The Memoir
Page 24
‘It’s Jeremy speaking. The time is ten minutes beyond the line. But you aren’t here. You did not respond to the photo I sent you. So I believe that she isn’t so important for you. That gives me the right to kill her, right?’ Jeremy ranted. Before Daniel could respond, he continued, ‘you shall see it yourself when you come here what I could do to her!’
Daniel had received a photo from Vanessa’s number many minutes ago, which showed an incision on Vanessa’s arm and bleeding from it. Jeremy marked a cross with blood on Vanessa’s cubital vein and wrote “next” beside it. Daniel’s heart raced more than ever and he started worrying what could have happened to her. Daniel did not care Jeremy’s warnings anymore, and made successive calls to an ambulance and then to Manyap to inform about their respective concerned situations.
He had a bad feeling as he gazed at the house and it resembled a mental picture of death welcoming him with open hands.
‘Let’s get that bastard!’ Daniel yelled.
AFTER PASSING DOWN his orders to Adam, Jeremy closed the door behind him in the bedroom and waited patiently on the bed. Expecting disturbance from Vanessa, he replaced the tape on her mouth. Lehane’s words had scared him to death, and he struggled to resolve his mental conflict regarding the authenticity of the information. But he was in no situation to take chances by either leaving the place alone with Adam or staying there among those untrustworthy idiots. Finding no better option than shutting himself in a room and wait for Daniel to come for Vanessa, he bolted the door and blocked it with a table and an easy chair. He sat facing the door with his gun in his hand and tapped it impatiently on his thigh.
Vanessa lay still on the floor with her eyes wide open and looked at him with hatred-filled eyes. Despite his resistance, his gaze ultimately turned to her and he had to turn his face away before his mind started guessing what meaning lay in her gaze. The room had only one window, which faced the side of the house and it did not give him a view of the road leading to the summerhouse. All he could see from that window was vegetation and dust.
He evaluated his options and marveled what to do after taking care of Daniel. Daniel was not the last one of the SAF. There was still his friend. Jeremy wished he had something to bate his friend too. However, as far as he knew, he had nothing to use as leverage. At that moment, a thought crossed his mind, which had not occurred to him until then. For the first time, he questioned himself if he needed vengeance so badly. His state at that moment was the proof of what his vengeance-seeking nature had landed him in. He posed that question to himself again and again, trying to find an explanation to pop out of vacuum. All it did was escalate his fear, and mitigate his longing for vengeance. The reason he held as his right for vengeance was no longer a valid one, since he had come out of his self-imposed ignorance of his role in losing his loved ones, and life suddenly seemed empty and aimless for Jeremy. The feeling of aimlessness was what he had strained so hard to evade, yet it seemed to find its way back to him. He recollected what Ethan, as part of his imagination, had said.
‘Living in itself is a purpose and there is no need for a purpose to live.’
The words reverberated in his mind repeatedly until they filled him with his lost energy again, and he jumped off the bed thinking of a getaway place he needed after taking care of Daniel. Before that, he needed to hurt Daniel even before he came to him and show him what he was capable of. So he took the knife from the fruit basket on the table and walked over to Vanessa. She started moving wildly at the sight of the knife in his hand, and he had to pin her arm down strongly with his right forearm, while he thought of the best place to cut. He needed her alive when Daniel came to him and he intended to kill her in front of Daniel’s eyes. Since he knew that the brachial artery did not run superficially, he incised her right arm until he saw blood and used the blood to mark a cross on her cubital vein. He wrote “next” next to it and captured a photo in Vanessa’s phone, which he sent to Daniel’s number.
Feeling refreshed, he decided to escape to another safe house after taking care of Daniel, and then using his contacts to arrange for his escape out of the country by any means possible. He thought of his closest friends and came up with an empty list of trustworthy friends. In fact, after recalling Ethan’s treason, he grew suspicious of everyone he had met in his whole life. Then, the name of Maxim Aky Edwards, his paternal uncle, flashed into his memory.
Jeremy had gazed in shock as a tall, lean man of above sixty walked slowly from behind the assembled Mercupo Liberation Society members. While Jeremy expected some seriousness in Mudassir’s face, he saw only happiness, like a child who had discovered his Christmas gift. He doubted all those gossip his mates had gossiped about Mudassir being a “Cold-blooded murderer”, whose temper rose as if it was always filled to the brim.
The tall man stood in front of Jeremy and squatted down to face Jeremy. But unable to stay in that posture, he stood up and gestured to one of his men to bring him a chair. One of the young men brought him a chair. The man’s deep eyes and square jaw evoked a sense of recognition in Jeremy, which his state made difficult for him to decipher.
‘My arthritis doesn’t allow me such adventures,’ he said smiling meekly; Jeremy maintained a confused look not sure whether to smile at the comment. ‘Jeremy, haven’t you recognized me?’
Jeremy shook his head wishing he knew the man.
‘Fine, you don’t. I never visited your house. Do you at least remember the name Callahan Edwards?’
The name brought back the recollections of his biological father, which were the only memories he loved from his childhood. He reviewed his idea of telling the truth to the stranger. Something in his mind told him to. With tears streaming down his face, he said, ‘Yes, I remember. He was my father before he was snatched away from me.’
