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Triple Major

Page 20

by Lana Hartley

  I blush, feeling loved. “Thanks, guys, it means a lot that you appreciate my hard work. And I love the fact that you go out to work and provide for us.”

  “Are you kidding?” King states with confidence. “We live to please you. As far as we’re concerned, our day just gets started when we come home to you every night.”

  I’m craving them fiercely, intensely. I quickly gobble up my food, so they can whisk me away, upstairs.

  They eat fast, too, their insatiable desire for me front and center in their minds.

  I eye the growing bulges in their pants. “Now,” I command them, “take me upstairs where you get to enjoy the after-dinner treat.”

  The rest is history, and we live each day together in a sea of love and…well…constant and continual orgasms.

  Captured Heart

  By Lana Hartley

  Copyright 2018 by Dark Princess Press

  All rights reserved

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or persons is entirely coincidental. This work is intended for adults only.

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  “Come on Nathan, this way,” I say, feeling the trees and bushes scrape against my arms and legs. “Hurry, or we’ll miss it.”

  “Yeah, wait up,” he says, his voice husky behind me.

  Nate is my protector, my keeper, my best friend.

  But if he doesn’t hurry, we’re gonna miss the full moon, the whole reason we’re out here, to begin with.

  I run and don’t look back.

  I know he’s there, trailing me.

  I break through to an opening in the woods. And then I’m shining, basking in the moonlight.

  Nathan follows me into the clearing. He stands beside me, and for a moment, both of us just look up into the starry sky.

  The moon is full, bright, and overwhelming.

  “Don’t run from me, Sienna. I can’t lose you,” he says.

  “Oh Nathan, you’re just being overprotective as usual. Just look,” I say, pointing to the sky.

  He looks up, and I watch his face light up to see the biggest full moon in history.

  It feels like our own personal show of nature. The moon itself is on display for only us.

  I knew this night would be special.

  I’m always seeking ways to impress Nate, to prove to him that I’m a big girl, more than just a child. Yes, I might have an unrequited crush on him. But you would too, if you saw him.

  I’m ten, and he’s fifteen. Quite an age gap for kids like us.

  He’s like an older brother—protective, fun, and adventuresome. But he’s also more than that.

  He’s one of the only true friends I have in my life. We’ve been inseparable ever since his father moved to a small house on our estate in LA.

  His father is a groundskeeper for my dad, Hudson Rose. I’m Sienna, heiress to the Rose fortune. I know that means something big, but I’m too young to quantify just how big.

  For this moment though, it’s just Nate and me peering up at the cloudless sky.

  He holds my hand, and it’s an innocent kind of gesture. I don’t think Nate knows what this means to me.

  He’s my everything. He’s my rock.

  He’s the one person in my life that has ever seen to the inside of my soul. He sees past every mask and façade I put on for the world. He sees the real me.

  And there’s nobody else in this world that I look up to as much as him.

  He’s strong and brave—everything I’m not.

  “It’s beautiful, huh?” I ask him.

  “Yes Sienna, it’s beautiful, alright,” he says.

  He holds my hand innocently enough, and we watch the full moon rise over the tree line.

  I’m a sucker for nights like this.

  Part of me believes the full moon has power—magical powers beyond our comprehension. And so, we take a minute to just appreciate the moment.

  I’m appreciating him.

  And then I admonish myself, saying that Nate will never feel anything for me.

  He’s too old for me. I’m just a kid to him.

  And with that thought, I take off.

  “Catch me, Nate,” I say.

  I run straight into the woods, the little thicket on my father’s land. I run, and I run, and I run. Just waiting for the strong hands to wrap around my waist to catch me.

  I get pretty far this time.

  And then he’s there.

  His secure arms catch me, and I know deep inside, it will always be like this. I can always rely on this enduring force of a guy.

  “Don’t do that, Sienna. You’ll get hurt,” he says, gently scolding me.

  “Come on Nathan, live a little,” I say laughing, trying to break free of his arms.

  He sets me down and fixes his gaze on me.

  “It’s more than that. I want you to be careful. I don’t want anything to happen to you,” he says earnestly.

  And with that statement, I’m taken aback a little as I always am.

  Nate is unyielding, staunch in his protection of me. Something about that makes me feel like I have a foundation, a stronghold from which I can take flight.

  Because I know that no matter how high I go or how far I run, Nate will catch me.

  “Nathan?” I say, looking up into his dark eyes. “Are you really gonna leave tomorrow? Will I ever see you again?”

  He looks at me sorrowfully, like he doesn’t want to say the words.

  “Yes, Sienna. I’m sorry. My dad got another job. It’s time to move on.”

  Tears form in my eyes even as I will them not to. I don’t want him to see me cry. I don’t want to appear more childish than I already am.

  I have a crush on this guy.

  Maybe he doesn’t see it yet. Maybe he doesn’t see me like that yet. But one day he will.

  I make a silent promise to myself that one day, he’ll see me as a woman, a proper match for him. That is, if I ever see him again.

