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Unintentional Virgin

Page 15

by A. J. Bennett

  He ran in and told the shop owner what happened. No real aid station. Just the basic first aid supplies. Shit.

  Jax thanked the girl who had driven them and then carried Karma to his truck. She woke up again as he set her inside. He wished she would just stay awake. The hospital was almost thirty minutes away. More than likely she was fine, but he’d feel better after she had some tests done. She could have a concussion. And he had no idea how long she had been without oxygen.

  He plugged hospital into the GPS and took off down the road. They made it there in twenty minutes.

  Jax helped her into the emergency room. He vigorously rubbed his hands up and down her chilled arms as they walked in. The nurse looked up, concerned. Jax knew he and Karma both looked like hell. Jax quickly filled her in, and when he got to the part about CPR, Karma’s head spun toward him.

  “What are you saying?” Her voice was laced with uncertainty.

  “You weren’t breathing when I got to you,” Jax said simply. He didn’t want to make a big deal out of it, because Karma was clearly freaked out.

  “You saved my life?”

  Jax looked down at his feet and noticed he had trailed blood in with him. “I’m just glad I got there in time.”

  Karma looked like she was about to pass out.

  The woman handed them paperwork on a clipboard. “We’ll call you as soon as possible.”

  Jax nodded and put his arm around Karma, leading her to a seat.

  “Jax, I’m scared.” Karma’s voice shook. “I don’t really remember what happened. I just remember being on the raft having fun and then waking up with you looking down at me.”

  “It will come back. Your mind’s just shielding you from the trauma.”

  “I don’t know if I want to remember.” Karma shivered and Jax rubbed the side of her arm.

  When it was Karma’s turn to be seen, they whisked her back and attached her to monitors. He wasn’t allowed in the room with her and it was driving him crazy. They insisted he get his feet cleaned and bandaged up. Like he gave a shit about his feet.

  After his feet were wrapped he hobbled out into the waiting room.

  The nurse poked her head out and waved him in. He walked in just in time to hear the doctor say, “You’re one lucky woman.” The doctor smiled warmly at Karma.

  Karma looked up at Jax and said, “Very lucky.”

  Jax felt his heart swell.

  “We could keep you overnight for observation, or you can return if you start to feel dizzy or nauseated,” the doctor said, staring down at her clipboard. “I’m a little concerned because you don’t recall the incident, but that’s not unheard of.”

  “What sort of tests did you run?” Jax asked, running his hand through his hair.

  “Checked her vitals, EKG, and we even went as far as doing a CT scan to be on the safe side. They all came back clear.”

  The tension in his chest receded. “That’s great news.”

  “I’d like to go home. My father is a doctor.”

  “All right, well, that makes me feel better about releasing you.” The doctor signed off on the paper and handed it to Jax.

  Now they had to go home and tell her father. Something Jax was not looking forward to.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Karma still couldn’t believe what had happened. One minute she was laughing and having fun and then next she finds out she almost died? Hell, apparently she did die briefly, if Jax had to revive her. Talk about some scary shit. She couldn’t seem to wrap her head around it.

  Jax kept staring at her like he was afraid she was going to fall apart or disappear. She rubbed her temples and stretched out her legs. Every inch of her body ached. The hum of the tires against the pavement was making her drowsy. She really felt as if she could fall asleep and wake up three days later. But she willed her eyes to stay open. The doctor told her to try to stay awake for a couple of hours. Which might be easier if her head didn’t feel so heavy.

  “I should call my father,” Karma realized suddenly. If she walked in covered in bruises without a heads-up, he would have a fit.

  “Probably a good idea,” Jax agreed.

  Karma winced as she sat up straighter and grabbed her phone out of the cup holder. Her whole body was so stiff.

  Needless to say, her father freaked out. Especially when she got to the part about the CPR. Karma reassured him she was fine and would be home in a couple of hours. He said he’d have her favorite soup waiting for her, along with some arnica cream. Supposedly, it was something his patients used to help with bruising.

