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Ethnic Apocalypse

Page 25

by Guillaume Faye

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  TN: The Common Man (French: Dupont Lajoie) is a 1975 French drama film directed by Yves Boisset and produced by Sofracima. It tells the story of a Frenchman who rapes and murders a young girl and hides her body near the barracks of immigrant Arab workers. The latter are then blamed for the crime.

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  TN: Apparently a first-instance tribunal in France.

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  AN: The show in question was Ce soir ou jamais (TN: Tonight or Never). You can view it by following this link:

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  AN: The Power of Words, an excerpt from a show by Franck Lepage: Available on Amazon. Éditions Riposte Laïque, 2018.

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  TN: As pointed out by Guillaume Faye in the French footnote, the book was published by Éditions Riposte Laïque in 2018 and is available for purchase on Amazon(.fr). And the Left Became the Whore of Islam would be its corresponding English title.

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  TN: The French term Garde des Sceaux, meaning ‘Keeper of the Seals’, is equivalent to the British ‘Lord Chancellor’ and refers to the French Minister of Justice.

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  TN: In addition to having acted as the hostage-taker and gunman in the Hypercacher Kosher Supermarket siege (in which he proceeded to kill four hostages before being shot by the police), Amedy Coulibaly was the prime suspect in the Montrouge shooting, which claimed the life of municipal police officer Clarissa Jean-Philippe. He was also a close friend of Saïd and Chérif Kouachi, the gunmen who carried out the Charlie Hebdo shooting, stating that he had timed his attacks to coincide with those of the Kouachi brothers. Coulibaly had, additionally, pledged allegiance to the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, and even his wife became a suspect for her likely participation in the slaughter.

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  AN: With the aggressors once again claiming to be victimised and aggressed, of course, as part of their usual heart-rending performance.

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  TN: In the Offing.

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  TN: Racist attacks.

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  TN: The Tea Party movement is a fiscally conservative political movement within the Republican Party whose members advocate reduced taxes and a lower national debt and federal budget deficit through cutbacks in governmental expenditure. The movement has been described as a popular constitutional movement comprising a mixture of libertarian, right-wing populist and conservative activism.

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  AN: The advocation of America’s European identity, which is said to be consubstantial with its nature, is espoused by the American Renaissance think tank, presided over by Jared Taylor.

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  AN: See Michel De Jaeghere ‘s Les derniers jours, la fin de l’Empire romain d’Occident (TN: The Last Days and End of the Western Roman Empire), Les Belles Lettres, Paris, 2014.

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  TN: In France, the ‘bac +6’ is a specialised post-graduate degree. What the author is thus alluding to is the gradual replacement of highly educated people by less educated individuals.

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  AN: According to a study whose results have been published on Wikipedia, it is expected that 4.4 billion people will populate Africa by the year 2100. And where do you think these people will seek to go? There is a lot to be worried about here.

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  TN: Bernard Lugan is a contemporary French historian and Associate Professor of African history at Jean Moulin University Lyon 3, in France. He is also active as a teacher at the French Institute of Defence Studies.

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  TN: The African Bomb and Its Fragmentations, published, according to Faye’s own footnote, on 27th August, 2018 through Dualpha edtions.

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  TN: The French National Institute for Statistics and Economic Research.

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  AN: Source:

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  TN: Guillaume Faye seems to have given the Parable of the Tares a new angle here. In the original version mentioned in Matthew 13:24–13:30, the basic premise is that during the final judgment, the angels shall separate the ‘sons of the evil one’ (i.e. the tares or weeds) from the ‘sons of the kingdom’ (i.e. the wheat). Metaphorically speaking, Faye’s logic follows a different direction, in which court Jews will be punished for their wickedness when they are left with nothing but the tares that they have helped to sow.

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  TN: Small to medium-sized enterprises, i.e. companies with a staff of no more than 500 employees.

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  TN: Originally founded in the Ukraine but now based in Paris, Femen (Ukrainian: Фемен) is a radical feminist activist organisation that has achieved international notoriety through its staging of controversial topless protests against sex tourism, the Church, sexism, ‘homophobia’, and other social, national and international issues and targets. At no point have its members ever attacked Islam for being blatantly misogynistic.

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  TN: The Fillon affair was a politico-financial scandal during which family members of French politician François Fillon were alleged to have been given paid jobs entailing little to no work at all. These claims were made amidst the 2017 French presidential election campaign which Fillon, the Republican candidate, was strongly favoured to win.

