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Summer Shifter Days

Page 71

by V. Vaughn

  “We all do what we must for ár ndaoine.”

  “At least you have the balls to be honest.”

  “I have never lied to you, Meli.”

  Her brittle, humorless laughter sent chills down Jace’s spine. So different from the beautiful sound of bells he’d come to associate with his mate’s laughter that he actually did a double take. “No, you’re right, you’ve never outright lied. Just twisted, omitted, and misdirected until your words bore absolutely no resemblance to the truth.”

  “Melanie Rose,” the old man snarled, his eloquently constructed veneer beginning to crack. “You will listen to me.”

  The words felt heavy on Jace’s ear and were quickly followed by a flair of magic. Melanie’s words confirmed its origin.

  “Stop with the parlor tricks, Draoi. We both know the only reason you’re even bothering with me after all these years is that your magic is waning. You need a sacrifice to replenish your power, and not just any sacrifice… but one of your own blood. I’m guessing none of the others have come into their powers yet. Am I right?”

  Time stood still. All his focus on Melanie. Worry bounced between him and his beast. They feared she’d miscalculated her grandfather’s power. What little Jace knew of magic that wasn’t dragon magic was limited, but he knew it took serious mojo to give the kind of mystical push he’d felt a minute ago through a damned cellphone. If the old man made a move to hurt Melanie, Jace was ready and more than willing to kill him…wherever the hell the old man was.

  “Having a hard time answering a direct question, seanathair?” She paused, turning in a complete circle as if looking for someone she knew wasn’t there.

  Jace had been closely monitoring their surroundings, shocked at how quiet the employee parking lot was for a Thursday night. He knew the closest person was on the other side of the hospital, enjoying a latte on the patio outside the cafeteria, but nonetheless he looked right along with her. When Melanie returned to her original position she inhaled deeply, held her breath to the count of ten, then slowly exhaled. It was obvious she was trying to relieve some tension, and even more apparent, she had failed.

  From his vantage point, Jace watched as a sardonic smile lifted the corners of her mouth. Her tone dripped with sarcasm. “No, that’s not it at all, is it? You can’t find them. Your teaghlaigh has abandoned you. They left you with no one but the weakest of the coven and made sure you shared blood with none of them. You’re just about tapped out. Karma really is a bitch, isn’t She, Draoi? That little show of power was meant to scare me? You were hoping I would tuck tail and beg for forgiveness? But the truth is, if you still had power, you would still have your faithful guard, and they would be here to grab me while you provided the distraction. ”

  She stopped and gave an evil chuckle, which Jace could only imagine infuriated the old wizard. “Well, rot in hell, seanathair. I hope…”

  Whatever she was about to say was extinguished by the boom of thunder and a bolt of lightning that not only lit the sky but landed inches from Melanie’s feet. As the asphalt before her smoldered, Melanie screamed, “You will not win, you bastard! I will see you dead…one way or another.”

  Melanie disconnected the call while her grandfather was still shouting obscenities. The smell of burnt ozone combined with spent black magic filled the air when Jace reached her. Touching her elbow, he had to work hard to keep from smiling when she jumped at his touch. No, it wasn’t the time to laugh, but stress does crazy things to people.

  “What the hell?” She shrieked, stumbling backward.

  Catching her before she hit the pavement, Jace pulled Melanie tight to his chest and spun away from the charred hole in the ground. He’d expected her to pull back or at the very least tense in his arms, so when she curled into him for shelter, his heart swelled with pride. Not willing to let her go, he lifted her into his arms and walked towards her car.

  Reaching the little red hatchback, Melanie lifted her head and gazed at him through her thick dark lashes. What he saw in the depths of her expressive hazel eyes caused his heart to skip a beat. There were all the amazing characteristics he was already growing to love. But in that moment, he also recognized just a touch of vulnerability coupled with the need for someone she could trust and the spark of affection that Jace prayed would grow into a love to last them a lifetime.

