NAC & The Holly Group - Box set: Alpha Team
Page 35
“That being said, I know we need to be careful.” Ryleigh continued. “That’s why I’m not going to fight you on sound. My gut says she isn’t capable of harming me or anyone else, but I won’t risk myself or my baby for anyone,” Ryleigh stated, looking straight at Dalton, chastising him with her eyes.
He felt like crap. He knew Ryleigh would help. Did she think he or any of them would put her or the baby in danger knowingly? He was the fucking enforcer, it was his job to protect all of them, Ryleigh included.
“Dalton, I told Emma to shower and got her set up in the bathroom. If you could take her this robe, I would appreciate it,” Ryleigh said, handing the robe to Dalton. “I need to get the exam room ready. I’m hoping the bruises and cuts are only on her arms and hands, but I have a feeling they go further. It looks like she hasn’t eaten a healthy meal or slept for quite some time. It’s a good thing Eli wasn’t entirely hopeless, his exam room is state-of-the-art. I should be able to examine her thoroughly.”
Dalton felt like a child. He knew what he was doing and expected his teammates to respect his decisions. Being summarily dismissed to babysit Emma pissed him off. He wanted to help her, was drawn to her like nothing else, but Cash taking Ryleigh’s word over his racked his mind. He decided he needed to get the fuck away from both of them and left them to discuss whatever the fuck they wanted, without his input, it didn’t seem they needed it, anyway. Trying to gather himself, he stalked down the hallway towards Emma.
Dalton understood the need to be careful, but he knew Emma wasn’t a danger to them, he could feel it and so could his bear. Getting the guys to believe that would be the problem. It could be wishful thinking on his part and could blow up in his face if he was wrong. He just didn’t feel he was wrong.
Coming to the bathroom door, he knocked lightly. When Emma didn’t answer, he knocked again and that’s when he heard her; Emma was crying. Grabbing the doorknob, he was happy she hadn’t locked it because hearing her distress, he would’ve broken the fucking thing down to get to her. He twisted the handle and opened the door.
The room was filled with steam and he couldn’t make out her shape in the glass shower. Dalton called out to her, not wanting to frighten her any further, but when she still didn’t respond, he decided there was only one thing he could do. Placing the robe down on the sink, he walked into the bathroom, through the steam, and finally, to the shower. The sight that met his eyes tore him apart. Emma was curled into the fetal position at the bottom of the shower, her legs as close to her chest as she could get them beyond her extended belly. His heart went out to her, and then he noticed the state of her body. She was so thin he could follow the bumps on her spine, not to mention the bruises that covered her body. There was one particular injury that caught his eye at the base of her spine; it was a puncture mark. Some of the bruising was yellowed with age, others looked as though they happened recently. Damn, what had happened to her and who would hurt her so badly? His next thought was that he was definitely going to be killing someone, very soon.
He had helped many women and child in similar states, but Emma felt different to him. Going to his knees, Dalton started talking as quietly, in a soothing tone before reaching out to touch her shoulder. his comforting words didn’t seem to matter, she wasn’t responding to him at all, it was like he wasn’t even in the room. Needing to comfort her and appease his wild bear, he couldn’t resist the pull and got into the shower with her. Fully dressed, he wrapped her in his arms as if to offer her his strength or anything else that she wanted. His bear needed to be close to her, and the man was in agreement.
“It's going to be okay honey, I promise,” he said, trying to ease her pain.
He continued to talk to her while rubbing soothing circles over her damaged back, at least, he hoped they were soothing; Emma wasn’t reacting to him or his touch at all. Fearful that he was causing her more pain, he lightened his touch even further; it would kill him to cause her even an ounce of pain. He wasn’t a man who often lied. He didn’t know what was going on with Emma and he didn’t know if everything would be okay. He did know that he would do everything in his power to make sure she would be okay. After what seemed like an eternity, Emma’s crying changed to slow hiccups, and she finally noticed he was in the shower holding her. He expected her to jump away from him, but she surprised him by cuddling closer and laying her head on his chest. With red and swollen eyes, all she said was “Thank you” and Dalton was the one who wanted to start crying. He wouldn’t, but he could feel his emotion stuck in the back of his throat.