  Karma hung up the phone and turned to Jax. “Thank you for saving my life.”

  His face flushed, and concern creased his brow. “Don’t thank me. You wouldn’t have been in that situation if it weren’t for me. I nearly got you killed. If anything you should hate my guts and never want to see me again.”

  “I wouldn’t be alive if it weren’t for you.” Karma laid her head on his shoulder. She loved being so close to him, and she would never in a million years blame him for the accident. She had gone willingly into the raft, and knew there was danger associated with the activity.

  She kept trying to remember falling out of the raft, but there was nothing there. It was like an empty void in her brain.

  They lapsed into silence, and Karma tried to listen to the words of the songs to stay awake.

  Jax cleared his throat. “I’ve been thinking about what you said earlier—about our feelings not being real.”

  “And?” Karma asked, not bothering to lift her head. Why was he bringing this up now? She really didn’t want to think or talk about the fact that they only had five days left together after today.

  “I think it is bullshit. Just to let you know.”

  What was he saying? Karma’s head throbbed. “I can’t have this conversation right now.”

  She felt his body tense next to hers.

  “Sorry, I shouldn’t have brought it up, bad timing. I was just so scared when I thought you were gone. Jesus, Karma, I was out of my mind.”

  It was obvious his words were sincere. But what if he only thought he cared about her because he almost lost her? It hurt her brain too much to think about it. She didn’t want him to feel obligated to her because of something he said in a life-or-death situation. It seemed to her that something like that would only enhance the theory of danger and attraction.

  “Can’t we just keep things as they are, Jax? We’re having so much fun. I don’t want to spoil it.”

  Jax let out a breath. “If that’s what you want, but we’re going to have to talk about it eventually.”

  “You mean we’re going to have to say good-bye eventually.” Her throat was dry and itchy, so she reached down and grabbed the water bottle and took a swig. “Everything comes to an end, Jax. I’m really okay with it. You don’t have to worry about me.”

  “That’s not what I was saying. I don’t want to say good-bye,” he said, frustrated.

  “We’ll talk about it in five days,” Karma said, closing the subject. Of course, she wanted Jax to still be with her after their time was up, but a big part of her really thought the attraction was situational based. If she had not told him she was looking for a one-night stand, he would have never given her the time of day. And if she was being truthful, had she not been looking for just sex, she might not have even noticed him. He wasn’t exactly her type. Granted, once she got to know him it was obvious he was amazing and nothing like the tattooed bad boy he came across as. But how long could the attraction last? She’d rather it ended on a positive note than trying to make something work that wasn’t meant to be. Right now she could walk away, because that was the agreement. But if they continued on she knew without a doubt she would get crushed. And she wasn’t sure she could handle that.

  Jax pulled into the driveway and her father came rushing outside with Matt close on his heels. Karma’s mouth turned up as she forced a smile, trying to ease their concern.

  “I’ll c
arry her in,” Jax said to Karma’s dads.

  They looked down at his bandaged feet and gave him a skeptical look.

  “I can walk myself in,” Karma said firmly. Placing her hand on his shoulders, she let Jax lift her down from the truck. “I’m fine. Just a little shook up, that’s all.”

  Her dad walked around to her other side and put his comforting arm around her. She smiled and leaned against him and Jax let go, following them up the stairs.

  Matt insisted she lie on the couch as he whipped up his famous soup. She was tired so she didn’t bother to fight it. Her father propped up some pillows and she leaned back, closing her eyes.

  What a crazy-ass day.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Three days later Jax’s doorbell rang while he was making a sandwich in the kitchen. He set the knife aside and washed his hands before answering the door. It was probably someone trying to sell him something, disregarding the no soliciting signs clearly posted across the apartment complex.