  Just as Melanie opened her mouth to speak, a car door slammed behind them and the spell was broken. Before he could take his next breath, she jumped from his arms, turned her back, and pretended to be preoccupied with searching her bag. Embarrassment flooded their link, followed by the telltale blush on her cheeks. Unwilling to let her recriminate herself for simply following the feelings he knew were growing in her heart and soul, Jace gently spun her towards him. She attempted to pull back, but the Guardsman would not be persuaded.

  Pushing her out of her comfort zone, he half expected her to swing at him, yell, or at least give him a dirty look, but Melanie was full of surprises. Instead of retaliating, she kept her head bowed and stood motionless. More than a little confused and tired of waiting, Jace slid his thumb under her chin, slowly nudging until they were once again looking into each other’s eyes.

  Placing his hands on her shoulders, he joked to ease her anxiety. “Rough day at the salt mines?”

  Shaking her head, Melanie chuckled. “You could say that. How much of that catastrophe did you see?”

  “Would you kick my ass if I said all of it?”

  “No, but hiding under the covers for a week or two sounds like a solid plan.”

  “Want some company?” He waggled his eyebrows and winked.

  Swatting him on the shoulder, she retorted, “Yeah, right.”

  For once in his life, Jace didn’t think, he just acted. Slamming his mouth to hers, he demanded immediate entrance. Saying with his kiss what he’d been unable to communicate in any other way. It took only a moment for Melanie to relax against him, opening completely. Her sigh of surrender was music to his ears. Her moans of desire the only encouragement he needed to fall deeper into all that she was.

  Jace’s hands traveled Melanie’s body, loving the feel of her erotic curves and wishing they were somewhere more private where he could strip her naked and enjoy her sensual body with more than his touch. Her hands slid around his neck just as his hands found her ample behind and once again he lifted his mate until only their clothes kept them from becoming one.

  Her legs wound around his waist, drowning his denim covered erection in the heat of her desire. They immediately began to move in unison, every meeting of their hips more intense than the last. Melanie mewled into his mouth, her nails dug into the flesh at the base of his neck, and their pace increased until Jace was sure he would lose his mind. His dragon roared, pushing with all his might, driving the Guardsman to claim their mate in every way possible.

  Jace’s hands slipped under the soft cotton of her scrub top, finally making contact with her bare skin. Sparks flew between them, sending an electric current he was sure could light Times Square on New Year’s Eve through his body. The thought of using his enhanced speed entered his lust addled brain at the same time laughter from a passing group of hospital employees sounded to his right and Royce’s voice boomed in his mind, “Get your ass back to the lair. Rayne’s called a meeting.”

  The older Guardsman’s voice in his head was a bucket of water to his libido as he quickly answered, “Little busy here, old man.”

  “Yeah, I caught that. Learn to shield better and getting your rocks off is no excuse. Get. Here. Now.”

  “Be there as soon as I can,” was his quick response as he severed their connection and locked his shields down tight. There was no way he would share one second of his time with Melanie with anyone.

  Focusing on the beautiful woman that was scurrying to right her clothing and put as much distance between them as was possible, Jace wanted to scream to the Heavens, “Why me?!” Instead, he spun Melanie around for the second time and met her glare with
one of his own, speaking before she had the chance.

  “Don’t you dare try to run and hide from me. I’ve spent the last four months dreaming of our first real kiss and although this may not have been the way I imagined it, it was absolutely perfect.”

  He grabbed her by the upper arms as she tried to turn away and forced her to once again meet his eyes. “Talk to me.”

  “No. Let go of me.”

  “I will as soon as you talk to me.”

  “What the hell do you want me to say, Jace? Thank you? It was fun? Let’s do it again sometime?”

  Jace couldn’t stop the bark of laughter that flew from his mouth. Melanie’s resulting look would have made a lesser man slink away to lick his wounds, but it only served to fuel his laughter. He watched through watery eyes as she tried to maintain her stance and laughed all the harder when she broke down and laughed along. It wasn’t long until they were leaning on one another, barely able to catch their breath.

