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Bells and Bows on Mistletoe Row

Page 16

by Emily Harvale

  'I'm glad you think so. I did it for you.'

  She stopped on the stair. 'For me?'

  'Because you said the house looked miserable.'

  'Oh. Yes. Sorry about that.'

  'Don't be sorry. You were right. It did.'

  She sipped her champagne and resumed her pace.

  'I can't believe you managed to do it all in such a short amount of time. It used to take us weeks.'

  'I was lucky. I was able to find the right people at the right time.'

  'Yes. I suppose it's true. Money can buy anything. Well almost anything.'

  Now it was Harrison who stopped. 'Oh? Is that what you think?'

  She looked perplexed. 'Yes. No. I don't know. It was something Luke said tonight. And he was quoting someone else. I do believe money can buy a lot, but it can't buy everything. It can't buy happiness. And it can't buy love.'

  'It definitely can't buy love. And you're right. It can't buy happiness either.'

  They continued up the stairs in silence for a moment.

  Juliet smiled across at him. 'I think we said the other night that we're actually happier in the cottage. But I hadn't realised that until the other day when I came home. I missed this house so much. But mainly, I missed the lake. That sounds silly I know. But it's true.'

  'I meant it when I said that you're welcome here. That wasn't just a line.'

  'Thank you. That means a lot.'

  They walked along the hall towards the room and with his free hand, he opened the door and let her pass, leaving it open behind him.

  She looked around the room and gasped.

  'Someone's occupying this room.'

  He nodded. 'It's mine.'

  Now she did look frightened. 'Is this some sort of trick? Do you think this is funny? What were you planning to do?' Her eyes shot to the bed. 'You can't seriously have thought ...' Her voice trailed off.

  'I hadn't planned anything, Juliet. And no, I didn't think that you would jump into bed with me. I may be an idiot, but I'm not completely mad. I wanted you to see the moon on the lake, and let's be honest, if I had told you this was my room, there was no way you would have come here with me, is there?'

  She lowered her eyes and fiddled with her champagne glass. She swallowed deeply and her voice was just above a whisper when she spoke.

  'I think we should leave.'

  'You haven't looked at the lake.'

  She shook her head and took a step towards the door.

  'Wait, Juliet,' he pleaded. 'I'll leave. You stay and look at the lake.' He nodded towards the door. 'The key's in the lock. I have no idea why but it is. You can lock the door behind me if you like. I'll see you downstairs later.'

  He turned to walk away but as he reached the door she spoke.

  'You don't have to go. I'm sorry. I'm behaving like a fool. I know you wouldn't do anything I didn't want you to. I trust you.' She looked surprised as she said that.

  'Do you?'

  She nodded. 'Yes, Harrison. I do.'

  He breathed a sigh of relief and walked towards one of the two windows in the room. 'That's good to know.' He smiled at her and pointed to the other window. 'But just in case you've got any ideas of your own, you look out of that window and I'll look out of this one.'

  Her laughter made his heart sing.

  'You're safe with me. I promise I'll keep my hands to myself.'

  'That's a pity.'

  She met his eyes and then quickly looked away, gasping as she looked through the glass, towards the lake.

  Harrison did the same and the sight almost took his breath away. He hadn't really looked at the view since he'd been here, but it was stunning. Almost as mesmerising as Juliet. The moon hung low over the trees and cast a higgledy-piggledy silver path through the wood, but when it reached the lake, it fanned out across the entire length, the ice and snow glistening white and silver. Even the bench – their bench – was a gleaming, silver invitation.

  He looked at Juliet and watched her face. Her mouth was open just a fraction; her eyes were wide and sparkling in the reflection. Her complexion had an ethereal glow.

  He hadn't meant to, but he slowly walked towards her and as he reached her side, she turned her head and met his eyes. He put his glass on the windowsill, slowly raised his hand and slid his fingers into her hair while his other hand circled her waist and then he lowered his face to hers and gently kissed her lips.

  She softly moaned his name as he deepened the kiss and pulling her tighter to him, his heart soared as her arms encircled him.

  And then, before he knew what was happening, she pushed herself away from him, her hands against his torso, and a look of both disgust and self-loathing on her face.

