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Nadia's Dragon: Nadia's Dragon: A BBW Paranomal Romance (Dragon Mates Book 2)

Page 7

by Serena Simpson

  She saw it. It was surrounding the both of them.

  “We did it,” she exclaimed when he came up for air.

  “We did.” He brought his hand up to caresses her face. “What did your mom say when you were born with red hair?”

  “The doctors said it was impossible. Obviously, I couldn’t be black. That was the only way I could have hair redder than what was thought of as natural. People accused my mom of dying my hair because she wanted a unique child. She ignored them. As for my dad, he was sick by the time I was born and could care less what my hair looked like or so my mom said, so it didn’t matter.”

  “I love the red against your skin I could look at it forever.”

  “Maybe you’ll get that chance after we rescue Zeno.”

  “After you rescue Zeno. We’re out of time. I’m going to have to go in as a dragon, and you’re going to have to walk in with your shield up and get close enough to him to cover him.”

  “That wasn’t the plan.” How did he expect her to walk into a demon infested camp by herself?

  “It’s all we have time for Nadia you can do this.”

  She nodded her head even as she felt him withdraw from the shield that was covering them. This is where things got hard. Either she believed him or she didn’t. If she believed him and he was lying to her, she would become dinner while he rescued Zeno. Which made sense, rescue the female you barely knew or your brother.

  If she believed him and he was telling the truth, she needed to protect Zeno from the demons while he tried to distract them. So, either way, it wasn’t going to be easy.”

  She took a deep breath and opened her eyes. He was standing far away from her changing into his dragon form. She turned around and started walking towards the demon camp hoping that in the end, she didn’t end up gutted like the demon deer.

  The minute she walked into the camp, they were on her. Testing her shields with big grins on their faces. She must look like the appetizer to them. It took every ounce of strength to put one foot in front of the other They must have shielding of their own, and it was trying to keep her from moving. That was why Zeno was lying so still instead of continuing to struggle.

  Maceo flew overhead breathing fire catching several of the demons unaware as they burst into flames. The others began to chant and move towards him making it a little easier for her to walk toward Zeno. A loud screech made her stop and look. They hit Maceo she could see a trickle of blood, but he didn’t stop he swooped in reigning down fire.

  She renewed her efforts to reach Zeno. Once there she expanded her shield until she knew it covered him.

  “You shouldn’t have come after me.” His voice was weak, and her shield was thin since he was still in his dragon shape.

  “You wanted to become the special on the menu tonight?” She asked as she dropped to her knees and started plucking at the fibers holding him in place. “Help me Zeno or neither of us are getting out of here alive.”

  He brought up a forearm and used a claw to cut one of the thick fibers giving her something to pull and tug on until his upper body was free.

  “Can you change back?”

  “I don’t want to try with you so close.”

  “You don’t have a choice because if my shield fails the demons around us plan to kill us then eat us. I don’t think they like the thought of their dinner getting away.”

  He nodded and tried to move away from her before his body began to shimmer and glow. She understood why they stayed away from her when they changed. The power they used to change shapes was lethal. She felt the backlash whip at her as she tried to draw her shield in just a little to protect herself.

  In the final moments of his change, she felt him throw a shield up to protect her, saving her life.

  Chapter Eleven

  Nadia opened her eyes to find herself on her back looking up into the concerned face of Zeno.

  “We made it?”

  “Not yet.”

  She looked around to see they were surrounded by demons who seemed to be redoubling their efforts to break their shielding. The trees were moving closer as if they were going to help the demons. The ground underneath their feet was beginning to move.

  “What’s happening?”

  “The trees are sending their roots deep into the ground coming our way. The last thing we want is to have one of them wrapped around an ankle.”

  Nadia’s ankle began to throb once again reminding her she just escaped that fate. Even now she should be kicked back in a nice comfy chair with tea and a throw. Instead, she was surround by killer demons.

  “I’d like to leave now.”

  “So would I, let’s see what Maceo can do.”

  She scanned the skies unable to find him. A quick look at Zeno directed her attention up and to the left. He appeared on the horizon a small dot getting larger the closer he came. Held in his claws was a large cauldron that looked like it was filled with an inky black substance. When he flew over the demon camp, he upended it, pouring it out on as many demons as possible.

  He opened his mouth allowing a roar to come forth followed by a blast of fire. Everywhere the black substance touched lit with a fire that couldn’t be put out.

  “Oil,” Nadia said a smile of approval on her face.

  “Let’s go.” Zeno took her hand and raced toward the entrance of the camp. Maceo continued to lay down fire until they were far enough away that she collapsed.

  “I can’t go any further.” Her ankle had swollen, and there was no way she could even stand.

  Maceo came walking out of the woods still in his dragon.

  “We can fly from here,” he told them both.

  “You made it?” She didn’t want to seem like a wimp but having seen that trickle of red on his wing where the demons hurt him made her heart stutter before it found its normal beat again. She wanted to scream but instead stayed with the plan in the hopes that all three of the would make it out alive.

  “I’m fine,” he said softly, picking up on the fear in her voice.