The man wiped off his tears with his shirt’s sleeves and said, ‘Yes, he was your father and my younger brother, the brother of Maxim Aky Edwards. Do you know who did that?’
‘Yeah, my mother and Donald Miller did it.’
Maxim nodded and helped Jeremy sit-up against the wall. ‘Bring my boy something to drink and eat.’
In the days that followed, Maxim told Jeremy how Donald had collaborated with Ethan, who in-turn collaborated with SAF Head to throw Jeremy into the hands of SAF. Jeremy understood that it involved Jeremy’s attempt to kill Ethan, who had ended up a quadriplegic. Maxim explained how he had never married and had dedicated his entire life to their revolution, while his brother turned into an alcoholic and married a city girl, which was a complete mismatch. Jeremy told Maxim how he had worked hard to find out about Operation Rochen Fort and had blackmailed Donald to see him fear him, which eventually led to his family’s death.
‘When you revolted against his partiality to MNCs in leasing the Mercupo, I realized that you had that revolution in your blood. Jeremy, if you are provided a chance to avenge the death of your father, would you?’
Jeremy had been waiting for that opportunity since a long time. Despite his proximity to Donald, he restrained himself from doing it due to lack of proper support and resources. When Maxim offered to take care of everything to prevent his conviction for the murder, Jeremy trained one full month and took the oath to become the Sazyfan.
Jeremy had told the Alliance that he would not be in contact with them after the assassination. However, sensing the intensity of the situation, he found no other way than asking for their help. The new revelations that Mr. Lang had acquainted him with left him suspicious of Maxim. He too had collaborated with everyone to break him, only to use him as a pawn to achieve what his group desired. Jeremy recalled all the events that had followed his accident; Lang’s accusations seemed true. Jeremy doubted if Maxim had a hand behind his accident too. But it seemed unlikely, given his hatred for Donald. Yet Jeremy decided to contact him, for he had no one else to turn to
for help; after all, he had at least helped him avenge his father’s death. But Jeremy was not ready to turn a blind eye to Maxim’s treason.
You shall get your turn soon, dear uncle.
He opened his phone to scroll the contacts for Maxim’s number, when he heard the first shot. He jumped off the bed in fear and readied his gun. He loaded the gun and waited for someone to come banging his door.
As time passed, several shots followed, but no one appeared outside his door. He attached his ear to the door and the walls to try to pick up some noise from the other side. It proved in vain. Mustering the courage, he opened the door and peeked out. The corridor was empty. He descended the stairs and peeked into the living room. Everything remained as he remembered it. Coming to the resolution that the terrace would be the best spot to hide and stay ready for whatever was going to hit him, he retreated into the room. He removed the tape off Vanessa’s ankles and tried to drag her. But his single working arm prevented him from handling her and the gun at the same time. He tore the sling off his left arm and dumped it on the ground. He flexed his fingers several times before shifting the gun to his left hand and dragged her towards the stairs at the far end of the corridor.
With Vanessa silently protesting his grasp, he ascended the stairs to the terrace, and cold wind welcomed him. After a vain attempt to brace himself, he dragged her towards the front of the terrace. As he moved a few silent paces, he made out the silhouette of a heavy personality lying face down on the floor. It was Adam on the ground with a phone to his ear.
You treacherous son of a bitch!
Jeremy silently walked towards Adam and pressed the muzzle of his gun to the back of his neck. ‘Gotcha!’
Adam panicked as Jeremy dug the muzzle into his skin. ‘Boss, let me explain!’
‘No more stupid explanations!’ Jeremy exclaimed. He turned to Vanessa and said, ‘This is what happens to people who mess with me’ and pulled the trigger. Blood splashed on Jeremy’s robes as pieces of bone, muscle and tissue flew in multiple directions from the injury. Vanessa crawled to the far wall as blood splattered in her direction.
‘I thought you didn’t fear blood.’ Jeremy closed his eyes, raised his head to the sky and murmured, ‘May his soul rest in peace.’ He maintained quiet as the whining of a truck slowly invaded the silence of the night. Jeremy opened his eyes and watched as a truck appeared on the gravel road leading to the summerhouse. He pulled Vanessa’s phone from his blazer pocket to call Daniel’s number. The time showed 12.40. Rebuking Daniel for not caring his warning, he dialed the number.
‘It’s Jeremy speaking. The time is ten minutes beyond the line. But you aren’t here. You did not respond to the photo I sent you. So I believe that she isn’t so important for you. That gives me the right to kill her, right?’ Jeremy ranted. ‘You shall see it yourself what I could do to her when you come here!’
As he ended the call and pocketed the phone, his angry face gave way to a wide grin.
‘Come to daddy death, my boy!’
THE NEWS HAD shocked the whole Fremia, and Col. Fischer was no exception. The Rochen Fort Blasts had taken place when he was just a fresh cadet in the military and it stood as a motivation for him to thrive in his field. But when the truth came out and revealed the perpetration of Gen. Levisohn, who stood as the country’s leader currently, Col. Fischer found himself at the crossroads. His phone did not stop pinging as Twitterati rained comments on those involved. Donald Miller, despite being dead, was thrashed for his pose as a groundbreaking chemist, who used his false-achievement to win the people’s trust in the 2014 elections.
