Ethnic Apocalypse

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Ethnic Apocalypse Page 23

by Guillaume Faye

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  TN: Published by Arktos Media Ltd. on 5th November, 2016.

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  TN: Born on 5th July, 1925, Jean Raspail is a French writer, traveller and explorer whose books often focus on historical figures, exploration and indigenous peoples. He gained international notoriety thanks to his controversial novel entitled The Camp of the Saints (1973), in which he describes the fall of Western civilisation under the destructive impact of progressive third-world immigration.

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  TN: Born in 1900, Charles Jaigu is a French journalist who majored in philosophy. If he is indeed still alive, as hinted by my own research, this would make him about 119 years old!

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  TN: This is a neologism used by the author to refer to the (forced) repatriation and departure of such undesirable masses.

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  AN: This is not a figure of speech — the number is truly one million:

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  TN: The former ‘National Front’, which was recently renamed Rassemblement National, i.e. ‘National Rally’.

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  TN: Valeurs actuelles or ‘Current Values’ is a French conservative weekly news magazine published in Paris.

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  TN: La Vie Hebdo is a weekly French Roman Catholic magazine, edited by Malesherbes Publications, a member of Groupe La Vie-Le Monde.

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  TN: ‘Liberation theology’ is a synthesis of Christian theology and Marxist socio-economic analyses focusing on social concern for the poor and the political liberation of oppressed peoples.

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  TN: The Prix Goncourt prize for the best debut novel, which is awarded on annual basis in France.

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  TN: The Meursault Investigation is the first novel by Algerian author and journalist Kamel Daoud. It is, in actual fact, a retelling of Albert Camus’s 1942 novel entitled The Stranger.

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  TN: Pourquoi l’islamisme séduit-il? or ‘What Makes Islamism so Seductive’ was originally published in February 2015.

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  AN: Have a look at the graph presented in this article, including the link on the next page; it shows that the newcomers are mainly from the Orient and thus mostly Muslims:

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  TN: The ‘suitcase carriers’ were a network of leftist activists who chose to transport documents including brochures and newspapers to the French territory, or alternatively to Belgium, Switzerland and Germany. Although some of them did transport arms, the majority carried documents or even money that was raised in France by FLN activists.

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  TN: La guerre civile qui vient or ‘The Coming Civil War’ was published in cooperation with Sandra Musy, the book’s editor and illustrator.

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  TN: A French-language Belgian daily.

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  AN: The source of the information can be found here:

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  TN: To my knowledge, the event did result in arrests; seventeen of them, in fact. Thirteen of the individuals indicted in this case were taken to court and tried for attempted homicide against a person holding public authority. The charges against the remaining four individuals were dismissed due to a lack of sufficient evidence. Whatever the case, this heinous crime is but one among countless others perpetrated by Maghrebian and/or African immigrants in France.

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  TN: Louis Charles Auguste Claude Trenet (18th May, 1913–19th February, 2001) was a French singer and songwriter. Although his career continued through the 1990s, his fame was mostly the result of the songs he recorded between the late 1930s and the mid-1950s,

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  TN: A President Should Not Be Saying This…

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  TN: Born on 9th March, 1939, Jean-Pierre Chevènement is a French politician who served as a minister in the 1980s and 1990s and is famous for his candidacy in the 2002 French presidential elections.

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  TN: Published by Arktos Media Ltd on 6th April, 2016.

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  TN: Alain Marie Juppé is a French politician and a member of the Republicans who served as Prime Minister of France from 1995 to 1997 under President Jacques Chirac.

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  TN: Born on 13th August, 1962, Manuel Carlos Valls Galfetti is a French and Spanish politician who became Prime Minister of France from 2014 until 2016.

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  TN: Nicolas Paul Stéphane Sarközy de Nagy-Bocsa is a retired French politician who served as President of France and ex officio Co-Prince of Andorra from 16th May, 2007 to 15th May, 2012.

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  TN: Will the Ringing of the Bells Sound Tomorrow? The Truth Regarding France’s History of Islamisation.

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  TN: Philippe Marie Jean Joseph Le Jolis de Villiers de Saintignon, Viscount de Villiers, known simply as Philippe de Villiers, is a French entrepreneur, politician and novelist who has often criticised Islam in France.

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  TN: Born Michel Thomas on 26th February, 1956, Michel Houellebecq is a French writer, filmmaker, and poet.

