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Scholomance 8: The Devil's Academy

Page 22

by Logan Jacobs

  “What can we do to help, master?” Nyx asked, and she cocked her horned head to the side and stared at me with her almond-shaped eyes.

  “Nothing,” I said with a small smile. “This is something I must do alone… but I warn you, it will be a painful process, and I don’t want you to concern yourselves with me once I begin.”

  My women nodded in agreement, but both Revna and Vanessa regarded me with concerned looks, and I could tell by her downturned eyes that the professor was still feeling skeptical.

  “Please, Vanessa,” I whispered in a gentle voice. “You need to just trust me. By Satan, I vow we’ll survive this and find the second artifact.”

  “Alright,” the beautiful professor said finally, and some of the tension bled out of her features.

  “Now… everyone, stand back,” I ordered. “I need space.”

  I closed my eyes, took in a deep breath, and imagined hundreds of magical beings all at once. I thought of centaurs, wendigos, trolls, werewolves, gargoyles, hydras, mountain elves, and banshees. Whatever evil encounters we’d had in the past, I willed it into existence to become mine to control.

  I would summon the greatest army in existence, and there wouldn’t be a damn thing Samara could do to stop me.

  As I stood there in silence, I could feel a cold, evil sensation sweeping over my entire body and soul, and my heart was open to pure darkness and our unholy lord as I willed every evil being I could imagine into existence. Magnificent power surged through my veins and ran hot through my blood like a searing river of fire. My heart hammered violently in my chest like it would burst right through my ribcage, and my skull felt like it would split open as dark supremacy took over my entire body. For a moment, I thought I would die from the effort, and I knew the women were concerned for my well-being because my body trembled, and my hands shook uncontrollably.

  But no matter how intense the pain was, I was ready to summon my army.

  “Mente nostra, et Tenebrae Vos vires animumque meum corpus,” I recited with my hands raised high in the air. “Concipiamus conceit cupio… facite praecepta mea et facit ea!”

  Then, just as I thought I would collapse from the effort, I could feel a shift in the air, and when I heard the women gasping, I knew there was a sudden but greater presence surrounding us.

  I had done it.

  “Unholy fuck,” I heard Vanessa breathe in amazement. “Cole… how…?”

  When I opened my eyes, I took a deep breath, and a small smile broke across my face when I realized what I had done. There, just beyond us and in front of the ice palace, was an unholy army of my own creation.

  The women were rendered speechless as I gazed upon each creature, and there were at least a thousand of them all bowing before me and awaiting my command.

  “Sir,” the beings who could speak echoed as they remained hunched over in respect. “We are yours to command.”

  “And you shall obey my every whim,” I affirmed with a raised hand, but then I turned to look at the other women. “Listen… I know you weren’t prepared for this, but I need you to stay calm once more, because believe it or not, our army is not yet fully formed.”

  “We have no doubt in our minds, master,” Akira said as she stared adoringly at me. “Whatever you must do, please do it without worrying about us. We know the magnitude of your magnificence and your strength.”

  The others nodded in agreement, and when I closed my eyes, I thought of every bonded creature we had connected with in the past and willed them to come back to us. I pictured our dragons in Scholomance, our unholy shadow doubles, our ursas from Revna’s village, and the elk-like alces we lost during our journey up the mountain. I felt the same wave of power course through my body as I summoned every creature back into our realm. Then, as my body trembled and a stinging sensation burned in the back of my eyes, I could feel an unholy presence growing even grander and more powerful.

  Finally, I uttered the next incantation once again.

  “Ego in vtero producite!”

  When I opened my eyes, not only did I see an army of my own creation, but also all the bonded beings who had loyally fought or aided us in the past. My body felt wan and almost broken, but still, I’d managed to do the unthinkable.

  I had created a great, evil army of my own, and each being was mine to control. Like I was Satan himself.

