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Hazel and the Alien Biker (Intergalactic Brides 5)

Page 7

by Jessica Coulter Smith

  “Will you at least consider marrying him?” Nikki asked.

  “I’ll consider it, but I’m not rushing into anything.”

  Nikki narrowed her eyes at her mother before gathering her sisters close. The whispering began, but Hazel couldn’t hear a word of what they were saying. It wouldn’t surprise her if they were plotting her demise, they were so set on Reyvor being their dad. Not that she could blame them. He’d been wonderful with them since they’d landed on his doorstep. Even now, he was out buying toys for children he hadn’t known before yesterday.

  The girls nodded and broke apart. Without so much as glancing her way, they went back to watching television, going so far as to turn the volume up. Hazel knew she’d discover their secret soon enough. Until then, she’d watch cartoons with them and wait on Reyvor to return.

  She watched as the minutes ticked by and as afternoon became evening, she worried something had happened to the sexy alien. He’d been gone far too long to have purchased only a handful of toys. She should have asked for his number, but it hadn’t crossed her mind he wouldn’t return. Had he changed his mind about them? No… his clothes were still here. A knot formed in her stomach as she thought of the horrors she’d seen living on the streets. He could have been mugged, shot, held for ransom. Anything could have happened to him!

  Her heart had just started to race when she heard the door open behind her. She jumped from the chair and whirled around, stifling her cry of relief as Reyvor stepped inside. Only for that cry to turn to a growl of frustration as she saw what had taken him so long. The driver and several hotel staff brought in bag after bag from the toy store. Her hands fisted at her sides as she heard her girls’ cries of joy. As Reyvor handed out Barbie dolls, stuffed toys, games, and other goodies, she realized something horrible about herself. She wasn’t angry he’d spent so much money on her girls. She was angry she hadn’t been able to do it.

  Her children’s faces were alight with joy and laughter as they discovered the treasures hidden in the sacks. When Reyvor was finished passing everything out, had tipped the staff and shut the door, he turned to face her with a sheepish look on his face.

  “I know I said I wouldn’t buy out the store, and I didn’t, but I couldn’t resist spoiling them a little. I’ve never had the opportunity to buy toys for anyone before and it was a lot more fun than I had imagined. Forgive me?”

  Now she really felt like a bitch.

  “I forgive you, but you really shouldn’t spoil them this way. They’ll expect you to buy them whatever they want whenever they want it.”

  “And that’s a bad thing?”

  She sighed. “Yes, Reyvor. That’s a bad thing. I don’t want them to grow up to be spoiled, self-entitled little monsters. From now on, no big gifts unless it’s a birthday or Christmas. Deal?”

  His smile broadened. “Deal. You do realize you just insinuated I would be around for future birthdays and Christmas, don’t you?”

  Her cheeks flushed. She’d certainly stepped in it that time. The words had just spilled out without thought. He looked downright gleeful and she couldn’t take the words back. Thankfully, her girls were so busy with their toys they were completely ignoring the adults in the room. Wait a minute. Those weren’t toys Nikki was playing with.

  “Reyvor, what did you do?” she asked, pointing at Nikki.

  “She seemed a little old for toys. I asked the sales lady what a girl Nikki’s age would want and she pointed me toward some popular dolls and stuffed animals, but with the younger girls getting so much more… I thought she might like a tablet and it doesn’t hurt for one of them to have a cell phone.”

  “Reyvor, I don’t even have a cell phone.”

  “That’s, um…” He cleared his throat and handed her a small sack. “That’s not entirely true.”

  She peered inside and saw a smartphone she knew cost as much as the rent on her old apartment. She should be angry with him, really she should, but… No one had bought her a gift in a really long time, especially not one this nice. He’d gone out to buy things for her girls and had thought of her while he was away.

  “Thank you,” she said softly. “You shouldn’t have, but I appreciate it.”