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  TN: Submission.

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  TN: Patrick Jardin is the father of a young woman killed during the Bataclan terrorist attacks of November 2015, Paris. He became the focus of controversy after calling for the execution of jihadists.

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  TN: Daniel Conversano is the man who edited the original French version of this book.

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  AN: It can be seen here:

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  AN: See

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  TN: The CRS or Compagnies Républicaines de Sécurité (French for ‘Republican Security Companies’) are the general reserve of the French National Police. Although they are essentially involved in general security missions, they are most famous for their role in crowd and riot control.

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  TN: The BAC or Brigade Anti-Criminalité (Anti-Crime Brigade) is a unit of the French National Police tasked with maintaining or restoring order in sensitive areas and neighbourhoods.

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  AN: The video can be viewed in the following article, which recently appeared on 7 sur 7:

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  TN: Born on 31st August, 1958, Éric Justin Léon Moïse Zemmour is a French author and political journalist whose antiliberal standpoints are notorious in France. His famous book entitled The French Suicide (French: Le Suicide français) has allowed him to achieve worldwide success.

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  AN: An expression that could not be more misleading, since it implies the impossibility for us to deal with the situation in a different way, when it would actually suffice to deny those people access at our border.

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  TN: Less spectacular and therefore less noticeable, which explains why the entire process has evaded the attention of the masses for several decades.

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  TN: In 2017, two separate and unrelated riots shook France following claims of power abuse by the French police. The first of these, which lasted approximately eleven days, took place on 4th February, 2017 after the purported rape o
f a black man named Théo L. by police officers, who allegedly used a baton to carry out the assault. The second riot began in late March, when a Chinese man was fatally shot by Parisian police officers. In the latter case, the rioting only lasted a day, which highlights a clear mentality difference (and perhaps even a different purpose).

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  TN: The Arabic word kuffar is synonymous with the English word ‘infidels’.

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  TN: Currently known as Musulmans de France (Muslims of France), the MF, whose former name was Union des Organisations Islamiques de France (the UOIF or Union of Islamic Organisations of France), is a prominent Muslim umbrella organisation and the official French chapter of the Federation of Islamic Organisations in Europe.

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  TN: The French Council of the Muslim Faith (Conseil Français du Culte Musulman, generally abbreviated to CFCM), is a national elected body that acts as an official interlocutor with the French state in issues of Muslim religious activities. It was officially founded on 28th May, 2003.

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  TN: Carl Schmitt’s Ernstfall is to be understood as meaning exceptional circumstances.

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  TN: Carl Schmitt (11th July, 1888–7th April, 1985) was a conservative German jurist and political theorist who focused extensively on the effective wielding of political power. His work has exerted major influence on subsequent political theory, legal theory, continental philosophy and political theology, and remains both influential and controversial owing to his close association and juridical-political allegiance with Nazism. For this reason, there are some who have labelled Schmitt the ‘crown jurist of the Third Reich’.

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  TN: In the early modern period, a court Jew — or court factor (German: Hofjude, Hoffaktor) — was a Jewish banker in charge of the finances of European and especially German royalty and nobility, or alternatively, one who lent them money. In return for his services, a court Jew would be granted various social privileges, including, in some cases, ennoblement.

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  TN: Cran stands for Conseil représentatif des association noires, i.e. The Representative Council of Black Associations.

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  TN: Les Indigènes de la République or The Indigenous People of the Republic was initially an association before becoming a political movement defining itself as antiracist and ‘de-colonial’ in its purpose. Considering Zionism to be a form of imperialism, its spokeswoman, Houria Bouteldja, has described the movement as ‘anti-imperialistic’ and ‘anti-Zionist’.

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  TN: Collectif contre l’islamophobie en France or Collective Against Islamophobia in France.

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  TN: Les Républicains (The Republicans, L.R.) is a centre-right, Gaullist, and conservative political party founded on 30th May, 2015 in France.

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  TN: The francisque is the symbol of The Order of the Gallic Francisque, an order that was active under the Vichy regime in France.

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  TN: Tariq Ramadan is a Muslim academic, philosopher and author who has been granted Swiss citizenship. His father was a prominent figure in the Muslim Brotherhood, a transnational Sunni Islamist organisation founded in Egypt by Islamic scholar and schoolteacher Hassan al-Banna and whose openly declared purpose is to instil the Qur’an and the Sunnah as the ‘sole reference point for … ordering the life of the Muslim family, the individual, the community … and the state’.

