Ace of Spades (Underground Affair Series Book 1)
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“Ace, can we start over?”
Lucy hopped down from the table and pulled up her panties. Then she walked over to Ace who was buttoning up his pants.
“I think we just did.”
Lucy kissed Ace and then she grabbed a towel and started cleaning up the whipped cream off of the table and floor.
“I’m going to take out the trash before your dad comes home and sees a condom in it.”
“My dad loves you, in fact I would bet he set us up tonight.”
“He might love me but I’m not sure how I’m going to look him in the face tomorrow at work, knowing that I had his daughter on his kitchen table.” Ace winked and walked out the back door with the trash.
Lucy continued cleaning up. Ace walked back in and kissed Lucy, then he headed over to the sink to wash his hands. As he reached to shut off the water he saw a very large, shiny diamond ring. He picked it up and walked over to Lucy.
“Is this yours?”
Lucy turned around to see what Ace was talking about, when she did the smile she had on her face faded away. She just stared at him.
“Answer me, Lucy!”
“Yes, but…”
“But, but what? I can’t believe this. I thought…”
“Ace, please let me explain.”
Ace handed the ring to Lucy and walked over to the table and grabbed his wallet and stuffed it back in his pocket. Lucy grabbed him by the elbow.
“Don’t leave, please, please, let me explain.”
Ace refused to turn around and talk to Lucy.
“I’m leaving now. Goodbye, Lucy.”
Ace walked out the door. Lucy sat down and burst into tears. She went from one of the happiest moments of her life, to one of the saddest in a matter of minutes.
Ace arrived at the Underground to find Chace and Declan sitting at the bar drinking.
“Hey guys.”
“Ace, what’s up?”
“I’m fucking stupid is what, Chace.”
Jenna walked over smiling.
“Hey, Ace. What’s your poison?”
“Bring me a bottle of Jack and a glass.”
Jenna brought back the bottle and a glass. She poured Ace a drink and then she winked at Declan and walked away.
“Dec, you fucked her too? You dog.”
“Damn, Dec.”
Declan finally turned towards Ace. Ace saw his black eye.
“Dec, who gave you that shiner?”
“I don’t want to talk about it.”
Chace got up to go to the bathroom. On his way he found himself checking out a beautiful blonde with the most mouthwatering ass.
“So Dec, you going to talk or what?”
“Shane’s the one who gave me the black eye.”
“Were you helping him train for the big fight tomorrow?”
“The big fight was today in my office.”
“Shit Dec, what happened?”
“Your turn. How’d you get that knot on your head?”
“Lucy and I don’t want to talk about her, ever again.”
Ace got up and walked out. On his way, he passed Chace who was coming back from the bathroom.
“You leaving?”
“I’m going to go sleep on the couch in my office. I drank way too much to drive.”
“Hey Cutie, want to have a drink with my friend and I?”
“I think I already had too much, but thank you.”
“Just one teeny, tiny drinkie? Your friend can come too.”
Before Ace got to open his mouth Chace replied, “Sure, we’d love too.”
“We would, Chace?”
“We’ll be right over, Darling.”
The girl walked back over to her friend. Ace started walking in the opposite direction. Chace grabbed his arm.
“C’mon, one drink…please? I’ve been watching her friend and I so would love to tap that.”
“One drink, Chace, one drink.”
“Thanks, man.”
Ace and Chace walked over to the girls. They both turned around and Chace almost passed out. The girl he was fantasizing about for the last ten minutes was Little Miss Sunshine.
“Ace, I got to go.”
Ace grabbed him by the collar, “Oh no, no you don’t.”
Chloe just stood there. She didn’t speak a word. Her friend Taryn walked over to Ace and kissed him. Then she started rubbing his cock. Ace drank so much he didn’t think it was possible to get hard but damn that cock of his was like a rock.
“I’m Taryn, by the way.”
“I’m, Ace. You want to go somewhere and fuck?”
“Hell, I’d fuck you anywhere.”
Ace took Taryn by the hand and headed to his office.
Chace and Chloe were still in the midst of their staring contest when Declan walked over.
“Well now I know why you never came back.”
“Ace dragged me over here and then took off with some girl.”
Declan looked at Chloe and smiled. She smiled back.
“Hey, I’m Declan. This is my partner Chace.”
“I’m Chloe. So you’re a detective too?”
Declan looked at Chace who was still not speaking.
“No, I meant business partner. We own this club.”
Chloe’s eye widened. “Wow.”
“Yeah, so can we buy you a drink?”
“I can’t stay, Dec. I have someone waiting for me in the parking lot.”
“Ok, your loss. I will get to have Chloe all to myself.
Chloe smiled at Declan but her then her eyes strayed over to Chace.
“I will see you tomorrow, Dec.”
Chace walked off. Declan grabbed two drinks off of a tray the waitress was carrying around, then went and sat down with Chloe.
ACE WOKE UP ON the couch with Taryn in his arms, a hangover, a stiff neck and Lucy on his mind. Taryn looked up at him.