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  TN: Back in 2013, French journalist Clément Weill-Raynal filmed and revealed the so-called ‘Wall of the Morons’. This collage of photos depicting various political, artistic, mediatic and judicial personalities was displayed on the premises of the French Judicial Union (French: Syndicat de la magistrature)! Alongside the photos lay a note urging people to only add morons if they were not already on display. The controversy was huge and initially led to Weill-Raynal’s dismissal by his France3 employer. At a later point, this brave journalist chose to recount this unpleasant episode of his professional life in Le fusillé du mur des cons (whose title can be rendered as ‘Executed on Account of the Wall of the Morons’).

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  TN: This seems to be a reference to the League of Corinth, also known as the Hellenic League, a federation of Greek polities and city-states created by Philip II.

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  French Editor’s Note: Despite the fact that this article can be found on Guillaume Faye’s blog,, it seemed interesting to include it in the appendices. Although fundamental, this reflection on both the Left and the system did not really have a place of its own in a book focused on the racial issue.

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  TN: Long Live Europe.

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  French Editor’s Note: Translated on our site a few days later. The link can be found here —

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  TN: 20 minutes (French: Vingt minutes) is a free, daily newspaper aimed at French commuters.

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  TN: This is a reference to Yellow Vest protests and activities.

  Table of Contents

  Preface by Jared Taylor

  A Brief Note from the Publisher

  Introduction: Diagnosis Before the Storm Why Use the Term ‘Racial’?

  A Racial Civil War — A Novelty in the West

  High-Intensity Hatred

  A Probably Inevitable Confrontation

  The French State’s Collaborationist Tropism

  Islam Is Currently Our Greatest Enemy

  Democracy Imposes Invasion Upon Peoples

  The Oligarchy’s Collusion with the Invaders

  Arise, Oh Desired Storms!

  A Cathartic Civil War

  Chapter I: The Conquest of Europe Is Underway A Premeditated Invasion Movement

  They Come, Millions at a Timer />
  A Europe Disconcerted in the Face of the Islamic Conqueror

  Erdogan’s Blackmailing Efforts and Objective

  As Pope Francis Acknowledges and Accepts the Arab Invasion

  The Lucidity of Certain Muslim Intellectuals

  The Predictions of Algerian Boualem Sansal

  The Worst Scenario Is Unfortunately a Probable One

  Chapter II: The Omens of a Civil War The Police Revolt Against the State

  Internal Territorial Invasion

  The (Perhaps Temporary) Apathy of French and European People

  A Forbidden and Explosive Truth

  The French Authorities’ Lies and Betrayal

  A Strategy of Tension Faced with Submission

  From Patrick Jardin34 to the Yellow Vests, They All Say ‘NO’

  Three Possibilities —  Submission, Defeat or Victory

  Chapter III: The Ethnocidal Project Targeting European Peoples The Daily Ravages of Invasion —  A ‘Graver’ Issue Than Murderous Terrorism

  Is a Racial War Dialectically Necessary?

  The Great Fear of a White French Reaction

  Predicting the Battle Lines

  The Guarantees Offered to the Islamic Conqueror Are Suicidal in Anticipation of the Civil War

  The Weakness and Blindness of a Faltering State

  Repressive Measures That Target the Resistance, Not the Occupiers

  Territorial Partition

  The State Versus the People, the Elites Versus the ‘Little White Folk’

  Our Judicial System’s Leniency Towards Scum and Its Responsibility for Future Confrontations

  The Origin of the Pro-Migrant and Anti-French Elites

  Macron Praises Kalergi? OKLM!69

  Chapter IV: Foreign Occupation — Against the Backdrop of Daily Delinquency 1998 and 2018 — Two World Cup Victories Worth Comparing

  Our Anger — One of the Driving Forces Behind the Future Racial War

  The Exponential Criminality of Young Immigrants — A Factor that Shall Accelerate the Bedlam

  The Revolt of Native Central European Peoples — Yet Another Factor of Psychological Hardening

  The Harassment of Women —  Belligerent Provocation

  Should We Not Defend Our Harassed Women?