  'This is wrong,' she croaked.

  'How can it be wrong, Juliet? I love you.'

  She looked astonished. Her mouth fell open and she blinked several times.

  'And Kiki? What about her?'

  'What's Kiki got to do with anything?'

  'Harrison! She's your girlfriend.'

  'No she's not. Who told you that? I don't have a girlfriend. Is this just because you're feeling guilty? Because you feel that you may be cheating on Dan?'

  'What? How could I be cheating on Dan?'

  'You're dating him, aren't you?'

  A strange laugh escaped her. 'No. I'm not dating Dan. We're just good friends.'

  'Friends with benefits, you mean? Friends who sleep together?'

  'Absolutely not. Harrison, you're clearly not aware of this, and I suppose there's no reason why you should be, but Dan is gay. He always has been. Ever since we were young. Although he didn't really understand it at the time. But please don't repeat that to anyone. He's only just told his family and I think he should be the one to tell anyone else.'

  Had he heard her correctly? Had she said Dan was gay?

  'So you and he really are just good friends? Are you dating anyone?'

  She shook her head. 'No. No one.'

  He stared at her for a moment or two before he broke into a massive smile. 'Then, unless I'm missing something, if you're not dating anyone, and I'm not dating anyone, why is this so wrong?'

  She frowned and looked thoughtful. 'You're definitely not dating anyone?'

  'I'm definitely not. But I'd like to. I'd like to very much. Will you go on a date with me, please?'

  She shook her head but she was laughing. 'I ... I don't what to say. I haven't seen you for twenty years and suddenly you appear and turn my world upside down. I thought I hated you. And then you go and save my life. How am I supposed to feel after that?'

  'I apologise. If I'd known saving you would cause you any distress, naturally, I would have let you drown.' He laughed and reached out his hand. 'Please, Juliet. Give me a chance. Give us a chance.'

  'Is this really what you want? Do you really want me? I thought ... I thought it was all about the house.'


  'Twenty years ago.'

  'It wasn't then. It isn't now. I didn't know grandfather was buying the house. Believe me, if I had, I would have tried to stop him.'

  'That would've been even worse. We really needed the money. I only found out the other day, but your grandad actually did us a favour. He had been after the place for a while and on that day, he increased his offer. I was a spoilt sixteen-year-old, who had no idea how the real world worked. To be honest, I'm not sure I've got much of a clue now. But I resented you and blamed you, and myself, for something neither of us did.'

  'Are you telling me you were wrong?'

  She nodded. 'Completely and utterly. And I am so, so sorry for the dreadful things I said to you that day. The thing was, you made me believe unicorns were real, that Prince Charming existed in the form of you, that my life could be a real-life fairy tale, and then I went home and was told that your grandad had bought our house and we were going to have to move out in a matter of weeks.'

  'So you ran to the bus stop and told me exactly what you thought of me.'

  'Yes. But I
was wrong. You weren't any of the awful things I called you. Part of me hoped you would try to explain. But you only stayed a few weeks, kept yourself to yourself, and then walked out of my life forever.'

  'Not forever, Juliet. I'm here now. And I would've been here twenty years ago, but grandfather gave me an ultimatum, and it was one I couldn't ignore. I had to choose between you and Luke's future. And although I've regretted it for most of my life, I chose my brother. I won't go into details now. But one day, I will tell you. As for the things you said, I must admit, some of them cut me to the quick. I've carried those words with me for the last twenty years. I wasn't sure that I could ever forgive you. But when you fell through the ice the other day, I knew I could forgive you anything. And I do. Without reservation.'

  She smiled and bit her lower lip. 'So where do we go from here?'

  He smiled back and slowly walked towards her. 'That depends on you.'

  'On me?'

  He nodded. 'I'm waiting for an answer to my question.'

  'Your question?'

  He nodded again. 'Will you go on a date with me?'

  'O-h,' she said, dragging the word out, and smiling seductively. 'Let me think.'

  He took her hand in his and gently pulled her to him. 'Time's up. Yes or no?'

