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Unintentional Virgin

Page 13

by A. J. Bennett

  “He wasn’t touching me. We were just dancing.” Her hands moved over his smooth hard chest.

  “He wanted to touch you.” Jax positioned his leg between hers, pressing his thigh between hers, raising it ever so slightly, putting light pressure. Karma groaned and moved her hips. He ran his thumb over her moist lips before running his tongue up the base of her neck. Her eyes drifted shut as her arms encircled his neck. All the noise faded into the background, and it was just the two of them.

  His kiss was soft and gentle, not the kind of kiss she’d expected.

  Then it got more intense. She groaned as she felt the heat and urgency of his body through his clothes.

  His tongue traced her lower lip before it delved inside of her mouth. His hips ground into hers, and an achy feeling went directly between her thighs. Her nipples tightened, and she shuddered as his hand roamed up, cupping her breast. She loved the way his hands felt on her. Her desire for him made her brain short out. His touch made her skin feel as if it were on fire.

  Reluctantly, they pulled themselves away from each other.

  “I’m so glad you found me. I’ve been looking for you all night,” Karma said, breathless from the kiss, her hand trailing up his arm.

  “It’s been killing me not to be out there with you.”


  “Yes, really.”

  “Can you leave?”

  “Not yet, I have to stay till closing. There was a fight here last night. My brother-in-law would be pissed if I left early.”

  “Can I come over when it’s closing time?”

  Jax stared at her for a long moment before speaking. “Not tonight, Karma.”

  She let out the long breath she’d been anxiously holding. Of course he wasn’t going to cave. Had she really expected him to?

  “Can’t blame me for trying.” Karma tilted her head up and gave him a quick kiss.

  “Can I take you home?”

  “Won’t you be tired? It’s a long drive and you’d have to turn around and go back.”

  Jax ran his hand through his hair. “You’re right. Text me when you’re ready to leave, and I’ll walk you guys to your car.”

  “You don’t have to do that.”

  “Yes, I do.” He leaned down and placed a light kiss on her collarbone, causing her breathing to go shallow as her eyes fluttered closed. Slowly, his warm lips trailed up her neck and with one quick light kiss on the lips he turned and faded into the crowd.

  When Karma came out she was surprised to see Eva talking to the guy who lost his fiancée. He was laughing at something she’d said. Interesting.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Karma sank ungracefully into the overstuffed chair, kicked off her shoes, and curled up like a lazy cat. She blew softly on the mug of tea in her hands—black tea, one sugar and lots of milk. He had been mentally taking notes on what she liked and disliked during their time together. Something he’d never bothered to do with other girls he’d dated. It just never seemed important before.

  Jax sat down across from her, watching her, taking in her every move. He loved watching her. Today she wore no make-up; her thick hair was an uncontrolled mess that he wanted to sink his hands into.

  He wondered what she was thinking. Was she scared? Nervous? She looked neither. But he knew she was a master at hiding her true feelings. So it was anyone’s guess what was going through her pretty little head.

  “We don’t have to do this.” Jax held her gaze steadily with his own.

  “I know.” Karma twirled a strand over her wild hair with her finger. “I want to.”

  “We could go on a normal date today, movies and dinner?” Jax raised one eyebrow. “Keep it simple.”

  “Jax, don’t feel guilty. This was my idea. You’re not forcing me to do anything I don’t want to do.”

  It had crossed his mind that she was just willing to go through with crossing it off her list to make him happy, but he should give her more credit than that. His mouth twisted wryly. “Sorry, I shouldn’t have assumed you were doing this for me.”

  Somewhat to his surprise, Jax found he wished she’d back out. The thought of anything happening to her left a dull ache in the pit of his stomach.

  “Besides, it’s not like I’m going alone. I’ll be attached to a professional.”

  “True.” Jax felt the muscles in his neck begin to relax. She was right, he was overreacting. A tandem skydive was probably safer than driving down the highway.

