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Nadia's Dragon: Nadia's Dragon: A BBW Paranomal Romance (Dragon Mates Book 2)

Page 12

by Serena Simpson

  “Didn’t the thought of staying here scare you? He doesn’t have to hunt you he knows where you are.”

  “It did, but the thought of leaving Syn was worse. I love him, Nadia.”

  “What about you and Maceo?” She reached out and tugged the shirt that Nadia refused to change.

  She shrugged, “I don’t know what to say. My emotions, my feelings are all over the place. At first, I thought he was crazy or some sort of stalker with the story he was telling me. That feeling quickly went away. It’s harder to determine how I feel about him. Am I experiencing gratitude that he didn’t leave me to die on the demon plane? Maybe, probably. I mean who wouldn’t feel that way when someone keeps them safe?

  “Is that all I’m feeling? This is where it gets tricky. I’ve been down this road before when I thought the guy wanted me, but in the end, he didn’t he was using me.”

  “That’s not Maceo.”

  “I know, but it’s hard to tell yourself you’re not being used or just a guys bed warmer till the right woman comes around for him.” They were sitting in comfortable chairs that were placed near a couple of trees. The sun was filtering through the leaves, and a soft breeze was blowing. She loved it.

  “Nadia you have to get over it.”

  “Did you get over it, Alexa? Was it easy for you?” She got up and started pacing.

  “No, it wasn’t.”

  “Sorry, I shouldn’t have gone there. It’s just that there was a time I thought I was in love and he said he loved me. You know we had these grand plans of how everything was going to be ours. But I was just someone he was holding onto. He was to scared to let me go because he didn’t want to be alone.”

  “It was more than that. He wanted you, and he wanted to have a good time while he thought he had you on lock down.”

  “I know but tell my heart that.”

  “Do you still love him?”

  “No, whatever feelings I had for him died long before I finally left him. I just want Maceo to be different. It scares me how much I already feel that he’s a part of me.”

  Alexa was walking towards her when a large sound lashed through the air. One of the bigger trees was falling towards her. Nadia ran to her pushing her out of the way but was unable to move fast enough to save herself.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Maceo roared as he raced towards the elevator. Syn followed him never asking questions when they made it outside they found Nadia under a large tree.

  “Nadia!” Maceo’s bellow shook the land they were standing on.

  “Calm down it’s not as bad as it looks.”

  He stopped running to fall to his knees beside her head.

  “These are just leaves and small tree branches nothing I can’t handle. My ankle, on the other hand, seems to be trapped.”

  Maceo and Syn moved to her ankle and rolled tree off of her.

  “You’re lucky a large branch fell on your ankle but not the tree trunk.”

  “I’m beginning to think trees hate me.” She sat up with the help of Maceo.

  “How did you manage to get out of the way from the trunk of the tree?” Alexa asked as she ran her eye over the tree again. “If not for you, it would have crushed me.”

  “Somebody pushed me.”


  Her hand went out to touch Maceo he was shaking in anger and soon his dragon would be coming out.

  “Whoever pushed me saved my life. That tree should have landed on me, but I felt hands that pushed me far enough that only my ankle was caught.”

  “Who could have done that?”

  “I don’t know, but whoever it was I owe them more than thanks.” Maceo bent over and picked Nadia up being careful of her ankle.

  “How did the tree fall?” Her head was resting on his chest, and she had no desire to leave his arms.

  “Mutufa,” Syn answered. “I can feel his evil in the air.” Alexa nodded backing him up.


  “Stop Alexa; that’s what friends do for each other. They save their lives.”

  “Yeah, but you’re always saving my life and then getting hurt, and I don’t like it.”

  “I don’t like the getting hurt part either, but as your best friend it’s my job to save your life.” She drew herself up so that she had a slightly righteous look on her face that said you know I’m right.

  Alexa made a rude noise while she stood there grinning at her.

  “I’ll tell you what. Next time I save your life you have to take me to a good place to eat and buy me an outfit.”

  “You have more clothes than I do and the best place to eat is wherever you’re cooking, but you’re on.”

  “Perfect. I can’t dress in shirts like this forever.”

  She closed her eyes even as she allowed her body to relax.

  “Let’s take her inside I can help heal her ankle then we’ll leave.”

  Maceo and Syn nodded and followed Alexa back into the mountain. Alexa came to stand at the foot of the couch where Maceo had laid her. She reached down and closed her eyes channeling her power. When she opened them, her eyes were ablaze with blue fire. A stream of power poured through her body going into Nadia’s ankle.

  “Her body is glowing.” The worry in Maceo’s voice was evident as he spoke to his brother.

  “She’s going to be powerful, and the charge that Alexa is giving her is only going to make it more so.”

  “Red hair dragon mates are always powerful but not as powerful as white hair dragon mates.”

  Syn was shaking his head no. “You’re repeating the basic level of dragon’s mate. I know them well but how rare is it to find a red hair dragon mate with brown skin?”

  “That’s rare.”

  “And the power within her is rare. She took you to the demon plane, not just you but Zeno and didn’t leave your bodies behind.”