  The first to recover, Jace chuckled, “Well, this night’s been a helluva a rollercoaster ride.”

  “Sure has.” She sighed. “I think a beer or four and a soak in a bubble bath is just what I need.”

  “Wish I could join you.” Jace again waggled his eyes, but this time Melanie was quick to cut him off at the pass.

  “Hold it right there, Romeo. I was speaking of a solo mission.”

  “Just as well, I have to get back to the la…home.” He quickly corrected, glad she had missed his almost faux pas. Then covered with, “But you can’t blame a guy for trying.”

  “Oh yeah? I’m thinking I’ve got quite a lot to blame you for.” She winked and pulled her keys from her bag.

  He loved that she felt comfortable enough to joke with him and hated the fact that he had to leave her, especially after the kiss they’d just shared. Unfortunately, he knew he had maybe two more minutes before Royce or Heavens forbid Rayne, their Commander, was again yelling in his head.

  The beep of her car doors unlocking gave him another sad reminder that he would have to let her go, at least for the time being. Ever the gentleman, Jace reached around his mate, opened the door, and motioned for her to slide into the driver’s seat. She gave him a cheeky little grin that he filed away as one of the cutest things he’d ever seen before taking the driver’s seat.

  Shutting the door, he motioned for her to open the window. Melanie acted as if she were thinking about it, and then chuckled as it slid down. “Yes?” She cooed, batting her eyes and making him once again bark with laughter.

  Life with Melanie will never be boring.

  “Drive safe. Call me if you need anything.”

  “I’ll be fine, Jace.”

  “Don’t argue with me, young lady.” He inserted as much authority into his voice as he could without pissing her off, even added a wink and a chuckle for good measure.

  “You got it. I’m too tired to argue.” She laughed.

  “Good. Now get outta here and I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

  “Aye, aye, Captain.” She mock saluted as she started her car.

  Jace stepped back and watched her back out and head towards the exit of the parking lot. He waited until the glow of her taillights disappeared into the darkness before heading to his Harley. The ride back to the lair was filled with thoughts of Melanie and the day he would not have to let her go, when she would be by his side always.

  The sound of Liam’s agitation pulled him back to the present. “Dammit, J, tell me what the hell is going on. This is complete and total bullshit.”

  Jace stopped, let his head fall forward, and blew out a long breath. It was time to come clean or risk losing the one person in the world who’d always been there for him.

  Unwilling to face Liam, he began to speak. “I found my mate. It’s Melanie…from the hospital.”

  “Well, duh, no shit.”

  Jace spun, not believing his ears. “You knew?”

  “J, dude, you’re not as sneaky as you think you are, never have been and your shielding…well, let’s just say you’ve really gotta work on that.”

  “Does everybody know?”

  “Nah, just me, Royce, Devon, and their mates. Everyone else has been so busy with the whole ‘Andrew’s a traitor, let’s kill him. No, he might be okay, let’s spare him’ thing that they’ve not been real observant. But what’s this impromptu trip to the ‘moors’ have to do with Nurse Whelan?”

  “She’s disappeared. Gone without a trace. I searched her condo and found the stench of black magic and followed it here.”

  “What about the whole mating bond thing I keep hearing about? Can’t you find her that way?”

  “I tried. I mean, our link’s been getting stronger. I’ve stayed constantly connected to her from the minute I realized she was my destiny, but something changed night before last. Something or someone broke our bond or at the very least interrupted it and is hiding Melanie from me. Her place was a mess, overturned furniture and broken glass everywhere like there’d been a fight. I found a few drops of her blood on the patio and followed the scent into the woods where it disappeared into thin air, just like she has.”

  His dragon chuffed and blew smoke, incredibly agitated that he had halted their search for even a moment. Jace ignore the beast as Liam answered.

  “I should kick your ass on principle alone. Why the hell did you keep that shit to yourself? We’ve got to get a hold of Rory. He flew back to their lair the other day with Kellan. They can help. Kell may be scary as hell, but he can track like no one I’ve ever seen.”