  He wiped his hands across his jeans as he strode across the room. He pulled the door open and was stunned to see Karma standing on the other side. The bruises on her face had started to fade. Her hair fell in wild curls around her shoulders. But what surprised him the most was the uncertainty in her eyes. His stomach dropped. Had she come over to call it quits when they still had two days left? The day after the accident he hadn’t seen her at all. He offered to call in sick to work, but her father insisted she needed the rest and as much as Jax hated it, he agreed with him. And yesterday he went to her house, where they just stayed in watching a movie and eating pizza. Karma seemed a little distant from him, but he tried to brush it off. They hadn’t even kissed each other goodnight.

  “Can I come in?” Karma asked.

  Jax realized he had been standing there staring at her but hadn’t spoken yet. “Yeah, of course, I’m just surprised to see you. I didn’t even realize you remembered how to get here.”

  “I didn’t. Matt reverse-searched your cell phone number.”

  “Ah, I guess that should freak me out a bit. I thought cell numbers weren’t as easy to trace now.”

  Karma shook her head with a smile. “We’re talking about Matt here, remember?”

  He’d totally forgotten that Matt was a computer hacker.

  “I thought I was picking you up in a couple of hours.” Jax kicked the door shut. “I was just making a sandwich, do you want one?”

  “I can’t wait, Jax. I want you. Please don’t make me wait any longer. I know you want me too.”

  Jax was so caught off guard he didn’t know what to say. So he didn’t say anything. They stood there just staring at each other. The only sound was the rhythmic click of the ceiling fan.

  “Don’t you want me?” Karma asked. Her voice shook slightly.

  “Jesus, Karma, I want you so badly I ache for it. I can’t wait to get inside of you. I can scarcely think of anything else.”

  He could see the raw need in her face along with a hint of vulnerability and uncertainty. She was afraid he would say no. Like hell he would. He’d kept his end of the bargain. Well, almost, what was two days? As far as he was concerned all bets were off. He pressed his body to hers, feeling her chest rapidly rise up and down. Instant hard on.

  His pulse was suddenly in his throat. He couldn’t believe this was happening. He wanted to touch and taste her until she held no secrets—until he knew her body as well as his own.

  He meant to be gentle with her, but when his lips pressed against hers, he kissed her hard and fierce. Karma opened her mouth to him, and Jax intensified the kiss. He kissed her like he wanted to crawl inside of her. Karma responded with the same urgency, pulling his shirt out of his pants.

  The fabric of her sweater was so soft as his hands moved to cup her breast. With haste, he pulled her shirt off her and unclipped her bra. His large hand cupped her full breast, squeezing and caressing as his lips trailed down her neck. He could feel her pulse beating on his lips, and it nearly drove him crazy. His lips touched the sensitive cord at the side of her neck, and she gasped. Her fingers dug into his arms, and he groaned.

  Karma slid her hands down, unbuttoned his jeans, and pushed them toward the ground. His cock sprung free of his boxers and brushed against her abdomen.

  With his jeans bunched around his ankles, Karma knelt in front of him. Her mouth only inches from his cock, he could feel her warm breath against his skin.

  Jax kicked off the jeans and pulled Karma back to standing. He knew if her mouth wrapped around him, he wouldn’t last. He wanted to make their first time memorable. They could explore that avenue later. He wanted tonight to be about pleasing her. He slipped his arm around her waist, pulling her to him.

  With fumbling hands, he pulled off her pants while they were still standing in the living room. If it weren’t for protection, he would have taken her right there in the doorway. Jesus, what the hell was he thinking? It was her first time. He willed himself to slow down. His chest heaved up and down as he gazed down at her, trying to control his breathing.

  “Please don’t stop,” Karma pleaded.

  “I’m not stopping.” His voice sounded hoarse. “We just need to make it to the bedroom.”

  “Oh.” Karma smiled, relieved, and turned and walked quickly in front of him to his room. Jax watched her hips and ass sway; she was still wearing a pair of white panties. He couldn’t wait to slide them off inch by inch. She turned and smiled nervously at him. His heart pounded hard in his chest as he hurried after her.