  He nodded and looked her over. She was powerful, maybe so powerful she didn’t need him. Now that he activated her power he was rather sure with some training she would never have to worry about Mutufa and she could live the life she always wanted.

  His brother's hand came out and gripped his shoulder. “You’re already saying goodbye when you haven’t finished saying hello. Have some faith in her I do.”

  Alexa helped her get up and try out her newly healed ankle.

  “It works fine. Maybe I can just keep you around as my personal ankle healer. I could have used you on the demon plane.” Nadia gave a laugh trying to make the tension she felt in the air dissipate.

  “I should have been there.”

  “Uh huh because all we needed to do was find a bigger cabin with more rooms in it and offer the demons more of a food selection.”

  Alexa rolled her eyes before a smile tugged at her lips. She wrapped her arms around Nadia and hugged on tight.

  “Not only are you my best friend, but I love you.”

  Nadia wrapped her arms around her. “I love you too.”

  They walked over to the door together to join Maceo and Syn who were standing in front of it waiting for them.

  “You have to come over tomorrow,” Alexa told her before they got into their jeep.

  She stood with Maceo’s arm wrapped around her waist as she lifted a hand and waved goodbye.

  “How do you feel?”

  “I feel fine.” She followed him across the floor and into the elevator.


  “A little but not ready to sleep yet.”

  “What would you like to do?”

  A blush hit her cheeks. True she wanted to do that, but beforehand she wanted to do something a little less private.

  “What?” His hands stroked her cheeks fascinated by the warmth and color change.

  “I want to ride on the back of your dragon. Here where there’s no danger and no one to fight.”

  “My dragon would love that. Maybe we should wait I don’t want him to…”

  “He won’t hurt me. I know he won’t.”

ceo dipped his head once and walked off the elevator with her. She was right his dragon wouldn’t hurt her. Nadia was the only chance they had of acquiring a dragon mate, but it was more than that. His dragon already respected and loved her. He would never do anything to harm his mate. He walked over to the closet and took his shoes and socks off before leading her to the balcony. He could change fully dressed and make sure that when he took his human form, he was fully clothed so having on shoes and socks didn’t matter. It was a mental quirk. When he was flying for pleasure he liked knowing he didn’t change with them on and he was flying for pleasure now.

  He led her to the edge of the balcony, and they watched as the sun retraced its steps over the horizon.

  “I can understand why you would never want to leave this place. It takes my breath away.”

  “The land is beautiful, but I’d rather live in whatever world you choose.” He climbed onto the wide banister giving her a smile before he fell backward.

  She choked on a scream as she watched his body stretch and change until he was finally a dragon flying in wide circles below her. For a minute she thought she was going to lose her mind as she watched him fall over the banister. She knew what he was doing, but it didn’t seem to matter all she could see was him hurtling to his death down below, and her heart ached.

  He flew up so that he was level with the banister.

  “Are you ready mate?”

  “No,” her voice was breathless because he was magnificent. Now that there was no reason to rush she could look at him. The emerald green of his dragon was delightful. The setting sun lit the colors on fire so that they shone like jewels.

  “You're beautiful,” she whispered allowing her hand to stroke him.

  “Come fly with me, mate.”

  She climbed the balcony which wasn’t as easy as he made it look. She stood there weaving just a bit. Heights were not her thing.

  “I don’t think I can get on.”

  “I could lower myself just a little, and you could jump.”

  “You're deranged. I knew you were, but I kept saying, Nadia, he’s not deranged it will all be okay.”

  He chuckled as he lowered himself to the bottom of the balcony.

  “It’s not that far mate, jump.”

  “If I die, if you don’t catch me. I’m coming back to haunt you for the rest of your life.”

  “If you die I am coming to join you. I’m never letting anything part us.”

  There went her crazy heart, beating in overtime. When would she ever learn? With her eyes wide open held that way by fear of death, she jumped and landed solidly on his back.

  There were no moans. No noises and grunts to subtly let her know he thought she was too big. There was no complaining, but there was a happy trilling sound. Like his dragon was content. He stayed still until she adjusted herself and was holding on securely. Then she didn’t know what possessed her to do it, but she leaned over and kissed him several times on his back. The feathers tickled her skin, and the scales seemed to caress her.

  The happy sound increased as he moved his wings taking them further up into the air.

  “I’m going to take you to my oldest brother’s mountain.”

  They flew across the sky looking like they were part of it. She could picture what they would look like if someone were to paint them on a canvas or even take a picture of them.

  “I’ve always wondered how Javon got away with acting like he was the second born. Finally, I decided he did it deliberately. He knew that he would be the first to be frozen and without him, we would feel a sense of loss and leadership, so he thrust Syn in front made him the de facto leader.”

  His mountain seemed to be covered in fog. There was a coldness hanging around it.

  “Everything froze when he froze. The mountain as well as anything in it. Syn goes to see him. He walks in, sits down and talks to him. I can’t do that. I fly around his mountain and talk to him, hoping he can hear me. He’s not dead Nadia, and that’s what breaks my heart. I don’t know if his mind is awake, but his body isn’t dead.”

