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Cage of Destiny

Page 24

by Jennifer Anne Davis

  All my love,


  Chapter Twenty-Four

  The gray gelding was exceptionally fast. Their party had already made it through the forest and was traversing the low rolling hills coated with green grass. The wind whipped through Allyssa’s hair as she rode the horse down the hill. One of the soldiers accompanying them rode ahead, making sure the land was safe. He now paused at the crest of the hill, looking back toward them. He started waving his hands, pointing behind them.

  Their Russek escorts, along with Neco and Nathenek, immediately encircled Allyssa and Darmik, coming to a stop. They turned their horses to face the oncoming threat. Allyssa’s heart pounded as she wondered what was about to come over that hill. She heard horse hooves thundering over the land and then a single rider appeared, racing toward them.

  “It’s the prince,” one of the soldiers exclaimed.

  Allyssa squinted, trying to see the man’s face. “Prince Kerdan?” she asked. What was he doing here? Had something happened? As the rider neared, she could see Kerdan’s stern face as he urged his horse to ride faster. His eyes zeroed in on her, and her stomach flipped.

  The soldiers opened a path for their prince, and he rode right up to them, jumping from his horse. He ran straight for Allyssa with a wild look on his harsh face. She dismounted, hoping everything was okay.

  He grabbed her, his eyes gleaming with emotion, and then kissed her. Surprise and happiness rushed through her. She wrapped her arms around him, holding him close as he kissed her with a need and passion that rivaled her own.

  Darmik cleared his throat. Blasted. She’d forgotten they had an audience.

  Kerdan pulled away, breathing heavily. Several of the Russek soldiers pounded their fists on their chests while shouting their approval. “My apologies,” Kerdan said to her father, his eyes never straying from Allyssa’s face. “I need a moment of your daughter’s time.” Without waiting for Darmik’s response, he continued, “I never thought I would meet someone like you. My equal in every way. I would be honored to share my life with you.” He pulled out a ring, handing it to her. “This was my mother’s wedding ring. I wish for you to have it.”

  It was a silver crown with small emeralds set into it. “It’s beautiful.” He held her shaking hand, sliding the ring on her finger. Kerdan had read her letter and chased after her. And that kiss. Blimey. She was in trouble for she would never tire of the feeling of his lips on hers.

  He half smiled before turning to face Darmik. “Your Majesty.” He bowed. “I will formally come to Emperion once I’ve been crowned king and Russek is stable.”

  Darmik raised his eyebrows, looking from Allyssa to Kerdan and back again. “There’s no need to wait that long,” he finally replied. “We can start marriage negotiations now. The ceremony can be held once your throne is secure.”

  “Thank you.” Again, the Russek soldiers hollered their approval, and Allyssa felt her face go flaming red from embarrassment.

  “I must warn you, though,” Darmik said. “Allyssa’s mother, Empress Rema, won’t be easy to win over. And this marriage won’t take place without her blessing.”

  “I understand.”

  “We must be on our way. We’ll expect a visit from you in a few weeks.”

  Kerdan leaned toward Allyssa and whispered in her ear, “I am looking forward to a long and happy life with you.”

  “And I with you.”

  He kissed her cheek and left, his last look at her burning with promise.

  “Well, that was unexpected,” Neco commented.

  “Do you think Rema will approve?” Nathenek asked.

  Darmik chuckled. “Eventually. Once the two of them have gone head to head, I think Rema will come around. I know I have.”

  Allyssa watched Kerdan ride away until she could no longer see him. Whenever they were together, he made her feel like a normal person—not a princess. And she liked that very much.

  When they reached the Emperion border, the Russek soldiers departed and a company of Emperion soldiers took over.

  “This is a bit much,” Allyssa commented. They didn’t need a thousand men to escort them.

  “I wasn’t sure what the outcome would be,” Darmik admitted. “They were stationed here, ready to be called into battle if needed.”

  Thankfully, these men hadn’t been needed. Because Jana was dead. The threat of war no longer loomed over their heads and, for now, they were safe. Darmik ordered a squad to accompany them so they could travel faster. The rest of the Emperion soldiers were ordered to return to the garrison.


  When they entered Lakeside, Allyssa found it hard to breathe. They were home. Home. Everything here was so dear to her. The bustling streets, the people, the smells, even the sounds. She loved and cherished it all. Everything she went through and endured had been worth it to protect her people and her land.

  They entered the castle through the military entrance since Darmik and Allyssa were a mess and in no position to be seen by their court. When Allyssa dismounted, she stared at the castle. Her castle.

  “Are you okay?” Nathenek asked, putting a hand on her shoulder.

  “Yes.” This place had once felt like a cage to her. Now, it represented love, security, and family. “I’m home.”

  “Yes,” Neco added. “Hopefully you’ll stay home for a while. No more sneaking out at night, no more grand adventures. Let’s just have a few weeks of quiet reprieve.”