  “But Nathan, what if I never see you again?” I ask him the words that are forming in my mind.

  He looks down at me in a tender way. He’s always a sucker for me when I cry.

  I know he thinks of me like his little sister. But I don’t think of him as a brother, not really. I think of him as the most handsome, most endearing, most capable guy on the planet.

  I say none of this, of course.

  “Come on Sienna, don’t say that.”

  I look at him, tempted to run away again. It would be easier to run from the pain of losing him than it would be to stand here and face this moment.

  Nate’s been my best friend for a long time. He’s indulged every whimsical childhood fantasy I’ve ever had.

  He’s built me forts, taken me on long walks, made sure that I have a friend to turn to when the girls at school have been petty. He’s my strong guy, my anchor.

  Now, he’s leaving. How can he guarantee that we’ll see each other ever again?

  “But it’s true, Nathan. You’re leaving, and I may never see you again. And that’s just the truth,” I say tearfully.

  He leans down and tilts my chin up so that I’m staring at the starry skies again.

  “You see that moon, Sienna?”

  I nod my head.

  “I’ll look at that moon every single night and think of you. You look at it, too. And we’ll both be staring the same thing together. That way we’re never really gonna be apart.”

  I look at the moon and take in what he’s just said, my last moments with Nate.

  “You think so?” I ask hopefully.

  “Of course. Besides, I’ll see you again. I’ll find you.”

  Thinking of having my protector back one day elates me.

  I go so far as to sa
y, “So basically you’re saying that we’re gonna be friends forever?”

  “Yes, Sienna, friends forever. I promise.”

  I trust Nate. I trust that he’ll be back in my life someday. He always keeps his word.

  And with that, he slings me over his shoulder and begins the long hike back to the mansion.

  This is the last midnight hike we’re gonna take together. We’ve done it countless times, running across my father’s perfectly manicured lawns to the forest and beyond.

  He’s been my partner in crime.

  When we’re not sneaking around in the woods and going on hikes, we’re getting into trouble—disrupting my parent’s lavish parties, laughing, and revealing our innermost secrets.

  He’s taken me under his wing in a way and has shown me the ways of the world.

  Nate is the most special person in the entire universe to me.

  Only he doesn’t know it.

  And I’m too much of a child to say so.

  But I know in my heart he’ll be there for me always.

  And I’ll be waiting.


  Seattle’s rainy as usual. It does nothing to lift my sullen mood.

  This is the last day I’m ever gonna live here. It’s time to say goodbye to my apartment and to Seattle, and to everything I’ve known.

  I pour a glass of wine and look around the place.

  My friend, Liz, is helping me. We’ve been roommates for the last four years in college.

  Now I’m about to start grad school and move back home with my parents. Home is more of an estate, actually. I’m heiress to the famous Rose fortune.

  My dad is Hudson Rose. He’s my favorite man on earth. And so I kind of can’t wait to get home again, to the familiar confines of LA.

  Seattle’s been great and everything, but I’m just ready to be with my parents, living the life of luxury that I’m used to.

  My Seattle apartment is nice, but it’s not a sprawling estate in Beverly Hills with a pool, my own private terrace, maids and everything.

  I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t looking forward to returning to all those niceties.

  “I can’t believe you’re really leaving me,” Liz says.

  I look at her, tears forming in my eyes. “I know. But this will do nothing to affect our friendship. We survived four years of college together, after all.”

  She laughs, and so do I.

  Liz and I have been through everything together. We’ve been through breakups and boyfriends, friends and best friends. We’ve been to parties and spent countless hours together in the library studying.

  She’s been my Ride or Die.

  I don’t see that changing anytime soon.

  It’s just that we’re both going to different grad schools.

  “You’ll come visit me, right?” I say.

  “Of course. You think I’m gonna miss out on that gorgeous mansion your parents own?” She laughs.

  “It’s gonna be weird not living with you anymore,” I say. “Who am I gonna tell my secrets to?”

  “Yeah, I know,” she says, crying now, too. “I’m gonna have to find somebody else to go out with, and somebody else to shop with.”

  “Well, that shouldn’t be too much of a chore.”

  I take a sip of my wine and consider her words.

  I’ve never had a best friend like Liz. Usually, friends come and go. Usually, it’s hard to find someone as solid and permanent as her. She always has my best interests at heart, and I have the same for her.

  We look out for each other. At least, we’ve done so for the last few years.

  But now I’m going home to LA, and to my LA friends. It’s going to be an entirely different scene, but it’s what I’m ready for.

  “You gonna be okay here all by yourself?” I ask her.

  “Yeah, don’t worry about me. I’ve got it all figured out. I’m going to be the best damn doctor this town has ever seen.”

  I hug her. “I know you will. But if you ever need a change of scenery, you know you can always come to me in LA.”

  She hugs me too, and I realize it’s our final goodbye.

  It’s never easy leaving a best friend especially someone as wonderful as Liz.