Fischer studied the one-fifty page file clearly to find something, which could point it as unauthenticated. However, every official paper produced in the file, however obtained, seemed completely legitimate and there was no denying that the guilt of those involved was as clear as the full moon outside his window. Even the RCAF app, which brought together all the personnel, flooded with messages from those personnel who had lost their dear ones in the blasts. According to a survey conducted after the blasts, one out of every five Fremians lost a dear one in the blasts, as the government used special transportation to escort people from every nook and corner of the country to attend the inauguration, at last only to sacrifice them as turkeys for Thanksgiving. Fischer too had lost his fiancée to the blasts and remained a bachelor ever since, having lost the heart to marry anyone else. With the growing agitation in the society and the system, Fischer wondered if he could do something to mitigate the intensity of the consequences. As if God had sensed his anguish, he received a call from Field Marshal Robert Qyx Butler.
Fischer stole a glance at his watch to decide how to wish the Field Marshal. It was one o’ clock in the morning.
‘Good morning sir.’
‘Good morning Colonel. Since you are awake at this hour, you must have received the news.’
‘Yes sir.’
‘There is something I and Field Marshal Joseph want to discuss with you and the other personnel. However, Gen. Levisohn isn’t part of it. Meet me at my quarters within an hour.’
‘Yes sir.’
Fischer had heard of how the Field Marshal had lost his brother’s family in the blasts, and receiving a call from him following the revelations struck a positive chord in Fischer’s mind. Once the call ended, Fischer walked into the bathroom to get ready for the meeting.
Levisohn had already drained a full bottle of whisky after the files appeared on the internet. He opened the second bottle trying to evaluate the situation. The people of the country had started raining rebukes on him and the other people involved. He had no time to analyze how his secret involvement with the operation had found its way into papers; fear found its way into his self-perceived brave-heart, and drinking seemed a better option at that moment. However, as the alcohol took control of his system, he regretted the situation. He tried to find refuge in the RCAF app. But scrolling through the app, his fear escalated and he felt helplessness paralyze him.
He tried to make a list of trustworthy members and supporters, which he believed the rest of the perpetrators too were busy in, but alcohol clouded his memory. The only relief for him was the time of release. Despite the news spreading across the country like plague, people hadn’t come out on the street in those late hours, except send their comments through social media. He called the security-chief of his security.
‘I want you to double the security around the building and don’t let anyone in.’
‘Yes sir,’ he said, thinking I wish I could do that. Sorry!
There were many official vehicles outside the Field Marshal’s quarters outside Kraminko, when Fischer’s car stopped outside the door. Thinking that he was late, Fischer hustled into the small conference room, which was already crowded with personnel of various ranks. Fischer took a seat among the crowd and waited with the rest of them for the arrival of Field Marshal.
Field Marshal Robert Butler arrived with Field Marshal Joseph Keller. After completing the military formalities, the Field Marshals took their seats on the dais, while the rest of the members occupied the seats facing them.
‘An early good morning to all the servicemen present here and elsewhere serving this incredible country,’ Butler said. ‘I believe that you know the purpose of this sudden gathering of the Armed-Forces. I don’t want to cause any delay, for its already late. This country shifted into the hands of the RCAF only because of the belief that military rule would be the force, which could bring this country back onto the right path from which it had deviated under the decades of rule of various political parties. And we tried to make the people understand this. However, the current situation has made the people suspicious of their own shadows. Whom they believed to be honest and sincere turned out to be murderous and evil forces. And this, my brothers, has erased the trust of the people in us.
‘But, it cannot be undone. W
hat we could do is take the right step to overlap the disgrace this has brought to our RCAF. It would be possible only if we throw Gen. Levisohn out of power. I don’t claim that someone else from us replace him after that. I believe that our constitution-makers had selected democracy as the right way of administration with a specific intention and purpose. The Army or a fucking dictator has no right to override that purpose and rule against the will of people. Since the past twelve days, I have observed the scenario in the country and I felt the pain the people felt under the rule of the army. As a military official myself, I regret to admit that the army has failed terribly in establishing an orderly government and has only caused unnecessary chaos.’
Field Marshal Butler took a pause to moisten his mouth. Everyone had their interpretation of his words. His criticism of the ESAF government seemed like his reprisal for ignoring him for the role of ESAF Chairman. However, one thing penetrated the minds of people deeply. Everyone believed that ostracizing Gen. Levisohn, whose role in the operation despite being minimum was important, was the only way to regain the people’s trust.
‘My boys, unfortunately, this country is at war. The society is suffocating due to the battle between people’s will and wrongful leaders ruling the country. Therefore, as Field Marshals, Field Marshal Joseph Keller and I order you to take down those wrongful leaders and establish order in this country, which can be possible only through democracy. And, if someone has problems with violating an ESAF protocol, fuck the protocol!’
After the speech was over, the servicemen stood up and sang the national anthem in unison.