  He came close enough to rub his head against her. “I’m proud of you. You held up well in such a bad situation.”

  “Zeno, thank you. I loved the way you handled yourself. You even changed and kept my mate alive. You are the best brother I have. What would I do without you?” Zeno said as he helped Nadia to her feet.

  She threw her arms around him and kissed his cheek. “Thank you, Zeno, you were great and that shield you threw up saved my life.”

  “No more allowing yourself to get caught,” Maceo grunted. “Thanks.”

  Zeno laughed. “That was heart felt for him.”

  He helped Nadia walk over to Maceo lending a hand to help her climb his back.

  “I’ll see you both back at the cabin.” He moved away and watched as Maceo took off with Nadia.

  For a minute longing choked his throat before his usual smile slide back in place and his form changed.

  Demon food, he thought, the insult. How would he ever live it down?


  Maceo picked Nadia up to carry her inside the cabin. Her head snuggled against his chest.

  “It’s almost morning.”

  “Not for us we need sleep.” He used his foot to push the door opened as he walked into the small cabin. Nothing had been disturbed. It looked even more like a haven than it did the first time.

  He sat her on the couch and unwrapped her ankle.

  “Is it bad?”

  “Nooo.” She looked up at him, and he flinched.

  “It’s swollen, I think you should probably sleep with it elevated today. Considering what you went through, it’s not bad.”

  She nodded her head not looking at her ankle she would look at it tomorrow. It wasn’t like she could make it better tonight. Zeno walked in with new sticks as well as cloth he found some place.

  “This should help.” He handed everything to Maceo.

  “You two should get some sleep I’ll take the first shift.”

bsp; “Zeno,” Maceo protested.

  “No arguments. I want you both to get some sleep.” He turned and walked out the door allowing it to slam behind him.

  “Did we do something wrong?”

  “No, he’s upset with himself for falling into the demon trap and for placing our lives in danger. Especially yours.”

  “It was a trap. How could he stop that?”

  “He’ll be okay; he just needs some time alone without his older brother looking over his shoulder. He’s stronger than I give him credit for.”

  Maceo changed the bandage around her ankle making sure it was straight before placing the new branches on her and tying them into place. He picked her up and carried her to the bedroom.”

  A thorough search of the room showed some additional blankets and pillows that could be used to prop her ankle up. He stood over her, watching, once he had her snuggled in bed.

  “Thank you,” she caught his hand before he could turn away.

  “Don’t thank me Nadia. I’m supposed to protect you. Instead, we are on the demon plane. You’ve been accosted by a tree root, almost made demon food and had to help me free Zeno.”

  “Your right. I brought us here although I didn’t mean to. You trusted me with your brother’s life and with yours.” She tugged at his hand until he finally sat on the small bed next to her.

  “Do you know how many times I’ve been put down? I’ve had colleagues laugh at me because I’m a woman. When I opened my restaurant, they told me I couldn’t do it. I’ve been talked about behind my back because of the color of my skin or the size of my body. People assume every day because I’m not what they consider normal that I can’t get it done. You haven’t made that assumption once. Thank you.”

  “Whoever said those words about you or made you feel like you were less were idiots.” He leaned over and kissed her pressing against her lips until she opened up greedily inviting him into her mouth. She gave a small sigh as she sucked on his tongue before they began to duel in an ancient battle.

  He deepened the kiss loving the way she moaned while he kissed her.

  “Dragon mate,” he said as he pulled back. “You should get some sleep. Who knows what we will have to face later.”

  “Where are you going?”

  “To sleep in the other room while Zeno is on first shift.”

  “Oh,” she worked her throat wanting to ask him to stay.

  “Would it be okay if I stayed in here with you?”

  She gave him a smile and moved over a little.

  “Stop, don’t move you’ll mess up my handiwork.” He bent over and pulled off his boots before pulling his shirt off leaving on his t-shirt. He got in the bed with her; it was small forcing their bodies together. He laid stiffly at first not wanting to force more of himself on her than she was willing to take. He gave a small smile when she snuggled up against him placing her head on his chest like she had done it hundreds of times in the past. A small sound of contentment left her lips that he only picked up with his dragon hearing making him comfortable enough to wrap his arms around her. Mate his heart beat out as he closed his eyes.

  “Get some rest we both need it.” She gave a nod rubbing her cheek against his chest before she fell asleep.

  Maceo woke to the wonderful sensation of Nadia exploring his chest. He kept his breathing even as her hands roamed. She traced from one muscle to another her fingers setting off a fire within him. His dragon rumbled deep within his chest with the pleasure he was experiencing.

  “I know you're awake.”

  Her voice sounded like sin to him. He opened his eyes to find her looking up at him a small grin lighting her eyes and turning her lips up in contentment.

  “I think we slept for a long time.”

  He turned to face the small window in the room. The sun was up overhead blazing like it was noon which meant a faint amount of light was coming through the windows. Nothing acted like it should on the demon plane.

  His hand came up and touched her face he wanted to kiss her, but he needed to make sure everything was well and find out where Zeno was.

