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Nadia's Dragon: Nadia's Dragon: A BBW Paranomal Romance (Dragon Mates Book 2)

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by Serena Simpson

  Table of Contents

  Nadia’s Dragon



  Reviews and where to find me

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-one

  Chapter Twenty-two

  Chapter Twenty-three

  Chapter Twenty-four

  Chapter Twenty-five

  Book Three Skye’s Dragon Excerpt

  Other books by the author

  Connect with me

  Nadia’s Dragon


  Serena Simpson


  I want to thank my daughter who is hanging in there with me as I write and dream.

  I also want to thank my readers who have continued to read my books and have also sent me emails or contacted me on Facebook or Twitter to let me know they love the books. Thank you! Your encouragement and heartfelt words help to keep me motivated.


  Nadia’s Dragon – Dragon Mates, Book Two - Copyright © November 2016, Serena Simpson

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, including electronic or mechanical, without written permission from the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only.

  Cover Art by Melody Simmons

  Published by Serena Simpson

  Reviews and where to find me

  Once you’ve read Nadia’s Dragon, you can leave a review on Amazon. All reviews are appreciated.

  You can find me on my website.

  I’m also available on Twitter

  You can also find me on Facebook

  Join my mailing list

  Look for me I’m happy to connect with all.

  Chapter One

  The fire had ruined her. Nadia stood looking over the building that used to house her restaurant it was gone and she was lucky her body hadn’t gone up in flames with it. Squaring her shoulders, she fought like a trooper to keep any tears from falling because she had something worse to think about than the black smoldering ashes of the business in front of her.

  It was coming after her. She still wasn’t sure how she managed to get out of that building alive. Her restaurant had burned because a malevolent shadow wanted to kill her for defying him. It—she thought of it as a male. He gave her a little tracking device to place on her best friend, but she refused to do it. Best friends didn’t betray each other.

  Standing up for her best friend would result in her death. So be it, at least her friend Alexa would get her happy ever after. She edged back from the circle of spectators whose eyes were wide as they watched the fire consume her life in one fell swoop. There was nothing left for her here.

  There was only one place to go, Alexa’s house. She would be safe there even if she wasn’t sure why or how she knew that little fun fact. She knew there was no safety at her house.

  Crossing the street on the green light a car came speeding down, it wasn’t going to stop her brain shouted as everything slowed down. There were pedestrians on the sidewalk shouting, but the words were too slow for her to make out. Was this how her life ended like a slow motion app?

  She tried to run, but it felt like her legs were encased in quick-drying cement. She truly understood the deer in the headlights phenomena at that moment. A body came from nowhere and knocked her down on the pavement moving her enough that the car sped past her before careening to a stop. The driver jumped out and ran to her apologizing. He didn’t know what was wrong, how the car picked up speed and why the brakes failed for a few minutes. It didn’t matter she knew her days were numbered.

  It took everything she had along with the help of the driver and the man who knocked her down for her to get back to her feet. Her body hurt and her lungs screamed in pain from smoke damage.

  “Thank you,” She murmured to them.

  “Let us call an ambulance, or I can take you to the hospital,” the driver of the car said.

  “I’ll be okay,” she whispered barely able to get the words out. She didn’t want her last memories to be of a hospital as much as she might need one.

  She thanked them again and gave them each weak smiles before she took off dragging her leg just a little behind her.

  The next street she crossed she made sure there was a multitude of people crossing hoping this would save her from runaway cars. It felt selfish, but she didn’t think he would kill all those people trying to get to her.

  Alexa’s house was further away than she thought, she was used to driving the distance not walking. Taking a chance, she cut through a lot of a grocery store as long as she stayed away from cars she figured she would be fine. When she looked up, there were runaway carts coming for her. The young man who was gathering them was shouting as he ran her way following the carts. They picked up speed as if they were alive and aimed at a target—her.

  Not again she limped quickly trying to get out of their way before she ran into a biker who picked her up with a groan and moved her saving her from not death but a world of hurt.

  “Sorry,” she said softly.

  She wasn’t a small female, in fact, she was surprised that he even managed to lift her. Mumbling to herself about her life choices she shuffled away. She was more careful now making sure there was nothing in her path before she walked down the street. Heck, she was even avoiding overhangs and making sure to look up. If something like a piano fell on her, she was a goner.

  Her body ached, and she longed to get into the jetted tub her friend had added to the bathroom she used whenever she stayed over. Everyone thought Nadia was the social one, but in reality, all the people she talked to were simply acquaintances. Alexa was her one friend.