  “I added Nikki and you to my plan so you don’t have to worry about anything. I just thought it would be nice if you had a way to contact either me or the Terran station if you were out and got into trouble. And I wanted Nikki to have a phone in case the girls needed help and no one was around. I want her to feel safe.”

  Tears misted her eyes and her throat tightened. He was offering her everything she’d wanted these past few months, and she was being stupid and throwing it all away. Maybe her daughters were right and she should take down some of the walls around her heart and truly give Reyvor a chance.

  “I didn’t mean to make you cry.”

  She sniffled. “They’re happy tears. It’s been a long time since someone tried to take care of me.”

  Reyvor reached for her, pulling her against his chest. His arms went around her, holding her close. She felt safe. Wanted. His touch was gentle as he wiped the tears from her eyes and another crack formed in the wall around her heart. Would loving Reyvor really be so bad?

  Chapter Seven

  They’d had a wonderful dinner at a five star steak restaurant, despite the fact they weren’t really dressed for it. The diners around them had worn fancy dresses and suits, but none of that had mattered to Reyvor. He’d been determined to show his girls a good time, and if the restaurant had thought something as silly as a dress code was going to stop him, they had been sadly mistaken. Once the manager had gotten a look at his little group, he’d immediately chastised the man standing at the podium -- there was a name for someone in that position, but hell if he knew what it was -- and had seated Reyvor near the windows.

  Hazel’s eyes had gone wide when she’d seen the prices on the menu, but he’d told her to order whatever she wanted and to stop worrying about how much everything cost. The girls had had some fun ordering things they’d never tried before. He was pleased with the way the evening had turned out. And as they’d sat around that table, with Hazel to his right and the girls seated to his left, he’d felt like he was truly part of a family.

  It was late now. The girls had taken their baths and dressed for bed, but Hazel had lingered in the living room. She stared at the window at the city lights below and the stars above, and he wondered what she was thinking. Did she look at the stars and wonder about the different worlds out there? Or did she merely see pretty, twinkling lights? When she saw the city, did she see a place where adventures could be had, or did she see danger? He wanted to know more about her, but he wasn’t sure he would ever learn everything, not even if they married and lived together for seventy years.

  “You should get some sleep,” he said softly, not wanting to startle her.

  She glanced his way and smiled. “I will. I just wanted to make sure the girls were asleep before I went to bed. They don’t wiggle as much after they’ve fallen asleep.”

  “I should have asked if they had a three bedroom. There’s no way you’re going to be comfortable in a bed with three wiggly girls.”

  “Reyvor, it’s fine. I appreciate everything you’ve done for us. Sharing a bed is not the worst thing we’ve faced lately. My babies are clean and sleeping in a cool room with the dangers of the world safely locked away. I have you to thank for that.”

  “I don’t want your thanks.” I just want you.

  “Well… goodnight.”

  His lips ached to taste her again, but he wondered if it was too soon. He’d caught her sneaking looks at him during dinner, but maybe they had been idle curiosity and not lust. He wasn’t overly experienced with women, despite the fact he’d had a mate. His only sexual encounters prior to his mate had been with sex bots at a nearby brothel, and even those visits had been few and far between.

  She gracefully walked across the small space and turned the knob on her bedroom door. Except it did
n’t turn. A frown marred her brow as she tried it again. Turning to face him, her eyes were wide with incredulity.

  “They locked me out!”

  Well, well. He was right. They were devious. And it seemed they were on his side. Maybe he hadn’t bought enough toys after all. They definitely deserved ice cream at the very least.

  “Then I guess you’ll have to sleep in my room.”

  “But… where will you sleep?”

  He arched a brow. “Where do you think?”

  She sputtered and turned red in the face.

  “I promise I won’t touch you, Hazel. But you can’t very well sleep on the couch. I’ve sat on it and it’s hard as a rock. And it isn’t nearly long enough for me to sleep on it. Which means we’ll have to share my bed.”

  “What will the girls think when they wake up?”

  He chuckled. “That their plan worked. You don’t think they locked the door by accident, do you? I don’t think it was a slip when Abby called me Daddy at dinner. Your girls have hatched a plan to get us together, and I can’t say I’m opposed to it.”