  As he stood in the doorway, his breath caught in his throat. His body stilled. Karma was lying back on the bed, her head turned to the side to look at him. Her mass of wavy mahogany hair spilled all around her. If he lived a thousand years, he would never see anything more sensual in his life.

  “Don’t just stand there,” Karma laughed.

  “Don’t move. I want to remember you like this always.”

  He saw a flush spread across her pale cheeks, but she didn’t look away. He took in every line and curve of her body like a snap shot in his mind. The image would be burned in his mind forever.

  “Get over here,” Karma said, her voice low and husky. “I need you.”

  Jax grabbed a foil package out of the box in his nightstand drawer. Slowly, he eased himself onto the bed. His thighs pressed against hers as he held himself up. Karma grabbed the back of his head and pulled him toward her. They kissed deeply, and Karma trembled against him.

  “I’ve wanted to do this every minute of every day since I met you.” Kisses drifted from the underside of her jaw to the hollow of her shoulder.

  “Jax, please, I can’t wait any longer,” Karma gasped.

  Neither could he. His cock was so hard it was painful. He leaned back and trailed his hands slowly down her body. His fingers hooked on the side of her panties, and he eased them down. She lifted her hips to help him.

  “I’m afraid I’m going to hurt you,” Jax whispered.

  “You won’t. I want this. I want you.”

  He slid his finger deep inside of her; she was velvety soft and oh so warm. He couldn’t believe this was happening.

  Karma bucked her hips up and he nearly came. He hadn’t even entered her yet. He took a deep breath, pulled his hand away, and tore the foil. Karma looked up and watched as he rolled the condom over his throbbing shaft.

  Her legs dropped to the side, and he watched her face intently. Her eyes were shining brightly with eagerness. He wanted to drive himself deep inside of her but he knew he had to be gentle. The last thing he wanted to do was cause her pain.

  He parted her lips and pushed the tip of his cock into her as their eyes locked. It was so fucking tight he couldn’t even get more than two inches in. Karma flinched, and her body tensed.

  “Am I hurting you?”

  She shook her head no. Jax tried to nudge it forward, but there was no movement. He’d never been with a virgin before and had no idea what to expect. He should have brought something to l
ubricate. He pulled out the tip, and his lips trailed down her body. Her back arched as he lightly licked her hard nipple.

  “You like that?” he asked, still caressing her breast with his hand.

  “God yes,” she moaned.

  He continued down, kissing her stomach.

  Once he was between her legs, he parted her lips and flicked his tongue lightly around the edges. Karma’s legs tightened like a vise around him. “What are you doing? Get back up here.”

  “You’re not ready. Relax, Karma. I want to taste you.”

  He ran his fingers up and down her inner thighs until he felt her body relax. Then he opened her pink lips up again, entering two of his fingers, and worked his tongue on her clit until she was squirming under him. He knew she was close to the edge.

  “Jax, I need to feel you inside of me,” she gasped.

  Like he could say no to that plea. He eased himself back up and once again tried to enter her. This time it went a little deeper but still met with resistance. Karma bucked her hips up and his cock went a little further in. Fuck, she was so tight. Her wide eyes looked up at him. He couldn’t tell if she was in pain or not. She closed her eyes and moved her hips up and down. He slid in once, twice, and finally filled every inch of her with a powerful stroke, and then he spilled his wad.

  Just like that. Two seconds, and it was over.

  He couldn’t help it. It’d been so long and she felt so incredibly tight, like a damn vise grip. Shit. So much for making her first time memorable.

  Jax groaned and looked down at her. “I’m sorry,” he whispered, burying his face against her neck.

  Karma looked up, confused, her face flushed with need. “What?”

  “I came too soon.”

  “You mean you’re done?” Karma practically yelled. “That’s it?”


  Next thing he knew, he was flying through the air. He landed with a loud thud on the floor.

  “What the hell?” Jax rubbed his back and elbow.

  “I’ve waited all this time for that?” Karma sat up and glared down at him.


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