  He broke away climbing higher as the sadness he felt consumed him. Her hand came up to stroke him.

  “He knows you’re here Maceo; he can feel you. Going to the place someone is buried is hard. It has that feeling like your acknowledging that you’ll never see them again. When my mom died, I never wanted to visit her grave. Not because I had other things to do or I was too lazy. I knew that going there would seal the fact that I knew she was never coming back, as illogical as it was I wanted to hold onto the hope that she would still walk through my door even though I watched them lower her into the ground. I eventually made myself go but not before I was ready.”

  “Thank you, mate.” He flew for a while until they came to another mountain. “This mountain belongs to my sister. We have no idea what happened to her or her child. I miss them.” He broke off and chased the retreating sun across the sky.

  They took the time to trade memories of family and friends and even what schooling meant to each of them. He took her into a dizzying spin that had her lecturing him between her moments of laughter.

  Spreading her arms, she leaned down and gave him the tightest hug she could manage.

  “Let’s go home, mate.”

  She nodded and watched as his mountain slowly came into focus.

  Chapter Twenty

  She was nervous, and for some reason that was making her happy. When she thought about it, she couldn’t remember the last male that made her nervous, but there were several she wanted to get it over with. Maceo wasn’t like that he felt big in her life important and being with him felt important. It wasn’t something she wanted to do to scratch an itch or to calm herself down enough to think. The times she had been in his arms at the cabin had taken her to a different place. In the midst of the horror, they were living through he was her rock and managed to show her beauty despite the circumstances.

  Now they were here, and everything was okay but what if she didn’t measure up or he didn’t. What if it was only good because of the edge of tension and horror that was surrounding them? What if? Ugh, she was going to drive herself crazy, but she didn’t want to find out it was all a fantasy.

  She was sitting at the vanity he provided for her. The light was on, and she could see herself. Everything she ever hated about herself and everything she ever loved about herself was reflected in glorious detail because of the lights highlighting her face. What do I do now?

  For once she pictured women all over the world standing up, coming face to face with the things they thought were wrong with them and then overcoming them. That was the army she wanted to belong to. She stood up to find Maceo leaned against the doorway wearing nothing but a pair of boxers.

  He was fine her mind whispered to her, and she replied he’s beyond fine.

  “You’re thinking too much. I want to hold you, touch you, feel you, kiss your back like you did with my dragon, but only if you want me to. I won’t rush you or make you feel like you have to do anything you don’t want to do.”

  “I know.” She reached out to turn the lights on the vanity off then decided to leave them on. Today there would be no hiding. She wanted him to see what he was getting who she was. Both the great parts as well as the bad parts. Like the slightly dark mark close to her mouth that no amount of skin clarifying gel would get rid of. Yeah, this was who she was in all her glory.

  He moved crossing the floor to meet her and she swallowed thickly. His body was poetry in motion. She loved the way he looked and the way he moved. He came to a stop in front of her, leaning over he kissed the spot she couldn’t help but touch.

  “I love this area of your skin. I noticed it and how it stands out calling to me declaring that you’re not only beautiful but that you're different. Your differences make you a dragon mate, and I love each of them.”

  His deep voice mumbled in her ear making her belly tighten in joy. The moisture between her legs moved from a drop to a steady little
river of desire. She wanted to touch him to verify once again that he was real.

  He pulled her against his body using a little force so that a small oomph came out when her body met his. Her body lit up, her nipples hardened and begged to be touched. The heat between her thighs roared to life as she tried to rub all over him.

  She rose to her tiptoes and placed her lips on him kissing him with the passion she always tried to keep hidden inside of herself.

  “Hell yeah, baby.” He devoured her lips before his tongue slipped inside making her dizzy taking her higher.

  How could she have forgotten that a kiss done right had the power to open you up? Maybe she had never really known before she met Maceo. It didn’t matter her mouth was his for the taking while she plundered his. The sound of her heart beating wildly with his gave her a sense of comfort.

  He reached down and picked her up taking her into the bedroom.

  “You’re overdressed.” His words came out thick like he and his dragon were trying to talk at the same time. Yep her pussy liked that.

  She pulled his shirt up a little and shimmied out of the leggings she was wearing. His mouth opened as he watched her, so she slowed it down putting on a show for him. When she was younger, she used to have secret fantasies of working a pole. Having every male in the room under her power, this was better. It was just Maceo the male that was close to owning her heart. The look in his eyes the way his fingers moved subtly as if he could already feel her skin under him was making her dizzy with pleasure.

  When the pants were off, she moved a little away from him and began to swing her hips to a tune that was in her head. His head moved to the silent music she was making as she unbuttoned the shirt. It was a slow process before it finally gapped on her. It covered her breasts revealing a strip of skin down the middle.

  He walked over to her and knelt nuzzling the skin that was showing. His tongue came out and flicked at her before licking her. A throaty moan left her lips before she slipped out of the shirt. She stood before him wearing her bra and panties.


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