  Her breathing slowed when she turned onto Alexa’s street. The houses were further apart here because Alexa lived in a much better neighborhood. Nadia had been working day and night to be able to buy a house on this street so they could be closer together. That dream burned to the ground. She walked down the street being careful to watch out for cars or even strange people lurking in the shadows. This close to safety she didn’t want to jeopardize her life.

  She was almost there, all she had to do…he was there waiting for her on the sidewalk. There was no way she was getting through him. Anger and frustration burned her on the inside. Her brief life had been a struggle, but it was her life, and she didn’t want to give it up.

  For a minute she considered running, but she wasn’t even sure how much longer she would be able to stand. There would be no running to avoid her fate. The truth was she’d do it again. That’s who she was who she always wanted to be. Loyal to a fault to those who were loyal to her.r />
  “Nadia,” The shadow said her name with such joy.

  Yeah, he would relish killing her. Why shouldn’t he? She made a worthy opponent. She laughed out loud at that thought. It didn’t matter she wouldn’t go down without a fight.


  “You surprised me by making it this far.”

  “What can I say, I live to surprise you. Maybe I’ll do it again.”

  “I doubt it.”

  “Good. I do my best when the odds are against me. Now you’re in my way, kindly move.”

  He lifted his hand shooting a beam. Her mind asked herself as it did the slow-motion cinema roll again how could a shadow shoot a beam? The better question she shot back how does a shadow talk? There didn’t seem to be any answers as she waited for the death that was sure to come.

  Alexa would be so scared when she realized Nadia died on her doorstep. The beam hit her turning into crystals of bright light before burning out.

  What the…she bit her lip to keep from thinking the rest of that. What had happened? She lifted large terrified eyes to the shadow.

  “No,” his voice was low and deadly. “You will die.”

  She believed him but maybe not today. Her breathing as tortured as it was started coming faster. Her head swam, and she began to sway on her feet. Whatever was going to happen had better happen soon because she was going to pass out. Not knowing what else to do she took a step towards the shadow if it killed her so be it, because if she passed out on the street, she was certain she would die.

  The first step led to the second, and she kept walking until she passed through the shadow. She shivered as she walked through, it was so cold she thought she might die from exposure. Turning her head, she watched as it railed but it didn’t follow her to the porch something she was truly thankful for.

  With shaking hands, she reached into her pants pocket; her purse had burned up in the fire, but she had kept the important things in her deep pockets. Almost like she had an extra sense telling her to be careful. It took her four tries before she was able to unlock the door.

  She tripped into the interior of the hallway falling against the wall but at least she was inside. Taking her time, she went to the alarm and turned it off. Then she slid onto the little bench by the wall and waited. Soon her phone was ringing.


  “Hello this is CMT alarms, we’re calling to report an alarm that went off at your residence. The alarm was stopped by the input of the code. If this had been an actual emergency, we would have had an operator give you a call.”

  She clicked off the phone and sighed at least she didn’t have to deal with the alarm company. She hauled herself up, reset the alarm and walked up the stairway until she came to her room. The one Alexa did just for her.

  The room was done in shades of blue from light blue to midnight blue which was an accent wall behind the bed. She had a king sized bed as well as matching furniture and a small sitting area for her. When Nadia first saw it, tears wailed up in her eyes. Alexa hugged her and whispered what are friends for.

  She took off her clothes not wanting the get the bed dirty from them. She kicked her pants as she was walking by and heard something in them jingle. She emptied the pockets on the bed, and a small card caught her attention.

  Syn—Alexa’s male friend at the time had given it to her. He told her to call that number if she ever needed help. This situation counted she assured herself. She needed help. Rolling her shoulders trying to loosen some of the strain in them she decided she needed to be clean before reaching out to ask anyone to help her. She walked into the beautiful bathroom she used and plugged the tub because she was soaking with jets. Who knew this might be the last bath of her life, she might as well make it one to remember.

  Filling the tub with a nice scent that would make the water softer without adding bubbles when she turned on the jets didn’t take long. She slipped into the hot water a sigh of contentment coming from her lips, turning on the jets, she groaned in pleasure and leaned against the slanted back of the tub.

  Closing her eyes, she wished for what would never be. With death following her, she was ultra-aware of everything she would never accomplish like meeting a nice man and falling in love. Children didn’t seem to be in her future anymore and of course having a successful business was no longer on the list either.