  Jax felt someone’s presence behind him and turned to look. A tall blond guy stood staring intently at Karma, and Jax felt an unfamiliar stirring of jealousy. The guy was at least six foot, well-built, and looked like a damn Ken doll, square jaw, perfect nose, and bright blue eyes.

  “Karma, is that really you?” He came closer and didn’t even glance at Jax.

  Karma looked up and her face fell. She leaned forward and set her mug down on the table. “Eric Anders.” Her voice was cool and detached, but Jax caught the brief look of surprise that had flashed in her eyes. Who the hell is this guy?

  “I thought it was you, but I wasn’t sure. Had to come see for myself.” He gave her an appraising look up and down her body, his eyes lingering on her legs. “You look great.”

  Karma hesitated before speaking. She ignored his remark, but her face had flushed at the compliment. “Home from Harvard for the weekend?”

  The guy ran his hand through his perfect hair. “Yeah, came back to see the folks for the weekend. Hey, do you want to get together tomorrow night? Talk about old times and catch up on everyone?”

  Karma’s eyes flashed to Jax. He looked at her blankly, not giving anything away. Fucking Harvard? Jesus, he and Karma hadn’t even agreed to be exclusive during the three weeks. Three weeks that were almost over. What if she decided she didn’t want to wait or figured she’d have more luck with this clown who didn’t offer a timeline?

  “I have plans with Jax tomorrow.” Karma nodded her head in his direction. Jax felt relieved and hoped it didn’t show. They didn’t have plans tomorrow, because he had to work and Karma knew that. But he wasn’t about to blurt out that little gem of information.

  “How about the day after? We never got to talk after prom. I owe you an apology.”

  Prom? Who the hell was this guy? Her first love? Jax realized his fists were clenched, and he consciously uncurled them.

  “Oh, you mean when you left me stranded for the night?” Karma said. Her voice dripped sickly sweet. “There’s no need to apologize, I’m sure Becky was worth it.”

  Eric’s face turned crimson. “I was a fool. Come on, Karma, let me make it up to you. I’m not that immature kid anymore.”

  Karma’s gaze dropped to her mug like she was thinking it over, and Jax felt his chest tighten. He could speak up and say they had plans on Sunday too, but it wasn’t his place. Truth was, if Karma wanted to go out with him there was nothing he could do about it. He wished like hell he knew what was going through her mind.

  “Do you still have the same phone number?” Karma asked, picking at the bottom of her shirt and not meeting the guy’s eyes.

  A look of relief crossed the guy’s face. “Yeah, same number.”

  “If I have time I’ll give you a call,” Karma said and reached down to pick up her tea. Her eyes shifted back to Jax as if dismissing Eric.

  “I really hope you call,” Eric said before turning away.

  As much as he hated to admit it, Jax was a little annoyed that Karma didn’t bother to make an introduction. Maybe she didn’t know how to address him. They weren’t exactly boyfriend and girlfriend. Their timeline was almost over. Fuck.

  Jax sat there waiting for her to say something that would put his mind at ease, but she just sat there quietly sipping her tea. What the hell was she thinking?

  He couldn’t take it anymore. “Ex-boyfriend?”

  Karma looked over her mug and shrugged. “We dated a few months, and then he left me waiting the night of prom without so much as a c

  “Dumbass,” Jax muttered. Secretly grateful that Mr. Perfect was far from Prince Charming. “Are you going to call him?”

  “I’m not sure. Probably not,” Karma said.

  Well, that wasn’t very reassuring.

  “Can we just get out of here?” Karma asked she looked straight at him, but her expression was unreadable.

  Jax frowned; they hadn’t even finished their drinks. He stood up, holding his hand out for her. “Your wish is my command.”

  Karma’s lips tilted up but the smile never met her eyes. He had to find a way to turn this around quickly. He wasn’t about to lose his chance over some pretty boy who didn’t even have the decency to treat Karma the way she deserved to be treated.