“Good morning.”
Taryn stood up and started getting dressed.
“Are you in a hurry to go?”
“No, but I know how these one night things go. Typically, once everyone is awake, it’s time to get dressed and leave.”
“I could buy you breakfast?”
“Maybe you should find Lucy and buy her breakfast.”
“Lucy? What did I say about Lucy?”
“Oh boy, I guess you were drunker than I thought. No wonder you had sex with me.”
Ace stood up and walked over to Taryn and took her hand.
“I may have been drunk and for that I apologize but I knew what I was doing and I remember that evil thing you did with your tongue. I’m sorry if I mentioned Lucy.”
“You kept mumbling her name in your sleep.”
“Guess I was having nightmares then.”
“Is Lucy an ex?”
“Lucy is just someone who, who I don’t want to talk about.”
Ace stretched his neck. Taryn lifted up her hand and started to rub his neck.
“Stiff neck?”
“Come over here and lie down. You’re in luck, I’m a massage therapist.”
“You’re going to give me a massage?”
“Well it would be better if I had my table but I can make do.”
“Do you offer a special finish?”
“I think that can be arranged.”
“Only if you let me buy you breakfast afterward.”
Lucy woke up, rolled over and stared down at her engagement ring. She didn’t want to hurt Tom but she was sure after last night with Ace, that he was not the man she wanted to spend the rest of her life with. Maybe Ace would never forgive her but either way she couldn’t spend the rest of her life with a man she wasn’t in love with. It wouldn’t be fair to her or Tom. She got up from bed, took off the ring and went to look for Tom. She needed to tell him now before she chickened out.
“Good morning.”
“Tom, we ne
ed to talk.”
“Talk? That doesn’t sound good.”
“Tom, I love you, I really do but I can’t marry you.”
Lucy handed Tom back her ring. Tom looked devastated.
“Is there someone else?”
Lucy didn’t want to hurt Tom any more that she already had, so she lied.
“No. I’m just not in love with you. I’m so sorry.”
“Can we go back to the way it was before and see if things change?”
“No, Lucy, I can’t lose you.”
“I can’t, Tom.”
“Lucy, I love you.”
“I’m going to pack a bag and stay at my parent’s house until you can find somewhere else to move to.”
Tom grabbed Lucy and kissed her. Lucy didn’t kiss him back. Tom pushed her away.
“I hate you, Lucy. I hate you for making me love you just so that you could throw me away.”
“I’m so sorry, Tom. I do love you but…”
Tom smacked Lucy across the face, the force knocked her to the floor. As Lucy stood up she started yelling, “GET OUT! GET OUT!”
Lucy ran into the bedroom and locked the door behind her. Tom started banging on the door. Lucy was so afraid he was going to break the door down and beat her up. She pulled her phone from her pocket and called her father.
“Dad, Tom is freaking out. I broke up with him. He hit me…”
“I will fucking kill him. Where are you?”
“I’m locked in my room.”
“Lucy, call 911. I’m on my way.”
Lucy dialed 911.
“911, what’s you emergency?”
“My boyfriend hit me, I locked myself in my room but he is going to bang the door down and I’m afraid he is going to hurt me. Please send help.”
“I have someone about a minute away. Stay on the phone with me. I can hear him screaming and banging on the door. You did the right thing to call for help. What is your name?”
“Lucy Jenkins.”
“Hi, Lucy. My name is Sheryl. So you said he hit you. Are you alright or should I send an ambulance?”
“I’m ok, I think.”
“Alright. Do you have anything nearby that you can use as a weapon if he should gain entry before help arrives?”
“I have mace in my purse.”
“Perfect. Take it out of your purse and have it ready in the event that you need to use it.”
“What is your boyfriend’s name?”
“You’re doing great, Lucy. I see the police should be there any second.”
“I hear sirens, they’re here.”
“Don’t hang up.”
“Ok. I don’t hear Tom anymore.”
She heard the police tell him to stop and to move away from the door.
“Ok. Once they remove him from your home, they will let you know that it is safe to open the door.”
“Thank you for helping me.”
“Lucy, its Dad, open the door.”
“My father is here. I can hang up now. Thank you.”
“I’m happy you’re alright, Lucy.”
Lucy ran over and pulled the door open. Her father pulled her into his waiting arms. Her brothers hugged her as well.
“He hit me. I was so scared.”
Jon turned around and punched the wall.
“I’ve fucking hated him since the day I met him.”
Lucy pulled away from her father and grabbed Jon’s hand.
“I’m ok, now.”
“What made him so irate?”
“Dad, he asked me to marry him. I thought maybe I could but this morning I realized I’m not in love with him. I told him that and he hit me so hard that he knocked me to the floor. I was so scared, I just ran in here and locked the door.”
“Jon and I are going to kick his ass, Lucy.”
“Jake, please. Let’s just…”
“Miss Jenkins, we will need you to come down to the station so that we can get your statement and file charges.”