  One tear fell followed by another. Nadia would cry now because later she would find a way to keep fighting. At the thought of fighting her tears dried and she turned her attention to what happened outside. Why didn’t the beam the shadow shot at her tear her apart or at least leave a gaping hole in her torso?

  Just the thought of it sent a tingle of awareness through her body like something was living inside of her. She gave a low, tight laugh; she was scaring herself. Nothing was living inside of her; it had been good luck, and after everything that happened to her recently, she deserved some good luck.

  She hauled herself out of the tub the pleasure of the bath long gone. Grabbing a towel, she dried herself as the tub drained. She waited until the water was gone and cleaned the tub not wanting to do it later. With a resigned sigh, she walked into the bedroom and found a comfortable outfit of leggings and a tank top. She wanted to have on some clothes if she needed to make a sudden run for it.

  Laying across the bed, she clutched the card in her hand. She would call the number after she woke up maybe whoever was on the other end. Hopefully Syn could help her.

  Chapter Two

  Maceo dived over the railing of his balcony. His body enjoyed the rush of the ground reaching up to him. A picture of him splattered on it haunted him just before the dragon took over leaving all thoughts of unnecessary death behind. He flapped his wings and soared upward.

  He circled his mountain thinking of how peaceful it was, but nothing could make him forget that Mutufa would be back. Syn and Alexa had shoved the demon back into his place in the spiritual realm, but he wouldn’t stay there. How would they defeat him the next time? He was growing stronger whereas the injection of power from Syn’s mate Alexa could only go so far. They each needed a mate, and even that wouldn’t help because Javon the oldest was in a frozen sleep without him, any hope was lost.

  Why did he worry himself about things he couldn’t change? He looked to his right to see Syn with Alexa on his back. He was so happy for his brother, but his heart ached wanting the same. He could almost feel the weight of his mate on his back. His scales drooped in disappointment because it was simply another dream.

  The pleasure of flying was lost, so he came in for a landing on the side of his balcony taking his human form first. The balcony was wide enough and constructed to hold his dragon form, but right now the male grieving was better than the dragon grieving. He walked into his bedroom wondering if it would be his future to join his brother Javon in his long sleep.

  Walking through the room without paying it any attention he stepped into the bathroom and started the shower. A nice hot shower would take away his worries at least for a few minutes. He stepped inside and allowed the extra hot water to sluice over his body. Allowing his mind to drift he imagined a beautiful curvaceous woman in the shower with him.

  He closed his eyes as she sank to the shower floor with his cock held firmly in her hands. He wanted relief so badly that he shook, but it wouldn’t happen today. Still, he tortured himself imagining her beautiful lips opening wide and her pink tongue coming out to lick the head of his cock. He groaned and went harder. Idiot that he was he couldn’t stop dreaming about it. Little sounds of appreciation would come from her lips before she opened wide and took him in. With a groan, he turned off the water and tried to will his hard cock to turn flaccid. Yeah, he was an idiot. It stood thick and proud. If he ever met his mate, he would happily show her what he brought to the table. With a laugh, he grabbed a towel maybe in a couple of hundred years if they managed to beat Mutufa he might find her. That’s the thing with mates you never knew when they were going to be born.

/>   He walked into his room to the ringing of his cell phone. Now there was a real mystery to ponder. He never seemed to get reception in his bedroom.

  “Hello?” The number came up as unregistered.

  “Hi, umm sorry to call but Syn, Alexa’s guy, told me to call this number if I ever needed help. I need help.”

  The voice was low and husky on the line. It was so seductive in its sweetness that his raging erection became hard enough to bend steel. His knees weakened listening to her. At that moment he would have done anything for her. His desperation to reach her was suffocating him, and his dragon was clawing to get out to get to her.

  We have to save her was all he could think.

  “Are you still there? Can you help me?”

  He could hear the desperation in her voice.

  “I can help you, but I have to know what’s going on. I’m Maceo, Syn’s brother.”

  “Thank goodness then maybe you can help me. I’m Nadia, Alexa’s best friend. I’m in her house. Something tried to kill me this shadow thing.” She rambled quickly telling him the whole story from the beginning.

  “That’s Mutufa or one of his henchmen, don’t go outside, stay in the house it seems to be protected. Although you seem to carry protection on you or within you.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I have no idea how I made it through to the house I’m just glad I did.”

  “I can come get you bring you to Alexa. Would you like me to do that?”


  “Tell me exactly where you are and don’t move it will take me a day to get to you.”

  “Okay.” She gave him all the information she could think of including an address and directions for the house once he reached the city.

  “Hurry Maceo; I can feel him trying to get into the house.”


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