  “Now, everyone, listen to your commander!” I ordered as I marveled at each being. “I am your master and general. We will storm this castle and kill anyone who comes our way. Blood shall be spilled, hearts will be ripped open, and skulls will shatter. Do what you must to defeat every elder inside the palace, and once we’ve slaughtered them all… you will be free to do as you will until I command you again.”

  “Yes, master,” the army replied, and the echo boomed through the air like a magnificent chorus.

  “Now,” I said as I grinned from ear to ear and stared upon the women. “Let’s storm this fucking castle and find the second artifact.”

  “Yes, master,” my coven responded, and each woman pulled out her wand or weapon and prepared to face the elders face on.

  I looked at the giant marble entranceway and figured our best way to attack was to break down the doors and kill any guards who were waiting inside. Yet, before we could do that, a great roar echoed through the air, and when I looked up, I saw a cluster of giant serpens headed down toward us with elder men on their backs.

  “Those of you who are skilled with dragons,” I yelled at my women, “you need to kill those bastards in the sky while we break down the doors! Faye, you may lead the group and choose who to take with you. Alex, join them and try to knock as many elders off the serpens’ backs as you can, but don’t get burned.”

  Yes, sir, my familiar said before he and Nyx’s falcon flew up in the sky, and they began to swerve around the giant serpens and attack the elder soldiers.

  “Thank you, master.” The redhead nodded before she turned to look at the other women. “Vesta and Vanessa, grab a handful of mountain elves, and let’s burn these fuckers in the sky!”

  “Understood,” Vanessa said, and for once, she didn’t argue about being ordered by someone below her stature. “Let’s move!”

  As the women gathered their warriors and clambered upon their giant dragons, I felt a connection with my shadow double, and suddenly, he was hovering in front of me with his bright eyes glowing above an evil grin.

  What will you have me do, master? he asked with a deep bow, and for a moment, I marveled at his crimson shadowy body and broad shoulders.

  “You will go into the skies and aid the dragons,” I ordered. “Kill them all with your army of shadows while we penetrate the inside of the palace.”

  Yes, master, he answered before he shot up in the air, and black silhouettes swiftly and loyally followed his lead.

  When I looked up, I saw dragons and serpens dancing a bloody waltz, and I watched with glee as elder soldiers, garbed in silver and golden armor, tumbled down and crashed to their deaths. I knew the skies would be secured, so I turned to the remaining women and my other creations, and my eyes landed on a towering giant with green-tinted skin and bright eyes. He carried a giant ax in his hand, and his grip was so tight, his colossal knuckles were as white as the snow surrounding us.

  “You,” I said as I looked upon him. “Take down the doors, and the rest of you, be prepared to blast any spells you can at the bastards who are waiting for us inside.”

  “Yes, master,” my coven responded.

  “Look, Cole!” Revna screamed, and when I followed her gaze, I saw archers situated in the open tower windows and aiming their golden arrows in our direction.

  “Revna, shoot them!” I called back, and without even having to utter another command, the centaurs I had willed into existence whipped out their own bows, notched their arrows, and began to fire.

  “We’ve got this covered, Cole!” the beautiful wild woman cried out. “Now do what you must to enter the castle.”

Without wasting another moment, I turned my attention back to my coven and then at the giant and other creations.

  “Break it down now,” I said as I looked upon the towering giant.

  He nodded in my direction and ran toward the doors at a magnificent speed. Then he swung his giant ax at the marble doors, and immediately, they began to break apart with an echo so loud, it could have shaken the mountains.

  Everyone kept their stances and wands aimed at the ready as we stared at the giant while he took down the doors, and by the time the marble openings were utterly shattered into pieces, blasts of light came surging in our direction, and we instantly began firing back.

  However, the giant was blasted right in the head with a powerful curse that made his skull blow up like a giant watermelon, and gore and blood splattered everywhere. Then elders dressed in shimmering armor and capes came charging at us, and their cries of war echoed in my ears.