Emma was numb; letting out all the emotions she’d been holding in for so long had drained her even further. The weight of her situation wasn’t lost on her, and she was afraid things were going to get a heck of a lot worse before she would see the end.
Dalton knew he had been missing something in his life and it seemed Emma was just what the doctor ordered. She needed him like no one else ever had, and he would be there for her no matter what, regardless of what his team thought. he’d spent his life trying to protect the members of Alpha Team; now he had something bigger to protect. Emma had his heart, hook, line, and sinker; she just didn’t even know it yet. Dalton wanted to laugh, it looked like the legends were true; instant-love truly did exist.
“Come honey, let me help you to stand up, and we’ll get you washed up,” Dalton said, his voice cracking.
Dalton washed her body and hair with extreme care as clinically as possible. He didn’t want to scare her and until he knew exactly what had happened, he would keep his feelings to himself. She didn’t need to know that, even with all the scrapes and bruises, Dalton thought she was gorgeous. Her breasts were large, but then again, so were his hands. They would fit perfectly in his palm. He wondered if she would stay the same size after the baby. He hoped she would and if she lost some of that fullness, he wasn’t opposed to bringing home turnovers from Ruby’s every day if necessary. The thought of taking care of his mate, providing what she needed, made his bear happy enough to emit a small growl. Emma didn’t take notice, at least he didn’t think she did, being so deep in thought herself.
He continued his hopefully covert observation. He loved her shape. Yeah, she was way too skinny now, but when she filled out, she would be the perfect hour glass shape. If he could convince her to eat as he wanted, he was sure she would rival any pin-up model he’d ever seen. He might be a breast man, but he also loved a bit of ass as well. And from the looks of it, Emma would have that after several healthy meals. Washing her had gone from clinical to something much more while he was lost in his thoughts. He loved the way his soapy hand glided over her slick body, and he longed for the time he could explore her thoroughly. Fuck, this was too much, and he was a sick man.
Emma was so worn out, he doubted she even noticed. He chastised himself for letting his brain even go there. Emma was in no shape for what he wanted to do to her and he didn’t think she would be anytime soon. Then, there was also the little baby nestled in her womb.
His hardened dick would have to wait. He pulled his pelvis back, he didn’t want her to get the wrong idea. But in her physical and emotional state, he didn’t think she could’ve raised her hand, let alone protested anything he did. It had to be pheromones or something which was causing his reaction to her and his dick to throb at this highly inappropriate time. Nothing else explained it because no way should he be having this reaction. He knew she was sweet, and with a few healthy meals, she would be attractive, but damn, this was fucked-up. She didn’t need some sex-crazed guy coming on to her at, what he assumed, had to be one of her lowest points.
Chapter 12
Emma was anything but numb now. The feel of Dalton’s hands on her naked body was unlike anything she’d felt before and she loved it. He seemed so lost in thought, and she was thankful because had he noticed that the wetness dripping on her thighs wasn’t because of the shower, she would’ve been mortified. Even on her best day, she would’ve been embarrassed. Things like this didn�
��t happen to Emma. Sure, she was an ordinary woman, she found men attractive. She’d dated a little before everything happened, but she was modest, shy even, and now she was standing in a shower, naked with a man as he touched her everywhere. Why was she letting this man who she didn’t even know wash her body with his strong, loving hands? She should put a stop to it, but it felt so good, she never wanted him to stop.
While he was washing her arms, he noticed the needle marks, and for a split second he thought maybe she was a junkie, but quickly dismissed that. The marks were at least a couple of weeks old, already turning a sickly green color. To be sure, he used his enhanced ability to scent her and he couldn’t find the distinct smell that drugs or sickness gave off. He did find something though, the distinct scent of arousal was wafting up to him, making his mouth water. Deciding it was time to put an end to their little shower scene, he took one more, hearty sniff; he wanted to imprint the smell of her arousal onto his body. Her sweet jasmine aroma instantly calmed his bear. It was the first time he was able to scent her without the overwhelming scent of fear. It was incredible; her arousal was intoxicating. She might be too out of it at the moment to realize what was going on between them, but her body knew. He would have to be patient for her mind to catch up. The scent was uniquely Emma, and he loved it. With a house full of Shifters, they tended to keep their toiletries unscented because heavy scents could irritate one of their animals. Jacks even had to tell Ryleigh not to wear perfume anymore because Bas was having a hard time with it.