  Some Frenchmen Do Allow Them to Make Their Lives a Misery

  The Militant’s Invaluable Duty Is to Get the Message Across

  Chapter V: Salafism, the Principal Driving Force Behind the Civilisational Conflict Islam and Primitivism

  Islam and Criminality — An Ancient Love Story

  The Muslims of Islamic ‘Enlightenment’

  The Belgian Case —  the Salafists at the Forefront of War

  The Salafist Conquest Plan

  Islam in France Is Pervaded by Combative Salafism

  Salafist Ideology, the Quintessence of Genuine Islam

  A Violent School of Thought as One’s Life Philosophy

  Visibility and Provocation

  An Enormous Threat

  Chapter VI: The Islamosphere and the Pathetic Collaborationist World A Pathological Way of Perceiving Muslim-Arabs

  Muslim Associations and Organisations — The Coming War’s Lifeforce

  White People, Their Implicit Enemy

  The Mental Gymnastics of Islamophilic Court Jews

  Islamo-Leftism, a World of Madmen

  Psychotic Islamo-Leftism: The Hamon Case

  Stupidity and Islamolatry: Veiled Women = Liberated Women

  Other Collaborationists That Approve of Islamic Jihad

  Other Dangerous Figures of the Islamosphere

  Why Embrace Islamophilia and Islamo-Leftism?

  Chapter VII: As the Catholics Lose Their Footing The Catholic Divide

  Weakness, Cowardice, Denial and Gullibility — The Four Pillars of Our Disappearance

  The Beginning of a Religious War that Heralds a Racial One

  The Real Reasons for Anti-Catholic Hostility

  Have You Ever Met Genuinely Racist Catholics? I Definitely Haven’t!

  Chapter VIII: The Jews Amidst the Racial War The Jewish Community in the Front-Row Seats

  The Threat of a New Kind of Anti-Semitism

  Trivialised Anti-Semitic Sermons

  Have the Jews Been Entrapped by Their Own Doublespeak?124

  Why Do Jews Have a Better Survival Instinct than Christians?

  Chapter IX: Our Law Enforcement Organisations Are at the End of Their Rope The Fanaticised Troops Have Reached Critical Mass

  As Our Law Enforcement Forces Are Severely Taken to Task

  A Demoralised Police Force Under Constant Attack — A Major War-Fomenting Factor

  The Worst Possible Betrayal —  The State’s Disavowal of Its Own Men in Uniform

  Home Invasion Attacks —  The Right to Self-Defence Denied

  Observing the Dress Rehearsals —  The Ethnic Tribalism of Extra-European Youths

  Are Our Law Enforcement Forces Being Progressively Infiltrated?

  Chapter X: Race and Racism — At the Heart of the Coming Clashes The Great Racialist Paradox

  The Rotten Lives of Whites

  Statal Racism? Absolutely, but One That Advantages Foreigners

  The Psycho-Pathology of Anti-Racism

  The Increased Obviousness of Racial Antagonism

  Anti-White Racism Presented as Anti-Racism

  A Highly Charged Society Undergoing Gradual Racialisation

  Destroying Marxist Discourse before It Destroys Us

  Chapter XI: How the War Shall Unfold — Possibilities and Predictions The Architects of the Civil War Are Now Ready

  Expecting an Extreme Level of Violence

  The Civil War May Yet Prove to Be Counterproductive from the Rioters’ Perspective

  An Increasing and Worsening Spate of Islamic Terrorist Operations

  The Scenarios of Guerrilla Warfare, Racial Rioting and Protean and Anarchic Terrorism

  Can a Civil War Be Avoided?

  Ajaccio, December 2015 — A Future Laboratory

  What’s in Store for the United States?

  The Prospect of America’s Fragmentation

  And What If We Suffer Defeat?

  The Conditions for a Possible Victory

  Conclusion: The De-Migration of the Afterwar The Mental Swing of Ethnic Europeans

  As Long as They Remain Here…

  Appendices My Own Human Rights Principles

  The Contradictions of the Prevailing Ideology The Left and the International Finance Sphere — An Objective Alliance

  One Battles a Fictional Sort of Ultra-Liberalism While France Succumbs to Collectivism

  The Antiracist Ideology Is Racist

  Positive Discrimination and (Anti-White) Statal Racism

  The Duplicity and Aberrations of Feminism

  Ecologism vs. Ecology

  Democracy, Populism and Oligarchy — Confusion and Lies

  Our Justice System vs. True Justice — A Caste’s Partiality, Politicisation and Abuse of Power

  The European Union is Anti-European

  National Education — Egalitarianism vs. Equality

  One Single Crime Could Be the Last Straw That Shall Set the Civil War in Motion

  Other Books Published by Arktos





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