  She looked up into his eyes and smiled lovingly. 'Well, you did save my life, so I suppose I had better say yes.'

  'Yes?' He raised his brows.

  She nodded. 'Yes, Harrison. One hundred per cent, yes.'

  This time when he kissed her, she didn't push him away. In fact, she took his hand in hers, and, still kissing him, she led him towards his king-sized bed.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  'I hate to say this, Harrison, but we've been in bed for an hour or more. Don't you think we should go back downstairs? We're bound to have been missed.'

  'I don't care.' He pulled her naked body closer and kissed her yet again. 'I'll lock the door and we can pretend we're not here if anyone comes looking for us. In fact. I'll send Luke a text and tell him not to.'

  'As tempting as that is. And I do mean that. I don't want to get out of your bed, any more than you do. But you did invite all the people tonight. Don't you think it's a bit rude not to put in an appearance?'

  'I did. And so did you. I've waited twenty years to be with you. An hour is nowhere near long enough to make up for all that lost time.'

  'I agree completely. But your drinks party ends at nine. After that, we can do whatever we like.'

  He was kissing her neck but he stopped and looked at her. 'Really? Whatever we like? I like a lot of things.' He smiled mischievously.

  'So do I. And yes, whatever we like. All night long. Once your guests have gone. Oh. Wait. I've got to go to Midnight Mass. And so have you.'

  'Have I?'

  'Yes. And I promised Mum and Zoe I'd help with some baking. I should've done it today but I went to town and bought a dress instead.'

  'The dress you wore tonight?'

  'Yes. The one you threw on the floor.'

  'Actually, you threw it on the floor. I just took it off you. But it was well worth going to town for. That is definitely some dress. You know you nearly gave me a heart attack, don't you? I thought that blue dress you wore on Saturday blew my mind, but tonight. I still don't think I've recovered. And I really enjoyed taking it off you.'

  'Well, there you are then. If we go back downstairs, you can take it off me again later. And then again after Midnight Mass. And after I've helped Mum, tomorrow, I'll wear a different dress and you can take that off me too.'

  'It's Christmas Day tomorrow.'

  'I know it is. We can be one another's presents, and slowly unwrap each other.'

  'I like the sound of that. Okay. You win. We'll go back downstairs.' He kissed her again. 'In ten more minutes.'

  Chapter Thirty

  'Where have you been?' Zoe asked Juliet. 'And why is there such a strange smile on your face? Oh my God. You haven't?'

  Juliet beamed at her and nodded. 'We have.'

  'You and Harrison?'

  'No. Me and Rufus.' Juliet laughed and linked her arm through Zoe's. 'Of course me and Harrison. And believe me it was almost worth waiting twenty years for. Apart from the fact that I now realise even more what I've been missing. And I've been missing a lot.'

  Zoe burst out laughing too. 'I'm so happy for you, sis. I was beginning to think it would never happen. Luke and I have been trying to think of ways to get you two together since the pair of you came home. We wanted you to be friends, but both of us were certain there was a chance of something more than that. I must tell Luke.'

  'Whoa! Perhaps Harrison should be the one to tell him. When we came back downstairs, one of the caterers grabbed him, but he'll be back any second.'

  'There he is,' Zoe said.

  Juliet looked in the direction of her sister's gaze. Harrison was striding towards them with a breathtaking smile on his face and even from this distance, she could see the passion in his deep brown eyes.

  'Now that's a man in love,' Zoe added.

  He slipped an arm around Juliet and kissed her on the lips in front of everyone. There were a few gasps, a few claps and several shouts of 'Cheers!'

  From somewhere close by, Juliet vaguely heard Dan's unmistakable tones. 'Well done, darling. It's about bloody time.'

  Juliet and Harrison laughed into their kiss, and slowly eased away from one another. He gave a little bow to the crowd, held her at arm's length, and, like an actor on stage, presented her by holding out his other hand towards her. She smiled across to him and gave a little curtsy to everyone. And the room burst into raucous laughter and celebrations.

  Rosa and Bernard hurried towards her and Harrison, hugging them both in turn.

  'Finally,' Rosa said, a wide smile on her face and joyful tears at the corner of her eyes.