  “Come,” Darmik said. “Let’s go inside and get cleaned up. There is a celebration being thrown tonight in your honor.”

  “I’m not sure I feel like a party,” she replied. All she wanted to do was spend some quiet time with her family.

  “Really?” Darmik asked. “Even knowing what today is?”

  Well, it was her homecoming, the day she would meet her brother, and the first day of the rest of her life. Maybe it deserved a small celebration, but nothing fancy.

  “Did you forget it’s your birthday?” Darmik asked. “Your mother arranged a party in your honor.”

  Her seventeenth birthday? She’d lost track of the days and hadn’t realized it until now. “How did Mother know we’d be home today?”

  Darmik removed his riding gloves. “Before I left, I told her I would do everything in my power to bring you home by today. That’s why we left Russek in such a hurry and haven’t stopped as often as we should have.” He wrapped an arm around her shoulders. “Happy birthday.” He led her into the castle and toward the Royal Chambers, Neco and Nathenek close behind.

  It felt like a dream walking through the corridors. Someone screamed, and Allyssa spun around. Mayra and Madelin were running toward her. Allyssa gasped, overcome with emotion at seeing her two best friends and ladies-in-waiting. She ran to meet them, and the three cried and hugged, then cried some more. This… this was what she’d fought so hard for.

  “I thought I’d never see you again,” Mayra said, pulling back to look Allyssa over. “You’re here and in one piece.”

  “When I heard you’d been killed, I couldn’t believe it,” Madelin said. “I’ve missed you so much.” She kissed Allyssa on the cheek.

  “Trust me, the feeling is mutual,” Allyssa said, barely able to get the words out since she was crying so hard. “I love the both of you.”

  “Well, well, well,” a familiar male voice said. “Look who we have here!”

  “Marek!” Allyssa wiped her tears away, turning to face her lifelong friend and head of her personal guard.

  Dressed in his fine armor, he approached them with a smile plastered across his face. “I knew you’d be back.”

  She threw her arms around him, hugging him tightly. “It’s good to see you.” She wanted to apologize for sending him away when the assassin overtook them, but now was neither the time nor the place. “Are you fully recovered?” she asked, holding him at arm’s length and examining him.

  “I am.”

  “We want to know everything,” Madelin said. “
What happened? Where have you been? How did you survive?”

  “Will you give her a moment to catch her breath?” Mayra chided Madelin. “She just returned home. At least let her bathe before you bombard her with questions.”

  “As happy as I am witnessing this reunion,” Neco said, “I’d like a few moments alone with my children and my wife. Did no one miss me?” He hugged Mayra and patted Marek’s back.

  “We did,” Mayra assured him. “However, we knew you’d come back. You always do.”

  “Mother is eagerly awaiting you in our wing,” Marek added.

  “If you’ll excuse me,” Neco said. “I have a wife I miss terribly.” He wrapped an arm around each of his children and left.

  “Nathenek,” Darmik said, “I’m sure you’re eager to see Savenek.”

  “I am.”

  “Madelin, please find out where Savenek is and escort Nathenek to him.”

  “Yes, Your Majesty.” She curtseyed and led Nathenek down the corridor.

  “Let’s go see Mother,” Allyssa said. “Then I want to meet my brother.

  “First, you need to get cleaned up. Your birthday celebration is in a couple of hours so we don’t have much time. I will let Rema and Savenek know you’re here.”

  They resumed walking to the Royal Chambers. Everyone they passed expressed his or her joy at seeing the princess alive and well. Allyssa smiled at them all, overjoyed to be here with her people.

  Turning the corner and entering the Royal Wing, she said, “It feels strange to be home after being gone for so long. Everything, while still the same, looks different.”

  “Yes, I know how you feel.”

  She held onto Darmik’s arm, leaning her head on his shoulder. “Thank you.”

  “What for?” he asked.

  “Everything. I’m lucky to have you for my father.”

  He patted her hand. “I know you’ve been through a lot,” he said, his voice low so the guards trailing them couldn’t overhear. “If you ever need to talk, your mother and I are here for you. We’ve both been through similar ordeals. Although we don’t discuss it much, we’ve had to live with what we’ve done in the past. The important thing is not to forget, but to learn from what happened. Use it to make yourself a better ruler.”

  “I will.” Allyssa would do her duty and be the best empress possible for Emperion. She would make her people, and her family, proud. The sentries standing guard at the Royal Chambers bowed and opened the doors.

  Inside, Rema was sitting on the sofa reading a letter. When she looked up and saw Allyssa, she stood. “It’s about time.”

  Allyssa ran over to her mother, hugging her.

  “You’re home,” Rema said, holding her daughter tightly. “I’ve missed you so much.”