  “Dissulto!” I yelled when I met the eyes of one elder with long, blood-red hair, and he went soaring back into the mess of marble and stone and cracked his head wide open.

  “Avolare!” Circe cried out before she sent a group of elder soldiers soaring over our heads and tumbling off a nearby cliff.

  “Glacio!” Morgana screamed as she froze a group of elders, and once they turned to ice, her familiar Silvia ran and smashed them into bloody icicles.

  “Volant!” Akira yelled as three elders ran toward the black-haired Wicca, and she sent them soaring backward.

  “Impes!” Penelope shrieked at another.

  We continued to cast spell after spell at the men who ran toward us, and as bodies tumbled from the sky like rain, more and more chaos ensued. Isobel, Silvia, and Naomi charged at the soldiers who feebly attempted to guard the doors and tore the soldiers into bloody ribbons. The familiars showed no ounce of mercy as they attacked, and they ripped out their throats, plunged their claws into their eyes, and tore holy faces into shreds.

  More men came charging our way, and when I looked at the top of the towers, I realized there were even more archers taking out my creatures. As I stared at the towering pillars, an idea sprung to mind, and even though I had exerted so much energy already, I focused on the icy strongholds. Then, in my mind, I willed them to come crashing down and kill every elder fighting in the snow.


  In mere seconds, a rumbling sound filled the air, and the icy towers began to crumble and come crashing down upon the elder soldiers. The ones who had been situated up there screamed in horror as they fell down to their inevitable deaths, and a smile spread across my face as we killed more and more.

  “Well done, master!” Akira squealed with delight.

  “We’re not done yet,” I reminded her. “We need to go inside and take out whoever else is left… and besides, I don’t think the skies are clear just yet.”

  When we looked up, we saw Faye, Vesta, and Vanessa swiftly riding their dragons side by side with the mountain elves and shadow doubles as they took out serpens and their elder masters. Bodies of the giant, flying beasts fell to the earth and crushed bits of the castle, while others simply fell over cliffs and down to their painful deaths in the lake of burning fire.

  “Everyone keep a sharp eye,” I said before we neared the broken entranceway with our wands pulled out. “We have no idea what other beasts or soldiers are lurking inside.”

  The others nodded in agreement before we carefully stepped past the mass of crumbled ice and marble and finally entered Samara’s precious domain.

  The air was freezing cold, and a repulsive devout presence surrounded us as we stepped deeper inside the holy palace. At first, nothing was amiss. The floors were made of pure, icy marble and were painfully cold, even through my boots. The walls were glassy and white, and there was no artwork placed anywhere that I could see. All that surrounded us in the grand hall were statues of marble elders with placid looks on their perfectly carved faces. Their eyes were devoid of emotion, yet I felt a strange presence around them for some reason. There were countless numbers of these unnerving statues, and the hall was so elongated, it stretched for at least three-hundred feet long.

  “Something feels strange,” Morgana remarked under her breath. “Do you feel like… this place isn’t empty at all? Like… something is watching us.”

  “And it’s something we can’t see,” I agreed as I kept my wand extended and aimed at the ready. “Keep your eyes peeled. The halls may be bare, but I feel a lingering presence hanging in the air, and it’s ready to devour us whole.”

  We took several steps forward and kept our wands out and at the ready, but I could feel the ground trembling, and the air thickened with tension. Then I sensed something or someone watching me, and when I slowly craned my neck around, I noticed one of the statues staring right at me. Its gaze was cold and unwavering, but what’s more, I thought I could detect life in them.

  “Shit,” I muttered under my breath before I whipped my wand in its direction, but the marble statue had already moved and was charging toward me. “Impes!”

  A ball of fire went flying in the moving statue’s direction and soared right through him, like a cloud. Whatever this thing was, fire wasn’t going to kill it, so we had to develop another solution.

  “What are these things?” Revna cried out before she pointed her wand at one that was running right at her. “I’ve never seen moving statues before, not like these!”