  He opened his mouth, but she placed a finger on it before she lifted up and gave him a small kiss.

  “Go, Zeno should have come to wake you up, but he didn’t.”

  Maceo nodded slipping out of bed with regret lingering in his eyes as he pulled on his boots and made his way out the door.

  Nadia sat and smiled. It was time to do something different with her life. No more hiding in the kitchen or wishing her life would take the path she dreamed about on its own. Oh, she did well when it came to building her business although her business was now gone. She even did good when it came to being friends with Alexa, but she had let herself down in the romance category always picking the man who didn’t want her in the end. Never being brave enough to go for what she wanted.

  It wasn’t just her; she always counseled herself. Other people have the same problem I have, but in the end, that thought was cold comfort when either your bed or your heart was empty. Maceo was a dragon; that was new in her man hunting adventures. He was a dragon that could have left her to the demons several times already, but he didn’t. He could have lied to her pretending to be something he wasn’t to get in her bed. She might have fallen for the act because she wanted him, but he didn’t.

  Nadia wasn’t sure she was brave, but she was stubborn. That’s how she had made it this far in her life. When she was standing in that demon camp realizing she was about two steps away from becoming dinner she had a revelation. There was no guarantee on how long her life would be if she were smart she would reach for what she wanted now and deal with the fall out as it happened.

  She placed her hands on the side of the bed and pushed herself up trying out her ankle. It was not good as new but if she were careful she would be able to move around on it. She slowly limped into the bathroom using the wall and whatever furniture was available to keep her upright. With a silent prayer, she hoped the shower worked enough that she could pull a chair into it and get cleaned.

  Chapter Twelve

  Maceo walked out the front door to find Zeno walking the perimeter of the land. His was tall just like his brothers and the way his held his shoulders and moved his head checking every area showed he was just as capable as his brothers. Maceo detected one more thing he never really saw before. His brother was lonely. It was a given that they all were lonely, but he thought since Zeno was the youngest he wouldn’t feel it as vividly. Now he could see the sadness of being alone in every angle of his body. Zeno used his smile and laughter to hide what he felt most of the time; Maceo knew he was catching him in a vulnerable moment.

  Zeno turned around a smile lighting his face. Maceo smiled back, but he knew now so he could see underneath the smile to the pain his brother kept hidden.

  “I thought you were going to wake me for my shift?’ He long legs took him to where his brother was standing.

  “I started to, but I didn’t want to wake Nadia, she needed the rest.”

  Maceo nodded. His brother wanted to give him time with his mate, and in all honesty, no one wanted to disturb a dragon’s mate when having one was so rare.

  “Was there any activity?”

  “Very little, a couple of demons came past, shouted a few threats and dinner suggestions before they left. Nothing to worry about.”

  “Any signs of Mutufa?”

  “No, but we need to get out of here soon.”

  Maceo rubbed the back of his neck knowing that Zeno was correct. He looked up at the sky it was beginning to darken.

  “Do you think it rains here?” he said to Zeno an uneasy feeling in the pit of his stomach.

  “Yeah, but I’m sure it isn’t something we want to get caught in.”

  “I agree let’s go inside.” They moved back towards the cabin their long legs eating up the distance. The first drop fell as they entered the cabin.

  “Is that acid rain?” Zeno asked a look of horror on this face.

sp; “Let’s find out.” Maceo stuck his hand out the door catching a drop of rain on his finger. The loud yell as he quickly found something to wipe his hand against answered that question.

  “It’s acid rain.”

  “Only on the demon plane,” Zeno said with a half laugh.

  “Go get some sleep. I have a feeling even the demons will be staying inside for this rain event.”

  Zeno’s shoulders slumped some in tiredness.

  “Dragon mate,” he greeted Nadia as he passed her and made his way to the other bedroom.

  She looked at him concern written on her face.

  “He’s just tired. He’s been up all night and day.” Maceo strode to her and picked her up taking her to the doorway so she could see the rain. “Acid rain and it burns. I don’t think we’ll have any visits from demons as long as it rains.”

  “Is it selfish to wish it would rain for twenty-four hours, so we have time to rest and plan?”

  “No, I’m willing to back that wish.” He took her over to the couch and sat her down.

  “What do we do now?”

  “We could work on your power.”

  She lifted her eyes looking at the dull wood walls. He was right they needed to work on her powers but what she wanted was to be home. Snug in a lounger with a comforter over her legs and Maceo kissing her, but life didn’t always give you what you wanted.

  “How do we work on my powers?”

  He smiled at her before he leaned over and traced her lips with his finger.

  “A kiss?”

  She nodded her head. This was the part of working with her powers that she enjoyed. His lips touched her making her release a deep breath she hadn’t realized she was holding. Opening her mouth, she invited him in. His tongue reached out to caress her allowing her body to relax as he pulled her closer. He deepened the kiss his tongue battling with hers. A deep moan of pleasure left her lips as her body responded to his.

  With regret, Maceo pulled them towards the door and soon they were back in her kitchen. The silver with the hints of blue was gleaming, and the door where her power was running amok was throbbing like it was alive.


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