  She dropped his hand after he pulled her to stand, which surprised him. On the way out he noticed Eric watching them from a corner table. Jax held the door open, and Karma brushed past him; he felt the familiar tingle spread through his body, but she didn’t look up and smile like she usually did. What the hell? He could beat the crap out of that asshole for putting a damper on their day.

  “I’m not sure if I’m up for skydiving today,” Karma said as they walked toward his truck.

  Of course she wasn’t. Could this day get any better? He wasn’t going to drop it that easily. “Really? You seemed pretty excited about it a few moments ago.”

  “I know. I’m sorry, maybe next weekend? I just have a lot on my mind.”

  “Next weekend we’ll be past our three-week window,” Jax reminded her.

  Karma’s face appeared to go paler. “Oh, I almost forgot about that. You’re right, let’s do it now.” Karma pulled at the cuffs of her sweater and looked back at the coffee shop. Back at Eric.

  “Karma, if you’d rather be in there with him all you have to do is say the word.”

  “What? No.” She shook her head. “Is that what you think?”

  Jax stopped in his tracks and looked at her. “I don’t know what I think. You’re definitely acting different since Ivy League came to the table.”

  “Are you jealous, Jax?” Karma looked surprised.

  “Hell yes, I’m jealous,” Jax said and quickly regretted the words. He didn’t want to put any unwanted pressure on her. If she wanted to walk away in three weeks, he had made up his mind, he was going to let her. No matter how much it sucked.

  “He’s a jerk. I guess I was just thinking about how much things have changed since I was in high school. My friends and I all went different paths. It seems like a lifetime ago. A year ago, I would have been ecstatic that Eric was interested in taking me out. I guess I was just thinking how pathetic I really was back then. Trust me, you have nothing to be jealous about.”

  Relief flooded his veins, and his shattered ego was quickly pieced back together. “If you’re not up for skydiving today we can make a date for next weekend.”

  Karma looked up tilted her head, studying him as if trying to tell if he was joking. “No, Jax, a deal is a deal. Three weeks and then we walk away.”

  Jax tried to remain calm on the surface, but inside his gut twisted. Even after all the time they had spent together she still wasn’t open to extending their deadline? Or hell, throwing it out altogether?

  Karma gazed at him with another odd, searching look. Fine, if that’s how she wanted to play it so be it. It’s not like he really wanted a long-term relationship. He was better off on his own. He liked being single.

  “Like you said, a deal is a deal.” Jax shrugged and willed a grin to cross his face.

  “You’ve definitely taught me to live in the moment,” Karma said wistfully and laced her arm through his as they walked the rest of the way across the parking lot. “I’ll always be grateful to you for that.”

  He opened the door, not sure what to say.

  Karma scooted over to the middle as if she hadn’t just crushed his soul. “Jax, do you think we’re only attracted to each other because of the bucket list?”

  “What?” Jax asked in surprise. The idea was ludicrous.

  “I’m serious. I was reading an article in a magazine and it said that danger is like a sexual aphrodisiac. Something about adrenaline increasing sexual desire. Every date we’ve had we do something insane. Hell, today we’re jumping out of an airplane. Throw in the three-week timeline and we’re bound to be crazy about each other, right?”

  Jax let the information sink in and realized she was probably right. Not to mention the dangling carrot of her virginity. What if it wasn’t really Karma he was so into but the idea of her? He looked over at her out of the corner of his eye. Her wide gray eyes stared back at him innocently. She looked fragile and pure. Damn it, she made him feel alive in a way he hadn’t felt in a very long time. Could it really just be the stupid list and the delayed gratification? He’d have to think it over. Maybe walking away at the end of the three weeks was the best thing for them to do. To figure out if it was real or an illusion.

  He realized Karma was waiting on him to reply. “I don’t know if that’s true or not. All I know is I’m going to enjoy every second I have with you.”

  “I second that motion.” Karma bit her lip and looked up at him.