Getting her out of the shower, he wrapped her lovingly in a towel which had been warming on the towel bar. Emma was grateful for the warmth, but nothing compared to being in Dalton’s arm. She sighed in contentment and the small sound made Dalton feel like he was a king. He would slay a thousand dragons and fight as many people as he needed to, including his own team, to hear that sound again. That thought made him take a step back; he’d never put anyone above his team before, in actions or thoughts.
“Honey, let’s get some of those tangles out of your hair, okay?” Dalton suggested.
Emma was so out of her depth. She didn’t know what to say to Dalton. Well, at least her mortification fixed one of her problems; she was no longer aroused. She figured he was only a good man, helping someone who needed him, nothing more. It was her mind which was going all wonky. He was showing her so much care and kindness with every action and touch, she wanted to cry some more, but the tears wouldn’t come. She needed to be stronger and pull herself together; she would do that in a couple more minutes. Right now, she needed Dalton, needed to feel safe.
Emma had her head slumped forward and never responded to Dalton when he said he would get the tangles out of her hair. She didn’t even grimace when he tackled a particularly bad one, and his concern grew. He hoped Emma wasn’t shutting down on him. She’d been so brave, he hoped that she could hold out a little longer. Before he’d come into the bathroom, he stopped and put in his com unit, so he knew that Cash was aware of what had been going on in the bathroom. He hoped his Second would bring him some dry clothes.
“Okay baby, up you go,” feeling closer to Emma now, Dalton said, “let's get this robe on you so Ryleigh can check out you and the little.” Fuck now he was calling her ‘baby’. He needed to take a step back. Emma wasn’t ready for any of this shit, but damn-it, the words felt right.
Emma liked Dalton calling her ‘baby’, no one had ever used that endearment for her. For the first-time, Emma shied away from Dalton, gripping the towel which she held at her breasts. Why she was feeling vulnerable all of a sudden? Maybe it was because she could feel Dalton pulling away. Dalton grabbed her hands and held them tightly, but not hurting her.
“Baby, don’t ever try to hide from me. I think you’re beautiful.”
With shaking hands, Emma let Dalton pull away the towel and dress her in the robe. He might not know it, but that was a huge step for Emma. Wanting to repay him in some small way, she blurted out the first thing that came to her mind.
“It’s a girl.”
“That’s great honey. I’m sure she’ll be as beautiful as her mama,” Dalton said with a smile. He could picture a little girl with strawberry blond hair running around the lodge. He hoped he could convince Emma to stay long enough for him to see that; longer if Emma could return his feelings, and so he could convince her to explore the connection they had. All he needed was time; at least that’s what he was trying to convince himself of.
Feeling so warm and vulnerable from Dalton’s attention, Emma wasn’t prepared for the sight of Cash waiting outside the door. She froze in her tracks and started shaking. The calm she felt from her time with Dalton all but vanished in an instant.
“It’s okay, Emma.” Cash said as he backed up, “I only thought I would bring Dalton some clothes before he ruined the floors.”
That was the first-time Emma noticed that Dalton was soaking wet, all the way down to his shoes. This wonderful man had bathed her and even brushed her hair while completely dressed, soaked to the bone. She was embarrassed, she should’ve noticed. She’d never been a woman who needed someone else to care for her, she’d always done it on her own.
“Oh, Dalton,” Emma said, “I’m so sorry. Why don’t you go back to the bathroom and change?
“Honey, I think I’m the one who needs to apologize. After all, I never formally introduced you to this big lug. Emma, I would like to you meet Cash Warren.”
Emma was still a bit leery of the big man. She needed to talk with Ryleigh and get the heck out of this place. Her feelings were all over the place; she didn’t know who she should or could trust and she felt drawn to Dalton in a way that was unhealthy.
