Hurling insults at them, they called them ‘dirty Corsicans’ (a fact that was, of course, censored by our national media)! The very next day, hundreds of Corsican protesters flooded the housing estate, chanting jubilantly racist slogans such as ‘Arabi, fora!’ (Arabs, get out!). They then proceeded to devastate a hallal restaurant and began ransacking a Muslim prayer room, where they burnt many Qur’ans in retaliation.

  Up until then, the native populations of Europe had laid low in the face of these Islamic bandits, shutting themselves away in their homes or quietly moving out. Such an action-reaction scenario or aggression-retaliation situation embodies one of the main sociological criteria for triggering civil wars, and was the very first of its kind in France. The event shall undoubtedly be a historical milestone.

  To begin with, never before had the ‘young people’ inhabiting the housing estates of Corsica ambushed a fire brigade, whose members are, just like police officers, symbols of the hated French authorities (even though this practice is quite usual on the European continent, where 1,600 firemen were assaulted during that same year). It was also the first time in France that we had ever witnessed an act of retaliation on the part of ethnic populations that were not only fed up with the behaviour of young Muslims, but also sick and tired of the laxity of a state that no longer offers them sufficient protection. The Corsicans seem more hot-tempered and responsive than the ‘continent’s’ zombies, as they themselves say. And I, for one, can only rejoice at this.

  The fact remains that what we have before us is an indicator of civil war: when a part of the population feels abandoned by the state and proceeds to take on the latter’s role, rejecting its law enforcement monopoly, taking justice into its own hands and ensuring its own defence, the disorder of the civile bellum has been unleashed. In political sociology, the very specific signal pointing to a transition from typical rioting to civil war is the fact that the confrontation no longer involves clashes between rioting population A and the police, but a conflict between population A and population B, ‘over the police’s head’. The state thus finds itself deprived of its peace-making role.

  During a boring C dans l’air145 show (France 5), one of the invited intellectuals gullibly declared himself pleased with ‘the absence of reprisals and ratonnades’146 after ‘all that had happened’ — a state of affairs which he ascribed to the sublime restraint and high moral standing of our native French population. Well, the situation has just changed and may yet trigger a ripple effect.

  What’s in Store for the United States?

  The presidency of the mulatto Barack Obama was a complete catastrophe. Obama did everything he could to further divide the GOP (‘Great Old Party’), whose members were already split on the issue of immigration, between those strongly opposed to it and those looking for a conservative Latino electorate that had also been destabilised by the Tea Party147 movement. This fact turned out to have an unexpectedly positive effect, since it allowed Donald Trump, hitherto a stranger to the political world, to play his cards right and claim victory.

  Whether at the time when he was still in office or today, the West’s very first black president has never attempted to conceal his sympathy for a model that would no longer be that of a white America but, instead, that of a completely multiracial and multicultural country. Historically speaking, at no point has the A
merican melting pot been synonymous with intercontinental multi-raciality, but has remained a precise synthesis of immigrants of different European descent within a single ‘nation’. The United States perceives itself as a new Europe, i.e. as a country that is still generally homogeneous from an ethnocultural point of view.148

  We are witnessing, however, a major changeover: for demographic and immigrational reasons, the United States has seen its Whites (a legal term on the other side of the Atlantic) drop below the 50% mark during the early twenty-first century. Obama himself sought to accelerate the movement leading America’s WASP population towards a minority status, on the very soil that it has conquered at great cost. In so doing, he followed his own essential aim — that of de-Europeanising America. Being of dual (Kenyan and Anglo-Saxon) descent himself, he chose to project his personal situation and psychology onto his political conceptions. A predominantly white America, one of European ethnic origin, does not seem acceptable to him. In this regard, his views coincide perfectly with those of the dominant ideology across the entire West, from Saint-Germain-des-Prés to Yale. America’s low middle class, i.e. the one which, in a desire to save its own skin, voted for Donald Trump in the 2016 elections, does not share this perspective.

  The Prospect of America’s Fragmentation

  Since identical causes produce identical effects all over the world, and multiracial and multicultural countries tend to plummet into instability, division and, ultimately, endemic conflict (as already remarked by Aristotle), there is a risk that the United States will experience severe turmoil, perhaps even partitions, in the course of the current century.

  Dreams of peaceful fusion and miscegenation could only subsist in the minds of utopian individuals or film fans, especially in the case of America, defined as an immense continental area where interbreeding is rarely practised and where all separations remain possible.


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