  Overcome with emotion, Allyssa couldn’t speak, so she stood, wrapped in Rema’s arms, tears streaming down her cheeks. She was home and right where she wanted to be.


  Mayra, Madelin, and Marek stood by Allyssa’s side as she entered the Great Hall. Chandeliers hung from the ceiling, lit with hundreds of candles. Flowers filled the room, and musicians played a lively tune as couples danced. The hall was packed with people there to celebrate. An official announcement had been made earlier that the princess was not only found alive, but also that she had returned to the castle.

  It felt strange to enter the Great Hall without her parents. However, she hadn’t been ready when the party started, and her parents hadn’t wanted to keep their guests waiting. Allyssa knew people would be eager and pleased to see her. However, she was not prepared for what happened when the music stopped and everyone turned to stare at her.

  “Her Highness, Crown Princess Allyssa of Emperion,” a sentry announced.

  Everyone dropped to one knee, some of the women crying out in joy. Murmurs of, “It’s really her!” and “She’s returned,” rippled around the room.

  She blinked the tears away, thankful to be home and with her people.

  Allyssa gave the signal, and everyone rose. She was immediately bombarded with people expressing their happiness that she was home safe and sound. Unsure of what Rema said about Allyssa’s ordeal, she kept her answers vague, not wanting to discuss her almost death or Odar. As soon as she had a moment, she scanned the room, looking for her parents, knowing her brother would be with them. They were nowhere to be seen. She continued to converse with those around her until she saw a familiar face. Grevik’s mother. Allyssa rushed over to the woman, hugging her. “I’m so sorry,” Allyssa said.

  “It’s not your fault,” his mother replied.

  “I should have told him I was the princess.”

  “If you had told him, it would have changed your friendship. He liked things the way they were—and I think you did, too.”

  Allyssa smiled. “True.”

  “Happy birthday. Now go and celebrate with your family.”

  Allyssa turned and spotted her parents on the other side of the room, her brother standing between them.

  Madelin and Marek snuck off to dance together, leaving Allyssa alone with Mayra. She took her friend’s hand, squeezing it. “Come with me, Mayra. I think it’s time I meet my brother.”

  “I’ll go with you, but you have to let go before you tear my hand off.”

  Allyssa let go and headed across the room. “What’s my brother like?” Her body started sweating as nerves took hold.

  Mayra’s face turned a bright shade of pink. “How should I know?”

  “I’m assuming you’ve met him?” Allyssa replied.


  “What do you think of him?”

  “I… well, he’s… I think… oh, bloody hell. Just meet him yourself.” She huffed and walked away, leaving Allyssa alone. Was something going on between Mayra and Savenek? No one had ever caught Mayra’s interest before.

  Allyssa continued across the room. Her brother laughed at something Darmik said. While Savenek looked like Rema, he had her father’s mannerisms. She couldn’t believe she had a twin brother. And she was about to meet him.

  Rema glanced over and saw Allyssa approaching. She said something and Savenek looked up, his eyes locking with Allyssa’s.

  Allyssa walked right up to Savenek, stopping a few feet away. “Happy birthday, brother.”

  “Happy birthday, sister.” He smiled and she knew, right then and there, that the two of them were connected. They would have a great many adventures together, despite having grown up apart. He had a wild gleam to his eyes, and she couldn’t help but laugh.

  The End of Allyssa’s Story…


  There are so many people I need to thank for helping bring this book to life. Hannah, Desirae, Ruby, Carol, Stacie, Rebecca, Elizabeth, Mary, Megan, Lisa, Jan, and Deb, thank you so much for taking the time to read through the story and to provide feedback. Cage of Destiny would not be what it is today without your help.

  I would like to thank Allyssa and Leah for reading Cage of Destiny multiple times to make sure this sequel lived up to its predecessors. You push me to be a better writer, and I can’t thank you enough for your continued support.

  A special thank you to my wonderful editor, Cynthia Shepp. I always enjoy working with you. I’d also like to thank KimG-Design for the astonishing cover. You really captured the essence of the book with this one!

  To all the bloggers who take the time to read books and share them with the world, thank you for your contribution to the book community.

  Thank you to my family for putting up with me. Writing takes a tremendous amount of time and dedication. It would not be possible for me to publish the number of books that I do without the full support of my husband and kids.

  Lastly, thank you to all my readers. I’m honored to be able to share my imaginary worlds with you.

  About the Author

  Jennifer Anne Davis graduated from the University of San Diego with a degree in English and a teaching credential. She is currently a full-time writer and mot
her of three highly energetic children. Her days are spent living in imaginary worlds and fueling her own kids' creativity.

  She is the recipient of the San Diego Book Awards Best Published Young Adult Novel (2013), a finalist in the Next Generation Indie Book Awards (2014), and a finalist in the USA Best Book Awards (2014).

  Visit Jennifer online at:




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