“It's nice to meet you Emma.” Cash said, holding out his hand. The sentiment didn’t reach his eyes, but Emma didn’t want to cause Dalton any discomfort, so she took Cash’s hand.
Cash had heard everything which had gone on in the bathroom between Dalton and Emma. He didn’t think he would ever forget the Emma’ heart-wrenching sobs, but he had a job to do, and he wouldn’t lose sight of it for anyone, even one of his best friends. Cash knew something was going on between Dalton and Emma, and he was almost certain it was the mating instinct. If it turned out that Emma was Dalton’s fated one, he would apologize to her, but she would still have to prove to him and the guys that she wasn’t a threat to them, in any way. The situation sucked, but it was what it was.
“Thank you, Cash,” Emma said. “Dalton, please change, Cash can take me to Ryleigh.”
“Are you sure, honey? I can take you. It's not the first time I’ve been wet, and the floors will be okay, no matter what Cash says.”
“No, please. I’m sorry I didn’t notice sooner,” she choked. “I’m not myself right now. Please, I don’t want you to be uncomfortable. He can take me.”
Pulling up every bit of courage she’d left, Emma took Cash’s hand and looked back at Dalton, trying as hard as she could to make him believe she was alright with going with Cash. How long could the hall be anyway, right?
Dalton didn’t want to leave her, but she needed to get used to Cash. Shit, if he’d his way, she needed to get used to being around a few other Alpha males because didn’t want her scared all the time. It was important to him that she learned to love his family as much as he did. Damn, he wanted to punch himself in the face. Here was this woman who had been abused, and he was already making her a part of his family, counting on her being around to see the little girl she was carrying. He needed to know Emma’s story. He would help her, but he needed some distance, maybe he could convince Cash to sit with her for a bit. If he shifted, he might be able to get ahold of all the fucking things he was feeling.
“Okay, I’ll only be a minute,” Dalton reassured her. “The exam room is only a couple doors down. I’ll wait outside for you until you and Rye are done, okay?”
“Thanks, Dalton.”
“No thanks needed, hon. I’ll be wherever you need me; don’t be afraid of the big guy over there.
I have it on good authority he’s just a big old teddy bear, even if he looks like a mean old biker.”
“Hey, quit telling people that,” Cash laughed, “I have a reputation to uphold. The teddy bear stuff is a top-secret, asshole.”
Emma actually found herself laughing and it felt good. Other than the little chuckle she’d at Dalton's truck, she couldn’t remember the last time she’d anything to laugh about. Cash was a huge man, and he should scare the crap out of her, but Dalton made her feel safe. Only time would tell if that feeling was an illusion. But for right now, she would take what she could get.
“Come on, little sister. Ryleigh is waiting for you,” Cash said, encouraging her to follow him.
“Thanks, I promise that I won't ruin your rep, your secret is safe with me,” Emma tried to joke back, but it fell short. “I have to ask, why you did you call me little sister? You don’t even know me.”
“To tell you the truth, I’m not exactly sure,” Cash responded. “It only feels right, and when something feels right, I just go with it. Do you already have big brothers? I wouldn't want to step on anybody's toes.”
Cash knew he was pushing the big brother thing to get more information out of Emma and it was an absolutely shitty move but, hey, when in Rome and all that shit. If he could make her feel comfortable, then he could also get the answers he needed. He wasn’t quite ready to put her on his Christmas card list, quite yet.
“No, you’re fine. I was raised in foster care, mostly group homes, so you would be my first and only big brother.”
“Well, get ready, darlin’, because you might get a few more when the guys get back. Hey how old are you?”
“I’m twenty-six, why?”
“Oh, you are going to make Ryleigh’s day. You are now officially the little sister.”
“What, little?” Emma was confused. This man had gone from scaring the crap out of her to basically adopting her. She knew he was up to something, but with everything else that was going on, she didn’t care. If he thought he was being sly, he wasn’t. She really didn’t have anything to hide, he could ask her all the questions he wanted.