  Jace knew Liam was right. He should’ve told his friend what was going on but at the time…

  The important thing was that every minute Melanie was with her captors was a minute longer they could be hurting her. He could only imagine what she must be going through. Unimaginable retribution was promised to anyone that dared harm even a hair on her head.

  After explaining the call he’d overheard from Melanie’s grandfather, he added the little bit of information he’d been able to dig up concerning who he believed the man to be. Then Jace took Liam’s advice and reached out to Rory, the Commander of the Blue Thunder Force and younger brother to his mentor. “Rory, I need your help.”

  “What’s up, young’un? You know I’m back home, right?”

  “Yeah,” Jace chuckled. “Me too.”

  “Wait. What? You’re here? On the shore?”

  “Yeah, we’re here.”


  “Liam and I.”

  “Hey, Ror. How’s it going?” Liam chimed in.

  “Guess I should be asking you boys that.”

  “Yeah, well, we’re tracking someone that’s been kidnapped.”

  “Kidnapped? What the hell? I thought we were over all this shit. Andrew’s getting all rehabilitated and everything. We’re all one big happy family again. No more drama and all that good stuff. Who in all that’s holy has kidnapped who now and for what reason?”

  Jace stood silent while Liam filled Rory in on all the details. He pushed with the combined strength of man and beast to locate Melanie through their mating bond but came up empty handed…again. Rory’s words shocked him out of his quest.

  “Son of a bitch! You’re sure she called him Grand Draoi?”

  “Yep, that’s what she called him. He also gave a couple shows of his power, but Mel taunted him, said he was losing his strength.”

  “Wait a minute, she called him seanathair? They’re related?”

  “Yes, sir. I was shocked as you.”

  “But she’s been around us all. I’ve never felt her magic. I thought she was just an incredibly intelligent, intuitive human.”

  “No shit! Me too! And I’m her mate!” Jace knew his voice had raised to almost yelling, but the stress of not being able to locate his mate was pushing him past the limits of his control.

  “And now that we’ve all had our moment of shock and awe, we can worry about whether she’s magical or not and how she hid it from us later. What do
you know about this guy, Rory?” Liam asked and Jace could tell that he too was nearing the end of his rope.

  “You remember that coven of black witches and wizards Kyra was talking about, the Dorcha? Well, their leader is known as the Grand Draoi, and he’s one seriously messed up bad guy. So if he’s who Melanie was talking to, even with waning powers he’d still be able to level cities. It’s been said that on his worst day he can literally reach through time and space to rip the soul out of his enemies. Legend states that even though the demon Balor watches over the Dorcha, it’s Caligrosto that they pray to. And that is one bad ass demon.

  “Caligrosto was spawned from Balor’s nightmares that had been marinating in the Dreaming Gulf of the Abyss for literally eons. Can you even imagine what gives a demon god nightmares? Got to be some scary shit. Anyway, ol’ Caligrosto demands his followers sacrifice those of their own blood in exchange for power. Which follows what you gathered from Melanie’s conversation with her gramps. Are you sure that’s who has her?” Jace could hear that Rory was hoping he was mistaken.

  “I’m sure. I’ve either been with this woman or been near her for four months. There have been no other threats, nothing unusual, nada, zip, zilch. Hell, I thought life was gonna be good and boring.”

  “As if!” Liam and Rory barked in unison.

  “Now get your asses over here. I’ll rally the troops and we’ll be ready to head out as soon as we see you.” Rory commanded and then quickly added, “And Jace…you better let my brother and the others know where you are before they come looking. I’ve never known that lot to just let bygones be bygones, especially if they can torture you.”

  Jace cringed at the reminder that he was basically AWOL. He answered the only way he could. “I’ll take care of it.”

  Closing their connection to the sound of Rory’s laughter, the young Guardsman looked at his friend. “Time to get my ass kicked.”


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