“Would it be alright if I changed first and then my father can bring me down to the station?”
“Thank you, Officer.”
“No problem, that’s what we’re here for.”
“Lucy, you get dressed, your brothers and I will wait out in the living room for you.”
“Thank you, I love you all.”
Shane had already been to the gym twice and out for a run. He was a bundle of nervous energy. He loved to fight but the countdown to the actual fight drove him insane. He was like a small child on Christmas Eve waiting for Santa to come.
“Why don’t you bend over and let me fuck some of that tension out of you?”
“Sounds good to me but you know the rule, not until after the fight.”
Shane walked over to the couch and sat down. Robert was pissed and wanted to force Shane to have sex but he wanted Shane to be at his best when he stepped in the cage tonight. He needed Shane to win.
Declan drank his coffee while checking the stock exchange. He never missed one of Shane’s fights. He was always the one to keep him focused. He even taped his hands for good luck. Tonight, he would have to decide if he wanted to watch the fight on closed circuit from his office or just skip it all together. He couldn’t concentrate.
“Good morning, Boss!”
“Good morning, Kaylee.”
“Is everything alright, Mr. King?”
“Kaylee, how many times have I told you to call me Declan?”
Kaylee looked down at the floor.
“I’m sorry. You’re my boss, I’m just an employee. I don’t want to disrespect you, Sir.”
Declan got up and walked over to Kaylee and placed his index finger under her chin to tip her head up to look at him. Kaylee looked up at Declan but she never looked directly into his eyes. She felt her cheeks getting hot and her palms starting to sweat.
“Are you afraid of me?”
“No, Sir.”
“Kaylee, didn’t I tell you that Sir only works in the bedroom?”
“I’m sorry, Mr. King.”
Declan chuckled and shook his head. Then he reached for Kaylee’s hand and walked her over to one of the tables and sat down with her.
“Shane said that I am intimidating. Tell me the truth, do I intimidate you?”
Kaylee nodded her head. Declan sat back in his chair. Damn, he didn’t want to make Kaylee or anyone else uncomfortable.
“I’m sorry if I’ve made you feel uncomfortable. It is not my intention. You are one of my best employees. Is there anything I can do to make you feel more comfortable?”
“Please don’t apologize. I’m sorry. Maybe I should look for a new job.”
“Please don’t. You are one of the few people I know I can always count on. Your management skills are impeccable.”
“Thank you, Sir.”
“Maybe we can have drinks and get to know each other better? Then maybe you won’t think I’m a monster.”
“Oh no, I didn’t say that, I feel terrible.”
Declan reached for Kaylee’s hand but she stood up.
“Kaylee, wait.”
“I was just trying to help you feel more comfortable. I value your input here and would really miss you if you decided to leave. I’m not good at talking on a personal level. I want all my employees to feel like family and if there is ever anything I can do to make you more comfortable here, please let me know.”
“Thank you, Mr. King. I better go, I’ve been on break way too long.”
Kaylee took off. Declan didn’t know what it was about her, but he got so turned on when she called him Sir.
Chace and Kyle were going through the information they had on the two crime scenes to see if they could come up with anything. Chace got up to go grab them some coffee and literally ra
n into Chloe.
“I’m sor…oh it’s you!”
“Yes, it’s ME!”
“Surprised you’re up so early or did Declan come to his senses and ditch you?”
“My personal life is none of your business.”
“What are you doing here?”
“I brought you my report.”
Kyle got up and grabbed the folder from Chloe and then sat back down at his desk. He didn’t want anything to do with their hate-fest.
“Why? I went out of my way to rush you this report and you ask why? You are a rude prick, you know that.”
Chloe turned around shaking her head as she walked down the hall.
Kyle laughed, “Well that went better than I expected.”
“She, she makes me insane.” Chace grunted.
“And she will, until you fuck the hell out of her.”
“Hell no!”
“Chace, give it up. The sexual tension between you two is out of control.”
“It ain’t happening.”
“Whatever. Let’s get back to work.”
Lucy and her father were sitting waiting for the police officers to call her in and take her statement. Her father had his arm around her.
Ace was walking down the hall looking for Chace when he saw Lucy and the Chief. He didn’t really want to see Lucy but he wanted to know why they were there and if she was alright.
“Chief, is everything ok?”
Chief Jenkins looked up at Ace but Lucy didn’t.
“Lucy had some trouble with Tom this morning and we are here to give a statement.”
“I’m sorry. Is there anything I can do for you, Chief?”
“You could kill the son of a bitch for hitting my daughter.”
“Lucy, he hit you?”
She just nodded her head.
“Show him your face, Dear.”
Lucy looked up and Ace’s stomach knotted when he saw how bruised it was. His first instinct was to grab Lucy and hold her tight but then the anger kicked in. How could Tom do that to sweet, little Lucy?
“My God, Lucy, I’m sorry.”
“Thank you.”
Lucy cuddled herself back up against her father.
“I’m going to get going, call me if you need anything.”