  Her blush deepened.

  “So… what do you say, Hazel? Want to have a campout in my room?”

  She snorted, but marched past him and into the bedroom. Then she stood awkwardly beside the bed. Reyvor smiled and pulled out a tee for her to sleep in, then turned her toward the bathroom so she could change. While she was in there, he changed out of his jeans and tee into his pajama pants, thankful he’d purchased them. If he’d had to sleep naked, things would have been even more awkward for them. He knew Hazel wasn’t ready for that just yet, but he hoped one day soon she would be.

  When she came out of the bathroom, his heart lodged itself in his throat cutting off his air supply. Her legs looked long and sexy, despite her short stature. She fidgeted and he held out his hand to her. Slowly, she crossed to him and slid her palm against his. Reyvor pulled the bedding down and helped her into bed, wishing he had the right to kiss her goodnight.

  Hazel seemed to read his mind and shyly leaned up and pressed her mouth to his. Heat spread through his body at the slight contact, but he wanted more. Delving his fingers into her hair, he pulled her closer and took control of the kiss. His lips ravaged hers as his tongue stroked and teased. She whimpered and her hands slid up his chest and around his neck. Reyvor loved the taste of her and could have kissed her forever, but her words flitted through his mind and he pulled away. No, he wouldn’t rush her, even if he did want to run straight to the nearest Terran station and apply for a mating. He gave himself a mental slap. He was thinking like a Terran who hadn’t been cast out, but with his new home had come certain freedoms. Would he have to get married the Earth way in order to claim her? Not that it mattered. As long as Hazel was his, he would do whatever was necessary.

  “Get into bed and go to sleep, Hazel. I’m going to take a quick shower.” And hope she didn’t notice his raging hard-on as he hurried into the bathroom.

  He closed the door and leaned against it, just trying to rest a moment and catch his breath. Reyvor wasn’t sure how long he stood there, but he heard a soft moan before she whispered his name. His eyes widened as he contemplated just what she could be doing to make those noises, and finally curiosity got the better of him. He cracked the door open quietly and peered into the bedroom.

  His heart raced as he saw her delicate fingers between her legs as she pleasured herself. Oh hell no. If she was going to get off while calling out his name, it was going to be with him inside of her! He stalked toward the bed and stared down at her with a hunger he knew only she could satisfy.

  “If you’re going to call my name, don’t you think I should at least be a part of this?” he asked.

  She squealed and jerked her fingers back. “Reyvor! I… I thought you were in the shower. I heard water…”

  “No water. I was going to take a shower, until I heard you. Then I decided to see if you would let me play too.”

  Her eyes darkened. “Is that what it would be? Playtime?”

  “No,” he answered softly. “It wouldn’t be playtime. Did you know I replayed our first kiss in my mind all day? Or that I couldn’t wait to taste your lips again? Walking away from you a moment ago was the hardest thing I’ve ever done, but I was trying to give you the space you asked for.”

  “And now?”

  “Now I’m thinking you don’t really want space, or at least not as much as you claim you want. If you wanted me to keep my distance and stop kissing you, then you wouldn’t have been calling out my name just now. I think you want me as much as I want you, but for some reason you’re too afraid to admit it.”

  “You’re right. I have been afraid.”

  “Hazel, I won’t do anything you don’t want me to, but… I want you. And I don’t just want you in this moment, but I’ll want you tomorrow too. I won’t push you to accept me as a mate, but will you at least allow me to give you pleasure?”

  “The girls…”

  “Did you not share a bed with their father?”

  “Well, yes.”

  “Then I think they’ll understand you sharing a bed with me. I doubt they expected you to sleep on the couch tonight, but if they ask, we’ll tell them we’re sharing a bed to see if we get along well enough to get married. They’re young enough they won’t question that. Hell, I doubt they’ll even ask why you’re in my bed.”

  She licked her lips and hesitantly nodded.