  She helps me pack the final box, and everything is ready for the movers’ arrival tomorrow.

  I get a call on my phone from the driver, ready to pick me up.

  “Well,” I say to her. “I guess it’s time for me to go.”

  We hug, and she’s crying—and I’m crying—and it’s all I can do to keep myself together.

  I knew this day would come, but I never thought it would be so painful to leave.

  Seattle has been the place where I grew up and where I discovered myself. It’s been my home, and it will always be my home, in a way.

  “Bye,” I tell her as I pull my suitcase out the door.

  “Have fun!” she calls after me.

  I leave my apartment and silently say goodbye to all the memories I have there. Then, I drag my suitcase to the elevator and ride down to meet my car.

  My father’s made sure everything is taken care of for my journey home.

  I walk through the lobby and out the doors to see the driver.

  “Hello, Ms. Rose. I’m here to take you to the airport.”

  “Thanks,” I say, taking one final look at the building that I’ve called home.

  He opens the door for me and I slide into the car.

  I’m already living the life. My father makes sure everything is taken care of. The town car’s taking me to the airport where a private plane will fly me to LA.

  We ride in silence as I try to control the tears that threaten to spill down my cheeks. I look out the windows at the view of Seattle and think of how this place has been amazing to me.

  I’ve experienced everything here. I’ve learned and grown as a person. I’ve made friendships that will last a lifetime.

  And then I think to myself, as I always do, that I experienced everything except for one thing, a major thing…I have yet to lose my virginity.

  I guess you can say I’m Daddy’s little girl. I’ve always wanted to do right by my parents and to never disappoint them, so I’ve kept myself intact. Though that doesn’t mean I haven’t had the urge.

  But, who am I kidding? I’ve never met a man who deserves to even touch my body in that way.

  I know I’m getting older. But I have time for sex, right?

  I sigh and think how I may not even have time for boyfriends. I’m about to enter grad school, and it’s gonna be more intense than ever.

  I sink back into the leather seats and see the city move out of view as we get to the airport.

  My driver pulls right up onto the tarmac in front of the plane.

  I thank him and board my flight.

  The pilot introduces himself, and so does my stewardess.

  Daddy’s arranged everything. He always does.

  My dad is the nicest man on the planet. He’s also the richest.

  We’ve always been a private family, and my dad has always guarded our privacy well.

  We’ve lived peacefully despite our wealth and luxury in Beverly Hills for as long as I can remember.

  The thing is, he’s becoming upset by the mob scene in LA. He’s seeing all the crime that’s happening as a result of the different mafia in town and how it trickles into the political sphere.

  Daddy thinks it’s wrong, and he’s decided to run for Senate, an idea I’m diametrically opposed to.

  His new venture means our private life won’t be so private anymore. And he’s had to hire even more security for me than before. I’m leaving Seattle to go home to a new life, one in the public eye, and nothing could excite me less.

  Besides, I know my father will probably win the race. He’ll be the next Senator from California for sure.

  That means I’ll become the Senator’s daughter, a well-known figure around town and the country.

  The jet takes off and I watch the
lights of Seattle disappear. My home and my freedom are fading from view.

  While I’m excited to go home, I can’t help but have a bad feeling about my father’s political ambitions.

  The stewardess brings me champagne as I look out the window at the sunset, and try to forget all that’s wrong and focus on all that’s right.

  Goodbye, city.

  Goodbye, old me.

  Hello, world.


  Blood spills from the guy’s face.

  I can’t even believe I have to do this dirty work.

  As Edison Shaw’s right-hand man, I should be above this sort of shit.

  But for some reason, he wants this job done by me personally.

  He always does that for the important work.

  My entire life revolves around getting out from under the thumb of this guy...Edison Shaw, mob boss of the most dangerous organization in LA, New York, and all the major cities of the world.

  My life in the mob started innocently enough.

  I was in college, barely able to pay my bills. He found me working at an upscale restaurant. Edison approached me and asked me to do a couple of small things for him, deliver a package here, deliver a package there. I did the work and I asked no questions, and that was fucking stupid.

  I was innocent back then, as innocent as a teenage boy can be.

  I did the work and I never imagined I was secretly working for the biggest mob boss in town, or in the whole goddamn country.

  The thing is, he paid me well…too well. I was swimming in money and happy about it. I’ve never had a dime my entire life, and suddenly I was a big player.

  I punch the guy out and he’s begging for mercy.

  “I’ll get the money to you soon. I promise,” he’s saying and crying all at the same time.

  “This is your last warning, Bobby. You’ve jerked Edison around for too long, and now we’re fucking sick of it,” I say.

  “I promise,” he stumbles over his words. “I’ll have it to you tomorrow.”

  I look at him and take pity on the guy. I always do.

  Then I look at my guys, Titus and James. I nod toward them and they know exactly what it means. I deliver one final punch to the guy’s face, and then they drag him off to an undisclosed location.


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