  Jax swore under his breath and next thing he knew his lips were on hers. They both moved closer. His hands slipped down her back and up her sweater, turning her body into his until her chest was pressed against him. His kiss was more demanding than usual. His hands roamed her body possessively as his tongue swirled around hers. God, he wanted her to be all his. He’d never wanted anything so badly in life. Jax tore his mouth from hers. He didn’t know if he could let her walk away. He took a deep breath, trying to slow his breathing.

  “One week left,” he said thickly. He didn’t know if he was talking to her or himself. He started the engine and tore off down the road.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Where had the time gone? They only had six days left. Every day Karma put a big X on her calendar. On the one hand, she couldn’t wait to have sex with Jax, but on the other hand she hated the thought that their time was coming to an end. It was bittersweet. It was the best three weeks of her life. She felt like she was finally coming into her own. Her confidence had increased tremendously. Jax was obviously attracted to her. His reactions could not be faked. He wanted her as badly as she wanted him.

  And who cared if it was because of the stupid list or adrenaline rush. All she cared about was he wanted her—flaws and all, Jax wanted to be with her. In the time they had spent together, he had gotten to know her better than anyone else. Other than perhaps her shrink, and even that was debatable. They’d been having so much fun together, only being apart on the days he had to work, which thankfully wasn’t often.

  Once again, they were driving down the road destination unknown. It was freeing and exciting.

  “What’s on the agenda for today?” Karma asked as she placed her small hand on his muscular thigh. It was crazy the way she trusted him explicitly. Instinctively, she knew she was safe with him. There was a protective streak in him that she found comforting.

  Slowly, she traced circles on his thigh, and he inhaled sharply, his muscles tensing. She did that to him! Just a slight touch—it was mind-boggling. She was always so aware of his body and her reaction to him and vice versa. Instant arousal whenever he was near. She didn’t recall it ever being like that with any other guys. She wanted him badly. Just six more days. A small thrill went through her at the thought.

  Obviously, the no fooling around had been tossed out the window from day one, whittled down to the no sex rule—at least not for six more days. As if he felt Karma’s eyes on him, he turned his head, meeting her gaze.

  “Sorry, I was daydreaming. Today’s adventure’s white-water rafting.” He smiled crookedly.

  Her eyes widened. “What? I didn’t even bring a bathing suit.”

  “You don’t need one. Besides, it’s getting a little cold to be swimming. The plan is to stay inside the raft.” He grinned, and her heart did it
s usual flutter.

  She looked at him skeptically. He looked down at what she was wearing: capri pants and a short-sleeve shirt. “You’ll be fine in that.”

  “Are you sure? We could turn around and I could grab something else?”

  “I’m positive. And you need to stop doing that with your hand, or we’re going to end up in the ditch.”

  Karma sighed and pulled her hand away, interlacing her fingers in her lap.

  “What were you like as a little boy?” Karma asked, staring out the window. She always asked him questions about himself. She loved hearing the stories he told and picturing them in her mind. She knew he enjoyed cooking, listening to music, working out; he missed competitive fighting, could recite lines from almost every movie from the nineties, and he didn’t trust easily.

  Jax laughed, entwining his long firm fingers with hers. “Your mind is always jumping around. I was a hellion as a kid. I was always in fights, usually because of my sisters. I didn’t do as well in school as I should have. After my father passed away, I went through a really rough patch. I guess that would be a good way to put it. I practically lived in detention hall. My mother was worried I’d be behind bars before I turned thirteen.”

  Karma turned to take in his profile. She loved the strong lines of his face. “What happened to change your wild ways?”

  “My uncle came to visit. I was on the verge of being kicked out of school and he sat me down and told me I had to man up. That my father would expect me to take over his role as the man of the house. He explained that my acting out was hurting my mother, and she needed me more than ever with my dad gone. The next day I went to school, kept my mouth shut, head down, came home on time, and helped out as much as I could. I got a job as a paperboy and gave my mom the earnings. I couldn’t stand the thought that I was disappointing my father.”


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