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  TN: Dieudonné M’bala M’bala, otherwise known by his stage name Dieudonné, is a French ‘comedian’, actor and political activist whose father is from Cameroon and whose mother is French. He has been charged with — and found guilty of — hate speech, advocating terrorism and slander in both Belgium and France. What is incredible is that, in 2007, Dieudonné approached Jean-Marie Le Pen, the then leader of the National Front party that he had fought against earlier (as a candidate in the 1997 and 2001 legislative elections in Dreux), and the two somehow became both allies and friends! Dieudonné has never ceased to attract attention to himself and has remained the centre of great controversy due to his blatantly anti-Semitic statements and opinions.

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  TN: Keeping France French.

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  TN: When taken literally, the verb innover means ‘innovate’, making it an incorrect word with regard to both the context and the manner in which it is used.

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  TN: S.A.S., i.e. Son Altesse Sérénissime (His Serene Highness), is a series of espionage novels authored by French writer Gérard de Villiers. The main character, Malko Linge, who works for the CIA, is an invincible and rather sex-starved agent targeting villains worldwide.

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  TN: Les Pieds Nickelés (‘The Nickel-Plated Feet’) is a French comic series created by Louis Forton. In the informal language of early twentieth-century France, having ‘nickel-plated feet’ was a reference to being a slacker, a work-shy person.

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  TN: La République En Marche! (frequently abbreviated REM, LRM or LREM, officially La REM) is a centrist, liberal and social-liberal political party in France. For lack of a better alternative, its name could be translated as The Republic on the Move.

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  TN: Generally translated as ‘Unbowed France’, ‘Unsubmissive France’, or ‘Untamed France’, La France insoumise is a democratic socialist, left-wing populist political party in France led by Jean-Luc Mélenchon, who acted as co-president of the Leftist Party (PG). Its aim is to implement the eco-socialist programme known as L’Avenir en commun (English: ‘A Shared Future’).

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  TN: Born on 12th July, 1980, Danièle Obono is a French politician of Gabonese origin representing La France Insoumise in the French National Assembly.

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  TN: Born on 5th November, 1948, Bernard-Henri Lévy (known in France as BHL) is a French public intellectual, media personality and author. Influenced by Karl Marx and Jean-Paul Sartre among others, he was one of the leaders of the ‘Nouveaux Philosophes’ (New Philosophers) movement in 1976. A proudly Jewish man, he has stated that Jews ought to have a uniquely Jewish moral voice in both society and politics.

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  TN: The SRU (French: Solidarité et Renouvellement Urbain, i.e. Urban Solidarity and Renewal) laws have been passed in France so as to impose urban ‘diversity’ upon the inhabitants.

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  AN: With the sole notable exception of the zany Philippe Poutou, the presidential elections candidate of the Nouveau Parti Anticapitaliste (New Anti-Capitalist Party). Having said that, however, Poutou is not in a position of power.

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  TN: Born on 10th August, 1946, Jean Renaud Gabriel Camus is a French author of both prose fiction and political polemics. He has founded his own small-scale political party and is known for his concept of the Grand Remplacement (i.e. the ‘Great replacement’), a theory centred on immigration to France and the replacement of the native population with Middle Eastern and African immigrants.

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  AN: This is an acronym that has become very fashionable among young people, one which, through homophony, simply means au calme, i.e. ‘take it easy’.

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  TN: Practical Idealism.

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  AN: According to the French Ministry of Justice, ‘the fact that juvenile delinquency is increasing is an objective conclusion’, with ‘fewer than 100,000 juveniles involved in criminal acts in 1990, 180,000 in 2002 and more than 200,000 in 2007’. Source: 20 minutes.

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  TN: Born in 1975, Vincent Trémolet de Villers is a French journalist.

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  TN: The word ‘brass’ is to be understood both in the traditional sense of the word and the meaning which the author intended and that I have faithfully rendered — money.

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br />   TN: Clockwork-Orange France.

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  TN: In informal German, Mutti is synonymous with the English ‘mum’ or ‘mother’.

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  TN: Here, Guillaume Faye takes a rather humorous jab at the French pronunciation characterising Arabs.


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