  “Are you sure this is what you want? I can control myself if you’ve changed your mind.”

  A smile quirked the corner of her lips. “Shut up and make love to me.”

  His hands skimmed up her legs and caressed her thighs. She was so soft, so silky. He marveled at the contrast between his lilac colored skin and her pale thighs. He found he liked the contrast.

  She watched him with heat flaring in her eyes. Before they went any further, he made sure the bedroom door was closed all the way and locked. He didn’t want any little eyes spying on them. When he returned to the bed, Hazel had stripped down to her panties. Her breasts were on the small side, but he was sure they would fill his hands nicely.

  “You’re wearing too many clothes,” she said.

  “I want to make this good for you, Hazel. I’m not very experienced, but I think I can bring you pleasure.”

  Her gaze raked him. “I’m not sure I believe you about the experience. A guy like you must have women throwing themselves at you. Plus you have that bad boy biker thing going.”

  He smiled. “Do I look like the kind of male who wants a woman who throws herself at him? I admire that you’ve held out this long. If anything, it just made me want you even more.”

  “Then take me.”

  Reyvor wasn’t sure where to start, but he knew the panties needed to go. He pulled them down her legs and dropped them on the floor. Tracing the lips of her pussy, he marveled at the downy soft hair. His mate hadn’t had any. No, he wouldn’t think of her. It was just Hazel and him in this room and that’s the way it would stay. No more comparisons.

  His gaze skimmed her body, taking in her beauty before he cupped her breasts in his hands. Her nipples pebbled at the contact and he groaned. Unable to stop himself, he leaned forward to taste her delicate skin, trailing kisses from her navel to the underside of her breast. He licked the gentle swells before taking a rosy peak into his mouth. Hazel moaned beneath him and her fingers slid into his hair, her nails gently scraping his scalp.

  Reyvor felt his cock swell in his pants and knew they would be soaked with pre-cum. He’d never wanted someone as much as he wanted Hazel. His fingers caressed the curls between her thighs, her cream coating the digits. She was so wet, and so ready. He couldn’t think of anything he wanted more just then than to taste her. Shouldering her legs farther apart, his gaze clashed with hers before he lowered his lips to her pussy. As his tongue flicked out to taste her, she made the most enticing sounds.

  Using his lips, tongue, and fingers, he teased and tormented her, bri
nging her to the brink again and again, yet never letting her tumble over. He couldn’t hide his amusement at the sounds of frustration coming from her, and he loved the fact she wanted him so much. His tongue flicked and circled her clit, making the little bud quiver.

  Hazel let out a cry and gripped him by his hair, dragging him up her body.

  “If you don’t fuck me right now, I may never speak to you again.”

  If her narrowed eyes were any indication, he hadn’t hidden his smirk of satisfaction very well. He quickly stripped out of his pants and joined her on the bed. Her eyes widened at his aroused state and he lay back as she explored his body with her small hands. When her fingers wrapped around his shaft, he was worried he would come before he even made it inside her.

  With a growl, he flipped her onto her back and settled between her legs. With his gaze fastened on hers, he eased into her snug pussy, her channel gripping him tight as he pressed forward. Sweat beaded his brow as he said a silent prayer to the gods not to let him ruin this moment. Her body molded to his, fitting against him as if they were made for one another. Hazel’s legs came around his waist as he began to move, his hips grinding against hers with every stroke.

  She panted for breath beneath him, her eyes full of wonder and pleasure. Reyvor arched his back and drove into her deeper and harder, his movements becoming quick as he pushed both of them closer to the brink. Hazel’s nails scored his back and he hissed as his cock hardened even more. Her pussy became hotter, wetter, and gods help him -- tighter. No matter how much he wanted to hold back, he couldn’t.

  Reyvor pounded into her, making her his in every way that counted. Hazel cried out her release, holding him tight. Her pussy coated him in her cream and he felt his balls draw up. A moment later, he groaned as he filled her with his cum. He thrust into her until he had nothing left to give, then collapsed on his side.


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