  “They’re statuarums!” Morgana yelled with wide eyes, and her wand aimed steadily in front of her. “You have to blast their heads apart with the ancient spells of dissulto or any others you can think of!”

  “Praemium!” Circe screamed in a wild fury, and she managed to blow up the heads of several moving statues before she turned to look at us. “I recall fighting beings like this. Morgana is right, we need to destroy their minds, and the rest of their bodies will disintegrate into bits and pieces.”

  “Then let’s kill them all!” I ordered. “Circe, keep shouting as many spells as you can, and the rest of you follow her lead.”

  After the blonde Wicca nodded in agreement, she whirled her wand around and screamed spell after spell while the others followed suit. The marble-like men continued to attack as other beasts of my creation attempted to slaughter them, but I knew there were too many to take on at once. I could hear more of them upstairs, and their feet pounded as they ran down to kill every single one of us. These statuarums were resilient beings, and I watched in horror as they were able to rip off the heads of werewolves, gargoyles, centaurs, and other dangerous creations I had conjured up.

  I knew then if I didn’t do something and soon, Samara’s marble soldiers would overcome us. So, as the witches and other creatures did their best to slaughter the powerful elder beings with all their will and power, I knew I had to reach deep inside my heart and destroy them all at once by using the ancient incantation of modus antiquorum.

  I willed Satan to seep into my heart and give me the strength to do what needed to be done, and as chaos ensued and gory screams filled the air, I closed my eyes, did my best to block everything out, and solely focused on the marble men and destroying their ancient, elder minds. Wicked power began to flow through me, and I took another deep breath, steadied my heart, and waited as evil supremacy flowed through my veins and overtook all my senses. Finally, when I felt ready, I exhaled as a surge of pure wicked power, and I knew I was prepared to kill everything I desired.

  Modus antiquorum.

  Suddenly, the commotion died down, and when I opened my eyes, all the marble soldiers had come to a halt. Their eyes were wide with confusion as they pressed their snow-white hands against their ears, and when they opened their mouths to wail, no noise came out. Instead, their entire bodies trembled violently, and the air grew thick right before each one began to explode into chunks of white and bloody marble. Their heads burst all at once as I kept my energy focused on them, but I could feel my body growing weaker as I used more and more of my power to kill them all
at once.

  Finally, when the last marble soldier was dead, the air went silent, until Akira looked around and smirked.

  “Fuck,” I gasped, and I stumbled a bit out of exhaustion.

  “I think you did it, master,” she said with a twinkle in her dark eyes. “I can’t feel their presence any longer.”

  “Neither can I,” Penelope added as she shook her head with a grand smile.

  “What happened?” a familiar voice asked from the broken doorway, and when I looked toward the opening, Vanessa, Vesta, and Faye stood there covered in soot, blood, and gore. Vanessa stared long and hard at me before she raised her wand high and looked wildly around. “Is there anything else left to kill, Cole?”

  “No,” I sighed with relief, since I couldn’t sense any other beings in the palace. “We destroyed her entire army. Now, let’s find the second artifact, shall we?”

  Chapter 18

  “Where would we even begin to look?” Revna questioned with a blank stare as she gazed upon the magnificent palace. “This place is massive.”

  “I’m sure we will find a way,” I said before I turned to look at the living creatures I had created, and I also thought of the ones I’d summoned with my new power.

  They had done their part, and now, I was ready to let them be free.

  At least for now.

  “To all those who have aided us in our dire time of need, I now release you for the time being,” I cried out, and my voice echoed loudly through the grand hall. “You’ve done well, so go, and I shall call upon you on the eve of battle.”

  The creatures who remained inside the ice palace all bowed down in respect and gratitude, and I could feel the voice of my shadow double ringing in my head, too.

  Until next time, Cole, his strong voice echoed in my head.

  Then, suddenly, everything I had willed into existence vanished within the blink of an eye, and when it was only my coven, Vanessa, and Revna, we all took a moment to breathe and relish in this victorious moment.


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