  'Well,' Bernard said, smiling at Harrison. 'I hope this means you will be staying.'

  'I'll be wherever Juliet is,' Harrison replied with a beaming smile.

  'Welcome to the family,' said Zoe.

  'Welcome to ours,' said Luke. 'It took you two long enough. I was beginning to think we would have to lock the pair of you in a room and throw away the key.'

  Harrison gave a devilish smile. 'I was thinking the same thing myself less than fifteen minutes ago.' He winked at Juliet.

  Rufus appeared from nowhere. 'So you've finally got the girl. I wish you both happy. But I need a minute of your time, my boy.'

  Juliet could feel Harrison tense, but after a moment he smiled at her. 'I'll be back in a second. Don't go anywhere without me.'

  'Giving orders already?' Dan said, as he stood at Juliet's side, but he was smiling.

  Harrison smiled back. 'Pleading, actually. I don't want to lose her again.'

  'I don't think there's much chance of that, do you darling?' Dan kissed Juliet on the cheek.

  'Absolutely no chance at all,' she replied, looking into Harrison's smiling eyes, before he turned and walked towards his study, with Rufus at his side.

  'Is that carollers I can hear?' Zoe asked.

  Luke nodded. 'Harrison thought it might be a good way to bring the evening to a close, but I don't think anyone is ready to leave just yet, and there's plenty of champagne and food.'

  The carollers voices grew louder as they came from outside into the hall, and everyone gathered round, joining in with We Wish You a Merry Christmas.

  'It's such a shame Harrison is missing this,' Juliet told Dan, glancing towards the room where she had watched Harrison and Rufus enter. 'I wonder what Rufus wants to talk about. I really hope it's not me. Harrison told me tonight that twenty years ago, Rufus made Harrison choose between me and Luke.'

  Dan gasped. 'The bastard!'

  Juliet shook her head. 'Please don't say anything about it to anyone, especially not Luke, because I don't know the details and I don't want to cause any problems.'

  'Especially as you're all so happy now. My lips are sealed, darling. So tell me,
what was Harrison like? I assume he wasn't scowling when you finally surrendered to his wild passions.'

  Juliet laughed. 'You've been reading too many romance novels. But actually, it was him who surrendered to mine. Although how do you know we did anything?'

  'Darling, please. Even if you had a beacon flashing on the top of your head saying, 'Just had incredible sex,' it couldn't be more obvious. I can see it on your face. And I saw it on his. And that man is definitely head over heels in love. So Merry Christmas, darling. You've got the icing on the cake. I'll grab us more champagne.'

  'It seems you won.'

  Juliet turned to find Kiki standing behind her.

  'Won? I wasn't aware it was a competition. Tell me, Kiki. Why did you lie about you and Harrison?'

  Kiki sipped her champagne and shrugged. 'Only a fool would let that man go without a fight. But you got him. So congratulations. I'm moving on to greener pastures.'


  Kiki nodded and raised her glass in the air as Dan returned with drinks. 'Merry Christmas.'

  'And to you.'

  Kiki walked away without so much as a smile.

  'I really don't like that bitch,' Dan said, handing Juliet a glass of champagne. 'Oh look. Harrison's coming back. I'll leave you to him, darling. See you later. But don't do anything I wouldn't do.'

  'Is there anything you wouldn't do?' Juliet asked, with a laugh.

  'No, darling. Not a single thing.' Dan waved as he walked away.

  'That didn't take long. Is everything okay? He hasn't given you another ultimatum, has he?'

  Harrison pulled her into his arms and kissed her in response, and when he released her he was smiling oddly.

  'No. And if he had I would've told him where to shove it. It seems he's going away on Boxing Day. Possibly for some time.'

  'Going away? Where? Because of us?'

  Harrison shook his head. 'He hasn't decided where, but to somewhere hot. He's had enough of the cold and snow, and the warm weather will be better for his joints.' He gave a little laugh. 'Apparently, he isn't going alone.'

  'Oh. Who's going with him?'

  Harrison raised his brows and smiled. 'Guess.'

  Juliet furrowed her brows for a split second. 'Oh my God! Not Kiki?'


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